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Book of Curses (The Renning Chronicles)

Page 9

by L. D. Hutchinson

  “Pity, we’ll have Talon and Layre help with your practice then, maybe even Fang.” Vespera smiled brightly, clapping her hands together as if she was pleased about this. That only made me wonder what we got ourselves into even more.

  “Do you know anything of what you’re expected to do?” Valdis looked at us seriously. The question even sounded serious this time.

  “No Sir.” Tom replied to the King, frowning. “Other than kill gods, which seems a hard enough task…”

  “Nixon and General Talon will help you both with that as well then, Nickel also; he's excellent on these subjects.” He smiled at us. “When you’re on your own, Talon and Nixon will be with; Raine was it?”


  “Then Layre and Nickel will be with you Thomas, though I think Nickel will need to disappear sometimes, so he’ll change with Fang.” Vespera said to him, smiling a bright smile. They didn't seem as… threatening now. “We will do everything in our power to help you with your skills.”

  “Protection will be a necessary thing. Even though we'd know of enemies while they were a day away.” Vespera smiled as well before shifting her gaze toward the back of the room and quickly scanning it.

  “Guards? Bring in General Talon Wolff and Nixon Lane, call for Layre Rocklin, Fang Lore and Nickel VanLouise.” Valdis called out to them, nodding his head.

  “Yes your majesty.” A girl replied in a quick manner, there were several footsteps and then the echo of an opening door and the click as it closed.

  Fang from earlier appeared across the room, walking to us accompanied by four others. Eyloff and Dolphus followed along, and I noticed how ecstatic Dolphus suddenly looked when he looked over a few of the guards by the door. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh as I watched them coming closer.

  “General Talon, we have a job for you and your four companions.” Vespera started to speak, looking from him to each of the others. “In the mid-day, you are to take Nixon and Fang and practice fighting skills with these two, in the mornings Layre and Nickel along with you, will help them learn what they need to know.”

  “Yes, your highness.” One of the boys spoke up, answering to Vespera.

  “Nixon, Talon, you are to accompany Raine, guard her room at night as well.” Valdis smiled to them, pointing to me and nodding his head.

  “Layre, Nickel and Fang you are to accompany Thomas, Fang and Nickel you’ll do shifts.”

  “What! Why do I have to do this lame-ass shit?” Fang shouted; his eyes darkened, and he glared at Tom.

  “Yes Milady.” Another boy said, turning his head and looking at Fang as if he was a total imbecile.

  “Excuse me, but is practicing with Vampire’s safe for them?” Eyloff shifted his body, looking up to the King and Queen as he asked. He looked seriously worried; it was a strange look on someone who always seemed annoyed and angry with everything.

  “No safer than if you threw them out there alone.” Valdis said to him, raising an eyebrow. “Nixon is one of our best fighters, as are Talon and Fang despite his attitude, would you rather practice with them when you shift?" He stared at him for a long moment. All Eyloff did was stiffen and stand still without answering him.

  “They will be safe; I give you my word.” Vespera said, looking from Eyloff, to me and Tom.

  “Fine.” Eyloff hissed between his teeth. I could see his muscles bunching up underneath his skin.

  “That is all for now then. You may leave.” Vespera chirped and lifted her hand in the air as if to shoo us away. It almost made me laugh seeing someone do that to Tom and me.

  “This way.” A girl, Layre I was guessing, said as she left the room. We all turned and followed her out into the hallway.

  In the dead of night,

  Dreams without light.

  I slumber deep within the nightmare,

  I wonder among the dead, screams blare.

  Will I wake, will I be whole?

  The answer deep within my soul.

  -Will I Wake by Kristi Worrel

  Chapter 6


  “We’ll show you to your room; Layre and Nickel have them.” One of the boys said to me, offering me a soft smile. I smiled back, nodding my head and started to follow the two of them.

  We ended up walking for a while before I got bored with gazing at the various paintings upon the walls. I took a deep breath, and looked at the two of them for a long drawn-out moment before I spoke.

  “So, um, who’s who?” I asked, tiling my head slowly as I spoke. I gazed between the two of them for a long moment, trying to see if I could figure it out on my own, but I failed.

  “I’m General Talon Wolff,” He began, looking at me for a moment, frowning. “General of area fifteen and Nixon here’s tutor.”

  “I’m Nixon like he said, Dhampire, first one ever assigned to the King and Queens home ever. Also the youngest, I’m only seventeen years.”

  I nodded, looking over at Nixon, and then back at Talon. So I could finally tell them apart. “That’s awesome.” My eyes slid back to Nixon as I looked him over.

  He was shorter than Talon by quite a bit, though he had to be somewhere around six feet, maybe a little taller than that. He had black hair that was a complete mess around his head, with bright hazel colored eyes. His skin was pale looking, but not nearly as pale as the others were, there was a strange-looking tattoo that sat at the base of his throat. It looked like a circle with a star coming out of it, and random markings surrounded part of it.

