Book Read Free


Page 8

by Christopher Mitchell

  ‘Fucksake,’ Keira muttered, ‘look at him milking it.’

  ‘Jealous?’ Flora said.

  ‘Fuck off,’ Keira said. ‘I’m glad he’s getting the attention. Means I can just relax and get pished while he does all the talking.’

  ‘Yeah, right.’

  Keira glared at her. ‘Yer a right wee lippy cow these days.’

  Kelpie came over to their table as the crowds began to disperse.

  ‘Laodoc,’ she grinned, sitting and putting her arm over his shoulder. Keira sniggered.

  Kelpie ignored her. ‘Once again, my fine Rahain gentleman, you’ve done the job for me. Takings are up, and the place has been mobbed for days. You’re quite the draw. ’

  ‘It’s my pleasure, Madam Kelpie. I’m flattered and surprised that anyone would want to listen to the tales of a boring old man like me.’

  Kelpie laughed.

  ‘You two can borrow my room if you want,’ Keira said.

  Kelpie tutted. ‘What’s the matter with you?’

  ‘It’s disgusting watching the pair of ye. I don’t want to have to see old folk getting it on.’

  ‘Ignore her,’ Flora said, ‘she’s just jealous Laodoc’s stolen all her attention.’

  ‘Am I fuck,’ Keira snorted.

  ‘It does seem that way,’ said Agang from her right.

  She turned to him. ‘And when are you going to speak up? Why don’t you tell the crowds a tale? What about the one where I kicked yer arse?’

  ‘Maybe I should,’ he said. ‘I’m sure all your admirers would love to hear how you rained down fire on a town of innocent men, women and children, and I had to surrender to stop you slaughtering them.’

  ‘You were in our way,’ she shrugged. ‘We did what we had to do to stop the Emperor.’

  ‘But you didn’t, did you?’

  She growled at him. ‘Fuck you, eight-thirds, at least I managed a better go of it than you did.’

  ‘Behave, Keira,’ Kelpie said. ‘Anyway, that’s you lot done. You’ve got the rest of the night off.’

  She stood, and walked off to the bar. Bay and Dora, who had been hanging around like flies, came over to their table.

  ‘Can we sit?’

  ‘No,’ said Keira, as Laodoc said ‘Yes’ at the same time.

  Keira frowned. ‘Fuck it, all right.’

  The two young women sat.

  ‘Where’s Dean?’ Dora said.

  ‘Fucked if I know,’ Keira said.

  ‘I think he’s coming along later,’ Flora said. ‘I don’t think he likes the crowds.’

  ‘Fancy him, do ye?’ Keira said .

  Dora went red.

  ‘She does, aye,’ Bay said.

  ‘He’s about your age, Dora,’ Flora said, ‘and he’s a good looking boy. Why not?’

  ‘You knew him in Rahain, Mister Laodoc,’ Bay said. ‘Did he have any girlfriends?’

  ‘Not that I know of, dear,’ Laodoc said, ‘but Killop was quite strict, and kept Dean in the estate house most of the time.’

  ‘Why?’ said Dora. ‘Was he a troublemaker?’

  ‘No, it was to keep secret the fact that he was a fire mage.’

  Keira snorted. ‘He’s not a fire mage yet, if he’ll ever be one.’

  ‘Aye he is,’ said Dora. ‘Not in the same league as you, of course.’

  Flora refilled everyone’s glasses with whisky.

  Laodoc put his hand over his glass. ‘No more for me, Miss Flora, thank you.’ He turned to Keira. ‘Would now be a good time to hold a discussion?’

  Keira scowled. ‘About what?’

  ‘About our plans for the future.’

  Keira sighed, downed her whisky, and poured herself another.

  ‘I’ve been listening to everything Agang has told me,’ Laodoc went on, ‘and I’ve heard the tales you have to tell. In my opinion, if everything you say is correct, then the world is in a most perilous situation.’

  ‘Ach well,’ Keira said. ‘It’s a shite world anyway.’

  ‘The Emperor has gained powers beyond all measure,’ Laodoc said. ‘And sooner or later, he will discover that you are alive and well, and living out your days in a tavern in Domm.’

  ‘We’re endangering everyone with our presence here,’ Agang said. ‘Maybe it’ll take some time for the Emperor to cast his eye southwards, but it’s inevitable that he’ll come, if he knows you’re here.’

  ‘Let’s fucking hear it then,’ Keira said.

  ‘What?’ said Laodoc.

  ‘Yer plan, lizardface. I assume you’ve fucking got one?’

