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City Of Sin: A Mafia & MC Romance Collection

Page 117

by K. J. Dahlen

  This is so much better; I sigh as I pull him closer. I want him to bridge that gap inside of my legs. “Don’t stop, make me come again!”

  He laughs, “Aren’t you sore? Don’t you want me to slow down?”

  I shake my head as he slides a finger inside me and starts to gently stroke my G-spot. I close my eyes, and then I start to purr. I can come, without his fat cock, I can come just from his fingers.

  “You don’t need my cock. I can make you come right now.”

  He was right about that, and I start to shake as my climax starts to take a hold. I don’t need him to fuck me with his cock. I start to shake as my orgasm takes hold of me. When I can’t breathe anymore and completely lose my senses, then he replaces his fingers with his cock.

  I pull him closer toward me and then he pushes his cock into me. Harder and harder, I know he’s going to make me come again and I open my eyes to see him smiling. His once erect cock becomes limp as I feel his cum shoot up inside of me. I have a sense of relief that not only have I come twice in a short space of time and Marco’s not going to make me come again. I feel better knowing I can relieve him when I want and I feel as if I’m in control again, even if it’s a lie that I need to tell myself for now. To enjoy my time on the island. I’ve waited three years to put everything in place, waiting a weekend won’t make any difference.



  “Leah,” I say gently as I try to wake her. She’s fast asleep once again, and she attempts to open her eyes as if she’s feeling weak. I didn’t let her go, but wanted more and more, as I wanted her to confess. To tell me I was hurting her or maybe give in to me and decide I was giving her more than she could ever get from her employer. And then the more time we spent together, I realize that she’s not checking in with anyone. There’s no trips to the bathroom or even complaints about trying to get me out of the room. If anything, she doesn’t have her phone. If she were working for someone, then she would want her phone by her side. So my assumption about her being here is even worse because it means she’s here on her own accord.

  “You need to eat. Take the robe and then come downstairs.”

  “Okay,” she whispers. As she struggles to put the robe on, she’s acting like a child that needs guiding to put her arms into the sleeves. It’s as if she doesn’t know what to do next.

  I hold her in my arms and the lead her down the stairs. I stare at her as she delicately wraps her arms around me. I pushed her too far thinking she’ll confess and tell me the real reason she’s in my house. On this island. I know it’s not because of my charm. It should annoy me and make me take full advantage of her, but I’m not a fucking monster. Even her stubbornness makes me feel as if I’m turning into one.

  As I enter the dining room, Marta’s just about to tell me that dinner’s served when she looks at me with a frown. “Is she okay?”

  I smile. “Sure, she’s just tired and very hungry.”

  She doesn’t change the expression on her face. Her eyebrows are burrowed as if she’s not entirely convinced about the reason why Leah’s in my arms as if I’ve drugged her. Something I’ve never done and I wouldn’t even think about doing it on my island.

  “Dinner ready?” I ask before Marta’s mouth opens to ask another question.

  “Yes, sir.”

  Leah sighs. “Good because I need to eat. I’m exhausted.” She yawns this time louder and it’s not exaggerated but seems completely genuine.

  Marta raises an eyebrow as she walks away. Maybe wondering if I did drugged Leah and if she’s now waking up or if something’s wrong with this whole situation.

  There is something wrong, but it’s about to get worse, and I want her to leave. “Marta after you finish clearing up tonight. Then you can leave.”

  She’s about to say something, but I stop her by lifting up and saying, “We’ll be leaving soon. So, there’s no need for you to be here. Besides. I’ll prefer if you’re back home.”

  She nods. “Yes, sir.”

  I’m not usually so cold toward her, but this isn’t a normal situation. I’m not in control, and I need to get back to my comfort zone before I leave her. I can’t let Leah leave without knowing her true purpose of the reason she’s here.

  When I’ve had a girl on the island, Marta knows about the fun and games; she even helps make the girls feel at ease. This time she came after, we didn’t have our normal banter where she tries and convinces me to fall in love again, and I tell her my heart was broken once. Besides, once you’ve had the best, why settle for anything less. There’s just one problem; my dead wife wasn’t the best. If she were, then she wouldn’t have been planning to leave me, and I wouldn’t be a widower.

  Marta swiftly moves out of the kitchen.

  I look down, and Leah’s greedily eating the chicken pieces as if her life depends on it. She isn’t hungry, but starving. I ignore the animal way she’s eating as she uses her hands and then licks her hand to clean them after they get so greasy. I’m just thankful she’s not making any noises or I’d stop her from eating just out of disgust.

  I watch her as if she’s eating her last supper. As if she hadn’t eaten for weeks and this could possibly be her last meal.

  She pauses for a second and sighs, “Sorry, I’m so hungry. I haven’t eaten all day.”

  I correct her, “You ate this morning.”

  She laughs, “That was a long time ago. Besides, I’m not used to eating so late.” She puts down a second piece and asks, “Did I say something wrong?”

  I nod. “It’s more a case of what you haven’t said that’s the issue.”

  She looks at me with confusion.

