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Silver Dove (Silver #2)

Page 21

by E. J. Shortall


  Keeping this… ‘trip’ a secret from Amber had been a fucking nightmare. First off, trying to get Becki’s help without her letting slip was a feat in itself. Then there were the logistics of when and where and how I could get it all arranged. I wanted it to be perfect. Amber deserved perfect. She deserved the world and if I could have, I would have given it to her.

  As I settled back into the seat next to Amber I watched her expression closely as it morphed from surprised to bewildered, to excited, all in the blink of an eye.

  “Did I forget one of our birthdays or something?”

  I laughed as I reached forward to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “No, baby, you didn’t forget anyone’s birthday.”

  “A new contract? You took on a big new contract that I didn’t know about and now we’re celebrating?”

  I smiled at her innocent and confused expression as I grabbed the bottle of champagne from the bucket of ice. “Nope, no contracts, no birthdays, no celebrations.” I looked up briefly while unwrapping the foil and cage from around the cork. “At least not yet.” The cork popped from the bottle, the noise startling Amber and causing her to shriek in that cute girly way of hers.

  “A toast, to us,” I announced when I’d filled two glasses. I touched my glass to hers and took a sip of the chilled champagne. As I settled back into the seat, taking Amber’s hand in mine and intertwining our fingers together, I felt content and comfortable and excited about the rest of our… ‘trip’.


  The mystery behind the multitude of luggage became apparent when we ended up at the Hilton at Heathrow airport and not the Central London one as I’d been expecting. No matter how much I whinged and pestered him as we checked out after only spending one night, Craig would not tell me a thing about what we were doing.

  As the car pulled to a halt outside Terminal Five my heart began to speed up and I felt like a giddy school girl. Although the sheer amount of luggage we had with us indicated a longer trip, I’d honestly believed we were only going to be away for a few days.

  “We’re at the airport, Craig. Why are we at the airport?” I asked, stating the obvious.

  “Why do you think we’re at the airport?”

  “Well, duh! Obviously we are going away somewhere, but where?” I continued looking up at him, letting him lead me into the terminal building as someone pushed our luggage on a trolley for us. It felt like I was in a dream at that moment, this kind of attention and treatment just didn’t happen to me.

  He smiled. “Oh, you’ll find out soon enough, baby.”

  As we neared the check-in desks I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Oh My God! What are you doing here?” I squealed, causing a few strange looks from passers-by as I turned and set eyes on my best friend.

  “Surprise!” Becki shrieked drawing me into her arms. “We’re coming with you. I’m so excited.” She pulled back and looked me in the eyes; hers were swimming with tears for some reason. When I looked over to Scott I noticed he also had a goofy grin on his face.

  Shocked by the turn of events I twisted round to face Craig. “We’re all going away together? You kept this a surprise for me?”

  He nodded and smiled but he looked apprehensive. “There is something I need to tell you… or rather ask you, Ambs.” He cleared his throat before continuing. “I promised you once before that you’re it for me, my forever. I also promised you your dream day but without the stress and hassle. So, I want to ask you again, will you do me the honour of coming away with me-”

  “And me,” Becki shouted from bedside me, clapping her hands together.

  Craig ignored her and continued, “and becoming my wife?”

  “Oh Craig,” I sobbed, “of course I will, that was a given.” I felt the tension ease away from his body when he pulled me into his strong arms and pressed his lips against mine.

  “How do you feel? Surprise or what?” Becki asked a short while later when we were at the check in desks. Craig and Scott were dealing with the formalities, whilst Becki and I stood just off to the side.

  “I’m in shock I think. I mean… wow. I’m going away to get married. Just like that, no planning, no worry, and no stress.” I shook my head as I remembered Craig’s words to me back in December when he first proposed and I’d been so scared, “So, what if the wedding was all planned for you and you didn’t have to think or worry about a thing? All you’d have to do was turn up - you know, like that programme on TV? What if I surprised you one day and said, ‘today we’re getting married’? Would you let me arrange everything so I can show you how much you mean to me, how much I want you as my wife?”

