Rozalyn 3: (Rozalyn Series)

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Rozalyn 3: (Rozalyn Series) Page 6

by Shan

"Stop, the waiter is coming finally," Rozalyn pushed my hand away.

  The waiter came to the table to take our order and left us alone again. Once he was out of sight, I slid my hand between her thighs again, rubbing her pussy through the fabric of her clothing.

  "Shit, Messiah stop," she moaned.

  "You coming to my party or not?" I asked again.

  "Ye--yea. Where is it?"

  "Club called The Revolver," I answered watching her face twist up in confusion.

  "Oh--I'm not old enough to get in there."

  "You don't have to worry about that. I'll get you in there."

  "Messiah, that's Tae's club. I don't think--"

  I cut her off, "I don't give a fuck whose club it is. My money is paid and that's where I'm having my party."

  "Well I'm not coming," Rozalyn sighed.

  "You a trip," I shook my head.


  I sat in my car outside The Revolver gripping the handle of my pistol, wanting so badly to just go up in that bitch blasting but thought better of it. I couldn't convince Rozalyn for nothing in the world to show up at my damn party tonight. I was beginning to think that maybe I needed to figure out another way to get at Tamar. He seemed to have Rozalyn under a tight hold making it hard for me to break through to her. I wasn't about to give up on her just yet though.

  I shook my head, tossed the pistol underneath the seat, grabbed my shades, and got out of the car. I had to hide the fury in my eyes behind my shades knowing Tamar would be able to detect it.

  "Hey Messiah!" a chick yelled out as I passed her up in the line.

  I nodded my head at the bird and continued towards the VIP entrance. Both lines were long as hell but luckily I didn't have to wait. I walked straight up to the bouncer that guarded the door checking for names and ID.

  "What's up big man, Messiah Christian," I told him my name and handed him my ID.

  "Shit everybody is waiting for you. Come on in," he stepped to the side and handed me my ID back.

  The club was all the way live. Bitches wearing their best fits, some most likely had the tag still tucked so they can return it and get their money back.

  "Sy!" A few groupies yelled as I made my way to the VIP lounge.

  Climbing the stairs to the VIP lounge. I could hear Tamar's voice clearly over the loud music. The nigga always wanted to be the center of attention. I finally convinced the muthafucka to come to my party a few days ago, only because I thought that Rozalyn would be coming. Now I wish the clown would leave. He's gonna make it hard for me to enjoy the celebration of finally being out the pen.

  "Aye, what's up Sy?" Tamar's brother Taron greeted.

  I looked around the VIP lounge and nodded my head in approval. I must be honest and say that The Revolver was competing with many of the top clubs in Miami and shit probably all over the world. A lot of money, time, and effort had gone in this spot and it only made my blood boil more. This was my money the nigga was spending. Mine!

  "Sup, Ron? Y'all got it looking good up in here," I said giving Taron dap and making my way over to Dmitri. Fuck Tamar and that other clown, Kevin. "Dmitri, what's good?"

  "Sy, my man. How is it going buddy? What do you think?" he asked.

  I looked around VIP once again and then down to the main floors, they were sectioned off like three different clubs in one. Each were decorated differently with its own little theme. I assumed the music was different in each one as well ‘cause they all had their own D.J. and the crowd danced a little differently in each one. The VIP sat on the second floor right above all three rooms, giving a clear view to each one. Surrounding the VIP were the upstairs levels to the main rooms downstairs. The shit was sick no doubt and I had to give Tamar and his bro credit for it all.

  "Where your chick at?" Tamar asked as he tossed back a Corona. "I was waiting to see what this bitch was about."

  "She might not make it, wasn't feeling too good this morning," I lied. I grabbed a Corona from the middle of the table and signaled for a waitress to come my way. This little beer wasn't going to do anything to subdue the hate I had for Tamar and it was too soon to reveal any of it now.

  "Damn, that's too bad. I really thought I was about to be impressed tonight," Tamar said with a smirk. "It's cool, it's plenty bitches in the club. Pick one and we'll have one of the staff bring her up."

  I laughed in my head. This nigga really thought that he was doing me a favor. If he only knew that it was baby mama that I planned to show up here with tonight, I bet he wouldn't be hollering about pick one then.

  I shook my head. "Let me have a glass of crown black, straight."

  The waitress looked around to see if anyone else wanted anything before walking away. Just as I leaned back in my seat for what I knew to be a long night, my phone began to vibrate deep within my pockets. Once I pulled it out and saw Rozalyn's name flash across the screen I almost hit the end button, but curiosity got the best of me.

  "What's up?" I answered, yelling over the loud music.

  "I'm here and my friend can't get in. Can you put his name on the list?"

  "His?" I frowned.

  "Yea, my friend Brian I told you about.

  "Oh ok! I'll be down in a minute!" I shouted.

  A slight grin entered my face knowing shit was about to be on and popping.

  "Aye, now watch her shut the whole club down!" I said to Tamar and meant it literally. If my source was right about Tamar, the whole club was about to be shut down when Tamar saw me with Rozalyn.

