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Medieval Ever After

Page 48

by Kathryn Le Veque

He leaned down and brushed his lips softly across her mouth. She did not pull away, so he cupped her face tenderly with his hands and lightly touched his lips to hers again. This time she stepped back for a moment, but he did not have time to react before she leaned into him. His heart soared as he kissed her again, groaning as he tasted her sweetness, angling his mouth to deepen the kiss. He touched his fingers to her chin to get her to open her mouth for him, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. His tongue mated with hers briefly.

  Alex knew he should stop—she was an innocent, and this might well be her first kiss—but she felt so good in his arms. His hands found their way down her back. He reached for her and pulled her in tight to his body. As soon as he did, he knew it was a mistake. Her entire body stiffened and her arms pushed against his chest.

  “Nay!” she screamed. Both of her arms swung at Alex’s chest. “Leave me alone!” Tears ran down her cheeks as she flailed away from him.

  Alex grabbed both of her wrists gently and whispered, “Maddie, stop. I will stop.” He searched her face and his gut wrenched at the crazed, raw fear in her eyes—fear he had put there. “Maddie, please, I will not hurt you.”


  Maddie gazed up at Alex and realized what had happened. Her memory had flown to Niles Comming. Her eyes closed with humiliation. Alex must think she was addled. She fell against his chest and sobbed, losing all control. His arms pulled her closer and he spoke soothing words as he caressed her hair. Wrapping her arms around him, she buried her face in his warmth. She did not think she would ever be able to stop the sobs wrenching from her body.

  Yet when she stopped to think about what just happened, she should be ecstatic. Alex had kissed her, and she had liked it, more than she ever would have guessed.

  A commotion erupted down by the gate. A shout interrupted their embrace.

  “Fetch the laird!”

  Madeline pulled away from Alex and started to race back toward the castle.

  Alex caught her arm. “Nay, you will stay with me.”

  “I cannot, Alex, I just cannot!” She pushed against him, anxious to get away. How could she make him understand?

  “Nay, you have to learn to trust me, Maddie.”

  She contemplated that for a second, then shook her head.

  Alex’s voice softened as he caressed her cheek. “Always, Maddie, I will always protect you. You belong with me.”

  He headed toward the gate, drawing her behind him. She came willingly, but she prayed it was neither Kenneth nor the Comming. She noticed Alex’s right hand was on his claymore as they approached the gate.

  “Chief, there are two peasants outside requesting to see you. They refuse to leave. One says he goes by the name Mac Dumfrey.”

  “Mac?” Maddie screamed. She attempted to wrestle free of Alex, but his grip was strong.

  “Maddie.” He wrapped his left arm around her waist and whispered in her ear. “Nay, it is not safe. It could be a trick.”

  Robbie and Brodie ran down the path with several guards, joining them in front of the gate. Alex released Maddie and nodded to his brothers. They immediately surrounded Maddie with several other guards, all with their weapons drawn.

  Alex stepped outside the gate with five of his men. After a few moments, he returned with a slow-moving, disheveled peasant woman. “My lady, do you recognize this woman?”

  “Alice! Yes, yes, she is my maid, Alice!” she cried, as she tried unsuccessfully to squeeze out from between the guardsmen. Mac followed Alex in through the gate, and his face lit up with a smile when he saw Maddie.

  “I told you he would take care of our gel, Alice.”

  Alex nodded and his brothers stepped aside.

  “Seal the gate!” Alex yelled.

  Maddie ran and threw her arms around Alice, but her maid cringed when she touched her.

  “What is wrong, Alice, Mac?” Maddie asked in terror, searching her stable master’s face.

  “Och, lass.” He gripped her hand tight. “Her wounds need tending. We have much to tell you.”

  Alex stepped forward, picked up the filthy woman without pausing to consider it, and headed toward the keep.

  “My sister, Brenna, will take care of your wounds, my lady,” he said as he carried her through the courtyard. Madeline trailed behind him, trying to keep up with his long strides.

  “Not ‘my lady,’ I am Madeline’s maid, Laird,” she heard Alice explain in a thin voice.

  “Did you take care of Madeline?” Alex asked.

  “Why, yes, I have since she was a bairn.”

