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Book of Curses (The Renning Chronicles)

Page 14

by L. D. Hutchinson

  I looked over at Dolphus for a moment, and realized he was giving me a look that made him look like an angered God. It was the oddest thing I'd ever seen, and I had to blink my eyes a few times to make sure it was real. “Tell me I don’t have to kill a dhampire?” He asked to the both of us.

  I quickly shook my head, and in return he nodded his own. Talon moved and caught my attention, making me turn my head quickly and watch as he straightened up and open his eyes to look over at us.

  “Let me guess, Raven’s eyeing Raine.”

  “M’hmm.” Morana replied, practically lying on top of my brother, it made me shudder as I looked. Tom was so transfixed on her that he didn't even watch anything that moved around him… it was like he had turned into a zombie, and it wasn't normal.

  “Well then, I guess this won't be such a boring night after all.” Talon announced leaning back against his chair once more, and closing both his eyes though this time he had a smile across his face.

  I looked at Talon for a long moment, and then shook my head slowly, my gaze returning to Morana and Tom once more. I wanted to scream at them to stop, it was bothering me, and I couldn't handle it for much longer at this rate.

  I mean, yeah sure I want Tom to go out, have a girlfriend, be happy and all that. But for Christ's sake, we are in a different universe all here, and I don't want to see what should go on behind closed doors, ever.

  “What’s up with Mora?” Nickel asked, leaning towards us a bit so that only we could hear what was said.

  “Noticed she’s acting weird too? I thought it was just me.” Layre replied, eyeing Morana and Tom with curiosity.

  “Sure you’re not just jealous?” Nixon asked, a joking tone in his voice that none of us cared to listen to.

  “Completely.” Layre looked over at Nixon for a long moment with a serious look across her face, then back at Tom and Morana as they both stood up.

  “We’ll be back.” Tom announced suddenly, following a giddy Morana quickly as she tugged on his hand, and kept whispering for him to follow.

  “I know she’s usually happy, but since when does she throw herself at men?” I asked aloud to the others near me. “I mean, I’ve only known her a few weeks, but she didn’t seem like that type.”

  “That's because she’s not.” Talon was sitting up straight once more, his eyes fixated on the two as they disappeared around a corner. He had a worried look on his face, and it wasn't a good kind of worry either.

  Nixon looked quickly from me to Talon; the two of them locked gazes quickly then nodded. Nixon's lip turned into a thin white line across his face, and then he stood up looking to Layre and Nickel. “I’ll be back in a few minutes; I need to talk with Fang.” He told us, and then looked over at Talon. “Talon’s going to stay here incase….anything happens.” With that as his final word, he took off as quickly as he could, leaving me with the others. When I looked over at them Talon was looking at Eyloff with a weird look on his face, Dolphus let out a groan that sounded like he wanted to die.

  “Can’t you two do your jobs right, hey wolf boy be useful, make sure he’s not getting killed.” Talon snarled at them almost instantly, I could feel the atmosphere turn almost… frightening.

  Eyloff let out a loud growl, eyes locked on Talon as he stood up. “He’s fine, this is your region isn’t it, and he’s safe.”

  “No one’s safe anywhere dumbass.” Talon hissed at him.

  “Show’s how well protected you are then.” Eyloff glared at him, matching his venom filled words with his own.

  “For fuck’s sake wolf, there’s obviously something wrong as all hell with Morana. Now get off your sulking ass, and go protect him!”

  Eyloff's face changed, flickering for a moment to what almost looked like he was thinking it over. Before he could get mad again, or argue he took off out of the room after Tom, around that same corner that they'd all gone down.

  I stayed silent, listening as they spoke. Amamai, she had the power to change into anyone she wanted. She could be the most gorgeous girl in the region if she wanted, or possess who ever she thought was beautiful enough. Morana was that girl; she just always tried to hide it…

  “What are we going to do?” I asked the others suddenly.

  “We’re going to send out the rest of the soldier’s, and keep you where we can see you. As of now, I’m in charge of you.” Talon gave me a look that almost said 'sorry', before looking away and grimacing.

  “I’m going to help the wolf, she’s my sister, and I want to know what’s going on. Nickel can stay here with you, and you four can keep safe here.” Layre stood up, moving before anyone could protest. With an inhuman ease she went down the hall and vanished around the corner, just like the others had before her. That's when I felt the panic starting.

  Chapter 11


  I sat there, ripping up any piece of paper I could get a hold of. My nerves were shot, and half the guards that were in here had disappeared long ago. I had this feeling, a really bad feeling that something was going to happen. Not just this ball, but something so bad that we were all going to be in trouble far beyond what we thought might happen.

  “Aw, Nixon decided to ditch you and leave you for me, how sweet of him. I’ll have to remember to thank him.” Raven said, I could hear the smirk in his voice. I jumped about a foot up in the air, then started wondering if the bad feeling I had was just having to deal with him. I really could've used a killer stalking me right then, instead of this.

