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Rush (Roam Series, Book Four)

Page 14

by Stedronsky, Kimberly

  She held on to me with all of her strength, whispering as I covered her lips with mine. “I love you, Logan, I love you,” she repeated, the scratch in her voice enough to send me over the edge.

  Moments later, as we both drifted back to the present, I exhaled, grinning before scooping her into my arms. “Shower time. Thankfully, you’re already the hottest girl in the world. No beauty sleep for you tonight.”

  She chuckled, gripping my neck and reaching for my kiss.

  In minutes I had her pressed against the marble shower tiles, so lost inside of her that I forgot where I was. It took long seconds after falling apart with her again before I remembered the cottage. “I can’t stand anymore, I’m weak,” she complained laughingly as I lowered my lips to her throat.

  I carried her to the bed and tucked her into my arms.

  Somehow, with darting trips to the kitchen that lasted no longer than two minutes at a time, we pieced together a meal of cheese, crackers, and whatever we could grab from the stocked cabinets and refrigerator.

  “Are you sure you want this? Forever?” She whispered, sometime around eleven as we both lay facing each other, drifting in and out of sleep.

  “What? This?” I helped myself to a handful of her bare ass, and she chuckled, wriggling.

  “Rush.” She opened her eyes, searching for mine.

  “What, you?” I corrected, screwing my mouth up into a doubtful blanch. “Well, I’m sacrificing a lot here…,”


  “Vio-let.” I pressed a kiss to her forehead, tucking her face against my chest. “Honestly… I don’t know my life without you. I don’t want to know a life without you. Ever. And now- I can’t possibly talk about my love for you anymore tonight without breaking into song.”

  She smiled and sighed, her breathing even.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I waited for a while before gently untangling her from my arms. Pulling on a pair of camo shorts, I moved out to the patio in the back. The familiar light of a cigarette on the back patio drew my attention toward the main house.

  I recognized West immediately. He sat on top of the picnic table, his feet resting on the bench. “Hey Logan.”

  “Huh.” I raised my eyebrows to the cigarette, and he flicked at an ash, shrugging.

  “Don’t tell Roam.”

  “Oh I’m pretty sure she knows.”

  He took a long drag, shrugging again. “Yeah, me too.”

  “Trouble in paradise?” I lowered to the patio chair, and he snuffed out the last of the butt into an upturned seashell.

  “Want a beer?”

  “I’m not twenty-one for another month, Mr. Perry, sir.”

  He scoffed before disappearing into the house for a minute, and then returned with two bottles.

  “Thanks.” I tilted the bottle for a swig before shifting my eyes his way.

  “Let’s talk, okay?”

  I sighed deeply at his serious tone, taking a longer drink. “Listen, I’m not worried about this Mathison guy. It is impossible to surprise me anymore, did you know that? Seriously, a fucking mermaid could flop out of the ocean right now, and I’d be like, hey there, baby, need some help?”

  He breathed with silent laughter as he lit another cigarette. “I know the feeling. No, I’ve tightened security, and I’m looking into this guy. I didn’t know that, though. About your soul.” He sighed. “Immortal children.”

  “We’re not alone. Me, you, Mathison… Will. Who knows how many other dudes are out there just creating an entirely new race of immortal people. You’re what- seven hundred years old? Did you keep track of every one-nighter?”

  He stared toward the ocean. “No.”

  “Well, if this asshole’s got a problem with me, then he can take it up with me. Not you, not Roam or Violet.”

  “I wanted to talk about… something else.”

  Stretching my legs out, I folded my arm behind my head. “Well, I already know where babies come from… I’m putting a ring on it… I’m working on a 401K… glad to be back… what more could we possibly have to talk about?”

  He ran his hand over his inner arm, across the coordinates.

  “You’re immortal now, so I’ll teach you about a new 401K- later. You picked a nice ring… and… babies… you really need to talk to Violet.” He tipped the bottle to his mouth, taking a long drink. “As far as being glad to be back, that won’t last. When you actually wake up wishing you were back there again, give me a call, I’d be glad to listen.”