  I’d been so caught up in what had just happened and the shock of it all that I hadn’t even thought about where we were going. Stealing a look at the screen above the check in desk all air rushed from my lungs and my knees begin to buckle underneath me. ‘Bridgetown (Barbados)’ was staring at me, telling me that Craig really had gone all out for me, to give me a beautiful destination wedding. I never thought it was possible, but in that moment as I tried to comprehend where we were going, my love for Craig became something I couldn’t explain.

  A tear escaped my eye and trickled down my cheek just as Craig looked over at me, his smile quickly fading into a look of concern. “Are you okay?” he mouthed and I nodded with a smile. I didn’t think I’d ever felt more okay and alive, and it had nothing to do with the fact that I was being whisked off to paradise. It had everything to do with the fact that my fiancé, the man I loved with every breath I took and who was everything to me, was taking me away to commit his future to me. He crooked his finger summoning me over and I went without hesitation.

  “Are you feeling okay, Pingu? You’ve gone very pale,” he asked pulling me into his side and stroking his thumb across my cheek to wipe away the track of my stray tear.

  “I can’t believe you’ve done this,” I confessed burying my face into his chest.

  “Do you not want to do it this way?” He sounded anxious and I immediately looked back up into his eyes. “If you wanted to do it here at home, that’s fine we can do that, we can plan it when we get back. I just-” I cut him off by placing my lips over his and left them there until I felt him relax.

  “I want this, Craig. I can’t believe you are doing this for me. It will be perfect.”

  I stood in Craig’s arms while he went through the final formalities and looked over to Becki who was standing in Scott’s arms the same way, grinning back at me. We were going away to get married, in paradise, and I would have two of the most important people in the world to me there to celebrate with us. I let out a deep sigh of contentment and rested my head against Craig’s shoulder, listening but not really hearing what he was saying to the airline assistant.


  “Okay Mr. Silver that’s all done for you, if you would like to make your way through to the First Class lounge now. I hope you have a good trip.”

  “First Class?” Amber and Becki screeched in unison beside me as I picked up all of our paperwork from the desk.

  “You don’t think we would be travelling any other way do you?” I kissed Amber’s forehead then took her hand in mine and started walking toward security. This was going to be the ultimate holiday and I planned on showing her the lap of luxury from the outset.

  We entered the first class lounge and Amber immediately stopped walking. When I looked back, her eyes were wide as she looked around our surroundings, her head moving in rapid movements as she took everything in. The bright, airy space was so far removed from your standard departures lounge, and I guessed for someone experiencing it for the first time it could seem a bit overwhelming. “Wow,” Amber murmured and steadied her gaze on the large glass windows overlooking the busy goings on of airside.

  “Impressive huh? Come on let’s get a seat and you can stare all you want.”

  Scott and I settled the ladies on the plush leather sofas near the windows and went to get drinks while we waited for our
flight to be announced.

  “She’s happy huh? I told you, you didn’t have anything to worry about,” Scott said as he slapped me on the back. Other than my mum, Scott had been the only other person I’d confided in about my fears that this would not be what Amber wanted. Even now, when we were only mere minutes from boarding a plane that would take us to the destination of our wedding, I still couldn’t shake the fear that I was letting her down. It pained me to think about how close she had gotten to marrying David, but I couldn’t ignore the fact that she had wanted the big white wedding then.

  I stole a glance in the ladies direction and noticed Becki hand Amber a large white box that she had brought through as hand luggage. I knew what it contained and it brought a smile to my face. I tried to imagine what she was going to look like in a little over forty eight hours when she walked down the aisle wearing whatever dress it was that Becki had chosen for her.

  As Amber took the box from Becki she looked shocked and for a moment her face dropped. Shit! Becki had said it would be fine. She’d said she knew what Amber liked as she’d been with her dress shopping before. They were also a similar size so she’d been confident that what she chose would fit okay. Now though, looking at Ambers face, I worried that I had gone too far with this whole thing. I mean didn’t girls go for that whole wedding dress shopping thing?