  I brush it away thinking maybe a good meal will make her see sense. Because, the moment she realizes I know her game, she’ll close up. I’ll take my time learning the truth this weekend. But I don’t have long. I have a business to run. One which is slowly, but surely falling apart if I don’t stop thinking with my cock and start thinking with my head.

  “Do you feel better, Leah?” I ask as I get up to make a cup of coffee. She seems sleepy after eating too much, too quickly.

  “Yes, I could go back to sleep. What are you doing?”

  “Making coffee. I thought it would wake you up a bit.”

  She laughs as she puts her arm around me.

  I would have welcomed it before, but the idea of her being a liar and wanting to be on my good side makes me unfold her fingers around my waist and pull her gently away from me.

  “What did I do wrong, Marco? You were fine all day yesterday. Even better all night and now, you’re as cold as ice. I want to know what happened between the early hours of this morning and now,” she demands as she puts her hands on her waist. She’s purposely trying to antagonize me because her breasts are on display.

  I don’t fall into her trap. I remain calm even if my cock’s wanting to take her as it’s done so many times before. “I want to know why you came.”

  Her eyes widen as if she’s shocked by my question, she’s either a good actress or I’ve just been very naïve. “What?”

  I repeat, “Why did you come here?”

  She chokes, “Because you invited me. You said that you wanted repayment for the clothes you bought me.”

  I move closer toward her as she tries to get away from me. I grab her arm. “That’s not why you’ve been paying me special attention in the diner is it?”

  She tries to take her arm away from me. “You’re hurting me.”

  “Really?” I grip her a little tighter and then the darkness takes over, as I wrap my arm around her waist. “Sit down and drink your coffee. We’re going to talk and then afterward, we’ll decide what to do next. Do you understand?”

  She slowly nods her head; I want her to know that the game’s up. I’m not fucking her anymore. Not until I get some answers.



  Earlier when he was fucking me, and I was flaunting my body, I knew I had him under control, he wanted me, and I
felt as if I could do whatever I wanted with him. Now, I felt scared.

  He wasn’t the charming man that wanted a piece of me. I’d intended on spending some time here and seduce him into spending more than a weekend with me. I could see it wasn’t going to work. He’s suspicious maybe talking to David was my first and last mistake.

  “Here you go, a nice cup of espresso,” he snarls as he sits down opposite me.

  I wonder if there’s something in the coffee. I don’t want to drink it because I’m drinking alone.

  “Drink!” he commands.

  The aroma of the coffee tantalizes my nose. I find myself picking up the small cup and sipping the coffee. There’s not much to sip, seeing as the cup’s so small. My focus isn’t on the coffee, but on his eyes. His arms are folded, and he looks as if he’s wearing the same dark shirt and matching pants as he was yesterday, but knowing him most likely he has a few of what appears to be the same color pants and shirts. Maybe that’s his signature look when he’s inside his home.

  If this was my house and I was in the middle of paradise, the last thing I’ll want to be doing is wearing dark colors. By the look of things, he wants answers. The problem is that I spent so much time planning what to do. I’d replayed it so many times in my head. Get close to Marco. Make him suffer for not being able to go college and the depression that my mom seems to be going through at the moment. The break-up of her marriage and turning our worlds upside down. I could tell him the real reason I’m here, but then what do I have to gain from it.


  He’ll throw me out like a bag of trash, and I’ll be back to square one. On the road to nowhere with nothing, not even my pride once I return home. I’m not going to let him intimidate me or even try and scare me.

  No way.

  Something happened between us last night, and it probably scared him. That’s the real reason he’s treating me this way. I got too close for comfort. Too much, so he wants to make an excuse to get rid of me.

  “I gave you my virginity. Something so precious to me and you’re turning it around on me. Making out that I’m the one in the wrong. I never chased after you. It was the other way around.”

  “Really!” He bends over and slams his fists on the table.

  I can’t deny that I’m not scared by his intimidation. If anything, I find it sexy as I reach out and try to touch him.

  “Leah, I’m not playing games with you. When you want to tell me the truth, then find me. Until then go to your room.”

  I chuckle. “I’m not going to my room. I’m not a prisoner.”

  “Oh really, you can’t make a call unless I allow you. You can’t even get off the island unless I help you. As far as I’m concerned, you’re here because I’m allowing you to be here.”

  His words send a chill down my spine as the reality of my vulnerability starts to hit home. “And what happens when you don’t want me here?”

  He backs away from me and starts to leave the kitchen.

  I want to chase after him, but something tells me that I need to stay put for now. Maybe it’s my gut feeling, the one that’s telling me just to tell him what I’m doing here and then get the fuck out of here.

  I’ve wasted the last three years of my life trying to play in a world that I’m too small to be a part of. These people. The ones like him and Steven they know what they’re doing, and I don’t. The reality that I never did know starts to hit home as I think about what’s going to happen to me if I tell him the truth, and what could happen if I say nothing.

  I stand up and head to my room. I walk like a robot thinking maybe a bath or even a shower will direct me to the answer I’m so desperately seeking right now. I can’t-do this on my own. I’m not as strong as I thought I was and I only feel weak as I put my head on the pillow. I’m going to figure out what to do next. I just need sleep, not a bath or anything else. I’ll get that now because Marco doesn’t want to be in the same bed with me. Let alone the same room.