  He tugged on his shirt, pulling it so that it was covering his throat. His hands then sliding down into the pockets of his jeans, his boots clicked on the floor as he walked beside me.

  Talon's hair was a dark-brown color. It seemed to hang in his eyes when he made certain movements and was shaggy around his neck. It looked like it hadn't been cut in a long time, and he was badly in need of a haircut. I noticed when he moved there was another tattoo that was below his right eye, it looked like a half moon with some strange design in it.

  His skin was paler than Nixon's was, and he was at least a head taller than Nixon, if not more. His shirt fit snug against his body, outlining the muscles in his upper body. His pants were tight looking as well, but he was barefoot for some strange reason.

  “Here we are.” Talon spoke, in a clearly amused voice. His face never once showed any signs of emotion, it was like looking at a blank canvas. “This is your room. We'll be out here.”

  I watched as Talon slowly opened my door. I nodded my head slightly, and muttered a thank you to him as I stepped into my room. Looking around slowly, I took in my new room. It was big, with a wooden floor and stone walls, a single grey rug was under the bed on the floor, and on the far wall was a lone window looking out into the dark night.

  An oak dresser sat against the wall next to it; it was detailed with roses and vines of the most realistic carvings I had ever seen. On the right wall sat two doors with a fireplace smack dab between them, a picture of a house surrounded by wildflowers and sunlight hung over it. It was an odd picture to be in a place like this, I guess it was their only way of having sunlight anymore.

  In the very center of the room was a queen-sized bed, complete with silk sheets and dozens of pillows. I gazed at the bed longingly, nearly falling into a trance. I wanted to curl up on it so badly, it looked amazing right now. I shook my head though, and looked around the rest of the room smiling to myself. A girl could get used to living in a place like this.

  “Queen Valdis is having clothing sent to each room, though if you want, we could get you something else to wear in the meantime.” Nixon spoke from the doorway. I turned around and looked back at him blinking a few times, just now realizing that they were both there still.

  “No! I’m alright, really!” I protested as quickly as I could. They were already doing too much for me as it was. They didn't need to go to any more trouble just to get me clothes.

  Nixon exchanged an odd glance with Talon, who had waited until th
en to speak. “Just come on.”

  “Really, I’m fine; I can easily sleep in these, honest!” I said, trying to protest again as Talon started to urge me out the door.

  “You’ll like Mrs. Lane.” Talon said smiling a bit, or trying to before he let out a sigh.

  “Yeah, mom’s great, besides I won't take no for an answer,” Nixon looked at me, slowly scanning me over and shaking his head at me. “You’re filthy.”

  I looked down at myself, I guess between the horseback riding and sleeping on the bale of hay last night, he was right. Besides, I didn't even get a real bath yesterday, I just washed myself off, so I was sure I smelled awful at this point.

  I looked down at my clothes, and saw that they were covered in dirt. Lord only knew what my hair and face looked like. I shuddered at the thought of it, as I gave into them finally.

  “Fine!” I said sighing out loud and shaking my head in defeat as I looked at the two of them frowning.

  I followed after them as we made our way down a series of halls, again. It was starting to make my head spin. We made a few new turns, and after a while ended up at a door. Nixon and Talon pushed it open and walked out into a courtyard that was lit by hundreds upon hundreds of lights along a pathway.

  Soon it twisted into a street full of houses. As we walked down I noticed each house was scattered at random, and people milled about everywhere. Vampires and humans alike chatted and joked around. I bit my lip to hold back the questions that formed. I smiled at the children who were running around and laughing as we passed.

  We went further and further, and the longer we walked the more children we saw. We finally stopped outside a two-story house, there were lights on behind a few windows, and I could see shadows moving around as people walked past them.

  “Home sweet home.” Nixon said smiling brightly as he walked closer to the house. He pushed the door open and walking inside. “Mom! I’m home, brought some people over.”

  I followed him in. As soon as I was inside, I felt the warmth of the house, and it made me think of home. Not my home, I meant a home like most children usually had, with the caring and loving parent.

  It made me think of what I missed out on, and I frowned for a moment. It was weird how motherly it felt in here already, and I was only in the doorway. I was overwhelmed by how clean it was, how warm and welcoming it felt, and how peaceful it was. Then I smelled the faint scent of cookies, I didn't understand that, but I didn't complain either.

  “Nixon Lyle!” A woman practically screamed, though it sounded more like a yell of happiness than anything else. I was startled out of my own thoughts and jumped a bit, looking around to see where it'd come from.

  I noticed Nixon's wince, before he started forward into the house. He followed the voice, and I saw a short slim woman come around the corner and hug him tightly before pulling him down enough that she could kiss his cheek.

  She seemed too young to be his mother. She looked like she was maybe in her late twenties, but the way she acted was a different story. She acted like a mother would; she was caring and kind and had a way about her that just screamed mom.

