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Chasing His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

Page 8

by M. L. Briers

  ‘We’ll go on for a while, see what we can pick up.’ Chase was reluctant to let this one drop, hand it over to anyone else in the pack.

  ‘In the mean time, you’re little Fae might be getting herself in even more trouble brother, are you sure she’ll stay put?’ Connor had already set off on a perimeter search, leaving Chase kicking up his heels.

  ‘Where, Cassidy’s, concerned, I’m not sure of anything.’

  ‘Except that she’s your mate.’ Connor mused, shooting a look at his brother across the terrain between them. That was one restless wolf, he told himself, before turning his attention back to the paw puzzle their uninvited guest had left behind.

  ‘I’m gonna kill Nathaniel.’ Chase groaned, not particularly for Connor’s benefit, it was more wishful thinking, and his brother chuckling in his head did little to ease his sour mood.

  Chase had finally capitulated to Connor’s suggestion of Trey helping with the search. He waited for the second Beta to join his brother, before he headed back to the house to make sure that his mate hadn’t gone off on another wander around the property. Leaving her alone in the house had already been niggling at him. But now it was a fully fledge itch that he needed to scratch.

  The truth was he didn’t know her. He didn’t know anything about her, and from what he had encountered of her personality in the last couple of days, he wasn’t sure that she wouldn’t disobey his order, just to spite him.

  He couldn’t take that chance. He needed to make sure she was in one piece, and while it was true that he could have sent one of the pack females to check on her, he wasn’t sure he wanted to inflict that honour on one of his pack mates just yet. Not until Cassidy learned to keep her feelings to herself, and her magic thunder bolts.

  Chase shifted to human form as his front paws reached the firmer ground, just outside the house. He reached for the handle, and found that she had at least complied with locking the front door. He wrapped on the wood and listened for any movement inside. He’d had enough of being human and naked out in this winter chill today, much longer and things might just decide to shrivel up on him, and that wouldn’t please his mate.

  “What?” Cassidy’s voice greeted him with suspicion from the other side of the doorway, and he couldn’t help the smile that touched his lips.

  “I’d like to get back in my own house now.” Chase kept his tone level.

  “What’s the password?” Chase narrowed his eyes at the door and shook his head. He hadn’t given her a damn password.


  “The password. The word that means you’re you and I can open the door.”He heard the amusement in her voice and rolled his eyes. So that was how it was going to be. She had to know he was naked out here, and yet she was baiting him.

  “Cassidy…” His tone was a warning, but he wasn’t cold enough just yet to not be able to find the amusement in what she was doing.

  “That’s not the password.” He heard her giggle on the other side of the door and lifted his hand to trace his fingers down the wood, thinking how he would like to hear that sexy little giggle when she was naked, and beneath him in his bed. He palmed the door and shook that image away.

  “Open the door or I will…” He tried to put the authority within his tone, but he still couldn’t keep that damn amusement at bay. He could snap the door like a twig if he chose too, but then he’d need a new door.

  “Threats don’t work, and no huffing and puffing either.” She teased, and he held his breath for a long moment, noting the big bad wolf reference, yet again and let the breath he was holding out on a long sigh.

  “Please op…” That was as far as he got before he heard the lock click off, and he waited while she pulled the door back, a smirk on her face.

  “Please was the word that I was waiting for.” She grinned up at him mischievously, and he felt a rush of heat go through his body from head to toe. His blood heating within him as his eyes swept over her. She looked delectable, soft and feminine and just ripe for the taking.

  Cassidy noted the immediate change in him, the way his eyes flared, his nostrils sucked in the air about him, as if he was sniffing the air, and his body tensed. Those hard muscles becoming even harder, and when her eyes swept over him, noting the changes, she saw his arousal harden in front of her eyes, her lips parted and her tongue darted out to sweep over them.

  Chase didn’t offer her any words, as he started towards her with purpose. She felt her fight or flight instinct kick in within her. He looked liked a hungry wolf right then, but she didn’t think it was food he was craving.

  Her brain kicked her backside into gear in a heartbeat, and she slammed the door with all of her might, totally taking him off guard and his collided with the heavy wood, a groan coming from his lips, as he bit down on his annoyance.

  “Cassidy…” He growled out, noting the sound of her feet on the wooden floor leading away from the door, as his hand slapped down on the handle. She might have had the desire to slam the door, but she didn’t have the thought to lock it in her haste to get away from him.

  “Don’t run from me Cass.” His wolf was already eager for the hunt.


  “I’m not running. It’s a tactical retreat, stay away.” She didn’t sound distressed, so she didn’t fear him. He guessed she just got a little flighty when he came at her, all guns blazing, so to speak, and he couldn’t help but grin. She really was going to have to get used to that.

  His wolf had retreated slightly, now that it wasn’t a hunt. Her scent was easy to track, it was imprinted on his consciousness, and the fact she had shouted back at him gave him her instant location. His bedroom. Just where he wanted her to be. But if she was hiding in the closest surrounded by his clothes again, he didn’t think he would be able to hold back his laughter.