  “Did you no’ get her away from her cruel stepbrother? Did you no’ tend her wounds when that bastard beat her?” Alex continued to stride forward quickly without acknowledging anyone except for the maid.

  “Why, yes, Laird Grant, my husband and I did our best.” Alice was barely able to nod her head.

  “Well, then,” Alex said, “if you have taken care of my Madeline, then you will be ‘my lady’ to me.”

  Madeline stopped in her tracks when she heard Alex’s reasoning. She gaped at him as Alice nodded her head and said, “Thank you, Laird Grant.”



  Brenna settled Mac and Alice into the chamber next to Maddie’s. Servants brought up hot water and a tub for the older woman. Maddie convinced Mac to entrust her and Brenna with his wife’s care and sent him down to the great hall.

  Maddie sank onto a stool near the tub. “Oh, Alice, what happened?”

  “It is my job to tend you, Madeline. This is not right.” The older woman swiped tears from her eyes.

  “Nay, this is right. I am guessing you took the brunt of Kenneth’s anger after I left. It is my fault you were beaten.” Maddie washed Alice’s face of the dirt and grime she had acquired in her travels.

  “He is angry you are gone, but he has no idea where you are. I did not tell him anything.” Alice winced as Brenna carefully washed the lash marks on her back. “Tell me, child, how have you withstood so many lashings? The pain is most unbearable.”

  Rather than answer the question, Maddie took Alice’s hand and squeezed it. “How did you get away?”

  “Kenneth left for the Comming keep, so Mac hustled me away. We hoped to find you here. It is so good to see you safe.” Alice reached up and pulled Maddie down into her embrace. “Forgive me. I have soaked you, my dear. But I am so thankful you have escaped your stepbrother. I know your parents are at peace right now.”

  After soaking the filth away and rinsing her hair, Madeline and Brenna helped Alice stand. Her weakness was frightening, but Maddie did not let on—her maid had been through enough. She held her as Brenna applied salve and clean linen to her wounds. Once Alice was clothed in a clean night rail, they sat her in front of the fire so Maddie could brush her long locks. The soothing motion worked as she had hoped, and Alice’s eyes soon drifted closed. The younger women helped settle her in the bed. Before exhaustion claimed her, she reached up, cupped Madeline’s cheek and said, “Thank goodness Laird Grant rescued you.”

  Brenna stepped outside to check on Jennie. Maddie finally broke down and started sobbing, unable to stop the torrent of tears on her cheeks. How many others had suffered because of her? She could not bear the thought of her people being punished because she would not do her stepbrother’s bidding. How could she apologize to Alice? Mac must hate her for what had happened. What was she to do?

  Her head ached as she considered her options, each as seemingly as bad as the last. Tomorrow, she would spend time in the chapel and pray for guidance about her future path.

  Lord, please help me. I know not what to do.

  Brenna found Maddie like that in the hall—crying and lost and deep in thought. Wrapping her arm across Maddie’s shoulder, she gave her a swift hug.

  “Alice is very special to you, is she no’?”

  Maddie wiped her tears away with a strip of linen. “Aye, after I lost my parents, she was the only one I trusted in the keep.
I knew very few other people when I was a child. My parents were a bit overprotective, I am beginning to realize.” She gave Brenna a weak smile as they headed down the stairway.


  Mac jumped out of his chair at the sight of Maddie. “How is she, lass?”

  “She is sleeping, Mac. What happened?”

  Alex stood and ushered Madeline to a bench. Mac had informed them of the numerous beatings Kenneth had inflicted on his servants in an attempt to get information about Maddie. Wanting to protect her, Alex had implored Mac to keep silent about the travesties committed by their laird. The lass had already experienced too much guilt and pain in her life. She did not need any more.

  However, one glance at the guilt in Maddie’s face was enough to tell him she already felt responsible. Alex’s need to wreak vengeance on the MacDonald was growing daily.

  Alex cut in before Mac could answer. “My lady, we must take care, Laird MacDonald is anxious to find you.”

  “He doesn’t suspect that I am here, does he?” Maddie’s face crumpled, etched with concern and fear.