  8: Tamar

  "I need to talk to you!" Dmitri yelled in my ear.

  I nodded and handed the blunt I was toking on to Kevin. I followed Dmitri out of the VIP lounge, through the club and up to my office.

  "Who did the count Tuesday night?" Dmitri asked before we could even get in my office good.

  "I did, why?" I asked sitting atop my desk.

  "Everybody we supplied to has complained about the weight being short."

  "Well that's impossible. I weighed every other bird as normal, counted each one of them three times."

  "Some of the guys complained about not getting what they paid for, and what they did get wasn't weighing out right," Dmitri crossed his arms and looked at me defiantly. "You, me, and my father are the only ones that know about the shipment. I know I didn't touch it--"

  "Wait a minute, what? I know the hell you ain't trying to accuse me of stealing my own dope! Fuck you getting at right now?"

  "I don't know, you did complain about the profit my father and I were taking. I'm just--"

  "You just about to write a check that ass can't cash muthafucka!" I jumped down off my desk and approached Dmitri.

  Couldn't believe he had the nerve to sit here and try to accuse me of stealing from my damn self. Them my muthafuckin' birds! True enough I complained about the percentage that Dmitri and his pops was taking ‘cause realistically the shit was unreal. I paid them for each brick and after I sold each one, I still gave them ten percent of what I made all together.

  I didn't have to do that but being they gave me a playa rate I felt it was only right. Well that was before I started moving a hundred bricks or better a month. I'm paying all the foot soldiers, the security guards, police officers; everybody. They should be happy that I re-up on a consistent basis, same amount or more each time. Let's not even talk about the expansion process that's in the works. The re-up will only get bigger and better and they both needed to realize that.

  "Tae, I've known you for years. Never once did I think you would skim from me and my pops," Dmitri threw at me.

  "Dmitri, get the fuck outta my club!" I yelled.

  "We'll see what you gonna do once that well runs dry."

  "Nigga, last time I checked my paper was GOOD! Muthafuckas need me not the other way around. Fuck outta here man," I dismissed Dmitri.

  Dmitri nodded his head and turned to leave my office "Fuckin' thief!"

  "Yea, fuck you too nigga!"

  Just as Dmitri went to open the door, Taro
n came through the door huffing and puffing like he'd ran the whole way up here. Dmitri harshly brushed passed him damn near knocking Taron over.

  "Fuck is up with him?" Taron asked.

  I shook it off and went around to the other side of my desk. Hearing that the weight was low had thrown me the hell off. This had never happened before and I know for sure, I didn't touch shit. I do the same routine each time, count it once it arrives, watch as it's loaded onto the truck, then count it once again when it's dropped off at the designated spot. Nothing was off when I left so the shit had me really confused. I can't believe that Dmitri would even insinuate that I was even responsible. For years I've worked with him and not once have we had this type of problem. No matter the case though, I can guarantee you that Dmitri would come calling me before I called him. If anybody didn't know, he knew that I was set for the rest of my damn life and the only reason I was still at this shit was so that my grand kids, kids; didn't have to work a day in their life if they didn't want to.

  "Bro, did you hear me?" Taron asked snapping me from my thoughts.

  "What?" I frowned.

  "Look," Taron pointed to one of the surveillance cameras that taped the main floor of the club. I saw Sy's bitch ass, spotted Brian, and then--.

  "Aye, I know that ain't Rozalyn!"

  "Yo, I think that Rozalyn is the chick that fool been bragging about."

  I leaned back in my seat and watched as Sy ran his hands down Rozalyn's ass, groped her, and then begin to kiss her. I was supposed to be over her but ever since the day I seen her at our court date, I realized I wasn't. I saw that very same, determined, smart, sexy Rozalyn I saw when we first met. The very thing that attracted me to her in the beginning was back and it made me not quite ready to let her go just yet.

  Jealousy sparked up within me, along with the fire that Dmitri had already ignited. I knew it was a reason I didn't like this Sy cat, something about the look in his eyes told me he wasn't to be trusted.

  "Hell no!" Taron yelled after seeing me grab my pistol.

  "Ron, get out of my way!"

  "Tae, chill out and besides Kari ass just showed up too!"

  "Fuck Kari! I need to see what's going on with this situation here," I pointed at the screen.

  "Bruh, I only told you so you wouldn't be surprised when you saw them together. We got a crowd full of people out there man. You need--"

  I pushed Taron out the way before he could utter another word. Rozalyn knows damn well this fuckin' club is owned by me, so for her to show up for another man; only meant she was asking for trouble. The bitch was about to get what she was looking for.

  I pushed through the crowd, animosity building with each step I took. Sy was holding onto Rozalyn's hand and whispering something in her ear. She spotted me coming her way and the look on her face instantly changed.

  I assumed the crowd felt that something was about to happen, caused everyone began to look in our direction.

  "What--fuck is up?" I asked.

  "Tae, my man! I want you to meet my lady Roz---" Sy started but I cut him off.

