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The King's Raven

Page 23

by Kristen Cobb

  Conri watched Nessa walk away. Long blonde hair reached the middle of her back. She always wore it down now, for him. The lean muscled strength of her body gave her a grace of movement that compelled him to continue watching her as she stepped into the river. It was shallow at this end where the water first emerged from the hill, allowing Nessa to lie down in the river without floating away. She closed her eyes, hair flowing around her in the water.

  Conri heard Will and Donal dismount from their horse and walk over to stand next to him. He seemed unable to pull his eyes away from watching Nessa, waiting for her to emerge from the water. He still had difficulty believing she wanted to be his wife.

  “I am Will by the way, and this is Donal. How do you know this rude oaf?”

  Conri managed to tear his gaze away from Nessa long enough to look at Will and Glenna. Will seemed completely focused on Glenna. Glenna on the other hand was watching him, paying Will no real attention at all.

  “We grew up together. Who exactly are you?” Now Glenna did give Will her undivided attention. The look she sent his way suspicious rather than welcoming. Apparently Glenna just now realized he may have brought a mortal into their midst.

  “I have known Nessa since we were children.” Will waved his hand about. “Conri told me all about you people. Not to worry.”

  “You brought a mortal here? Your grandfather will not be happy.” Glenna appeared more worried than upset.

  Thoughts of his grandfather did not exactly bring a smile to his face, an austere man who did not encourage affection of any kind. As the eldest of all the immortals everyone deferred to him as their leader. His grandfather and the other elders were the ones who insisted anyone unable to change form be banished from Knocknashee. An exception was not even made for his own grandson.

  Seeing Nessa stand up in the river diverted his attention. Stepping out of the water onto the riverbank she bent over. Pulling her long hair to one side she began ringing the water out of her hair. Conri walked over to his wife, ignoring Glenna’s comment.

  “Have you come to dry me off again husband?” Nessa twisted the ends of her hair, ringing out the last of the excess water, peering up at him with a flirtatious grin.

  He could not seem to make himself smile or even speak. The more he thought about his grandfather the more he realized this trip had been a huge mistake. Protecting Nessa should be what mattered most. Bringing her here might actually do just the opposite. He had not even considered the fact that his grandfather might reject her or even fear her. Opening his arms he beckoned her in without saying a word.

  Nessa laid a hand against the side of his face, looking deeply into his eyes. Something was wrong. Given the warm reception he just received that surprised her. “What is going on in there?”

  “Nothing.” Conri wrapped his arms around her, rubbing the sleeves of his shirt down her arms and over her back.

  Nessa pushed him away. “Do not lie to me. I can see that something is bothering you. What happened after I walked away? Who is that woman anyway? Is she your mother?” How did one even tell with an immortal? It was not as if age would be an indicator.

  “No.” Conri bent down, running the sleeve of his shirt over her buttocks and down the back of her legs. “She is a friend from my childhood.”

  “She seemed happy to see you so what is the problem?” Watching Conri grip the edge of his sleeve with his fingers he slid one hand between her leg. Wiping the inside of her right leg with his shirt was all she could tolerate. Worry seemed to be quickly turning to desire, which was completely unacceptable. She knelt down in front of Conri before he could begin drying the other leg. “Please tell me what happened.”

  “Let me finish drying you.” Conri pulled her boots out of the bag, setting them on the ground next to her.

  “If you continue touching me I might ravish you in front of your childhood friend.” Reaching into the bag she pulled out her tunic. Slipping it on over her head Nessa stood up. She also did not want Conri demeaning himself in front of these people. What he was doing right now might make him appear subservient even though she appreciated the gesture.

  Conri grinned as he pulled her pants out of the bag and stood up. “I do believe I would prefer that to talking about my feelings.”

  Nessa took her pants from him, sliding one leg in. “I am worried about you. I never did think coming here was a good idea.” Slipping her other leg in, she pulled the pants up. Odd how being naked in front of others after changing form did not seem to bother her.