  “Dad, I’m not in the fucking mood right now.”

  Dad sent a message while I was in the kitchen with Leah. I’ll give her time to reflect on what she said to me earlier. I’ll give her the chance to figure out how she’s going to move forward with this. I was fucking reasonable about it all. If it were anyone else, I would have tortured them and asked questions later.


  Why am I so soft with her?

  I feel as if she brings out another man in me. One I don’t want to face at the worst of times. I need to keep my distance as I try and figure out what to do next. Do I keep her here until she tells me the truth?

  That isn’t a fucking option or a question because it’s exactly what I need to do.

  “Marco, are you listening?”

  Not really.

  “What is it, Dad?”

  He wants my cousin and me to talk on Videochat, and the only thing I want to do is get a taste of Leah’s sweet pussy. I’m debating if fucking the truth out of her is the better option.

  “We’re here, and you’re not saying anything worth listening to?”

  I could do small talk. Ask how he is? I haven’t spoken to him in a few weeks, but I speak to Mom on a daily basis and my sister too, whenever she’s available. Something’s happened no doubt, and I wouldn’t say no to him normally, but today’s not a good day. It’s fucking awful.

  “Marco if you stopped and listened for five minutes then you’ll know that I’m not making this call for no reason. I couldn’t think of anything else than a conversation on chat.”

  Shit, that means something is wrong.

  One thing about the old man, he hates technology. He can quote some men that are locked up as a result of it. He used to sit and tell me stories about all the crimes they used to be able to get away with before technology became too advanced. He always misses the part of the story which involves technology helping them to commit more crimes. What the mob did before cells were invented is still beyond my comprehension.

  How did they get away when the police or even their enemies were on their way?

  He’s explained it to me a few times, but I still can’t get my head around it.

  “There’s someone that I need taken care of, and it affects the pair of you.”

  I choke out, “Why?”

  Dad avoids looking at me as he speaks. It’s clear that someone’s fucked up, but I can’t think what it has to do with me. Not now. I haven’t been in the business for years, and I have no intention of going back.

  “That Steven Wilks. I think that you brought him in, Marco.”

  I hate when Dad does this, he fucking knows I brought Steven in. He’s making out like it’s a casual mention when we both know he’s mentioning his name for a reason. He’s calling me to him for the same reason and sooner rather than later; he’ll tell me exactly what’s on his mind.


  “Marco is that all you can say? And?”

  Valentino who’s been on the call and been very quiet until now says quietly, “He raped a girl. Not just any girl, but he fucking said that he was working for us."

  He’s thinking of a cover, but I know it doesn’t matter because this must be the mess that Dad’s calling me about. The real reason he’s on the other end of the line. It’s not to ask about my welfare or even to ask me to come back to the business. He wants me to clear up my mess.

  “You wanted him in. You said that he was a good guy.”

  I nod as I think about the past. Steven was one of those young guys that clinch on to the business like a leech. He helped me figure out what was going on with my wife, a sensitive matter and I felt as if I owed him my life. Ever since then, I’d given him everything he needed, I watched her and tracked her like a moth to a flame and I was burned in the end. But I wanted him to have everything he wanted as a means of repayment. That was until he got greedy. He used my weakness as a means to do whatever he pleased. He rubbed people up the wrong way, and he’d
always say the same thing in his defense, ‘You got an issue talk to Marco.’

  Which meant that Dad was telling me to clear up the mess. Something he did from time-to-time.

  “He’s fucked. Raped another and every single time someone wants to teach him a fucking lesson. You know what he fucking says? The card that he leaves to do whatever he wants is your fucking name. Valentino wanted to deal with him. I said to him that he should leave him alone and let Marco fucking finish what he started. Capisce?”

  I nod my head and then start pacing around my office. I’m stuck on an island with a girl that could have been sent to kill me. Or worse still, she’s taken it on board to punish me herself because of something I’ve done.

  I’ve got Valentino pissed that the guy I brought in has fucked one of his girls and raped his wife. A complete disrespect that no one does, but then someone like Steven’s done it not because I’ve given him the green light to take what he wants, but because he’s felt like he can do whatever he likes because I’m protecting him.

  I haven’t spoken to him in around three years. Since Silvia died and since I’d left the business. I told him I was retiring, but why should he care? He had such a good thing going, and now he’s all out to take full advantage. And so far, he’s doing a good job of that and upsetting one too many people as a result of it.

  I stare at the screen for a minute and realize that things are going to get out of hand, if I don’t put a stop to it. Steven has a wife, Dad and Valentino won’t just kill Steven, they’ll go after the whole family if I don’t put a stop to it.

  “It’s my fucking mess. I’ll deal with it.” I sigh as I stop to look at the screen.

  “You have until Tuesday, and if you don’t, then I’ll do it.” With those words, Valentino hangs up.

  Dad just shakes his head. “Son, what’s got into you? Did you become soft after Silvia died?”


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