  “Nay, no’ yet,” Mac answered. “He searched for you in the MacDonald lands, but has no’ learned anything. All we know is that he rode to the Comming for assistance and we know the Comming is no friend of Alex’s.”

  Maddie stood and paced in front of the table for a while before turning to face Alex. “Laird Grant, what will you do? They could be on their way here with guardsmen from both clans. They may attack your keep. Surely, I must leave.” She wrung her hands together and glanced about as if searching for an easy escape. “I could not bear to see your clan attacked because of me. What if people get hurt? It would be my fault. Perhaps I will just go with the Comming if he comes for me.”

  Alex strode directly in front of her and searched her clear blue eyes. “If they do decide to come, we are ready for them. I train my men every day for that very reason. I will protect you as I promised. And you will not be leaving with the Comming.” Alex’s voice turned harsh when he mentioned Niles’s name.

  Maddie peered at him through tear-stained lashes. She did not trust him yet—he could see that in her eyes—but what could he do to gain her trust? Because after their embrace outside, he knew better than ever that he would do anything to gain her confidence. To protect her from anyone and anything. His eyes never left hers, though his mind drifted back to the memory of her luscious lips, her taste.

  Maddie finally nodded her head. “Thank you, Laird. I feel I am exhausted by this day. I think it would be best for me to retire to my chamber now.”

  Alex reached out to touch her cheek. When he remembered their audience, he quickly changed his movement from a caress to a brush, as if to erase her worry. She blushed a deep red nonetheless.

  Stumbling away from him, she gave Mac another hug. “Thank you for bringing Alice back to me.”

  Without a glance at Alex, she fled to her chamber.


  Maddie bolted upright the next morning, her hand touching the spot where Alex had caressed her in front of everyone. Her cheeks turned pink as she recalled how soft and warm his touch had been—the warm and tender force of it spreading through her body instantly, heating her in places she had never expected. How was it possible she could still feel that small touch today? She forced herself out of bed, finished her ablutions, and dressed in a hurry—hoping it would be enough to put a stop to the carnal thoughts dancing through her mind.

  She rushed through the corridor to Alice’s chamber. Alice bade her to enter when she knocked. Mac had already descended to the great hall to speak with Laird Grant. It warmed Maddie’s heart to see Alice was alert and sitting up in bed.

  “Alice, are you better today?” Maddie asked as she sat down next to her maid and grabbed her hand.

  “Aye, lass, I am fine now that I am away from that mad man. His cruelty knows no bounds.” Maddie sat and plaited Alice’s long gray tresses as the older woman told her about the other incidents that had taken place after her disappearance. Maddie cringed at this further evidence of Kenneth’s brutality.

  “Alice, I hope some of the servants will leave and find other places to live. I am sure Alex and Brenna could find places for them here. I do not want them to stay there with Kenneth. Not when he is in such a murderous rage.”

  “You must stop taking the burden of your stepbrother’s ruthlessness onto your shoulders. It is not your fault. Kenneth’s mother was a spiteful woman, and it was a sickness she passed on to her son. It has nothing to do with you. If you remember, even your father had trouble controlling the lad’s behavior after he moved in with us.” Alice repositioned herself to ease her pain.

  Maddie thought back to that time. Kenneth and his mother had moved in with them once they had settled the fact that Kenneth was heir to the land, and it had been a disaster from the first. On numerous occasions, she had seen Kenneth’s mother beat the servants for trivial matters. Maddie’s mother often interfered to stop the viciousness. The servants worshipped her, for she was a true genteel lady who believed there to be something special in everyone, no matter their station.

  After Maddie’s parents died, Kenneth started to find fault in everything she did. It was Alice and Mac who supported her and reminded her of her innate goodness. They believed Kenneth’s tirade would come to an end someday. But someday never came, and her beatings began over her betrothal.

  Now Maddie was numb to most of her stepbrothers’ beatings. Whenever he started in on her, she retreated inside her mind and listened to her mother singing to her in a spring meadow. Focusing on the words of the song and the beautiful tone of her mother’s voice always helped her ignore the pain. Lately, however, the resonating lilt of her mother’s voice had started to elude her. Maddie still remembered the words, but too much time had passed since she had heard her mother sing.

