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Book of Curses (The Renning Chronicles)

Page 20

by L. D. Hutchinson

  "You'll have worse than us, its good practice." Talon piped from behind me. His voice was mixing in with the clanking metal that was vibrating off the walls along with screams, blasts, and the occasional string of curses that fled from people’s mouths before they could stop them.

  "Fine." I said, looking from one to the other. I nodded my head slowly thinking it out and then came to a final conclusion. "I'll do it."

  "Good, you didn't have a choice." Talon smiled devilishly at me, grabbing the lower edges of his shirt and pulling it up off his body. He revealed a tattoo of a sword across his side, and one that was intricate knots, twists and loops on his chest right over a now faded looking scar. Then the many tattoos and scars that lined his left forearm, I had to stare at it for a moment.

  Kai walked up beside him, whispered something into his ear and then looked back at me. I really was starting to regret accepting this challenge now. The regret was bubbling up as they looked at me, and I was silently wondering what had taken over my mind to convince me to go along with this. "Prepare yourself; we're not going to taking it easy."


  I spend the next four and a half hours in there, from what Eyloff told me. Practicing with them, and enduring the pain and agony of each hit that I took. By the time I had actually finished and was ready to leave; I was limping badly. Covered in bruises from head to toe, and had scattered little cuts all over my body. Sweat was matted against my skin, and in my hair, and I just wanted a nice, hot shower.

  Nixon ended up being the one that helped me back to my room, once I was there I managed to chase him off and limp my way into the bathroom. I almost broke down crying with happiness when I saw that this area didn't have windows anywhere, and for that matter they had an amazing bathtub that I could relax in. It was like I finally did something right, and was being rewarded for it. I couldn't help but smile happily.

  Slipping off my clothes slowly I hissed and cursed as each bruise or cut was jabbed and bumped by a nail or finger. I took note of some of the bruises I saw, as the clothes came off. I didn't like what I saw, but it was my own fault, I wanted to fight, wanted to learn and I did. But I’m just human, not immortal and I bruise and get hurt easily.

  I turned and started to let the hot water fill the tub, watching it with amazement and longing. It was enough to make me fall into a sort of daze, it looked so nice and I couldn't wait to get in there. In fact, I got in while the tub was still filling up, not caring if the water was still running.

  I let out a moan of pleasure when the water splashed over my newly bruised skin. I was in heaven here, I had come to that conclusion almost instantly. My eyes slowly closed as I basked in the warmth of the water; that was before I was pulled out of my pure happy bliss by the clearing of a throat.

  I let out a startled shriek then covered myself, almost instantly hoping that the hot water was enough to help cover me up. I looked over at Kerli, trying to figure out why the hell she was in here. She only smirked at me, and then shook her head slowly making her cascade of blonde hair bounce.

  "I thought I'd come tell you." She stepped forward slowly, pointing at a third knob that I hadn't noticed on the tub. It was weirdly shaped too, with a symbol on it I'd never seen in my life. "Since the boy's wouldn't, turn this one for thirty seconds and let it mix in with your bath water. It's a remedy I help make that instantly heals cuts and bruises like yours, human or not."

  I blinked a few dozen times, still in shock from the fact that she'd even been in the room with me and I never once noticed. Then slowly, I took in the information she'd just given me and nodded my head. "A-Alright," I wet my lips that'd long gone dry, finding my voice quickly. "Thank you."

  She just laughed at me, stepping away and nodding her head. "I didn't mean to frighten you like that, I'm sorry. I hope you feel better soon." She turned on her heels and started out of the room quickly, stopping just shy of the door. "Have a lovely bath, I'll make sure no one else gets in here till you're done, I'll set a spell on the door."

  "Sounds good, thank you again." I told her, and then heard an answering 'Mhm'. After that I did like she said, watching as a clear fluid dispersed into the tub from the pipe then leaned back in the tub closing my eyes and dozing off again. I couldn't help it, this was too soothing after going without hot water for so long, and after the training, it was almost like some sort of gift being bestowed upon me.

  Chapter 15


  Looking around slowly I felt the soft breeze against my face, and the warmth of sun beating down on me. It was so pretty; the sun setting in this place almost like it was something out of a painting. Purple, red, orange, and yellow all mixed together perfectly, just as the orange orb sat on the horizon line in the distance.

  Waves from the pond below made it that much more beautiful and relaxing. Then I realized where I was, and what was about to happen. I took a deep breath and let it out with the biggest sigh of my entire life. "Can I ever have a dream to myself, again?"

  "Would you rather I let you die?"

  "I would rather live, but I'd also enjoy one day's sleep without you invading."

  "Forgive me for that then child, but they're almost here... the portal's opened, are you ready?"

  I could feel every hair on the back of my neck lifting, my hands grew clammy, which I didn't think could happen inside a dream. Guess I learned something new, that or this really wasn't a dream… My heart began to beat rapidly in my chest, and I turned to look at the light covered centaur with wide eyes. Fear swept over me so fast I wasn't sure how to react.