  Laodoc’s tongue flickered. ‘Indeed. We organise a small force, two dozen maybe, and search for Mage Shella. ’

  Keira started to laugh. ‘Yer fucking kidding me, right? Search for Shella? Yer out of yer fucking minds.’

  Laodoc frowned.

  ‘She’s drunk,’ said Flora. ‘Maybe now’s not the best time to engage her in constructive dialogue.’

  ‘I think you’re right, Miss Flora,’ Laodoc said. He glanced at Agang. ‘Shall we?’

  Agang nodded, and the two men got to their feet.

  ‘Night all,’ Agang said, and they left the tavern.

  ‘Pair of fucking eejits,’ Keira muttered, slugging back more whisky.

  ‘Mage Keira,’ said Bay, ‘are we in danger?’

  ‘Nah. We’re safe down here.’

  ‘But the Emperor…?’

  ‘Can kiss my arse,’ Keira said. ‘Wanker.’

  ‘The Emperor’s got a lot more to worry about than us,’ Flora said. ‘Rahain’s in a civil war, Sanang’s in anarchy and fuck knows what’s going on in the rest of the world. It’ll be a long time before he even hears about Domm.’

  ‘But when he does?’

  ‘Don’t worry about it, hen,’ Keira said. ‘Any fucker comes to Domm, I’ll fry his arse off.’

  Bay nodded, but her eyes were troubled.

  ‘Here he comes,’ Dora whispered.

  Keira glanced up, and saw Dean walk past the bar towards them, looking younger than his seventeen years.

  He flushed when he noticed Dora sitting at the table.

  ‘Hi, Dean,’ Flora said. ‘You want an ale?’

  ‘Aye, thanks,’ Dean said, taking a seat while Flora poured him a mug.

  Bay shook her head at Dora, whose eyes were fixed on the table, her cheeks flushed.

  ‘What you been up to?’ Flora asked him.

  ‘Not much,’ he said. ‘Just reading in my room.’

  ‘Fucksake,’ Keira said. ‘Call yerself a fire mage? Reading? At your age ye should be out raising havoc and causing mischief, and fighting off the lassies with a shitty stick. Is this how my brother raised ye?’

  Dean lowered his head. ‘Me and a hundred other kids were locked up in a Rahain camp for years, and Chief Killop rescued us. But I never got to go out. I wasn’t allowed to leave the big house because I was a fire mage, so I didn’t have any friends. Except for Lilyann, but she ran away.’

  Dora gazed at the boy, her eyes full of pity.

  ‘Boo hoo,’ said Keira. ‘Sounds like Killop kept ye safe enough, but now that yer here ye can relax.’ She filled a glass with whisky and passed it across the table to him. ‘Drink this, ye’ve got some catching up to do.’

  Two hours later, Keira opened another bottle of whisky.

  ‘I think he’s had enough,’ Flora said.

  ‘Fuck off,’ Keira muttered. ‘The boy’s got to learn sometime.’

  Dean picked up his refilled glass, grinning. Dora was sitting next to him, the whisky having emboldened both of them. Bay sat looking bored to the side, as Dora whispered in the boy’s ear.

  ‘I wish I had some fucking weed,’ Keira said.

  ‘So do I,’ said Flora.

  ‘You miss it, eh?’

  ‘Not really, but you’re less of an arsehole when you smoke, compared to when you just drink.’

  ‘Are you here just to fucking nip ma head?’

  ‘I enjoy winding you u
p, it’s one of the few pleasures I have left.’

  ‘Ye should get yourself fucking laid,’ Keira said. ‘A bit of Kellach love action is what you’re needing.’

  ‘One can hope.’

  ‘I’ll set ye up, hen,’ Keira said. ‘Just leave it to me. I’ve noticed Kendrie eyeing ye up. He smells a bit funny, but I could make him have a bath first.’

  Flora frowned and shook her head .

  ‘All right, maybe not him,’ Keira said, her eyes scanning the few remaining regulars at the bar, ‘but I’ll find ye a sturdy lad.’

  ‘Please don’t.’

  ‘What? I thought ye wanted to get laid?’

  ‘Never mind,’ Flora said. ‘Can we talk about something else?’

  Keira smirked. ‘Come on, when’s the last time ye had a cock between yer legs?’

  ‘Fuck off, Keira.’

  Keira laughed and downed her whisky. She glanced over to Dean and Dora, who were both giggling.

  ‘So, my wee fire mage,’ she said, ‘yer feeling a bit braver after a few whiskies it looks like.’

