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Lycan Legacy - 4 - 5 - 6: Princess - Progeny - Paladin: Book 4 - 5 - 6 in the Lycan Legacy Series

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by Veronica Singer

  Lycan Legacy - Books 4 - 5 -6

  Veronica Singer


  Lycan Legacy - Princess

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29


  Lycan Legacy - Progeny

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33


  Lycan Legacy - Paladin

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33


  About the Author

  Lycan Legacy - Princess


  Veronica Singer

  Text copyright © 2020 Veronica Singer

  All Rights Reserved

  Fantastic Cover Design by:

  Created with Vellum

  To those who walk on two feet, but hunt on four.


  The sand under my bare feet was burning, the heat seeping through my calluses. Even though the sky had a permanent overcast, here in the stadium it was hotter than the hottest summer.

  Sweat oozed from my pores, wending between my breasts and dripping to the sand from my naked form. A stray drop entered my eye and made me blink. I suppressed the urge to shift or use magic. Summoning either of those talents now would cause disaster.

  Luna, what's a nice werewolf girl like you doing in a stadium full of killer fairies?

  I brushed the thought aside—it was a distraction, and would only slow my reaction time.

  I stood in the center of an array of wooden posts that had been pounded into the sand. Each pole was about six inches in diameter and slightly over six feet high, and the tops of the posts had been sawed off flat.

  I moved around the posts, trying to get a view of my opponents. An audience of fairies filled the seats of the stadium, tittering at my evasive actions. From their higher vantage point they could see my enemies. A curtain of air kept the audience section cool while overheating the stadium floor.

  The array of posts appeared random, with no straight path to the edge of the stadium. They had seen how fast I could move in a straight line, so had ensured I had no way to get up to speed here.

  Well, there was no straight path for a woman, but there was enough clearance for an arrow. The burning sensation on my right shoulder blade gave me an instant's warning, and I spun away. The arrow thunked solidly into the post in front of me. When I looked, the ceramic head of the arrow was deeply embedded into the wood.

  I grabbed the shaft of the arrow and pulled it from the post, using enough force to tilt the post. In moments, I had a weapon in my hand. The rules might state I couldn't start the contest with any weapons, but there was no rule about picking up the crap they threw at me. I examined the arrow. The point was that stronger-than-steel ceramic they used here, supernaturally sharp. The shaft was made from the wood of a tree not found on earth—scented like cedar, but harder than oak. The feathers were from an extinct bird. Well, extinct everywhere but here.

  Two burning spots at once forced me to drop to the burning sand. My descent was so swift that my ponytail fluttered in the air above me as I landed. Two arrows sliced through my hair, cutting tufts loose. The fairies were using multiple archers.

  I hated bastards who ruined my hairstyling. I tossed the arrow away; unless I could get very close to my enemies, it was useless without a bow.

  A deep breath and I was up, tugging on the post I had already loosened. In less than a second, I had a six-foot-long weapon in my right hand. Seeing the pointed end that had been pounded into the ground, I smiled and hefted it to my shoulder. It weighed about twenty pounds.

  Much too heavy to be used as a spear. By a human.

  I turned an ear to track the sounds of my opponents. Even over the sounds of the crowd I could hear their soft footfalls as they stalked outside the perimeter.

  One step, two steps, and I heaved the post. It arced high, flying silently through the air. A short scream followed the thunk as it impaled an archer.

  The sweet scent of fairy blood wafted through the stadium. It stunned the crowd into silence.

  "Three-pointer!" I shouted, loud enough for even the cheap seats to hear. The confusion on the audience’s faces showed that they were not basketball fans.

  I reached over to grab another post and felt the aim of three archers on my chest. "Next one to aim at me gets a three-pointer," I growled. The points of heat moved away, then the arrows flew past, far enough to miss but close enough that I could hear the whisper of their passage. Even without ESPN, they were learning about three-pointers.

  With a sharp command from Princess Ruby, the aim points returned to my chest and back. I reached out and wrapped my hand around the nearest post.