  Alice’s voice brought her back to reality. “Madeline, you must tell me about Laird Grant. What did he mean when he called you ‘my Madeline’ last night?”

  “Oh, Alice, he is such a confusing man. He is so handsome, strong, and honorable…but he can also be very loud and commanding.” Madeline’s face blushed at the memory of Alex’s hand brushing her cheek, his lips on hers. After twisting the fabric of her gown with her fingers, she peeked at her maid to gauge her reaction.

  “The man has serious responsibilities,” Alice said. “He is laird of a large clan, so it is his duty to train his warriors and protect his people. Mac and I have taken note of how many people depend on him for their very existence,” Alice explained.

  “You are right. He takes his responsibilities very seriously. He has so much to do that I fear I am a bother to him and am imposing on his hospitality. I do not know what to do.”

  Alice cupped her cheek softly. “Even serious honorable men need a personal life, Maddie. Has he ever been married?”

  “Nay, I do no’ think so. Jennie or Brenna would have told me.”

  “My angel, has this man shown interest in you?” A smile crept across Alice’s face.

  Maddie stared at her hands and bit her lower lip. “Well, he did kiss me last night.”

  Alice reached for her. “And, how do you feel about that?”

  Maddie glanced up sharply, her gaze connecting with Alice’s keen eyes. “I am so torn! He is a gentle, kind man, and his touch feels…good. It feels right. But when he kissed me last night, I started remembering Niles and what he did to me.” Madeline hung her head again. “And I hit him, Alice. The man must think there is something wrong with me.”

  Alice pulled Madeline’s hands into her warm ones. “Mayhap you should try telling him about what happened to you. He is a good man. I am sure he would understand your fears and tread more carefully with you.”

  “I am no longer a maiden, so what could he possibly want with me?” Maddie started pacing before the hearth. “I have no dowry. He could do much better.”

  “You are a wonderful young lady who would do any man proud,” Alice said fiercely.
“You have noble blood in you, and if your father were still alive, this is exactly the sort of match he would be arranging for you. And if Alexander Grant is half the man I think he is, he will not care about your maidenhood under the circumstances. You are a beautiful, kind-hearted woman who can give him many strong sons. But you must be honest with him. No good will come of it if you try to deceive him.”

  “Alice, may I ask you a female question?” Maddie sat beside her again.

  “Of course you may. I hope I can answer it for you.”

  Maddie sighed in frustration as she looked down at her lap. “How do you tolerate the marriage bed?”

  Alice reached over and tipped her chin up, “Look at me, child. The marriage bed can be a wonderful expression of love. Most men treat their wives with gentleness and respect. That is not at all what Niles forced on you. Alexander Grant is not that kind of man. I believe he will be a gentle, caring husband. Look how caring he was with me.”

  There was a knock on the door, and then Mac entered the room. Maddie leaned down and kissed Alice’s cheek. “Thank you, Alice. I have been greedy with your time, and I think your husband needs to see you now. We will talk later.”

  Maddie smiled as she witnessed the genuine affection between Mac and Alice. They still gazed at each other with such love after all these years. Could she hope to find such a relationship?

  She could not stop thinking about everything Alice had said to her as she walked down the corridor and the stairs. Would it be possible for her to tell Alex the truth? When she reached the great hall, she noticed very few people were there. Sitting down to break her fast, she beckoned to Brenna, who was sewing in front of the hearth.

  “Good morning, Brenna. Where is everyone?” She broke off a piece of bread and bit into it.

  “Alex has taken a group of men to scout the area for signs of your stepbrother. He wants to be ready in case there is an attack.”

  “Oh, no.” Madeline put down her bread and wrung her hands in her lap. “I hope no one is hurt.”

  “Well, I hope something happens to your stepbrother. The man is a menace. If he isn’t stopped now, he will only get worse. My brother has pledged to the king to keep peace in this land, and your stepbrother is a threat to everyone in the area. Alex is no’ worried. His men are better trained than either the Comming’s or your stepbrother’s, and besides, there are more of them. When your father was chief, he had a mighty guard, but many of his loyal men left to join other clans. We have taken some of them in and Robbie says they all have tales to tell. I know he is your kin, Maddie, but I am sorry. He is naught but trouble.”


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