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Rozalyn 3: (Rozalyn Series)

Page 14

by Shan

  Zavier was known to unbuckle his seat belt anytime he seen something in the car that he wanted but couldn't get to. Tamar fussed at him all the time about it and I'd even gotten on him as well. That particular morning of the accident, Zavier apparently pulled his seatbelt apart again and when they crashed he went flying out of his seat, into the front seat, where he hit the dashboard. The blow he took caused him to have a few broken bones and some internal bleeding. Each day doctors expected him to make a full recovery and soon he would be ready to go home.

  I pulled his hand into mine and looked up and saw Xenya leaning against the door frame, "You can come in."

  "I didn't want to scare him. He's so gorgeous," Xenya said as she took a seat nearby.

  "Thank you." We sat in silence for a few moments before the silence began to kill me. I was beginning to worry about Tamar and Kari. I didn't miss the bitterness in Kari's voice and the psycho tone. I knew Tamar could hold his own but that bitch sounded real flipped like she suddenly lost all her marbles.

  "So Xenya, what part of Atlanta do y'all live in?" I asked to take my mind off all the possible things that could be going wrong.

  "Oh we don't live in Atlanta, we live in Dallas, Texas," she answered.

  "Oh, I thought Tamar told me he met Black in Atlanta."

  "I'm sure they did. He used to live there a few years back but he's originally from Dallas."

  "Oh ok, I see," hearing somewhat of accent from her.

  "Yea, he told me that he was only going to be out here a couple of weeks but now finding out that it might be a lot longer," Xenya sighed.

  "You ready to go back home huh?"

  "Something like that."

  Since Xenya didn't seem to want to talk, I decided that I would patiently wait to hear something from Black or hopefully Tamar.

  23: Messiah

  I hid out in a wooded area about a half of mile away from Tamar's home. Using a set of binoculars, I looked on as paramedics and two police cars rushed through the secured gate and down the drive way to the mini mansion. I could only wonder what was going on and could only hope that it was Tamar they were coming to get. I'd been ducked off waiting to get in contact with Brandon so that I could set my plan into motion. He was the only close enough to Tamar that could get me what I needed in order to bring Tamar down.

  I hadn't slept since Donald fired me and I killed Dmitri. Part of me didn't want to let Tamar out of my sight for one little minute but then half of me knew that eventually the Italians would come for me. It wouldn't be long before the back up on the surveillance was pulled and my ass was running for my life. I gave myself a week at the most to find out what I could about Tamar, take his paper, kill him, and get out of town. With the kind of money Tamar had, I could easily go to the Virgin Islands and live a damn good life with a few bad bitches if Rozalyn chose not to join me.

  “Oh shit!” I eagerly stood up from my hiding spot, pulled the binoculars closer to my eyes and spotted Tamar being rushed onto the back of the ambulance. I was really getting sick of this nigga and starting to think he was a real live cat; twice I’d attempted to kill him and each time failed. The first time I put a homemade bomb under his truck while he was doing business at the courthouse, but unfortunately he had a remote starter and the bomb blew up prematurely on injuring him. The last time I cut his brake line only expecting for him to be in the car alone and not with his children. I was happy that the kids had not been hurt too bad but was truly upset that Tamar came through with just a few scratches.

  “I gotta get in that house,” I said to myself as I moved a couple of inches forward still keeping my eyes on the ambulance.

  His whole team of security was so occupied in watching the ambulance pull off with their boss and the wild haired bitch the police pulled out shortly afterwards. I inched closer and closer to the home that was just down a bushy hill from where I was standing.

  The closer and closer I got, the more confident I became that I was going to get inside. It seemed as if I had picked the perfect day to stand guard outside of Tamar'a big ass home. I was about one hundred feet from the back door when my phone began to ring with Rozalyn's ring tone. I quickly took the cell phone out of my pocket and answered it, "Hello."

  "Where are you? I need you!" Rozalyn frantically screamed.

  "What's wrong with you? Where are you?" I asked and began to break into a sweat hearing the fear in her voice.