  “Not right now Raven, go bug someone else.” I snapped at him, without any hesitation, as I let out a slight growl at the end.

  “Feisty are we? I like ‘em that way.” He moved in closer to me, his hand brushed my shoulder, and moving down slowly.

  “I said, not right now!” I grabbed hold of his arm, twisting it and slamming my heel clad foot down into his shin as hard as I could. I heard the heel connecting with a rather loud thump. “Don’t you understand NO?”

  Raven winced and leaned down to start rubbing his shin where I had kicked it. Slowly he stood back up, his eyes met my own and slowly darkened into a near black color. His lips pulled away from his teeth in what resembled a snarl. “You shouldn’t have done that, you know.”

  I stared at him, with a bored and uncaring expression. That is, until he opened his mouth wide and started to snarl like a rabid dog at me. His eyes were dark as the night, and by god he looked ready to kill me.

  He tried to grab hold of me, and when he was about an inch away, he was grabbed instead. Talon held onto his arm smiling, and then yanked him out of my reach. I watched as he slammed him down onto the ground, they were a blur in my vision the entire time

  “Get off me asshole!” Raven yelled at him, practically hissing the words.

  Talon just glared at him, his eyes weren't all black like Raven's had been. His were a bright burning red color that looked like they were glowing. He leaned in closer to Ravens ear, and opened his mouth to speak to him.

  I got my first glimpse of his incisors then, they were now fully extended fangs that nearly pressed against his bottom lip, and looked as sharp as razors. They glistened from how the light was hitting them; all I could do was stare. I'd never seen a vampire with fangs unsheathed until now. “She said leave her alone, am I wrong?” He asked, his voice had turned to ice.

  Raven froze in place, his expression changed into something that had fear etched into it. “No, you’re not.” He replied to Talon, in a sort of squeaky voice.

  “And am I wrong when I say that you were about to attack an unarmed woman, all because she turned you down?”


  “Then, what do you think I should do in a situation like this?” Talon’s voice dropped into a low, sinister growl with a deadly edge to it.

  “I… I have no clue.”

  “Hm, you’re lucky that I like your family, or you’d be dead right now.”

  “Talon, I-I”

  “Shut up, Lane, and get out
of my sight.” Talon snapped at him, releasing him from his grip, and standing up to watch Raven intently.


  Staring at the two of them was the only thing I could do at that point. I knew Talon could be scary by the way he fought and moved, and that eerie silence that clung to him. But the way he'd just spoke to Raven was a whole new level of scary for him.

  It was so cold, so deadly that it made a chill run down my spine again as I thought about it. Every hair on my arms was standing up, even on the back of my neck, and I could feel the goose bumps on my flesh. I didn't ever want to see that side of him again, especially aimed at me.

  Raven scrambled to his feet as quickly as his body would move, and he took off into the crowd of people. He was out of my sight in moments, and I was left with a woman staring at me and Talon. Dolphus and Nickel were next to us within seconds holding drinks in their hands, and staring at the enraged Talon, trying to figure out what they'd missed.

  “We were gone no more than five minutes, and Talon looks like he’s about to fall victim of bloodlust.” Nickel sighed, shaking his head slowly.

  Talon looked up at him, his eyes were slowly fading back to their normal brown color, and he shrugged his shoulders. His body was starting to relax, and I felt a little less freaked out seeing that. “Had to put someone in his place.” He stated smiling evilly at them.

  “Really now.” Nickel looked at him for a moment, then raising his eyebrow. He turned to look towards Dolphus before he spoke. “Suppose we shouldn’t leave anymore, or we might miss Talon murdering someone in front of Raine.”

  “That’d be something to see.” Dolphus told him, smiling from ear to ear. I rolled my eyes at the two of them.

  “Did you see Fang? Nixon? Tom?” I asked, quickly trying to get away from there chatter. My eyes were wide, I could feel it, but I was worried and I wanted to know.

  “No… Not yet.” Dolphus frowned deeply, looking at me.

  “Just tell her.” Nickel sighed.

  Dolphus looked at Nickel; he looked like he wanted to say something. That ebbed away into an almost sad look as be he began to rub at his neck nervously, then looked up at me.

  “What? Tell me what?!” I kept looking between the two of them quickly and intently.

  “It’s like Morana and Tom vanished into thin air, with the guards too…” Dolphus started, looking down, and then over at Nickel as if he wanted him to say it instead.

  “Not even Eyloff or Layre have been seen or found yet, something’s going on and I’m not sure what; whatever it is I don’t like it.” Nickel said.

  I stood up as soon as he'd finished speaking, and with that I took off running past them. I nearly knocked Dolphus over when I shoved my way past him, and didn't look back to see if he was okay or not.