  Dean grinned at her.

  ‘I think it’s time ye showed us what ye can do,’ Keira said. ‘I mean, ye say yer a fire mage, but I’ve not seen any proof of yer claim.’

  ‘What, now?’ Dean said, looking bewildered.

  ‘Aye, ya numpty, now,’ Keira said. She reached over and unlatched a lamp from the wall and set it on the table, between her and Dean. The young man stared at it. Keira smiled.

  ‘I see it in yer eyes,’ she said, lifting the glass covering off the lamp, and exposing the naked flame. ‘Now, show us.’

  ‘I’m.. I’m too drunk,’ he said. ‘I’m not ready.’

  ‘If yer not ready now, wee man, ye’ll never be fucking ready.’

  Dean glanced to his side, but Dora said nothing, her eyes wide. Bay shuffled forwards in her seat.

  ‘Leave the boy be if he doesn’t want to do it,’ Flora said.

  ‘No,’ Keira said. ‘Either he proves to us he is what he says he is, or he can fuck off out of this tavern.’

  Fear swept across Dean’s face.

  ‘Are ye nothing but a shitebag, Dean?’ Keira smirked.

  ‘Try,’ said Dora. ‘Please.’

  ‘Come on,’ said Bay.

  Dean closed his eyes. ‘All right, I’ll try.’

  ‘Hey!’ shouted Kelpie as she strode towards them. ‘What in Pyre’s name do ye think yer doing? Are you trying to burn the place down?’ She pointed at the door. ‘Outside if yer going to be up to that sort of thing.’

  ‘Calm yerself, hen,’ Keira laughed. ‘I doubt very much that he’s capable of burning anything down.’

  ‘I don’t give a shit,’ Kelpie cried. ‘No fire-magery indoors. House rules.’

  Keira picked up the lamp and the bottle of whisky and got to her feet. ‘Fair enough. Come on then, wee man.’

  She walked to the back door, the others following. Outside the rain was pelting down, and Keira stood under the wide eaves of the sloping tiled roof. A few yards ahead of her was the low fence next to the cliff-side.

  ‘It’s too wet for this shite,’ cried Bay, ducking out of the rain, and huddling next to Keira.

  ‘Bollocks it is,’ Keira said. ‘Just watch, the lad’ll do fine.’

  Flora, Dora and Dean joined her outside. Keira placed the lamp on the top of an upright barrel, her hands shielding the flame from the breeze. Dean stepped forward, and stood next to the lamp.

  ‘Right, my wee pyro-fucking-maniac,’ Keira said. ‘I’m not expecting anything fancy, mind, just lift up the flame and fire it over the cliff as far as ye can.’

  Dean nodded, closed his eyes and breathed.

  ‘You can do it, Dean,’ Dora said.

  ‘Aye,’ Keira laughed, ‘but she’ll dump yer arse if ye cannae.’

  Dora’s face flushed as Bay sniggered.

  Dean said nothing, his cheeks puffing in and out. Keira took a long swig of whisky.

  The flames began to rise into the air, climbing inch by inch upwards, then Dean cried out, and it fell back down.

  ‘Fucksake,’ Keira muttered, frowning at the lad. ‘What was that supposed to be?’

  ‘Have another try, Dean,’ Flora said.

  He nodded, though to Keira he seemed on the verge of tears. He closed his eyes again, and raised his hand close to the lamp. The flame rose again, stronger than before. When a ball the size of a skull had formed, the link to the lamp fell away, and the mass of fire hovered in the air, just above their heads.

  Dean grunted, and hurled his arm towards the cliff.

  The fireball flew out from under the eaves, but just as Dora began to let out a cheer, it fizzled, broke up, and fell to the sodden ground, where the rain extinguished it in seconds.

  The young man stood in silence, his mouth open, staring at the smoking patch of grass.

  ‘That was fucking embarrassing,’ Keira said, taking another swig of whisky. ‘You’re crap.’

  Bay laughed, while Dora remained stony-faced. She gazed at Dean.

  ‘Now I know why Killop kept ye locked up,’ Keira went on. ‘It was cause he didnae want anyone to see just how shite ye were. Cause if they knew, nobody would be scared of ye. What a fucking disappointment. Stick to books from now on, cause yer no fucking fire mage.’

  ‘Shut up, Keira,’ said Flora.

  ‘Or what, ya whiny wee bitch?’

  Flora’s face twisted in rage. ‘Don’t call me that.’