  “Glenna mentioned that grandfather would not be happy about my bringing mortals here. It reminded me how incredibly intolerant he is. I am worried about his reaction to you. There is a chance I did not completely think this through.” Conri reached down and picked up her shoes.

  Nessa took one of the shoes from him then set a hand on his left shoulder. Lifting up her right foot she slid it into the boot. “I could not possibly care any less about what he thinks of me. My only concern is how he treats you.” Taking the other boot from Conri she stuffed her left foot into it.

  Conri was watching her with an odd look on his face. “I will more than likely be told to leave. If that happens I think you should stay and at least see what he knows about the ancient ones. I will head back the way we came and…”

  “Absolutely not. If you leave I leave.” Nessa picked up the bag for her clothes, heading back toward Will, Donal, and Glenna, refusing to even have this conversation.

  Conri followed beside her. “My grandfather is one of the oldest immortals. If anyone can help us it will be him.”

  Will pointed somewhere behind her. Nessa and Conri both turned around at the same time. A man and a woman, fully dressed except for the fact they wore no shoes, were walking toward them. The woman was staring intently at Conri in what appeared to be disbelief, as if seeing a ghost. This had to be Conri’s mother. As she moved closer Nessa could see her eyes. They were a very pale green. Tall and thin her long brown hair was darker than Conri’s. Actually she did not really see Conri in the woman at all. Nevertheless she felt certain this would be his mother.

  The woman continued moving toward them while the man stopped a few steps away. He appeared older than Conri, Glenna, or the woman. Perhaps they actually did age. He was tall and thin with severe features and a bit of grey sprinkling his long beard and shoulder length dark brown hair. The man appeared seriously unhappy to see Conri. She could feel the hostility emanating from him.

  Nessa watched the woman walk right up to Conri. “You look just like your father.”

  “Yes he does.” The man actually seemed disgusted by the sight of Conri.

  “I have not come to cause trouble. I want nothing more than to ask you a few questions about the ancients.” Conri ignored the woman even though she looked up at him with an awestruck gaze on her face. His eyes were fixed on the man she now realized must be his grandfather.

  “You need to leave, and take your friends with you. None of you are welcome here.” Not even a hint of warmth could be detected in the man’s voice.

  The woman stepped aside to let Conri and the man talk. Her meek acquiescence told Nessa more than any words could have. Conri’s grandfather was in charge and most likely ordered Conri’s banishment. His mother clearly adored him. Unfortunately she had not been strong enough to stand against her father. What seemed unfathomable now came completely into focus.

  “I have no intention of speaking to that man.” Nessa wrapped her hand around Conri’s. “Could we please leave?” The way things stood right now there was nothing here for Conri but pain. She refused to watch these people hurt him all over again.

  The touch of Nessa’s hand pulled Conri’s gaze away from his grandfather. Her eyes were fairly begging him to leave. Nessa had been against coming here. He should have listened to her. Oddly enough the trip had not been a complete waste of time. Standing here bearing the full force of his grandfather’s hatred was merely uncomfortable rather than acutely painful. The sole r
eason being the woman with her hand tightly wrapped around his. She loved him. Her love acted like a stonewall keeping out the worst of his family’s disdain. They could not truly hurt him now.

  Conri smiled at his wife, the fact that he could stand here in his grandfather’s presence and feel any happiness at all nothing short of a miracle. She was his wife. He had a partner. Someone who would have his back no matter what. It made him feel powerful. “We can leave right now if you would like.”

  “I would like that very much.” Nessa released his hand and bent down, grabbing the bag for her clothes. Lifting it over his head she settled it across his body.

  “I am more than willing to walk.” He felt a bit guilty forcing her to carry him anymore today. She was the one doing all the work on this journey.

  “No, I want to put as much distance as possible between us and these people before nightfall.” Nessa removed her shirt, folded it then stuffed the seriously worn garment in the bag. She saw no reason to delay their departure. Conri’s grandfather quite obviously despised him and his mother would never stand up to her father. Neither of those factors were likely to change overnight.

  “She is a shifter?” The woman’s expression revealed the same degree of confusion as Glenna.