  "Your lady? This is my wife nigga! Your lady?" I repeated.

  Rozalyn held her head down in shame, refusing to look up at me. I got closer to her and lifted her chin with the tips of my finger.

  "Roz?" I questioned.

  "Aye, my man she good. She's with me," Sy reached and tried to push my hand away when I turned and punched him square in his mouth. Blood instantly shot through the cracks of his teeth as he staggered backwards.

  "Oh my God! Tae!" I heard Rozalyn scream.

  Sy removed his shirt tossing it to the floor and walking back towards me. I shook my head before I hit him with two more quick ones to the jaw. He recovered and shot a couple in my direction that did nothing to me but further angered me. I moved towards him ready to put his ass down when security broke through the crowd and grabbed him up.

  "Mr. Andrews, is everything okay?" one of the security guards asked.

  "Get him the fuck outta here, and then clear this bitch out. We shutting down for tonight!" I yelled and looked over at Rozalyn. "Come here!"

  "Tae, baby what's going on?"

  Kari tugged at my arm, I snatched it away, and walked over towards Rozalyn. I jacked her up and pulled her through the crowd that was slowly dispersing towards the exit.

  "Tamar!" Kari yelled.

  I ignored Kari and continued up to my office, pulling Rozalyn along with me. Once we made it inside I pushed her onto the sofa and went to close the door. Kari appeared before I could shut it with a look of confusion on her face.

  "Tamar, what the hell is going on?" Kari asked.

  "Go home. I don't even know why you're here," I said becoming more and more frustrated.

  "You invited me! What the hell do you mean? What is going on? I want some answers," she crossed her arms over her chest.

  "Look, I need to talk to my wife! Take your ass home," I roared.

  I noticed the tears that welled up in Kari's eyes but didn't care. I needed to see what the extent of this relationship was between Sy and Rozalyn. As much as I tried to let this girl go; I couldn't. Seeing her with this fool, allowing him to touch her, thinking that this was the nigga that was up in her house the other night; fucked my head up.

  What the hell is going on? I thought to myself.

  "Tamar?" Kari questioned. She looked at me then over at Rozalyn who sat quietly on the sofa.

  "I'll be at the house in an hour. Just go," I slammed the door in her face and locked it.

  For a few moments I paced back and forth wondering if I wanted to reopen a door that I thought I already closed. Did I wanna get back to the vulnerability that Rozalyn caused? Go back to being outta control with my attitude. Being in love again.

  "What's up? What y'all got going on Roz?" I finally asked.

  "We're just friends," she answered with her stare towards the floor.

  "Just friends? I seen you kiss him, I seen you smiling in his face. It's more to it than that. Is this who you had around my kids ma?"

  "He wasn't around the kids Tae, they were sleep. They never saw him."

  "It don't matter if they saw him or not. You had this clown in the same house as my shorties! Do you even know him well enough to be bringing him to your house?"

  "Yes, I know him. And why does it matter to you Tae? We have been split up for a damn year, hell over a year and you still acting like I belong to you! You're fucking engaged to somebody else and you wanna try and control who I date! Nigga fuck you!" Rozalyn stood up from the sofa and came in my direction.

  "Fuck me?" I asked surprised that she said that.

  "Yes fuck you! I wasn't going to show up here outta respect knowing that this was your damn spot but I said forget it. You’re not about to tell me what I can and cannot do anymore. You're dating Kari and I'm going to be with Messiah, if you don't like it, oh well!"

  "Nah, you---"

  "Tae, it's over okay. You and I are done and there is no going back! Leave me the fuck alone!" Rozalyn turned to walk away.

  I went after her, grabbed her, slammed her against the door and stared into her eyes. So damn beautiful to me. Every time I see her, she seemed to become more and more beautiful.

  "Tell me you don't love me no more Rozalyn and I'll accept that. I'll show up to the counseling sessions and we can finish this divorce. Look me in my eyes and tell me that you done with me," I said.

  "I'm--" she looked around then looked me into my eyes. "I'm done."

  "So that's it, you don't love me no more?" I asked unable to accept what I was hearing.

  "No, I don't. You've put me through hell and back again Tae. All the cheating, beating---"

  "Don't act like I'm the only one that was cheating. Get your mind right and remember the shit you did to me too though!"

  "If I fucked another man it's because of the way you treated me. You pushed me into the arms of Brandon!"

  "So, I made you fuck my best friend Roz? I made you fuck him right befor
e we got married, right after our fuckin' honeymoon---and I made you fuck him at Keylan's wake too? I made you do all that Rozalyn?"

  Rozalyn's facial expression softened at the mention of her and Brandon having sex at Keylan's funeral. It didn't really take a genius to know that what I've been told was true. I wanted her to deny that shit, put some doubt in my head, but nothing; she looked at me with resentment and hatred, something that I never wanted to see from her.

  “Tae, it doesn’t matter what I did or what you have done. All I know is that I’m done with you. Let me go!” Rozalyn yelled.


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