  Keira swaggered, her head swimming. ‘I’ll call ye what I fucking like. I’m a fucking goddess.’

  ‘You’re a fucking arsehole,’ said Flora, and stormed off back into the tavern, slamming the door behind her.

  Keira tutted, took a swig of whisky, and leered at Dean, who had tears in his eyes.

  ‘Stop greetin’, yer like a wee bairn.’

  She began to laugh, but stopped when she saw Dora glaring at her. The young woman took Dean’s hand. Without a word, she led Dean away through the rain and out of sight behind the tavern.

  ‘Fucksake,’ Keira said. ‘I was only having a fucking laugh. Can they not take a joke?’

  Bay said nothing.

  ‘Come on,’ Keira said. ‘Let’s get another drink. ’

  ‘I think I’ll just go home,’ Bay said, and walked off.

  Keira shrugged. She shook the bottle of whisky. It still had enough in it for a decent slug, so she held it to her lips and drained it, then fell headfirst into the mud.

  She awoke fully clothed, lying on top of her bed. A trail of vomit led from the side of the mouth, down the blankets, and onto the wooden floor.

  ‘Fucking bastard,’ she groaned, her head pounding.

  She attempted to get up, but toppled off the bed, her hand smearing through the pool of sick as she landed. She crawled to the table that held her washbasin, and pulled herself up. The water inside the basin hadn’t been changed since the previous morning, but she washed her hands, and splashed her face. She peered into her weed pouch, even though she knew she would find it empty.

  She needed food, she decided, and a drink. She staggered to the door of her room, and stumbled down the flight of stairs. The passageway leading to the tavern was deserted, so she carried on, and went into the tavern’s main room. It was nearly empty, with just a handful of patrons. The shutters were open, and the day was sunny outside. Kendrie spotted her from the bar and shook his head.

  ‘Check the state of you.’

  She straightened herself, and strode to the bar.

  ‘Give me an ale.’

  Kendrie smiled. He reached under the counter for a mug, and poured her a pint of water.

  ‘This first,’ he said.

  She stared at him, but took the mug, and downed its contents.

  He refilled it with water. ‘Again.’

  ‘Yer being a right prick this morning,’ she muttered, taking the mug. She held it to her lips and drank it down, her stomach feeling heavy and unsettled .

right,’ he said, ‘now ye can have an ale.’

  He took her mug to one of the kegs stacked against the back wall of the bar and filled it.

  ‘About fucking time,’ she said. She took a sip, then felt an urgent need for the toilet.

  ‘See what ye’ve done,’ she cried. ‘I need a piss now.’

  ‘Yer hangover will lift soon,’ he said as she stomped off, ‘then ye can thank me.’

  A freezing wind was blowing through the backyard where the wooden outhouse was located. She opened the door of a stall, and gagged from the stench. She closed the door, pulled down her leathers and squatted over the pit, shivering in the bitter breeze.

  She had a vague feeling that she had been out of her face the night before, but couldn’t remember much. She grinned as she remembered she was now on a day off. She might have a whisky with her breakfast.

  She stood, re-fitted her clothing, and went back into the warmth of the tavern. She walked to the bar and picked up her mug.

  ‘That feels a whole lot fucking better.’

  ‘See?’ said Kendrie. ‘Now, are ye wanting something to eat?’

  ‘Aye,’ she said. ‘Fry whatever ye’ve got in the kitchen and pile it all up on a plate for me, I’m fucking starving.’

  ‘Will I bring it over to the table where yer mates are?’

  Keira frowned, and turned to scan the tavern. In the corner, Flora, Agang and Laodoc were sitting.

  ‘Aye,’ she said. ‘Cheers.’

  She took her mug, and ambled over to the table. The three sat there stopped talking and turned to look at her.

  ‘Morning,’ she said, sitting down.

  Laodoc frowned. ‘Madam mage, you appear to have mud in your hair.’

  ‘Aye?’ She scratched her head. ‘So I do. Weird.’

  She noticed Flora glaring at her.

  ‘You were completely out of order last night,’ the Holdings woman said .

  Keira shrugged.

  ‘You should find Dean, and apologise to him.’

  ‘Eh?’ Keira said. ‘Dean? Oh aye, I remember, he was here last night. Him and Dora were getting all frisky with each other.’

  ‘You don’t remember humiliating him?’

  ‘Nope,’ she said, ‘though if I did he probably deserved it.’

  She took a drink of ale.

  ‘And Dora,’ Flora said. ‘I’m not sure if she’ll be back.’


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