  I heard Dolphus call my name, and then there was scraping across the floor, like a chair moved. I kept going, I needed to find Tom, I didn't care about anything else, he was my only family and I wanted him safe. As I got to the door Talon stepped in front of it and used his body to block the way.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To change out of this dreadful dress, and look for my brother.” I managed to hiss at him, between my clenched teeth.

  “No you’re not.”

  “Yes I am, you can either kill me or let me through.”

  “Letting you through would be killing you.”

  I stared at him. Clenching my jaw as tight as I could. I looked around for another way out of the area. I scanned past hundreds of oblivious demons and vampires. This room was like a prison, no windows unless you counted the ceilings skylight, and I sure as hell couldn't climb nearly twenty feet to use it.

  I looked back at Talon, and assessed how hard it'd be to get past him. I knew his movements, weak points, and he couldn't hurt me could he?

  “Don’t even think about it Raine, you’re not getting through.” He told me, frowning as he stared me down.

  “Want to bet on that?”

  “Try me.”

  I lunged forward at Talon to attempt my escape. Just as I moved Dolphus and Nickel came over, Nickel grabbed my waist right as I moved, and pulled me back. I watched as Talon's whole body tensed and became ready for attack, then slowly but surely calmed down again when they'd grabbed me.

  Talon's eyes scanned Nickel and Dolphus as if he was trying to think of how to word something right, but couldn't quiet do it. I heard Dolphus make a chuckling sound, and I just groaned.

  “I had it handled.”

  “Looked like it.” Nickel sighed, letting me go and I turned back to see him frown.

  “Just let me go, you need both me and Tom in order to do anything, or save anyone, so why don’t we all just look for him?" I snapped at all three of them, but mainly Talon. “He’s my brother” And the only family I have left now. Though I did not say that part aloud.

  “We can’t just go out there, if they disappeared what will happen to us?” Nickel asked, looking at me intently.

  “But, the guards went out with them, Eyloff and Layre went out at different times, if we go out together maybe we can find out what’s going on and try to stop it!” I started to plead with them, it was the only thing I could think to do, and was praying it'd get through to someone.

  Dolphus looked at me, thinking it over in his own mind, and then he locked his jaw. Looking up at the other two he let out a sigh and started to speak. “She has a point.”

  “Yes if her point is getting us all killed.”

  “Don’t be that way Talon, I think they’re right, but we need to actually stick together in a tight formation.” Nickel said to him, frowning deeper than he was before, and this time it was at Talon.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Talon muttered to himself in his own frustration. “Fine.”

  “I need to change first, no way in hell I’ll be able to fight if something attacks me in this.” I told the three of them, looking between each of them for a moment.

  “Right, I’ll go in with you incase anything happens, I've seen you naked before, remember.” Dolphus chuckled, winking at me.

  I turned so many shades of red from that I didn't even know half of them existed, until that moment. “Yeah ok.” That was the only thing I managed to get out as we started to leave. We got about half way to my room and I asked in a hushed type of voice. “What about everyone in there?”

  “Someone will report within the next hour that guards have been missing for longer than normal.” Nickel said to me, smiling as best he could.


  We stopped at my room; I was letting my thoughts wander as we walked in silence, constantly checking to see if we saw anyone. No one was anywhere to be seen, hell none of the lights were even lit, it was like everyone just disappeared.

  Nickel and Talon stood outside of my door, and Dolphus opened the door walking in after I did. I moved to my dresser, pulling out the first shirt and pants I could find, and then flew to the screen in the corner of the room. I began to change my clothes as fast as I could and once I was done I pulled my hair up into a tight ponytail.

  I walked out from behind the screen, sliding my feet into a pair of boots and laced them as quickly as I could manage. As soon as I was done I looked up at Dolphus, and then walked over to him. He looked bothered, but I just nodded my head, he pursed his lips thoughtfully then spoke.

  “Remember that sword I confiscated and gave you?” Dolphus asked me, smiling a little.

  I nodded my head at him slowly, and then hiked my thumb behind me. “Yeah it’s in the dresser.”

  “Now’s the time to get it out and keep it with you.” He told me, nodding his head. “I can sense whatever it is, it may not be here yet, but take no chances.”

  I turned and went to the dresser, yanked open the drawer and pulled out the sword. Returning to Dolphus I nodded, he smiled weakly as we headed back out of the room; my sword was clutched in my hand tightly.

  “Where’d you get that?” Nickel asked me slowl
y, eyeing my sword.

  “I got it almost three weeks ago, and gave it to her for protection.” Dolphus told him bluntly, shrugging his shoulders as if it was nothing.

  “And you found it where?”

  “Now isn’t the time for questions!” I snapped, trying to keep quiet. “We have to go, now!”

  “Right, let’s go. They all went towards the courtyard, so we should head that way, we can take the back route.” Nickel said as if I'd just snapped him out of it. Talon glared daggers at him, Nickel just smiled at him. “Same thing you were thinking, right General?”

  Talon just sighed and then headed off. Before we got too far, he turned and looked at us. “Follow me, and stay quiet.”


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