  He took the stairs three at a time without even stretching a muscle. His long legs made sort work of the distance between them, and when he walked into the bedroom, and found her backed up against the wall at the far end of the room, he watched her eyes drop immediately to where his erection stood hard and proud. Her throat constricted when she swallowed hard, and he couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his throat.

  “Why the tactical retreat sweetheart?” His deep earthy tone hit her like a blowtorch. Her whole body ignited from just that simple masculine sound, let alone the way he walked towards her. His body filled the room with its presence, while his desire for her bobbed about like he was waving a sign of his intensions, which obviously weren’t honourable, and those dark eyes, no longer chocolate brown, but black with desire, had her sex on fire and her excitement causing mayhem within her.

  “Stay away from me, Chase. Go hump a tree.” Her eyes were growing wider the closer he got. He was all she could see and when he stopped in front of her, toe to toe. He looked down at her, his hands palming the wall either side of her head, caging her within his sphere, and she almost lost it.

  A tiny squeak emanated from her throat, as she kept her eyes pinned on his chest. She wasn’t looking down, and she certainly wasn’t looking up into those sexy eyes. She was well and truly trapped by him, and it was more than just by his body.

  “Let your shields down, I want to know what you’re feeling.” It was part demand, part plea, and she shook her head, biting down on her lower lip in a move that caused him to focus on that exact spot. The deep growl from his throat filled the air between them, a sign of what that small gesture did to him.

  “Look at me little Fae.” His tone was demanding this time, pure and simple, and she found herself unable not to comply. Her eyes roamed up his body as her head tipped back against the wall. She met his gaze and felt the immediate jolt, so hard within her that she actually gave a little gasp. His smile spread over his face as he scented her arousal, heard the intake of breath, and saw her eyes shine with desire for him.

  “This would be a bad idea Chase.” Her voice was small, as she tried to deny to herself what they both already knew, thi
s was happening between them.

  “I have it on good authority that this is a very good idea, you being my mate and all.” His growl rumbled in his chest, as his tone changed to possessive, and it took a long moment for her to register what he had told her. With each second that past her eyes grew wider in surprise.

  “What? No. Who? I can’t…” He had let her mull that over long enough and he silenced her with his mouth coming down on hers. The rush of awareness hit her hard, but she was finally able to put a pin in what ailed her with him. Why she was just so attracted to him. Had she felt the truth all along? Known that this wasn’t just desire that drove her body to react instantly to his?

  He didn’t need to use gentle persuasion, or even demand that she open to him, as soon as his tongue brushed her lips, she allowed his entry. His tongue swept over hers, tasting her, teasing her to come to him, and she did.

  Her body swayed from the wall, and she pressed the length of herself against him. His arm circled her back to hold her there, as his hand palmed her cheek, his thumb stroking up and down over her soft skin, as his tongue tangled with hers.

  Her palms found the warm, hard muscles of his chest, and her fingertips curled into him. She wanted nothing more than for her whole body to curl about his, skin to skin. God, she was wearing far too many clothes right now. She pulled back far enough that her lips didn’t leave his…

  “Chase…” She breathed against his mouth, as he tried to control his need to take her down right there onto the floor and sink into her.

  “Hmm?” He nestled into her neck, if her lips were off limits for the moment because she had something to say; well he damn well wanted to be kissing another part of her.

  “Clothes.” It was a simple statement, but one that had his brain clicking into gear, as his hands started to work over her body, peeling the layers from her, until she stood in front of him naked.

  She made no effort to cover herself for modesty, as his eyes took a detailed appraisal of her body, and she watched him devour her with those dark eyes. Then he growled low and deep within his chest. The sound like a starter gun to her senses as she swayed against him again, finding his lips with her own and starting their tongues duelling all over again. This time his hands were roaming over her heated skin, and she could feel the twitch of his arousal against her stomach.

  Trailing fingernails down over the hard planes of his sculpted abdomen, until her hand nudged his hardness, she liked the way he answered the brush of her hand against him with a groan into her mouth.

  How could she not touch him? She ached with a need for him that was growing by the second, and when she danced her fingertips over the silken flesh of his glands, she was rewarded with a thick growl of need.

  He batted her hand away with the back of his hand, he didn’t want to be distracted from his own agenda, learning her body, and having her hands on him would make this go a whole lot faster than he wanted it too.

  He started a slow run of his own fingertips up her inner thigh. But she was more than determined to have him within her fist, her fingers only brushing over his shaft this time, before he growled low and hard. His hands snagged her around the wrists, pushing her back against the wall with the length of his body and capturing her wrists over her head with one large hand.

  Pressing her flesh against the wall, his hand started a downwards journey over her arm, his thumb brushing hard over the taunt bud of her nipple, which caused her to arch her back, and her tongue to thrust against his.

  Chase palmed the soft globe of her breast. His finger and thumb captured the pebbled bud, teasing the nerve endings with a slow light twist and squeeze that created a firestorm within her, her back arched further, her body seeking more, and he devoured her mouth with a passion that had her pulling away to gasp for the breath that eluded her.