  Becki said something to Amber and she looked up and nodded. Slowly a smile lit up her face as she stood and moved over to Becki, pulling her into a hug. Relieved I turned around to see Scott had been watching the interaction also. I wondered how long it would be before he was in this position. He wouldn’t ever admit it but he was totally and utterly whipped, and it was only a matter of time before he would want to get a ring on Becki’s finger. They both said they were content with the way things were, but I knew he must have wanted to claim Becki as his. I knew because it was how I felt with Amber. I couldn’t help it; it was the caveman in me. I needed to show the world that Amber was mine.

  With drinks in hand Scott and I walked back to our ladies and for the next forty five minutes we laughed and joked about Becki’s apparent fear of flying, something she had failed to mention up to that point. Of course being guys Scott and I had to constantly take the piss out of her and fill her head with all sorts of untrue shit. It was hilarious watching her quake in fear.



  I had to keep pinching myself. I needed that constant little bite on my skin to remind me that this was all real. I was really here and about to get married. Looking out through the open French doors, onto the waters of the Caribbean lapping gently against the soft white sand, I thought about how grateful to David I now was. If he hadn’t shown his true colours and called things off for us, I would have never met Craig and I would never have had the chance to know the true overwhelming feeling of being loved by someone so deeply.

  Dragging my eyes away from the crystal clear turquoise water I glanced down at Bev, the lovely lady who had been with me for the past couple of hours primping and preening me. “Do you know what colour flowers I’m having?” I asked in response to her question about what nail polish colour I wanted.

  She shook her head, “No, sorry. I haven’t been told-” just then the door flew open and Becki came bursting in with a huge smile on her face and just stood staring at me.

  “What?” I asked, intrigued by her reaction.

  She dropped down in the chair next to mine and sighed staring out at the water like I had just been doing. “When I get married, I’m coming here. This place is amazing.”

  “When you get married? Something you need to tell me?”

  She giggled and twisted in her seat to face me, pulling her legs up under her. “No, no, nothing like that. I mean I think Scott and I will maybe get there one day, but we are happy as we are at the moment. Why fix what’s not broken right?” She frowned for a moment and I wanted to ask her what was going on, but a knock at the door interrupted us. Becki jumped up to answer it so I diverted my attention back to the coloured bottles in front me. I nearly dropped the pale pink bottle I picked up when Becki squealed from the doorway. A lady walked in carrying a simple yet exquisite bunch of tied white calla lilies and a small posy of yellow and white gerbera flowers. Becki’s eyes flew to mine and I saw the tears welling there. “Don’t’ you dare, Rebecca,” I said sternly. If she started, I’d start and then it would be game over, I’d be a blubbering mess.

  The flowers were placed on the dresser and Becki rushed over to them, picking up the smaller posy and bringing it up to hold in front of her chest. Just that simple movement caused me to catch my breath; suddenly everything was very, very real.

  Bev cleared her throat drawing my attention back to the rainbow of coloured bottles in front of me. “Right, sorry,” I mumbled and handed her the bottle I had previously picked up. Simple, pale pink, elegant and should go with anything.

  My nails were drying as Bev stood behind me brushing my hair. Becki leaned against the door frame looking stunning with the voile drapes fluttering in the breeze behind her. “… so I told him he needed to… Are you even listening to me?” she huffed and glared at me.

  “What? Sorry, Bec. I was miles away. I was thinking about-” We were interrupted again by another knock on the door.

  “Holy fuck! It’s like Piccadilly Circus around here,” she mumbled as she went to answer the door. “No, go away,” she shrieked suddenly causing both Bev and I to turn to see what was going on. “Craig, you have to go away, you’ll see her soon enough.” She had the door ajar and was standing as though protecting us from an invasion.