  Nessa leaned against Conri to take her shoes off. “I am one of the ancients, or so I am told by your son. He is your son, is he not?” Nessa looked directly at the woman. Hoping to make her uncomfortable.

  With a barely perceptible nod the woman stared at her in disbelief.

  “That is impossible.” Conri’s grandfather did not sound so commanding and confident now.

  “That is Ciaran, my grandfather.” Conri sounded almost apologetic, as if it were his fault. “Etain, my mother.” Conri motioned toward the meek woman standing next to him. “And Glenna.”

  Nessa finished taking her second shoe off, putting it into the bag she turned to face Ciaran. Quickly gathering power Nessa raised her hand swirling the silver bands of energy around Ciaran’s body beginning at his shoulders. Attempting to move his arms Ciaran immediately realized the wispy strands rendered him immobile. She continued whirling her hand around until Ciaran’s body was completely wrapped in glittering bands. Nessa could not help but grin as she watched him struggle to escape the confining strands of power. For once Conri’s grandfather was not the one in control. Slowly raising her hand his body lifted off the ground. She heard a shocked gasp from both of the women.

  “Put him down Ness.” Conri laid a hand on her arm.

  Nessa ignored her husband’s gently spoken command. Ciaran’s eyes held more than a hint of fear now, a moment she was extremely reluctant to relinquish. She disliked the man a great deal. His actions wounded Conri irreparably, an unforgivable crime in her eyes. Continuing to raise him higher in the air she moved him slowly toward a thick branch in a nearby oak tree.

  “That is enough wife. You have made your point.” Conri moved to stand in front of her, attempting to block her view of his grandfather. His tone much more commanding now.

  “Wife! You married one of the ancients?” While Nessa could not see Etain’s face the woman’s voice made her feelings clear. She was neither pleased nor impressed with Conri’s choice.

  “I am merely going to set him in the tree. Your reprehensible grandfather will not be harmed unless he opens his mouth again and speaks in my presence.” Keeping Ciaran floating high in the air she stole a glance at Conri. His attempt to look fierce almost elicited a laugh, a reaction he would undoubtedly take offense to.

  “Higher, higher.” Donal jumped up and down with the kind of pure excitement only children seem to feel.

  That pushed Nessa completely over the edge. She could not contain the huge smile that spread across her face any longer. For the first time since they arrived she felt truly happy. Conri’s despicable grandfather floated helplessly in the air, wrapped in bands of power only she could control. Donal was overflowing with joy for the first time since she met him. Will winked at her in approval and Conri was attempting to be fearsome which never seemed to have the desired effect.

  Conri set his hands on his hips. “A wife should always obey her husband.”

  That particular statement changed her mood in an instant. If she could set a person on fire with nothing more than a glance Conri would be in flames at the moment. Nessa decided to focus on Ciaran first. Rather than bringing him down she set him on a large branch in the oak tree. Once Ciaran was safely settled and clinging to the branch she released him from her control, removing the cocoon of glittering energy and walking away. Etain and Will stepped out of the way, wisely allowing her a wide berth.

  Conri caught up to her almost immediately, grabbing her arm. “Ness, stop. I was just…”

  Nessa pulled her arm from his grasp. “Is that how you think our marriage is going to work? You will order me about and I am expected to simply do whatever you say.” She had never been this angry with him.

  “If I wanted a meek biddable wife I certainly would not have chosen you.” A touch of anger crept into Conri’s eyes now as well.

  “You have not actually married me yet. There is still time to change your mind.” The moment the words were spoken she regretted saying them.

  “I am beginning to think it is you who does not want to be married.” Suddenly there was no anger in Conri’s voice, only pain.

  Will, Donal, Etain, and Glenna were all watching them. Conri’s grandfather no longer sat in the tree. Ciaran’s clothing lay on the ground beneath the tree.

  When Conri turned to walk away she wrapped her arms around him from behind. The feel of her bare skin against his shirt reminded her she was only partly dressed. It seemed far too late to worry about that now. “I spoke in anger. I am sorry. In case you failed to notice I do not like being ordered about.” The pain in Conri’s eyes dissipated her anger in the span of a heartbeat.