  I reached for his pack of cigarettes, and he made no move to stop me.

  “That will happen?”

  “Yes.” He held the lighter up, and I cupped my hand around the flame to block the warm, ocean wind. “As horrible as it was over there, it’ll happen.”

  “Why?” When he didn’t answer, I exhaled a puff of smoke slowly. I’ll talk to Mr. Camden later. “So, you want to talk about Violet?”

  “No, I want to talk about Roam.”

  “Roam.” I nodded once, brushing my fingers through my hair. “What now? Is she okay?”

  He lowered his voice. “You sure this isn’t too- much?”

  “Depends on what you have to say.”

  He took a slow breath. “Has she ever asked you to… hurt her?”

  “What…? Of course not.”

  He tilted the bottle again. “After the castle.” He continued to stare ahead, and I cringed.

  What the fuck…? “No. Never. If anything, she was afraid I would hurt her. When we… got too close.”

  He nodded, finishing the last of his beer. “Okay.”

  Roam asked him to hurt her? Like, S and M stuff? That’s not her. “Maybe she just-…,”

  “Never mind.” His cutting tone told me the conversation was over, and I rolled my eyes.

  I tossed the cigarette on the porch, stamping it out with my flip flop. “Listen, I care about her, and-…,”

  “And this is personal. I shouldn’t have brought it up. She starts school again in the fall- it’ll take her mind off of-…,”

  Giggles drew both of our attention toward the beach, and Jason and Morgan crested the dune. The moment we all saw each other, she squealed and scurried behind Jason. “Christ, I’m buck naked!” She cried. A beach towel landed in my lap, and I looked up as West took my empty beer bottle.

  “Want another?”

  “Violet will kick my ass.”

  He smirked and moved back into the house, and I turned to Jason and Morgan.

  “Toss it, Logan,” Jason called, and I sat back, smirking.

  “Come and get it, Morgan May,” I teased, and she growled from behind Jason.

  “Dude,” Jason warned with a smile, and I threw the towel at him, grinning.

  “What happened to your suit?” I asked as she wrapped the towel around her breasts. Jason swept her into his arms, and she laughed, winking in my direction.

  “What suit?”

  “Shh,” West chided them playfully as they hurried inside, returning to the picnic table. “You should get to bed. You’ve been traveling for two days. You’ll be exhausted tomorrow.”

  “Yep.” I stood and stretched, saluting him with two fingers. “Thanks for the beer.”

  “Logan.” I raised my eyes, and he stood, staring at me. “I never knew that you attacked him. The last time Roam and I talked about the castle… she told me how you tried to stop him.” He tucked his hands deep into the cargo pockets of his shorts, meeting my eyes. “Thank you. I should have been there for her. I should have handed Eva off to you and stayed. It kills me that you- both of you- had to go through what you did.”

  “He would have killed you.”


  “West.” I cut him off, pointing toward the house. “We all have to remember that Eva is the reason we’re here. I couldn’t have raised your kid for two and a half years. I couldn’t have been her father, and Troy would have killed you. You made the right decision. Even if Roam… is what she… is. You will-…,”

  “Hey,” Roam’s voice silenced us both as she quietly closed the sliding glass door. “What are you guys doing? Isn’t there some kind of event tomorrow you should be getting some sleep for?”

  West opened his arms to her, and she curled into them, pressing her face to his chest. I tried not to think of the conversation I’d just had with West, but immediately thoughts of her tied to that giant, evil canopy bed in the castle burned my brain. What did Troy really do to her?

  Her long, dark hair blew across her wide eyes, and she brushed the strands out of the way. “West, are you smoking again? Ohmygod Logan are you smoking?”

  “Yes… Mom.”

  I curled inward defensively and laughed as she fumed, her fists clenching at her sides.

  “Okay,” West caught her around the waist before she could attack, grinning and lowering his mouth to her forehead. “Logan’s going to bed. Is Chris up, baby?”