  "Portal?" I asked him slowly, looking at him through slits. My brain was on overdrive right now. I couldn't believe he'd just said that to me. I didn't want it to happen yet, it couldn't happen yet.

  "Yes, portal." He said to me sadly, pausing for a brief moment and then stepping closer to me. "Amamai, and Maldre shed blood, created sacrifices, and opened the portal to your world, but it'll be opened in the Air Region… right where you, are."

  I started to shake my head slowly, my whole body was buzzing with fear. I jabbed a finger into his chest, only to be covered by warmth and nothing solid to hit as I started to scream at him. "There is no way in hell, that a portal is opened that can let any of you into to our world!"

  "I don't know what this hell is you speak of, but it has happened, and you need to get in first before they do. To try and find a way to save your world."

  "And what about you?" I asked him, my hands instantly ended up on my hips as I tried to seem somewhat intimidating near him, and not as frightened as I truly was. All of this was happening too fast for me, I couldn't wrap my head around half of it.

  "I'll be going, only I'll be in hiding for what I'm about to do."

  "What is it that you're about to do?"

  "This." Before I could say or do anything, he lifted his hand and laid it on my chest. In that same exact moment I felt like someone was shocking me with a million volts, the light that made him was starting to slowly peel away and show a man, instead of the centaur that his form always made him look like.

  He was tall, blond, bright eyed and tanned like you'd imagine a god. He looked like he was in physical pain, but didn't try to stop it, and I understood why he seemed so pained. I could see it written across his face. I was in almost the same pain, if not worse, and wanted him to stop.

  I let out an ear-splitting scream, and fell down onto my knees as the volts went from soft zaps to feeling like I was repeatedly being stabbed. It was agonizing, and not something I ever wanted to relive, or have to feel in the first place. With as much force as I could gather, I had managed to open my mouth and stop the screams enough to shout at him. "What are you doing?"

  "Transferring my power." He got out, in between grunts and clenched teeth. His eyes actually fell shut, and I could see his glow disappearing from him more and more with each second.

  "Why!" I screamed at him horrified. I could feel tears pricking at the corners of my eyes as I man
aged to yell at him once more. "Why, are you doing this?!"

  He broke away from me, and we both crumbled to the ground. The beautiful dream world he made ebbed away into something I always thought was beautiful. A deserted beach at dusk with crashing waves and tons of trees. Small flowers were here and there, with sand covering the shore in the most pristine white I'd ever seen.

  "Because, you need it more than I do. I'm not mortal, but I don't have my power anymore." He took in a deep breath, slowly pushing himself up off of the ground. "I gave it to you, so if you fight you won't die as easily. You'll be stronger, heal faster, and be quicker."

  "You're going to die..." I said to him, slowly. I stared at him, and he only smiled softly at me and lifted both of his arms into a shrug that left me completely and totally speechless.

  "What can you do?"

  "You cannot do what you just did, that's what!" I snapped at him, and then heard the thunder in the sky that cracked right after I said that. I quickly covered my mouth in shock and looked around.

  He started laughing, shaking his head for a moment. He looked gorgeous like this, smiling as he was, and just laughing. It saddened me that he'd done what he had. "You'll get used to it, and I can still do this... intrude on your dreams, I'll find you in the real world though."


  "I am a God still, I have my ways."

  Boy was he right. He most definitely still a god, if I said he wasn't I would be badly mistaken. His blonde hair was the color of the sand, hanging in long messy strands around his face, but it seemed perfect on him. He had slight stubble along his face and looked like he was in his mid-twenties. He was probably twenty times that age by now.

  His chest wasn't overly large or too small. It was well muscled, as were his arms and legs. He had a slight golden tan that almost made him glow without any of his powers. His aura was bright, and full of life without an ounce of despair. I could even read the part of his aura that showed how sure of himself he was.

  His eyes were the color of the ocean after a brutal storm, they were beautiful. Then I let my eyes wander, and that was when it dawned on me that he was naked. I nearly shrieked and turned my head away from him, blushing a deep red color that even ended up reaching my arms.

  "Sorry about that." He told me. I heard shuffling behind me for a few moments, and then I heard him clearing his throat. "Better?"

  Slowly I looked back and peaked over my shoulder at him. Somehow he'd managed to find a shirt and pair of pants that seemed to be from my world and not his own. I didn't understand where, or how he got that, or even how he got something from my world. "Much...How did you get that?"

  "God." He told me, smirking as he pointed to himself. "You'll get used to it someday I hope."

  "I hope so too..." I told him, shaking my head and then taking in a deep breath. I closed my eyes, and then opened them back up. This new surge of energy was weird, but I was getting a little use to it. "What do I need to do when I wake up?"

  "Get some sleep in your actual bed for one." He told me, raising both of his eyebrows. I blushed again, but deeper this time, before I looked down at the sand. "When you wake up after that, which I know it won't take long, not now. You need to find your guardians, tell them what's going on, and gather that entire group and tell them it’s coming."