  She dropped her head back against the wall, revelling in the feel of his lips which left a fire trail down her throat. His tongue searching for and finding the vein of her lifeblood, and he followed it down to the frantic beat of her pulse. His fingers tweaked her nipple, and his mouth covered her skin, sucking hard against her pulse, until she couldn’t hold back the moan any longer.

  Cassidy’s body squirmed in place, her backside brushing hard against the wall, as her hips moved of their volition. She tried to pull her wrists from his hold so she could pull him closer, start her own detailed exploration of his body, but he wasn’t giving an inch.

  He had her trapped and at the mercy of his body, and he wasn’t letting go. If he kept this up, he would drive her insane before she even got what she wanted, him inside her.

  “Chase.” It was a warning, breathed out on a plea for him to go further, faster, not to be made to wait at the whim of an Alpha male that right now, had her just where he wanted her, and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it.

  “Is this what you want sweetheart?” He breathed into her neck, before his tongue was tasting, teasing her nipple with hot, wet strokes that felt so damn good that she almost convulsed in on herself.

  “Yes.” She was sure her voice pitched higher when he nipped the aching peak. Her mind clouded with the sheer wanton desire within her, “No.” She shook her mind as clear as she could get it. The feel of his finger’s as they ran over her stomach, distracting her.

  When he sucked the bud into his mouth, his teeth skimming back and forth, as his tongue flicked the end, her body shivered, while her mind all but closed down. “Yes.” She pitched again and heard him chuckle into her flesh.

  “Could we come to a general consensus?” He mused, before devouring her flesh again, and she moaned out her need.

  “More…” She managed, her brain split between what he was doing to her breast, and the run of his fingers over the soft manicured curls of her mound, waxed to point the way down to her treasure. His fingertips ran over the sensitive folds of her flesh, as his mouth sought the sweet spot beneath her ear, his tongue roaming, his breath caressing her.

  “This?” He pressed through her moist silken folds towards her core, and her hips sought more, her body writhed under his touch.

  “Yes.” She breathed, trying and failing to pull her arms free. She wanted to touch him, feel how hard he was for her. But he was dominating the play, dominating her, and that only made her hotter for him.

  “This?” He skimmed her core with his fingertip, every nerve ending sending a jolt within her.

  “Yes.” She wriggled beneath his touch, wanting more, needing more, and he couldn’t help the need within him to gently press his blunt teeth into the smooth skin of her shoulder, as he pushed into her core with one long finger. Moving over the silken walls, until she moaned and pressed her mound into his palm, her head back further against the wall.

  “This?” His thumb found the tiny nub of flesh that seemed to hold every nerve of any importance within her body right at that moment in time, and she moaned long and hard, as he pressed slow rhythmic circles over the tiny hood.

  “Answer me Cass. This?” He growled out his demand against her ear, and she wanted to scream her reply. He was working her body up into a frenzy that she didn’t have a hope in hell of controlling, it was all him, only he could give her release, or hold her suspended as long as he liked, and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it.

  “Yes- God yes.”

  He pushed another finger into her and he found her inner muscles gripping around him. God, he wanted to feel her like that around his shaft, feel those tight muscles massage him as he slid in and out of her.

  “Christ woman, you’ll have me coming before I even get inside you.” He growled against her ear, and she tested his hold on her arms again. The pull brought his wolf’s attention to the forefront of his mind. She would submit to him, she wouldn’t be allowed to get away, they would mate.

  “Then get inside me.” Her words were delivered with a growl of her own, the growl that told him just how much in need of him she was, just how much she desired him, and he wanted nothi
ng more than to grab her backside with his hands, lift her body against the wall, and thrust deep into her. But that was his primal instinct, and right now he was controlling those urges.

  “Come for me first sweetheart. I want to watch you come undone.” His words alone were almost the catalyst that drove her over the edge. The fact that he increased the stroke of his fingers within her core, and his thumb was now doing insanely erotic things to her nub, had her planting her feet, toes curling against the floor, while her hips moved with the stroke of his fingers into her.

  Her breathing hitched with each stroke, her lips parted, and her lids slammed shut as she caught her breath. Suspended in time with her body anticipating the release.

  Her inner muscles clenched around his fingers, making his shaft twitched with an ache to be deep within her, to ride the spasms that followed, as her hips pushed forward. The faint gasp of her breath in, before she moaned with the sensations that ripped through her, racing out from her sex, through her nerves, in pulses that throbbed with the beat of her heart.

  The flush of her face and chest, and the way her whole body bared down as she came, had him groaning with his own pleasure at watching his mate come undone at his touch.

  He felt her juices against his fingers, and scented her sweet smell. His desires flared within him, it battered his mind and his body with need for her. He slipped his fingers from within, and palming the soft globes of her backside; he lifted her against his aching, needy body, and carried her to the bed.

  She was still dazed from her release, as he laid her back against the covers. His hands reached for her inner thighs, opening her wide, and he devoured her glistening folds with his eyes.

  He settled his shoulders between her thighs. Opening her to him so completely to him with his thumbs, as he dipped his head to her sex, and tasted her, from the tightness of the little puckered hole, to her nub.


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