  Conri turned around in her arms, the faintest hint of a grin on his face. “I am used to giving orders. What I am not accustomed to is having them ignored.”

  “Then I suspect this will be an adjustment for you.” Nessa gave him her sweetest smile.

  “I suspect it will be.” The warmth in Conri’s eyes told her all was well. “How fast can you get us back to the castle wife. I find I am missing our bed.” He leaned down close to her ear. “And the privacy of our chamber.”

  “I am coming with you.” Etain’s previously meek voice sounded almost confident. Like everything else about her it fell just short. There was still a hesitancy, like a baby bird just learning to fly, frightened to leave the nest.

  Conri turned and looked at his mother with no visible reaction on his face. Nessa knew it was all an illusion. The stone-like expression hid a wealth of emotion. Nessa wanted to hug his mother. The woman was finally showing a bit of courage and choosing her son. They all stood silently, waiting for Conri to say something.

  “Do what you like.” Conri walked over to their bags of food. Lifting the heavy sacs off the ground he never even glanced at his mother. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Almost.” Nessa smiled at Conri, looking into his eyes. Watching closely she could see just a hint of the emotion he attempted to hide. He was not unaffected by his mother’s decision to leave Knocknashee.

  Walking toward Conri’s mother fallen branches and twigs on the ground stuck into her bare feet, cool air brushed against her exposed breasts. “You may ride with us if you like.” Nessa leaned in close to Etain, whispering so no one else would hear. “It will allow you to spend some time with your son. Just do not expect a lot of conversation.”

  Etain’s smile transformed her face, pale green eyes nearly sparkling with happiness. “I would like that.”

  Nessa gently grasped Etain’s hand, leading her toward Conri. Taking off her pants Nessa stuffed them in the bag hanging across Conri’s body. He had the bags of food slung over one arm, waiting for her to change form. Will threw Donal up on his horse.

  Glenna walked over to Conri.
“But you just arrived.”

  “I cannot stay here. Grandfather would make it unbearable.” Conri’s voice held a wealth of sadness as he looked at his old friend.

  Nessa watched Glenna and Conri stare sadly at each other. Feelings that seemed suspiciously like jealousy and possessiveness crept up on her without warning, emotions she was completely unacquainted with. The impulse to push Glenna away from Conri proved difficult to ignore.

  “You could come with us.” Conri spoke the words hesitantly as if trying not to spook Glenna, a look that resembled longing in his eyes.

  Nessa very nearly held her breathe waiting for Glenna’s answer. What if the woman said yes? Nessa took a deep breath, reminding herself that Conri loved her. He was merely attempting to reconnect with someone from his childhood, a person who shared that part of his life and had actually been kind to him. The least she could do was support him in that endeavor. “Yes, you should definitely come with us. We are getting married on Samhain. I am told Rory usually holds a grand celebration.”

  Glenna finally glanced at her, making eye contact in a silent assessment of sorts. After a moment Glenna smiled. “You really do love him.” It seemed more of a statement than a question, as if Glenna were somehow able to ascertain such a thing in a glance.

  “More than I am willing to admit.” Nessa fought back a smile, still a bit reluctant to like the woman.

  “I have never been away from Knocknashee. This is going to be a grand adventure.” Glenna bent down and grabbed the hem of her dress, quickly pulling the garment up over her head. “Who is Rory? Is he handsome? Is he a mortal?” Glenna shoved her dress in the bag hanging across Conri’s upper body. It just barely fit. Thankfully she had no shoes on because the bag was now stuffed full. “Of course I will fly because Nessa cannot possibly carry three people and the mortal is already carrying the boy.”

  “Rory is a very good friend of Conri’s and the king of Ireland. I suppose he could be considered attractive and yes, he is definitely a mortal.” She considered warning Glenna to stay away from Rory but figured that could wait. There was no guarantee Glenna would even be attracted to him.


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