  "They're making me--in---and the boys!" she said but the line was breaking up.

  "Yo mama, I can't hear you! Repeat that!" I yelled.

  "Dal--and--tonight! Hurry!"

  Beep! Beep! Beep!

  I pulled the phone away from my ear seeing that the call failed between Rozalyn and me. I couldn’t hear shit she was saying but knew I needed to get to the hospital to see what was up or--did I? I'd never been so close to Tamar's home, so close that I could literally feel my pockets fattening.

  I decided to wait until after I got into the house to find out what was wrong with Rozalyn. I mean she is at a hospital and if it was something serious; they could help her. I had to get this money from Tae, I just had to. This nigga was living good and it was all because of my hard work. I started this shit and if it wasn't for me he would still be living in the hood in Atlanta some damn where.

  I made it to the gate, looked around trying to figure out just how I could jump over. The gate had to be over ten feet tall and was made of iron steel that I know would kill my ass if I landed on it the wrong way.

  "Shit!" I wiped sweat from my forehead, and then leaned over with both hands on my knees. Tamar had definitely well thought this shit out when picking this house out. Anyone crazy enough to jump over would more than likely end up hurt or dead, but fuck it I was about to try.

  I pulled my white Ralph Lauren shorts up and grab a hold of the gate ready to climb over. It felt like a fucking desert out here as every bit of the blazing sun shined down on me. It caused my palms to be extra sweaty and I feared that I would lose my grip and somehow slip.


  Half way up the gate, I looked up and spotted at least ten men coming my way. I immediately jumped for the ground but the tail end of my shorts caused me to get stuck.


  A bullet struck me in the shoulder while another one hit me in the hip. I anxiously pulled myself free from the gate, fell to the ground, and then staggered my way to my feet. The feeling in my leg burned as if it had been filled with hot pieces of coal. Running the best I could, I climbed the hill with as much speed as possible, wishing I had gone to the hospital when Rozalyn called. Especially when another bullet grazed by my ear and another one struck me in my left forearm.

  "Aghh!" I groaned as I continued to run, determined to make it into the woods, and into safety.

  "Get him! Get him!" I could hear the guards yelling as they chased behind me.

  Shots continued on all around me but I was able to make it to my duck off spot I created a while ago. I slipped into it and waited until the coast was clear. There was no way they were going to find me in here. I created the hole for a situation such as this one and it was already paying off. I heard the footsteps hustling passed me and could tell they were going crazy not being able to find me. Each one that passed me up could be heard grumbling and cursing to themselves. I just had to wait a few more minutes and then make my way to the hospital.


  I stumbled into the emergency room of the hospital, feeling at any minute I was going to pass out. I couldn't even tell you how I made it to the hospital alive. I'd been hit so many times and lost so much blood that it wasn't even funny.

  I couldn't tell which part of my body hurt the worse or which part would require the most attention. I stumbled my way towards the nurse's desk causing people walking by to jump out of the way. Soon as I made it to the nurse's desk, they began yelling out all kinda of hospital lingo. I used the edge of the desk to hold me up until a few of the staff ran towards me with a gurney. Soon as they l
aid me across the gurney, they began to cut my clothes open and check my wounds.

  Not long after they were sticking me with all kinds of needles and pushing tubes in different places. Soon as I hit the double doors that took me to the trauma area, I passed out and everything went dark.

  24: Rozalyn

  "Look, I wanna talk to Tae! Get your hands off of me!" I yelled pulling away from one of Tae's guards Nemo.

  "Rozalyn, calm down! Tae gave orders to take you to Dallas," Black said.

  "Take me to Dallas for what! Who is he to be giving orders? My son is lying up in the hospital, I'm not about to leave him here!" I cried out doing everything to get away from Nemo.

  "Some shit about to pop off and Tae wants you safe, just do what they tell you to do. Please?" Black begged.

  "What about my son? Zavier? I'm not leaving him here."

  "I got him. Don't worry; he'll most likely arrive before you do. Just get in the car and I promise you everything will be good," Black said removing a piece of hair from my face.

