Quinn Family Romance Collection

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Quinn Family Romance Collection Page 30

by Checketts, Cami

  Bravely, she did lean closer. It was obvious he was waiting for an answer to his question, but his grip on her waist tightened and he bent toward her. Breathing became difficult as she focused on his handsome face and the depth in his blue eyes. He wanted to be with her, but he was very concerned about who had hurt her in her past. She didn’t want to think about her past right now. She wanted to lift up onto her tiptoes and wrap her arms around his broad shoulders.

  Voices approached and she tore her eyes from Mack’s handsome face to see who was emerging from the garden. Horribly for her, it was Teresa and Bucky.

  “Mack Quinn,” Bucky’s loud voice sang out. He stuck out his hand. “There’s my favorite offensive lineman.”

  Mack chuckled, released his grip on Sariah’s waist and shook Bucky’s hand. “Nice to see you, sir.”

  “It’s a great night, Mack. We’d better head in, they’re going to be doing some sort of awards and singing your praises I’m sure.” He winked at Teresa and grinned at Sariah. “Can we escort you lovely ladies inside?”

  Teresa shook her head. “We’ll enjoy the night air for a bit longer. You go on in.”

  Bucky nodded. “I wish I could extend our time, but duty calls.”

  “Of course,” Teresa murmured. “Thank you for the stroll.”

  “My pleasure. I hope to see you again soon.” He tipped his nonexistent hat to her and turned, slapping Mack’s shoulder. “Ah, offensive linemen are the best. What are you, three hundred pounds?”

  “About that,” Mack murmured. He gave Sariah one last searching glance but fell in to step with Bucky and headed into the house.

  Sariah didn’t move, and neither did Teresa, until the men disappeared. Finally, Teresa let out a soft sigh. “Well, sweet Sariah. Do you want to share any secrets with me?”

  Sariah swallowed hard. “Sadly, there’s nothing to share. How about you?”

  Teresa smiled. “Oh, there’s a lot to share, but I suspect Bucky Buchanan is just a charmer and nothing will come of our stroll. Do you want to head in for awards?”

  Sariah wanted to sit here and wait for Mack to reappear but she knew that probably wasn’t happening. “We’d better. I’m sure Hyde will get something.”

  “Ah, my boy. I’m sure you’re right.” They walked slowly toward the brightly lit house. Sariah felt depressed and she knew she had no right to. Every interaction with Mack ended much sooner than she wanted it to. If she didn’t get another chance to talk to him tonight, she feared their chances had run out.

  * * *

  Mack liked Bucky. He was a great owner and a great guy, but him interrupting when Sariah had been leaning in … curse his boss from here to the South Pole. He cheered along with everyone through the awards ceremony. It was an amazing accomplishment as a team to win the Super Bowl and he was proud to be part of it, but he just wanted more time alone with Sariah.

  After the ceremony he talked with different teammates, sponsors, coaches, and some celebrities. His recently-traded fellow lineman and college buddy, Miles Moore, brought a beautiful redhead over to their circle after they finished eating platefuls of the buffet-style dinner. Miles and the redhead could be siblings, except he was twice her size.

  Mack smiled at the woman, but his gaze was searching for Sariah as it had been all night. He hadn’t seen her or Hyde for a while and was worried they’d left.

  “Mack.” Miles grinned at him. “I come bearing gifts.”

  The redhead laughed and rolled her eyes at him. “I’m not a gift, you silly boy.” She put her hand out. She looked beautiful in a fitted, off-the-shoulder black dress, but Mack only had eyes for one woman. “Scarlett Lily,” she introduced herself.

  “Oh.” Mack nodded, shaking her hand. “I should’ve recognized you.” He’d only seen a few of her movies, but you’d have to be living in a tent in the South Pole to not know who Scarlett Lily was.

  “It’s all right. I came tonight hoping to meet you.”

  Mack’s eyebrows lifted. Why would Scarlett Lily want to meet him? She was older than him, extremely famous, and could have any man she wanted. He only wanted Sariah so he hoped this wasn’t about Scarlett looking for a date.

  She swirled the liquid in her drink and stared at him for a few beats before saying, “I knew your brother in college.”

  “Which one?” He had a lot of brothers people claimed to know, but he didn’t think Scarlett Lily needed the Quinn name to social climb. At least she wasn’t after Mack. A lot of women wanted to date a “hot giant”, their words not his. It made him uncomfortable. Scarlett seemed really nice, nothing like the cleat chasers.

  “Griff,” she said.

  “You went to USC?” Mack asked to be polite. He noticed his buddies gaping at him as if he were on the movie screen. Talking to Scarlett Lily didn’t intimidate or impress him. She was a beautiful woman and he liked her movies, but he really wanted to find Sariah before she disappeared.

  “Yeah. Griff and I … dated.” Her smile was warm but there was something in her clear, green eyes that told him Griff had hurt her.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  She gave a throaty chuckle and Mack thought she was a brave lady who didn’t need his sympathy, but maybe she needed his brother. He’d have to ask Navy about it. Instead of taking his apology for what it was, I’m sorry my brother hurt you. Scarlett turned it to sarcasm and something to laugh about, I’m sorry you dated the jerk.