  “Bliss, Pandora, Nixon’s here!” She called out as she turned to look back toward where she was yelling. Right after she offered us all a warm smile, before looking at her son again. “I heard you found the chosen today.”

  “Yeah, it’s why we’re here.” Nixon stepped to the side to show me to his mother better; I noticed her sizing me up fast and felt confused. “She needs something to use for tonight, so she can clean herself up.”

  “Oh my, aren’t you pretty.” She smiled brightly as she waked towards me, two little girls ran over and began pulling on Talon's arms with no mercy.

  He gave in and sighed as they dragged him away from us, though I swore, I saw him smiling at them. Nixon covered his mouth to try to keep from laughing, as he looked to his mom then me, watching us for a moment. I was scared to move, so I just stood there watching his mom and looking at the pictures on the wall.

  “Come on dear, I've got something for you.” His mom said as she grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me with her towards a bedroom, I didn't even get a chance to look around.

  “These are Amie’s old things. She left to work with the guardians. I left her things here, she’s my oldest son’s twin sister.” She explained to me, as she started to open a dresser and fish through it. She pulled out a pair of shorts and a shirt before turning around and handing them to me.

  “These should work, there’s a bathroom down the hall. Go take a shower and change, and then you can stay for dinner.”

  “Oh but I don’t want to intrude or anything…” I said to her, holding onto the clothes and yanking my hands up.

  “Nonsense, the girls will enjoy seeing their brother for once, and when Raven and Heath get home you can meet the whole family -” She smiled brightly towards me, setting a hand on my shoulder. “You can tell us about yourself and your brother, it’ll be fun, besides. I made too much food for just five of us.”

  I nodded hesitantly, before I let a smile slide over my face in a slow manner. I wasn't sure what to make of this, but I couldn't deny Nixon time with his family. “Thank you, Mrs. Lane.”

  “Call me Alani.” She said as she removed her hand and started towards the door, then stopped in the middle of the room. “Come on now, let’s get you to the shower,” She began to move forward again and out into the hallway, pointing to it. “At the end right there is the bathroom; there are towels and washcloths under the sink.”

  I nodded my head slowly, before I started down the hallway towards the door at the end. I turned the door knob and slowly opened the door going inside.


  I took a long shower that was long overdue, yet excruciating against my bruised and scraped body. I had noticed while taking the shower just how filthy I really was; dirt pooled in the bottom of the tub. I also found there were cuts on me; I hadn't previously been able to see.

  My wrist wasn't helping me either, the cut on my arm, where the tiger had scratched me, lead-up to the sensitive area on my wrist, and it was aching as I got out. The difference from hot water to cold air made it agony, but the water had felt so great I felt it was worth the pain.

  I changed into the new clothes quickly. I used a few pieces of the bandage that weren't ratty looking or destroyed, and re-wrapped my arm up. After I was finished changing I went down the hall to where I heard voices coming from.

  I stood there for a moment, watching Nixon and Talon playing with the two little girls who giggled happily. Talon looked happy yet pained to be around them, as if he wasn't sure if he could enjoy happiness or not. Alani had stepped in front of me blocking my view and smiled warmly at me.

  “They fit well dear?” She looked at me, the question hung in the air for a moment before I answered her..

  “I, um, yeah they fit perfectly.” I told her as I heard the door open. I looked over and saw two boys stepping inside quickly. One looked almost identical to Nixon, only with red hair but was paler and older looking.

  Since he resembled both the boys in the house I figured he was their father, and that the other one was his brother, Raven. I stared at them for a long moment, blinking my eyes a few times before I looked over at the other boys to see if they'd heard. Before I got a good look I was startled again.

  “Whoa, hey there cutie.” Raven smirked as he started toward me.

  I think; I managed to turn every possible shade of red before Nixon stood up and yelled out to him. “She’s one of the chosen, thought you should know.”

  “Nix?” Raven smiled brightly, he and his father went into the other room and right to him and Talon. They spoke fast, and then Raven sat down next to Nixon with their father on the other side.

  ‘Must be what it's like to have a real mom and dad’ I thought bitterly as I looked at them. I turned my head and looked at a wall, ignoring what was going on as I tried to push my own thoughts away. I saw Talon stand out of the corner of my eye,
and say something to the group of people in the room. He walked past me, walking towards the door before he stopped with his hand on the door knob and looked back at me. “If you want, you can join me. I'm just getting some fresh air; you look like you could use it.” He said and then he went outside.

  I looked at the door for a long moment, watching as he went out, then I looked back at the happily chatting family. I weighed my options and then followed, shutting the door quietly behind me.

  “You looked like you were about to be sick.” He said, chuckling a little as he leaned back against the house, shutting his eyes tightly and breathing deeply.

  “Oh? Sorry, it was just strange to me. I've never really had a family to speak of, other than Tom. I was never around any of my friends’ family.” I told him, shrugging my shoulders before looking up at the black night sky. It was empty, except for the moon, and seemed to go on forever into nothingness.


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