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The King's Raven

Page 21

by Kristen Cobb

  “Well Rhona, your husband is supposed to be procuring food for my trip. I have two bags right here. Is there any way I might get you to fill them with food?” Conri gave her his most charming smile.

  Rhona smiled back, brown eyes lighting up the way women always did when he granted them his full attention. “How long will you be gone?”

  “About a week.” He handed her the two leather sacks, attached together by straps. They were meant to hang over a horse’s back. Retrieving them from his trunk took a bit of work. Not currently allowed in his own chamber and unable to find Sedric, sending Donal seemed the only option. The guards allowed the boy to go up because they really had no reason not to. He could not send anyone else because Nessa was not actually in the room. He would have to hope Donal could keep a secret, especially from Will. Donal also pilfered Nessa’s extra clothes and her boots. Her bag of clothing currently hung across his body.

  “Of course. I just need to clear it with Meara.” Rhona looked at Sedric, clearly puzzled. “Why did you not just tell me that?” She walked away shaking her head.

  “She turned into a bird. Just like that.” Sedric snapped his fingers.

  “Keep your voice down. No one can know about that.” Conri had the strongest urge to wrap his hands around Sedric’s neck and pin him against the wall to keep him from speaking. Problem was he needed Sedric’s cooperation for more than just keeping his mouth shut. He needed an ally.

  “So I am not losing my mind?” Sedric finally looked at him with a clear, focused gaze.

  “No, you are not losing your mind.” Conri stood much closer to Sedric than he would have liked, speaking quietly as possible. “I need you to pretend that Nessa is still my chamber. Go into the room when you bring her food up and eat it yourself if you have to so it appears as if she is actually in there. And above all do not allow anyone else in that room, not even Allister if you can help it.

  “Are you two leaving?” At least Sedric was speaking in hushed tones now. If this had been Allister with his deep resonant voice the entire kitchen would be listening to their conversation.

  “I am taking her to meet my family.” It felt incredibly odd to say that out loud. This was not a journey he ever expected to be making.

  “Are you and your family like Nessa? Can you…” Sedric waved his fingers about. “Well, you know.” Sedric looked around nervously to make certain no one stood within hearing distance.

  “My family can. I cannot.” How much to tell Sedric was a question he had not yet fully considered. They had no plan in place for this.

  Conri’s mind began to wander as they stood silently, waiting for Rhona to return with the packs of food, thinking about his childhood. Growing up with the shifters he had been fairly isolated from the mortal world. They lived in a forested area at the base of Knocknashee, the Moy River flowing from the base of the hill. The clean, clear water traveled all the way to the sea.

  There were two other children at Knocknashee about his age, Glenna and Declan. It had been a very long time since he’d given his childhood friends even a passing thought. Some of the memories were quite pleasant. Others not so much. Declan, a couple of years older, was sent away first. He could still remember watching Declan walk away from Knocknashee alone, no more than nine or ten years old. Being about seven or eight himself, and unable to change form, Conri had been keenly aware that his time was fast approaching. The elders simply told Declan to follow the river all the way to the sea.

  Glenna, blessed with the ability to change form, was allowed to remain at Knocknashee. She could turn into a wren, a small brown bird able to blend in with almost any environment. Shifters could only turn into one animal. He remembered his mother being able to turn into a gull, a large white bird that most certainly did not ever blend in with the environment. He’d been so excited as a young boy thinking he might someday have that ability.

  Glenna would hide in the trees and spy on people. Although he’d been incredibly jealous of her ability to change form it was impossible to dislike her. Declan however had been a difficult person to feel any real fondness for. Angry about not being able to change form he constantly took it out on everyone around him. The only reason the two of them spent any time at all together was a lack of alternative companionship.

  Memories began flooding back. People and places he somehow refrained from thinking about for the majority of his adult life, or so he believed. What a fool he had been to imagine his past could be set aside as if it never happened. He realized now it followed along beside him the entire time, guiding nearly every decision he ever made. The inferiority assailing him in his relationship with Nessa proved that.