  "Alright." I said to him, and then stood up slowly. Wobbling somewhat before I looked at the ocean. It was so peaceful looking, but just like anything I knew it could turn into something brutal.

  "Raine." I looked back at him hearing my name. "Don't tell anyone what happened, you can't let anyone know, not yet."


  "Close your eyes, I'll send you back."

  I did as he said after taking one last look at him. Slowly I closed my eyes and felt myself relaxing, and then I was drifting in a strange coma like place between dreams and reality. It was like limbo I suppose, a place in between both that you couldn't escape from.

  Then, almost in that same instance I was pulled out of that place and back into my own body. I could feel myself snapping back into place somehow, and even though I wasn't awake yet I was all too aware of my senses.


  I woke up with a start, jerking in the tub and sending water flying all over the place. I was breathing in deep gasps, as if I couldn't get enough air into my lungs. I was trying to regain control of my body. My heart was beating rapidly, and wouldn't slow down for a few minutes, making me feel sick to my stomach.

  I looked around the room with a slow gaze and realized I was back to what was now my new reality. Nothing was going to be the same here, no matter what. I knew too much, and I didn't think I could even sleep after this one, but I was going to try nonetheless.

  Pulling the plug on the bathtub I stood up, and stepped out as fast as I could. Grabbing hold of a towel, it took me a minute to realize there wasn't a single bruise or cut to be found on my body anymore, and strangely enough when I looked in the mirror I didn't just feel different… I looked different.

  My hair had streaks of natural red highlights running through it everywhere, and my eyes seemed to be even more vibrant than I remembered them being. My skin was so clear, that there wasn't a bump or scar to be seen anywhere. I was almost afraid to touch my skin to see if it was real.

  I let my eyes travel down slowly, and then they snapped back up. My chest of all things seemed perkier and bigger, my waist was thinner. Then I caught something out of the corner of my eye.

  I looked back down to see if I'd seen it wrong, but that wasn't the case at all. There was a tattoo wrapping around my side that seemed to run to my back. When I realized that, I turned slowly and looked into the full lengthened mirror with horror and shock.

  There was a tattoo now that ran over my entire back. It looked like a dark butterfly sitting on top of a flower. There was so much detail to it, and so many lines that I couldn't see where it began and ended. It was all black, and I know it wasn't there before, I knew that damn well. But, it looked like it'd been there for years.

  "What, the fuck, is going on..." I said aloud to myself, staring at my new tattoo still. I slowly let my hand reach out and touch the smooth skin where the tattoo sat and closed my eyes.

  "Raine?" I jumped and dropped my towel from the small fright. I leaned down and reclaimed it, wrapping it around my body as I cleared my throat to answer.

  "Who is it?"

  "It's your brother, you ok?"

  "I'm fine, why?"

  "Kailen said he heard a scream, did something happen?"

  I rolled my eyes; of course they would've heard me yelling in my sleep it'd figure. Thank god Kerli put that spell on the door earlier and it sure as hell seemed to be working well. "I dozed off in the tub, bad dream, don't worry about it."

  "Alright, I'm going to bed... Talon said he's on watch with Eyloff tonight, so if you need someone they'll be down this hall I guess."

  "That's great, the two that hate each other, I hope they let me sleep and don't bicker."

  Tom just laughed on the other side of the door for a moment. "Yeah." Then there was a slight pause. I heard him move and then call back once more. "Night sis, I'll see you in the morning."

  "Right, night Tom!" I called back to him, and then listened intently for him to leave my bedroom so that I could get dressed and sleep for however long I was going to be allowed… If I could sleep at all that was.


  I crashed almost as soon as my head touched the pillow. It was like an instant thing that I had no control over. The sleep was amazing though, dreamless blackness that felt like it lasted for hours upon hours. When I woke up I found out that I had barely slept for three hours, but I wasn't going to complain, it felt amazing for once.

  Sitting up groggily I looked around the room and realized something strange. Everything was sharper than it usually was; I could see things in the darkness that I could not see before. I could smell the muskiness of the room that was hidden beneath layers of different herbs and plants.
I could even hear the steady grumbling and growling between Eyloff and Talon outside my room. They were the worst part of it, I probably could've dealt with the rest and been happy.

  Great, now I'm inhuman. Just great. I thought to myself, getting up from my bed and walking over towards the closet. I stared at the clothes for a few minutes, and realized that I didn't have much choice in what I was going to wear here.

  There was a crimson red dress, a sky blue dress, emerald green dress and so the list went on with dresses. The one thing in the world I hated the most, dresses. I didn't like to look fancy, and it was like they wanted me to no matter what.

  After looking around for another moment I caught a glimpse of normal clothes, and snatched up the white tunic top, leather pants and boots. I began to pull them on as fast as I could manage, and then pulled on the flat knee high leather boots that I'd grabbed as well. Before I was done I grabbed a leather belt I found, and completed it with that.


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