  “No, he slept through Morgan shrieking. But she woke Laurel up. She’s in the kitchen.”

  “Oh good- Logan,” Laurel joined us on the patio, looking toward the cottage. “Is Violet awake? I need to check and make sure her gown-…,”

  “She’s sleeping,” West answered for me. “Her gown is fine, Laurel. Her flowers are fine. You’re worrying too-…,”

  “You have no idea how much goes into this, you just cut the checks,” she challenged, and I looked down to keep from grinning at her haughty response. My actual new mother-in-law stood with her hands on her hips, raising her eyes at her ex-husband with a confident huff.

  “I know she needs to sleep,” West’s retort sent Roam’s fingers wringing over his.

  “Okay, I think we all need some sleep.” Her soft voice and convincing smile sent everyone into abrupt cooperation, and I gazed at her, amazed at her ability to always be so mature.

  “Sounds good.” West agreed, taking her hands into his.

  “Goodnight,” I started to turn, but Roam ran toward me. I caught her as she wrapped her arms around me.

  “I’m so glad you’re home,” she hushed before turning back to West.

  The moonlight trailed silver on the sand as I made my way back to the cottage. I slipped into the bed next to Violet, trying my best to keep my hands from roving over her naked body. She needs to sleep. You need to sleep. Her hair pooled around her face like a white-blonde halo, and I pulled one ringlet round my finger again and again until I finally found sleep.

  Sometime in the middle of the night, I was thrown into a dark, rainy forest…

  In France.

  “Where is he now, mademoiselle?” His voice, echoing in my thoughts.


  Muslim prayer; screaming soldiers in the castle as I picked them off, one by one.


  “Logan?” Violet’s voice, her fingers on my face, her lips on my mouth. “Are you okay? Can you hear me?”

  I blinked, turning my eyes down to face her. I stood in a bathroom, Violet in front of me, both of us stark naked.

  “Where are we?” I turned to the shower, focusing on the marble tile.

  “In the bathroom… of the cottage.”

  “What year?”

  “2015. Where’d you go? It’s three in the morning,” she said softly, wrapping her arms around me. “You were just… standing here. You wouldn’t answer me.”

  “Sorry,” I ran my hand over my hair, glad it was finally growing back. I blinked, reaching for her. “I’m sorry.”

  “Why are you sorry?” She shook her head, her face softening. I recognized the naughty glimmer in her eyes. “Since you’re awake, and we’re already in the bathroom… how about another shower?”

  She gasped as I attacked suddenly, sweeping her into my arms. Giving her the widest Big Bad Wolf leer that I had, I reached for the faucet. “Listen, I’m getting married tomorrow, so my wife can’t know about this.”

  She closed her teeth over her bottom lip as I set her to her feet, cocking one eyebrow as she slid her fingers over my hips in the hot water stream. “The stupid bitch shouldn’t have let you out of her sight.”

  I grinned as she kissed her way down to her knees.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “What is that?” I stirred at Logan’s voice and the distant sound of the unfamiliar doorbell, warming as he rolled over me and buried his face into my bare chest. “Ugh- it’s… only… five… o’clock,” he groaned, his smothered words muffled between my breasts. I laughed, pushing at him.

  “It’s our wedding day, Rush, and we have a million things to do!”

  “Vi! GET UP!”

  Eva’s voice sent Logan flying from the bed, disappearing into the bathroom. I rolled my eyes, gathering the sheet around my chest.

  “The door’s locked. She’s just so loud,” I made my way to the front door of the cottage, turning the lock.

  Eva stood before me, her arms crossed over her chest, tapping her foot animatedly on the ground. Her current favorite dress, a navy blue and white ruffled halter, was adorned with way too many multi-colored necklaces from her jewelry box. Headphones hung around her neck, and the outline of her iPod showed through the pocket of her dress.

  She glanced at the too-big, military-style watch on her wrist. “We have to get our hairs done. You’re late. Where are your clothes?”

  “Where is your mom?”

  “She’s in the house with Aunt Morgan. Where’s Logan?” She demanded.

