Silver Dove (Silver #2)

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Silver Dove (Silver #2) Page 1

by E. J. Shortall


  Silver series book two

  E.J. Shortall


  Book two in the Silver Series

  Copyright © 2014 by E.J. Shortall

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/ use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  The following story contains mature themes, strong language, and sexual situations. It is intended for adult readers.


  Silver Dove is dedicated to everyone who has suffered the sorrow of losing a child or who face or have faced the heartache of infertility. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


  It has been a crazy rollercoaster ride since releasing Silver Lining in February 2014. There were so many people that helped me to spread the word and get my book out there for people to see. If I don’t mention you personally here, please know your support has meant the world to me and only hope I can one day return the favour.

  Firstly I need to thank TTOP, my admin team. Nade, Karen and Kay, you girls are my saviours. The constant reassurances, laughs, daily pictures of semi naked men, and of course, team building excursions into London to see said semi naked men, are what keep me grounded and stop me from rocking in a corner mumbling to myself. I am forever in your debt and the friendships we have formed mean more to me than you can ever know.

  The awesome authors of the Indie Erogenous Zone; Jen Andrews, Maryann Jordan, Victoria Brock, Andrea Michelle, Andrea Long, Sandra Love, MJ Nightingale, A.D Ellis and ML Steinbrunn. I think I would definitely be rocking in a corner somewhere if it wasn’t for your support, encouragement, help and advice. I find it amazing that a group of authors scattered across the globe have come together as we have. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for just being you and I wish you all so much success with your own endeavours.

  I also need to thank my awesome beta readers; Karen S, Catrina, Karen P, Jessica, Kendra, Melissa, Diane, and Roxie. Once again your feedback has blown me away and I hope Silver Dove is a better read because of you.

  I can’t go anywhere without giving a massive shout out to the ladies of ‘Silver’s Sexy Sirens’ my street team. I thank my lucky stars every day that I have managed to draw in some of the most generous and loyal ladies a girl could ever meet. Your daily pimping, willingness to share and feedback on my sometimes bizarre questions is something I appreciate every single day. You are not just team mates, I class you as friends.

  There have been so many blogs that have supported me over the past few months and I’d be here forever naming them all individually, so I just want to say a blanket thank you to every person who takes the time to blog and help spread the word about our books. Without you, we indie authors wouldn’t be anywhere. I do have to give special thanks to Kaprii and Lorraine at Two Ordinary Girls and Their Books for taking my hand at the very beginning and supporting me ever since. I hope your blog continues to grow ladies. To Jamie at One More Chapter, thank you for organising my Silver Lining blog tour and for allowing me to use your daughter’s name in the book. To Kelly at Kelly’s Kindle Konfessions and Francessca at Francessca’s Romance Reviews, thank you for taking a chance on a newbie and organising the Silver Lining release blitz and for all your support ever since. And finally to Sam at Pixie’s Book Review Blog; Sam, keep working on the blog, you do an amazing job and I am proud to call you a friend.

  Silver Dove would not look as good as it does without the input of two lovely people:

  Sprinkles on Top Studios have done a wonderful job with the cover. I hope people love it as much as I do.

  Nade Ferrabee, I cannot thank you enough for taking on the mantel as my editor. Your keen eye, ability to tell me when things weren’t working and suggestions have helped me improve, not just with Silver Dove but with my writing in general.

  To Mary La thank you for taking part in a Facebook competition to name a character. Marika is now forever in print thanks to you.

  To you, my readers. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I would sell a single book, so to read reviews and hear from people who loved Silver Lining and who were looking forward to Silver Dove, I hope you enjoy it and thank you for your support. You have helped make a girl’s dream come true.

  And finally, to my son, the child giant. You are the light in my life and I am so very proud of the young man you have become. I am sorry that sometimes you have to fix your own dinner or iron your own clothes, but when the words want to come, the words want to come. Thank you for your support and for believing in me and the crazy ride I am taking. I love you loads! Now get back to studying.







































  Amber – Age 7

  “I can’t do it, James. I just can’t do it.” My plimsoll clad foot kicked out at my pink and silver bike that was, yet again, lying in a scratched up mess next to me. “It’s stupid and I’ll never get the hang of it,” I huffed and dropped my forehead onto my scraped and throbbing knee.

  James, my older brother by six years, crouched down beside me. “Hey, don’t beat yourself up kiddo. You’ll get this, I promise,” he reassured me in that soft, calming tone of his that was reserved only for me. “What is it Mum says… If at first you don’t succeed-”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I mumbled cutting him off. I used James’s outstretched hand to help pull me to my feet and then reluctantly reached down to pick my bike up for the fiftieth time that day. For three weeks James had been trying to teach me how to ride my bike without stabilizers. The trouble was I had no sense of balance and as soon as he let go of my seat I would wobble, panic and then fall off. Of course the other boys down the street always thought it was funny and would stand there and laugh at me. That just made me more nervous, knowing they were watching, and so I could never just relax like James wanted me to do.