  He should be elated to have a wife with the powers of a god. Instead he was plagued by insecurities that would ruin their relationship if he did not deal with the cause. Pushing her away would be the greatest mistake of his life. They needed each other. It was time he faced the past rather than running from it or pretending it held no sway over his life at all. If that were true he would not be trying so hard to convince Nessa she should be with a shifter rather than a lowly outcast. She clearly loved him so why could he not just accept that and be grateful? He wanted to bang his head against the wall and somehow remove all the damage done by his family’s rejection, being shunned by his own mother.

  Rhona returned with the bags filled to bursting with food. “Meara put in some of her fresh baked blackberry tarts. They are on the top wrapped in a cloth so try and be careful not to crush them.” Rhona handed over the sacs.

  Conri grabbed the straps connecting the bags. Laying the straps over one arm he tried to smile, fairly certain it fell short. Too many old and painful memories filled his head at the moment. “Many thanks Rhona.”

  “You are most welcome.” Rhona looked at Sedric for a moment, quietly assessing his state of mind.

  “Do not look at me like that woman. I am fine. I will see you later.” Sedric kissed Rhona on the forehead then headed toward the door.

  Rhona shook her head. “I have never seen him act so odd. Do you think something is wrong with him? Maybe I should…”

  “I think he was just worried about you. Everything should be fine now.” Conri followed Sedric out the door, hoping Rhona would accept his explanation for her husband’s odd behavior.

  Nessa should be waiting for him out by the stables as a beautiful black mare. When he left her to come inside people were sauntering over to check out the new mare. They knew she did not come from the stable. Not actually having a story ready he simply said leave her alone, I will be right back. Striding down the long candlelit hallway toward the front of the castle he was eager to be gone from this place. Too many things could still go wrong.

  The instant he touched the front doors of the castle he felt as if they were almost there. Now he simply needed to get them over the drawbridge and off castle grounds without anyone finding out Nessa and the mare were one and the same. Sedric struggled to keep up with his furious pace. The longer they remained here the more chance there would be of something going seriously wrong.

  Pushing open the front door of the castle he stepped out into the sun, sighing in relief until he noticed the scene awaiting him. What could only be called an enormous group of men were currently gathered around Nessa. Nothing could just be easy with this woman. He seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time extricating her from difficult situations. They were not necessarily her fault but she did seem to attract trouble like no one he had ever met.

  “What do you think is going on over there?

  He was just about to answer Sedric’s question when Will came out of nowhere and pushed him. “Where is she?”

  Donal stood beside Will looking incredibly guilty, head hanging down, peering at the ground. Apparently Donal was not all that good at keeping secrets. The boy finally looked up at him with great trepidation. “He saw me go into the tower. I could not lie to Will.”

  “I am not mad Donal. You have done nothing wrong.” He looked directl
y at Donal as he said it, hoping the boy would believe him.

  Will apparently thought to take advantage of the fact that his attention was focused on Donal by throwing a punch. Before Conri could even react Sedric held Will pinned against the wall by his neck.

  Conri stepped closer to Will. “I have attempted to be patient because I realize that you are in love with her but you have exhausted the limits of my tolerance.”

  Will glared at him, struggling to breathe with Sedric’s large hand pressing on his throat. Donal stood off to the side watching the scene with mild terror.

  “Let him go.” Conri continued to watch Will as he spoke to Sedric.

  Sedric released Will immediately. Hearing the pounding of hooves behind him Conri knew Nessa spotted them. With no reasonable way for her to change at this point she was stuck as a horse for the moment. There were simply too many people around that might see her change. Could this situation possibly get any more complicated?

  Will chose that moment to lunge at him. Conri simply moved out of the way. Not expecting him to move Will fell flat on his face in the dirt. Conri dropped the bags of food onto the ground. Lifting Nessa’s bag over his head he was just taking it off when Will sprang to his feet waving a dagger.