  “I need to talk to her, Becki.” The smile on my face dropped and I started shivering. I began to panic, fearing he had changed his mind and was backing out. He was there to tell me he’d changed his mind, just like David had done. “Ambs?” he called into the room but Becki wouldn’t budge to let him in.

  “It’s okay Bec, I’ll speak to him.”

  “No, you can’t see him, it’s bad luck or something.”

  I walked over to the door. “It’s okay, I’ll just stand here so he can’t see me.” She looked out to Craig with a menacing stare for a moment before looking back at me. With a sigh she nodded her head and gestured for us to continue.

  “I’m here, Craig,” I said quietly.

  Craig exhaled before he spoke. “I… I just wanted to come and check on you. Are you okay, baby?”

  “I’m good, just getting ready.” It felt awkward talking to him through a heavy wooden door.

  There was a moment of silence before he continued. “I miss you,” he sighed.

  I giggled, knowing it had been less than twelve hours since he’d last seen me. “And I miss you too, but it hasn’t been that long, Craig.”

  “A minute is too long, Pingu, have you not worked that out yet?” As if my heart wasn’t already a mere pulsating lump of gloop in my chest, his words made it melt further.

  Another moment of silence passed before I heard a gentle thud on the other side of the door when Craig pressed his hand against the wood. I repeated the action moving my own hand into position. “I love you,” I whispered.

  “And I love you too… I’ve got to go baby. I’ll see you soon okay?” I sensed that he didn’t move so I remained still also.


  He sighed again. “Yeah?”

  “You can go now, I’ll see you soon.”

  “I’ll be the one standing at the altar,” he chuckled and I heard footsteps as he walked away. I looked over to Becki who was wiping a stray tear from her eye.

  “That was beautiful,” she rasped and swiped at another tear. I pulled her into a hug and that was how we remained for a minute or two until Bev called me over, telling me she needed to finish doing my hair.

  I stared at myself in the full length mirror. I wished my mum could have been there with me. It was one of those moments that should be shared between a mother and her daughter. The time when she looked at you
with that unconditional parental love and told you how beautiful you were. Becki was watching me through our reflection as she zipped up my dress.

  “You’re thinking about your mum aren’t you?” I nodded. “She would be so proud of you Ambs. She only ever wanted the best for you and Craig is definitely the best. You’re the best for each other.”

  I spun around to fling my arms around her. “I’m so glad you’re here, Bec. I couldn’t do this without you by my side.”

  “I wouldn’t be anywhere else my little cherub.” With our arms wrapped around each other we shared a moment that said so much without having said anything at all.

  When I looked back in the mirror I finally saw the full effect of the bride standing in front of me. Becki had done an amazing job with my dress, a strapless white chiffon gown with a sweetheart neckline and ruching along the bodice. Down the centre there was an intricate pattern embroidered with silver thread and delicate beads. The back was similar to the front with the same ruching and the same beaded and embroidered pattern along the length of the zipper. From there, the material flowed down and out into a puddle train. It was perfect.

  Bev had performed a miracle with my usually unruly hair. She’d pulled it back into an elegant chignon low on the back of my head and a white feathered embellishment had been clipped in just above it.

  “You look absolutely stunning, Ambs. Craig’s going to weep when he sees you,” Becki said as there was yet another knock at the door. Becki went to answer it as I continued staring at the unrecognisable person in front of me.

  “Oh my gosh, Amber… you look stunning darling.” Val stood just inside the doorway with a big smile on her face. I was speechless. I’d thought it was just going to be Craig, me Becki and Scott there. Lifting the hem of my dress I rushed over to her and allowed her to pull me into a hug.

  “I’m so happy you’re here,” I whispered, beyond thrilled that she was there.

  Val pulled back but kept her hands on mine. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else, sweetheart. I am so proud of my boy, and I’m so proud of you. After everything you’ve been through this year, you deserve this day Amber.” She looked over to Becki who was standing quietly by the door. “Could you give us a few minutes?” Becki nodded and left, quietly closing the door behind her.


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