  “This time Ambs, I’m not going to tell you when I let go, okay? Ignore the idiots and focus on ke
eping your handlebars straight and your eyes forward. You can do this. I know you can do this.” I looked up at James as I climbed on the bike and smiled. James always made me smile. It didn’t matter what was happening, how sad or angry I got, James always made me smile. He was more than just my big brother, he was my hero.

  “Are you ready?” he called out as I grabbed the handlebars and focused on old Mr Peterson’s yucky brown car parked down the street. With my eyes narrowed and focused on my target, I started peddling. James ran with me shouting out words of encouragement as I sped up with a determination that this time I would make it, I would ride my bike all by myself. I can do this. I can do this, I kept repeating to myself as I got nearer to the old car.

  “Keep going, Ambs, you can do it,” James shouted but he sounded too quiet, in the distance. I immediately sensed he wasn’t holding onto the back of my seat anymore and began to wobble.

  No, no, no Amber, you will not fall again. I tried, I really tried to keep those handlebars straight and make sure I sat upright to keep my balance but as soon as Soot, Mrs McGreggors Scottish terrier, ran up to the gate and started yapping, my concentration faltered and I fell. My bike crashed to the ground, again, and I landed with a thud. A jagged stone cut into my knee and the pain was so bad I burst into tears, crying like a baby.

  Simon and Eric were sitting on Eric’s wall laughing as I sat sobbing, embarrassed I’d fallen yet again, angry at myself for having fallen yet again, and in pain from scraping my knees, yet again. James ran up to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “What are you two laughing at?” he growled and they immediately shut up.

  “We, um, just-” Eric stuttered.

  “Shut up! If I hear you, either of you, laughing at my kid sister again I swear I will punch you so hard. You hear me?” I peered out the corner of my eye as both Simon and Eric swallowed hard and with wide eyes nodded their heads. They knew not to mess with James. They knew he would follow through on his promise. “Good! Come on Ambs, let’s get you indoors. I think you’ve had enough for today.”

  James helped me to my feet, wiped my tears and, pulling my bike along by the handlebars he walked me back home.

  “What happened to you?” Mum said rushing over to me when we stepped indoors and she heard my sobbing.

  “She fell again.” I hiccupped on a sob as Mum lifted me onto the counter and inspected my scraped knees. “She’s getting better though, right Ambs?” James continued. I didn’t agree. I couldn’t. I wasn’t sure I would ever be able to pick it up.

  “Wait there sweetie, let me get some antiseptic and plasters and make you all better.” Mum smiled brightly and rubbed my cheek before walking off to get the first aid kit.

  I hiccupped again and swung my legs against the cupboards. “When I grow up, I want a husband just like you.”

  James laughed. “Oh yeah? Like what? Handsome and strong?”

  I shook my head. “No, nice. I want a husband who helps me up when I fall down and who will shout at the mean boys who laugh at me.”

  James’s laughter stopped and he looked at me like I was his sun, lighting up his world.

  “And you will sweetheart. You will,” Mum said returning with a smile and the first aid box.




  The golden glow of the candle flame flickered, reflecting off the large square stone. A kaleidoscope of colours spread out across my fingers, keeping me mesmerised, my gaze locked. It was enchanting.

  “Hello, earth to Amber. I’m sure it’s beautiful but we are still here you know, and I need to see it.” Becki’s teasing tone had me dragging my eyes away from the large rock on the third finger of my left hand.

  I’m engaged.

  As in, getting married… having a wedding, the whole shebang.

  Oh shit! What on earth had I done? I couldn’t get married. I couldn’t plan a wedding. I’d been there, done that, and ended up with the ugly emotional scars as a memento. I loved Craig; I really did, with all my heart and soul. But I couldn’t, no I wouldn’t, go through all of that again. I couldn’t risk it. I couldn’t risk my heart.

  Craig placed a gentle kiss to the top of my head and lifted me from his lap, helping us both to our feet. I’d been sitting in his lap on the floor for the past five minutes, ever since he had dropped to one knee in front of me and proposed. “Come on Pingu. If you don’t show her soon, she’s going to do someone an injury to get a peek,” he chuckled. Taking my hand in his, he led me around the dining table to where our best friends, Scott and Becki, were sitting.

  “Too flipping right I will. C’mon show me.” Becki was practically bouncing in her seat and as I stepped closer to her, she jumped up, and like a bumbling puppy, rushed to me and drew me into a fierce embrace. “I’m so excited for you, Ambs. So excited,” she whispered in my ear before pulling back and grabbing my left hand to inspect my new mugger’s magnet.