  Nessa reached them just as the weapon appeared in Will’s hand, galloping so fast her long black mane flew behind her. The crowd of men gathered around her ran in haphazard clusters of varying speeds to catch up. Nessa opened her mouth as she reached Will, biting down hard on the arm brandishing the dagger.

  Will yelled out in pain as the horse’s jaws closed on his arm, giving Conri just enough time to pull the knife from his hand. Conri handed the weapon to Sedric. Will stood there rubbing his arm, glaring at her, after Nessa released him.

  Nessa threw her head back, pawing at the ground with her front hooves, making the angriest sound he ever heard coming from a horse. Will wisely took a few steps back.

  Conri picked up the sacs of food, laying them over her back. They had blankets in the stables sized specifically to fit over a horse’s back. The blanket kept the horse’s sweat away from the rider. Conri decided against putting a blanket on her. It would only increase her discomfort when she was the one doing all the work. He never considered the horse’s comfort before. After lifting the bag containing her clothing over his head and laying it across his upper body, Conri grabbed Nessa’s mane, hopping up on her back.

  “Where is she? I know you are trying to keep her from me.” Will left plenty of space between himself and the horse, leery of getting too close.

  “How could I possibly know where Nessa is? I have been ordered to stay away from her, just like you.” Conri made certain his eyes said everything his words did not, he knew Nessa’s whereabouts. Probably childish but he could not help taunting Nessa’s annoyingly persistent suitor. Nessa made her feelings perfectly clear but the man refused to listen.

  The doors to the castle flew open. Rory strode quickly toward them followed by his retinue of personal guards. “What is going on out here? Someone informed me our uninvited guest attacked Conri.”

  Sedric held up Will’s dagger. “He went after Conri with this.”

  Rory grabbed the dagger from Sedric’s hand. “You are no longer welcome here.” Looking directly at Will there was no warmth at all in their king’s gaze. “Get your things and go.”

  “I will make certain he leaves my King.” Sedric smiled at Will, obviously pleased with the turn of events.

  “I demand to know where Nessa is before I…” Will was unable to finish the sentence due to Sedric wrapping an arm around his neck and dragging him toward the stables by his head. Donal followed behind Sedric, his much shorter legs working twice as hard to keep up.

  “Is Nessa still refusing to come out of your chamber?” Rory stuck the dagger beneath his belt.

  “She asks that we leave her alone until word from Father Laurence arrives. Under the circumstances I believe it would be wise to respect that.” Conri practically held his breath waiting for Rory’s reaction.

  Rory peered up at him for what seemed an eternity. His old friend knew all was not as it seemed. “As you say then. From the packs on that horse I assume you are finally leaving to visit your family.”

  “Leaving right now. I will be back in a few days. The guard rotations are all set. Everything should be fine until I return.”

  “Why are you riding a mare?” Rory was admiring the horse, looking her over carefully from front to back. “I have never seen her before. Where did you get her? She would make an excellent brood mare.”

  “Actually she found me.” Conri lightly pressed his knees against Nessa’s sides, letting her know he was ready to leave.

  Forced to walk Nessa waited for the crowd of men to part and allow her through. Once on open ground she quickly gained speed.


  Will continued to follow them, Donal seated silently in front of him on the horse. Conri tried everything he could think of to get rid of Nessa’s childhood friend. Ordering him to go away did no good whatsoever, neither did insulting or threatening the man. Will felt absolutely certain that following him would somehow lead to Nessa. The man was relentless, worse than Alana. Riding side by side in a bit of an awkward stalemate neither of them bothered speaking at this point. Other than physically fighting it out there seemed nothing more to say.