  “He’s in the bathroom.”

  “Did he sleep in the same bed with you?”

  Biting my tongue, I searched the yard for… anyone. “Go find Dad, Eva.” She raised an eyebrow, planting her hands on her little hips. Her missing front tooth, I realized, had begun to descend, and now there was a gaping hole right next to it. “Did you lose another tooth?” I squatted before her, and she beamed.

  “Yes! I got twenty dollars from the Tooth Fairy.”

  “Are you freaking kidding me?” I cringed. West, you’re creating a monster. “Okay, listen, I’ll get dressed really fast and meet you all in a few minutes, okay?”

  “The limo is taking us to get our hairs done, right?”

  “Right,” I promised, tugging at a long, red tendril. “Hair. But only if you behave.”

  “I’m a princess. I don’t have to listen to you.” She retorted, flipping her hair over shoulder and stalking away haughtily.

  Grinning, I sighed, soaking up the first of the warm sunlight peeking through the dawn. When Logan’s arms wrapped around me, I leaned back, tilting my face to catch his lips in mine.

  “I guess I should get over to the house. My dad texted me and said all the guys are going to breakfast. But all I want to do,” he turned me around, sliding his fingers through my hair, “is get lost in you. All day. You think they’ll come back if we reschedule for tomorrow?”

  His deep, brown eyes, till puffy from sleep, coaxed an amused smirk from my lips. “Logan Rush, did you not have enough of me to last you through the day?”

  “Absolutely not,” he gathered the sheet into his fist, his breath warm against the crown of my head. “In fact, let’s have a wedding night drill. I’ll need to know the exact plan of attack.”

  I burst out laughing, shaking my head. “You’re silly.” After a moment, I stiffened. “You’re not at all worried about Cole Mathison, are you?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve fought- and beaten- worse. If he really thinks I’m some kind of evil being, then he’s just fighting for the wrong reasons. Misinformed.”

  “I’m still worried.”

  “I can think of a few ways to distract you.” He tugged me against his chest, and I reached for his shoulders, sighing into his kiss.

  I thought of West’s words in the car. You need to work this out… before you get married. I shifted barefoot on the porch, pushing gently on his massive biceps and searching for his eyes. “I know we need to get moving, but I want to talk to you about… everything… one more time.”



  He tugged the waist of his boxers up slightly. “You know I want your babies.”

  I shifted my eyes downward. Tell him. “I…,”

  “And I took care of that last night.”

  Grinning, I planted one hand on my hip, gripping the sheet at my chest with the other. “You are an over-confident ass, Corporal.”

  “My Marines are first in, last out.”

  “Oh, God.”


  “Knock it off,” I begged, sighing at his stupidly adorable puns. “I just don’t know if I’m… mother-material. You know, I’m so young… we’re so young… and just because the world might end, it doesn’t mean I have to turn into a… barefoot baby-factory.”

  He tilted his head back and laughed at the sunlit, morning sky. “I know you, Vi. I know you better than you know yourself. I’ve seen you with Eva. You do want a child, you just feel guilty knowing she’d be immortal. But… did you ever think that maybe she’d want immortality? I wanted it. I chose it.”

  “You chose immortality… to be with me.”

  His handsome face filled with the adoring look that I loved so much on him. He held my face in his hands, growing serious. “I’m marrying you today. I don’t care where you came from, or where you’re going. I’m going with you.”

  The man standing before me was no longer the boy I fell in love with, dancing in the snow to a choir of Christmas carols. The remnants of war, of torture, of the horrible castle clouded with his evident love for me.

  I stood on my tip-toes, reaching for his kiss. “I love you, Logan Rush. You’re right. I wouldn’t go anywhere in this life… without you.”

  His mouth took over mine, his arms lifting me against him with an over-protective need. The force of his kiss put away all doubt I had, and made me forget about the impending danger of the past that was always chasing us into the future.


  The masculine voice behind me jerked me out of Logan’s arms, and I gasped to realize the sheet had fallen away and that half of my ass was hanging out.


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