  Craig was a few feet away, talking to Scott and doing the whole bro hug, slap on the back, congratulations thing. I heard their playful banter, but felt Craig’s deep green eyes boring into the side of my head. After seven months of being together, I knew him well enough to tell that he knew something was off with me. Besides, he wasn’t stupid. Since whispering the word ‘yes,’ I hadn’t uttered a single word to him.

  “Oh My God, Ambs, it’s beautiful. So elegant, so you,” Becki chirped as she twisted my hand back and forth to see the ring from different angles. “You did well, Craig,” she continued, looking over to Craig with a big smile.

  “Only the best for my Pingu,” he said, smiling over at me. His love and devotion was evident in the way his eyes sparkled.

  I loved this man so much and couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him. But the thought of planning another wedding, and having him cancel it all on me at the last minute, was just too frightening. Just the thought of it sent judders of apprehension ricocheting through my body.

  I’d been engaged once previously. The last time, two weeks before I was due to marry him, David backed out. With no real explanation, he left me feeling confused and devastated. That kind of hurt doesn’t just disappear; it leaves nasty, ugly scars that will take years, if not forever, to heal. There was no way I could take the risk and go through that again.

  “I have champagne to celebrate,” Craig announced to the room as he walked toward the door. “It’s in the kitchen. Amber, baby, can you give me a hand please?”

  Craig was more than capable of getting a bottle of Champagne and four glasses. He was going to ask me what was wrong, poking and prodding to seek answers to my mood change, and pressing me until I caved in and spilled my guts. But how did I explain to the man I had just accepted a marriage proposal from, that I couldn’t marry him?

  With my hand in his, we walked out of the dining room, shutting the door behind us. “What’s the matter, Pingu? You’re quiet, is everything okay?” he asked just above a whisper, concern evident in his voice.

  “I’m fine,” I assured him, feeling anything but. “I’m just a little emotional and overwhelmed by everything I think. It’s been a draining day.” I’d only moved in with Craig earlier in the day, add to that a marriage proposal - a proposal I had accepted without question - and I was more than a little overcome.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, wrapping his arms around my back and pulling me against his strong chest. “If anything is bothering you, you can tell me. You know that right?”

  With my arms locked around his waist, I buried my face into the crook of his neck. Inhaling deeply I breathed in his sexy, masculine scent, a scent that never failed to act as my soothing balm. No matter what I was feeling or going through, it always immediately relaxed me.

  I savoured the feeling of being in the comfort of Craig’s arms for a few moments before stepping away and smiling up at him. “I’m fine. Let’s get the champagne out to Scott and Becki before she sends search and rescue to look for us.”

  As I turned toward the kitch
en, I fought down the lump in my throat. It was silly. I had no reason to believe Craig would treat me the same way David had. He’d shown me nothing but devotion and commitment since the day I’d met him. He had pursued me then with total conviction, even though I had tried so hard to resist his advances. So why was I being such a hypocrite and doing the same thing to Craig that David had done to me? Even I knew it made no sense, but the irrational fear was real nonetheless.

  I opened the fridge, found the chilled bottle in the bottle rack and grabbed four Champagne flutes from the cupboard. As I turned to go back to the dining room, Craig was leaning against the door frame, watching me.

  “Something’s wrong, Amber. Don’t give me that bullshit about being tired. I know you. You’re brooding about something.”

  I couldn’t do this with him at that moment, not when our friends were in the other room and when I wasn’t sure how to explain my feelings to him. “Craig, I’m fine,” I repeated, a little agitated and hoping he would let it slide. “Let’s go celebrate with our friends.” As I walked past, I gave him a quick kiss on the tip of his nose. “I love you,” I whispered and continued across the hall into the dining room.

  Craig opened the bottle with a flourish and poured each of us a glass of the fizzing liquid. “I would like to make a toast,” Craig exclaimed, lifting his full glass into the air. “To my beautiful fiancée, Amber. Thank you! Tonight you have made me the happiest man alive. Pingu, you are my world, carved into my heart forever, and I can’t wait to make you my wife. To Amber, my future bride.”

  With tears pooling in my eyes, and a shaky hand holding my glass, I lifted my gaze to meet Craig’s. “I love you!” he whispered as Scott and Becki raised their glasses to a chorus of, “To Amber!”

  Keeping my eyes locked with Craig’s, I could see his concern, his furrowed brow and narrowed eyes a tell-tale sign. I ran my fingers over his forehead, stroking away the creases and placed a soft kiss to his lips. “And I love you too!” I whispered back.


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