  The most pressing issue was Nessa. As far as he knew Will had no idea she could change form. To maintain the secrecy surrounding her ability Nessa would be forced to remain a horse until such time as her incessant suitor went away. Will adamantly refused to leave until he saw Nessa, a dilemma for which he could find no reasonable solution. A few unreasonable solutions did occur to him, like beating the man bloody. In the end it seemed best to let Nessa decide how to deal with the problem of Will.

  Conri followed the River Suck all the way to the end, trying to keep them near water. His childhood home lie in the northwest corner of Rory’s territory, not far from where they were at this very moment. They needed to find a way to get rid of Will before reaching Knocknashee and the shifters.

  As the sun slowly dropped lower in the sky he knew it was time to stop for the day. They would reach Knocknashee tomorrow with very little effort. Pulling lightly on Nessa’s mane she immediately stopped. Throwing a leg over her back Conri dismounted. The instant he pulled the packs off her back she changed into human form, the transition nearly instantaneous.

  Will’s eyes opened wide as he watched Nessa walk naked to the river, her childhood friend still seated atop his horse. Drenched in sweat, her hair soaking wet, it pointed out how hard a horse worked to carry people around. Nessa jumped into the river from the bank with a splash.

  Conri lifted the hemp sack containing her clothing up and over his head. Setting it on the ground next to the bags of food he opened the flap. Watching Will walk over out of the corner of his eye he removed Nessa’s clothing from the bag.

  “Nessa was the horse.” Truly stunned Will actually spoke to him without any real animosity or anger.

  “Yes.” Holding Nessa’s clothing and boots in his arms Conri walked toward the bank of the river.

  “She can turn into a horse?” Will followed him.

  “Nessa can turn into any creature she wants.” No point in trying to hide it now. Apparently Nessa decided to let Will in on the secret.

  They stood silently, watching Nessa rinse out her hair in the river. Donal walked over without saying a word.

  When Nessa began swimming toward land Conri decided the least they could do was give her a bit of privacy. “You two need to turn around until she is dressed.” He could not stand the thought of Will seeing Nessa naked any more than necessary. Out of necessity most shifters were not overly concerned with clothing, nor easily embarrassed by nudity, a difficult transition for him to make after living in the mortal world for so long.

  Donal and Will both turned their backs to the river without an argument. Conri set Nessa’s clothes and boots on
the grass then reached down both hands to help her out of the water. Placing her hands in his she looked into his eyes as he pulled her up out of the water. She was dripping wet. Nessa leaned forward a bit, twisting her long blonde hair over her left shoulder, squeezing out the excess water.

  Conri knew how uncomfortable it could be getting dressed while still soaking wet. Having nothing handy to dry her off with he decided to use his own clothing for the task. He pulled her up against his body, immediately feeling the water dampen his shirt. Turning her around in his arms he pressed the front of his body against her back, running the sleeves of his tunic up and down her arms.

  Conri was drying her with his clothes, one of the most thoughtful gestures she ever personally experienced. After drying the top half of her body Conri bent down, running the sleeves of his tunic over her legs. Still standing with her back to him she allowed him to finish before turning around. Looking at Conri then at Will’s back she said a silent thank you to the trees. They kept telling her to wait, that Will was not her true mate. She could not imagine a better husband than Conri. Will on the other hand still acted like a spoiled child determined to get his way at any cost.

  Conri picked up her shirt. “You need to deal with him. He cannot come with us.”

  Nessa grabbed her shirt, quickly slipping it on over her head. Bending down she picked up her pants. The grass felt wonderfully soft beneath her feet as she lifted one foot at a time into the snug fitting garment. Leaning against Conri she managed to get her boots on. They were short boots, the top reaching just past her ankles. The bottom was made of a double layer of cowhide stitched together. Although reasonably comfortable they provided a less than desirable degree of protection when walking on extremely rocky terrain.

  Nessa immediately walked over to Will, pushing him from behind. “You tried to kill my husband.”

  Will managed to keep from falling, quickly turning around to face her. “I was not actually going to kill him and he is not your husband yet.”


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