  Before I could pull the post out of the ground, the sand under my feet loosened, and I sank about six inches. I prepared to pull myself out using the pole in my hand, only to find the sand had solidified like cement.

  "Cheating bitch," I muttered. She wasn't supposed to use magic during this contest.

  I tugged on the pole and found that all the sand around me had solidified. Not only was I stuck, my weapo
ns were locked into the ground.

  "Ready," intoned Ruby, followed by the sound of bows flexing. The bitch was making a show of this.

  "Aim," she said, and I felt the burning sensation of multiple arrows aimed at me.

  But Ruby had made a mistake. Instead of commanding the archers to fire immediately, she was stretching out the tension. Never give a werewolf time to escape. Never give Luna time.

  Being unable to shift my entire body didn't mean I couldn't do some tricks. With a thought my feet shifted to paws, leaving ample room to pull free. Tightening my grip on the pole, I pulled my body up into the air. Like a pole-vaulter, I soared above the field of pillars, shifting paws back to human feet in mid-air. I wanted to keep a few secrets from my opponents.

  "Fire!" She shouted the command at my first movement, but it was too late for the archers to correct their aim. The arrows flashed through the space I had just occupied.

  I somersaulted in the air and landed with one foot on a pole. This would not have worked before, but her cement trick had made the poles stable. They still flexed slightly with my movements, but years of gymnastics and werewolf strength made it possible for me to maintain my balance.

  Standing in a crane pose, perfectly balanced on one foot, I looked across the stadium and targeted Princess Ruby.

  I held up two fingers in a V, pointed at my eyes, then pointed at Ruby. "I'm coming for you, Princess Ruby."

  Her calm fairy-princess visage crumbled for a second, then she composed herself. She gestured to her fighters, and they raced to put themselves between me and their princess.

  I gave a smile that was just a little too full of teeth—the smile that had cowed monsters.

  Between me and Ruby were dozens of posts, followed by an open area, then the twelve-foot-high wall in front of the seating.

  Ruby's men were racing toward the open area.

  The pattern of the posts reminded me of something, something from my past. Then I had it. Soon after my change, my pack and I had often played in the woods where loggers had recently completed their work. They’d left hundreds of stumps randomly placed around the grove, and we had improvised a game of hop-scotch that required leaping from one stump to the next to see who could cross the grove in the least time.

  Even against full-grown werewolves, I had won. I hadn't been as strong as the adults, but I was fast and agile.

  The random placing of the posts helped me as I jumped from perch to perch. Instead of traveling in a straight line, my path was a high-speed zig-zag that made it impossible for the archers to get a lead on me.

  Several of the arrows loosed in my direction ended up finding targets in the audience. The gratifying sound of screams washed over the stadium. I love it when an enemy shoots themselves.

  As I neared the royal box, the archers stopped shooting, fearful of hitting the princesses.

  I made it across the stadium in seconds, and dropped to the sandy area in front of Ruby. I kept my back against a post, in case one of the bastards tried to shoot me in the back.

  Only one of her men, her champion, had made it in time to interpose himself between us.

  He lifted a sword made of that weird ceramic, holding it like a sword-fighting expert. He wore ceramic armor in Ruby's color, a scintillating red that glistened like blood.

  "Yield or die!" he shouted.

  "Funny," I said, "I was going to say the same to you."

  He looked me up and down. I was naked, covered in sweat, with sand sticking to the sweat and my hair in disarray. He puffed up his chest, protected by his magical armor, and swished his sword through the air, making a deadly sound.

  He held up his free hand and the other men stopped approaching.

  "You want the honor of fighting me yourself?" I asked. I reached behind me and wrapped my hand around the post. I set my feet shoulder-width apart. "You know I'm unarmed, right?"

  "There's no honor involved in putting down a cur," shouted Ruby. "Armed or not, you will die."

  So this contest had changed mid-fight. I was no longer fighting for dominance, but for survival.