  I sighed deeply, nodded my head, and helped Tamarion and Zyir into the car. I was so fuckin' pissed I didn't know what to do. Black left the hospital to check on Tamar, and then all of a sudden returned with blood everywhere. He wouldn't elaborate on what was going on but was real detailed on giving orders; orders that I didn't like.

  Tae was always into some mess and the shit was always causing problems for the rest of us. I didn't feel as if he had the right to tell what me what to do or where to go being he and I were no longer a couple. I should have a choice on whether I wanted to go to Dallas or not. Who the fuck lives in Dallas anyway? I'm getting so sick of this shit I didn't know what to do. I felt like taking my children, moving out of state, and not telling anyone where we're at.

  This has been my life for the past few years and I was growing wearily tired of it. Always running from something, looking over my shoulder, dodging bullets, and all that other non-sense that normal people don't go through. I haven't lived a normal life in years that I honestly couldn't tell you the first thing about it. The time spent without my children was the only time I remember it being quiet with no drama but I wouldn't exactly call that normal. Life without my kids definitely isn't normal.

  "Everything will be okay," Xenya said as she looked over her shoulder.

  "Yea whatever," I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest.

  We were riding in a freaking van with dark tinted windows. I couldn't see anything from inside and that further elevated my nervousness. Messiah was no longer answering his phone and he didn't even attempt to call me back after I pleaded with him to save me from Black and Nemo. I didn't know what that was all about and if I even wanted to know. Messiah seemed to be on some more shit lately, more concerned with what Tamar had going on than me.

  The consistency of the questions had me a tad bit suspicious of Messiah's motives. I wanted to mention it to Tamar but didn't know if it was petty. They already didn't like each other and I didn't want any more strife there that didn't need to be.

  "Did Black give you any info on Tamar? Did he say where all the blood came from?" I asked and looked over at my boys who seemed just as worried as I did. I realized in order for them to feel safe; then I was gonna have to calm down. I decided to sing a few songs and relax for the remainder of the trip.


  The time it took to get into Dallas was very drawn out. The city was so damn big that I swore we continue to drive for hours in order to get to where we going. It was so much busier than what I had grown accustomed to in Miami. The entire scene was so urban but also had this laid back feel to it.

  When we pulled up into the hood, I almost lost my cool all over again. I couldn't believe that Tamar had us pulled from our comfort zone to go on a long uncomfortable drive, to this rundown place. I won't front and act like I haven't lived in similar environments but I was familiar with them. I didn't know shit about Dallas and damn sure didn't know anyone here.

  I picked Zyir up and grabbed Tamarion pulling him close to me. We followed Xenya as she took us to a unit located in the back of the complex. I felt super nervous because she kept looking around as if she was expecting someone to pop out of a bush or something.

  "Is everything okay Xenya?" I asked holding tightly to Tamarion's hand.

  "Yea sweetie we're good. I just gotta keep an eye out for these cats around here," Xenya stuck her key in the door and pushed it open. She stepped to the side and allowed for us to enter first.

  I had to admit that I was truly impressed with the inside way more than the outside. The space was decorated with a little bit of class and much detail. The flat screen TV, an impressive sound system, and immaculate furniture showed that some money and time went into the decorating.

  "Um, make yourselves at home. There's the kitchen, the bathroom is through there and to your left, and the last bedroom on the right is where you all can sleep."

  I nodded and let out a frustrated sigh. I was so confused and unsure as to what was going on. I called Messiah and Tamar over and over again but couldn't get an answer from either of them. The suspense was killing me very slowly, just waiting to know what has happened to each of the men.

  "Black text me and said that your son has arrive safely at Children's hospital and that he will take you to see him in the morning," Xenya said with a smile.

  "Okay thank you. Has he said anything concerning Tae?" I asked.

  "Last I heard they rushed him to the hospital but--"

  "What? Rushed him to the hospital for what? What happened?"I frantically asked.

  "I have no idea but you gotta calm down cause you're scaring the kids," Xenya looked at the scared looks on the boys' face and placed her hand over her chest.