  "Ooh," I said in a low voice, "poor Princess Ruby. She misinformed you. Don't you know that I'm never unarmed?"

  With a deep breath, I pulled at the post with all my human-form strength, hoping to break off the wood to give me something to counter his sword.

  Instead, the hardened sand cracked around the pole, leaving a ten-pound ring of stone around the end of my post.

  I hefted the pole to my shoulder, with both hands wrapped around it like a huge baseball bat. Pillar and concrete together made a thirty-pound cudgel.

  "Look," I said. "I found my Louisville Slugger."

  "What the hell's a Louisville Slugger?" asked the champion.

  Those were his last words.

  Faster than humanly possible, I raced toward my target. In less than a second, I was close enough to put him in my strike zone.

  I swung for the bleachers, the post whistling through the air with the speed of my movement. Muscles in my back, arms, and torso tore at the effort involved. If this didn't work, I would be in bad shape.

  He was well-trained—too well-trained. Instead of trying to pierce me with his blade, his reflexes took over, and he tried to parry the post.

  It was like trying to stop a wrecking ball with a plastic knife. The sword shattered, sending shards in every direction. One shard sliced my cheek, just missing my eye. The wound healed in seconds, leaving only a drop of blood.

  The wrecking-ball Louisville Slugger kept coming, impacting his armor with the force of a semi-truck. Magical sigils flared to protect him from the force, flared and extinguished as they tried to absorb more energy than a jousting tournament. Still, most of the force was dissipated by his armor.

  Most of the force.

  What got through was more than sufficient for my purposes. My planted feet left two deep furrows in the sand as the recoil pushed me backward.

  His armor was magic, but the man inside was mush. Like a tomato can hit with a tank round, red spatters of gore splashed everywhere. Now I had fairy blood on top of my sweat-and-sand-covered body. It coated my hands in crimson

  The other men started toward me, intent on overpowering me—relying on quantity now that quality had proved insufficient.

  I looked the lead man in the eyes, brought a champion-coated finger to my mouth and licked off the blood. Damn, he tasted good.

  I hefted the bat again, and the fighters halted in a tumble. An archer brought his bow up, then froze at my glare.

  I looked up at Ruby. Her face was bright red and her lips trembled. Did she regret sending her champion against an unstoppable killer? I thought fairy women considered their men expendable. Could this pointy-eared bitch have real feelings?

  Ruby was shaking her head involuntarily, still unwilling to submit.

  The sand under my feet tingled with magic. She was trying to do something else. Cheating bitch. The momentary sympathy I’d had for her was washed away by anger.

  The bat in my hands was too short for a pole vault, but it was all I had. I could have made the twelve-foot jump, but I didn’t want to do it with the bat in my hands.

  I was pretty sure I could still make the jump, even with the extra weight of the bludgeon. And it would be impressive as hell—but it might reveal just how strong I was. With the trials ahead, I didn't want to reveal all my secrets yet.

  So I improvised with the Louisville Slugger, racing toward the wall, then pivoting and planting the pole and using it to jump over the wall.

  I landed five feet in front of Ruby. No guards or champions between us now.

  Once again, I made the eyes-to-eyes gesture. "Just me and you, Ruby," I said. The first time I hadn't used her title in addressing her.

  Fear flashed across her face, then resignation. She slid from her throne, ending up on her knees in front of me. The crowd of nearly a thousand fairies gasped in unison.

  "I submit," she whispered. "Give me your hand so I may ack
nowledge your win."

  "I don't think so," I said. "I prefer the second option. There should be consequences for cheating."

  The scent of fear that wafted from her was even sweeter than her champion's blood. "What's the second option?" Her voice trembled with fear.

  "Death," I said, then waited a long moment. "Or…"

  "Or what?"

  "Submission in the manner of werewolves."

  "On my back like a whipped dog? No, never!"

  She looked at her mother, Princess Perla, beseeching her to intercede. But the tiniest head-shake dashed her hopes.

  "Never it is," I said as I stepped closer to Ruby.


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