  I had a feeling that something wasn't right just from when Black came back with all that blood on him. He wasn't talking about sending us out of town before he checked on Tae but suddenly when he came back he was panicky and nervous. I crashed on the couch and both boys came and jumped into my lap. Tamarion pulled hair from my face while Zyir just sat and stared at me.

  Xenya offered to make us something to eat while we waited for Black to arrive. I started questioning her again to make conversation and to take my mind off the worry. I found out she was from Africa and has only been living in Dallas for the past eight years. I asked about if she had any sisters or brothers and she seemed to disappear from the entire conversation. I spotted tears gathering in the corners of her eyes and wondered what that was all about.

  After Xenya cooked, we sat down, ate, and then made our way to the guest bedroom to rest. I haven't really had a decent amount of rest since Zavier was hospitalized.

  "Night, night," Tamarion said followed by his brother Zyir.

  "Night, night," I repeated to them.


  Glass breaking and heavy voices stirred me from my sleep. I jumped from the bed and walked to the bedroom door where I peeked my head out the crack. I couldn't see anything but heard clearly the bold voices of someone speaking another language. I tried to stick my head out a little more to get a better view when the door cracked and suddenly the voices stopped.

  "No! No! No!"

  I heard Xenya shriek out and suddenly heard footsteps coming my way. I pushed the door closed, twisted the lock, and ran over to the boys. Just when I thought about escaping through the window, the bedroom door came crashing down, and two bulky built guys stepped in.

  "Pleas don't hurt my kids," I yelled holding my hands out in front of me.

  "Pretty, pretty girl," one of them said. His accent was so thick and rooted that I could barely understand a word that he said.

  "Come here!" the other one ordered.

  "Please---I didn't do anything!"

  The boys had awakened and gathered up together at the top of the bed. I was so fuckin' scared to the point where I almost pissed on myself. The first bulky guy came at me, snatched me by my hair, and pulled me out of the bedroom. So much for Tamar getting us to safet
y. I thought as I was being dragged against my will.

  My boys were screaming and hollering for the man to let me go but as soon as we entered into the living room he tossed me next to Xenya. She shook her head no continuously while tears streamed down her dark face like a faucet.

  "She doesn't have anything to do with this!" Xenya cried out to a man that held a knife in his hand the same size as the chopper that hung around his body.

  "I asked you if anyone else was here and you lied to me Xenya!"

  "Because she does not matter! She and the kids needed a place to sleep for the night, I barely know this woman and she barely knows me!" Xenya sniffed.

  "Where the fuck is Black?" the goon with the big ass knife ignored Xenya and approached me.

  "Bla--Black?" I stuttered. I couldn't believe that Tae entrusted me and his children in the care of a muthafucka that had gorilla looking niggas after him. These dudes looked like they lived on the jungle and hunted animals down for a living. I knew they had to be from the same place as Xenya due to their thick accents.

  "The fuck is he at? Tell me now or I'll kill you and those kids back there!" he yelled so ruthlessly that spittle hit me in the face.

  "Uncle Enzi, she doesn’t even know Black! I promise you she doesn’t! Please leave her out of this! I will take you to Black myself but you have to leave her and her kids out of this!” Xenya screamed with force. Her African accent was even more noticeable when she got angry.

  The men spoke amongst each other in African dialect for a few moments; the leader suddenly jerked Xenya up from the floor and pulled her out of the apartment with the rest of the goons following behind them. I breathed a sigh of relief not even feeling bad for Xenya, this was her and Black’s mess; me and my kids didn’t have anything to do with it. I stood up from the floor and got ready to go back to where the kids were in bedroom waiting. I could see the both of them peeking around the corner so I held out both of my arms for them to come to me. Tamarion began to run my way first but he stopped abruptly, his eyes widened, and his mouth dropped open. I looked over my shoulder and spotted one of the African men standing behind me with a gun pointed in my direction. Instantly a tear fell from my eye because I knew there was nothing I could to stop him.


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