  “Griff’s a good man.” She smiled and her eyes got a faraway look in them. “Always the strong, silent type, unless I tickled him.”

  Mack’s eyebrows lifted. She’d tickled Griff, and lived to tell about it. Scarlett was indeed as brave as the characters she portrayed. “If you thought he was quiet in college you should see him since he retired from the SEALs.”

  Her smile dropped away. “He made that a little difficult.”

  “Griff makes most things difficult,” he muttered.

  Now Scarlett’s eyebrows were the ones lifting.

  “I love my brother,” Mack said. “He is a great man. It’s just …” He didn’t know how much he should share but something in her eyes made him feel he could trust her and possibly ease her suffering a little bit. “Griff endures alone and he thinks he does it to protect others—people like me and you.”

  “You’re a wise man,” Scarlett said. She moved closer, went onto tiptoes, and kissed his jaw. He thought she’d probably meant to kiss his cheek but he was too tall for her to reach. Her kiss was soft and kind, something a sister or friend would do. Staying close she whispered in his ear, “Tell Griff I asked about him, will you?”

  Mack nodded. She gave him one last smile that didn’t reach her eyes, and sauntered away to greet some other players, congratulating them on the Super Bowl win. Mack watched her go, wondering at the story between her and Griff and feeling badly for her. It had been common knowledge that she’d been dating the famous hockey player, Josh Porter, last fall. He’d dumped her at Christmas for Callum Hawk’s new sister-in-law, Hannah Hall. The press had made a huge deal about it, but somehow Mack didn’t think Scarlett had been as invested in Josh as everyone seemed to think. It was obvious to Mack that she cared for his brother. He’d pass her message on, though he doubted Griff would do anything about it. Mack worried Griff, Colt, and Navy would all grow old alone. Griff was too hard, Colt was too much of a player, and Navy was too invested in her career.

  Mack had no desire to be alone. He focused on searching for Sariah. The party was starting to thin out and he worried she’d left. If she had, how was he going to find her again? Hyde’s request that he stay away from Sariah was so faded he could hardly remember how Hyde had phrased it. Especially when Mack had the remembrance of her waist in his palm and her dark eyes focused on him as she leaned closer in that garden.

  Chapter Five

  Sariah wanted to talk to Mack before they left, but the room was crowded throughout the awards and dinner and she, Lily, Hyde, and Teresa stayed close together. She didn’t want
to just disappear and she didn’t want to have to explain her obsession with someone she barely knew.

  It was obvious Teresa was tired and some of the party-goers were starting to head out. Hyde said he’d go get his Lexus from the valet. Sariah leaned close to Lily after he left and whispered, “I need to go say goodbye to someone, can you take Teresa to meet Hyde and I’ll be right there?”

  “Sure.” Lily winked. “As long as I get to hear all about this ‘someone’ back at the hotel.” Lily still lived and worked in Golden at the gym where she and Hyde had met. After she and Hyde married, she would relocate to Atlanta. Sariah knew the long-distance relationship hadn’t been easy but they were very in love and a solid couple.

  Sariah nodded quickly, nervous. She’d only have a minute as she didn’t want them waiting for her and wearing out Teresa even more. It had been an exciting night for Teresa between her proud Mom moments with the awards Hyde received and the flirtations that didn’t stop from Bucky.

  She hurried toward the spot she’d seen Mack talking with a group of players and stopped in her tracks. Mack was leaning in close to a beautiful redhead, speaking intently to her. The woman kissed his jaw and then whispered in his ear. As she pulled back, Sariah recognized her. Scarlett Lily. The famous and beautiful action movie actress.

  Mack’s eyes followed Scarlett as she walked away in an off-the shoulder black dress that was flattering and alluring. Her skin was smooth, deeper-toned than most redheads Sariah had seen. The thought of Mack gazing at, and possibly touching that lovely skin made Sariah’s stomach churn. The truth she’d ignored while talking to Mack in the garden hit her again. She could never be in the same class as Scarlett Lily, or any of the wives or girlfriends of these players. She could never be with someone like the glorious Mack Quinn.

  Pulling her hair tighter around her burn marks, Sariah spun on her heel and hurried to meet her sister. Tears stung at her eyes, which was ridiculous. She hardly knew Mack and had no rights to him because of a couple of silly interactions. She was immature and had no clue how relationships with the opposite sex worked. Obviously, she’d been smart to keep her distance from men after Tyler destroyed her emotionally and his girlfriend, Denise, hurt her physically. This just reaffirmed it.

  Lily and Teresa were waiting for her in the entry. Lily pumped her eyebrows but Sariah shook her head and looked away. She’d be in for a grilling later, but right now she just wanted to make sure she didn’t burst into tears.

  Chapter Six

  Mack lost all decorum as he searched every spot in the mansion, where the public were welcome to roam, to find Sariah. He’d tried to play it cool earlier but now he was desperate. Finally, he conceded that she’d left and he made the rounds with a heavy feeling inside. He said goodbye to teammates and coaches and finally met Bucky close to the door.

  “Thank you, sir, for everything.”

  Bucky shook his hand vigorously. “Thank you, son. It’s been a great couple seasons with you on board.” He released his hand but pinned him with a gaze. “Beautiful young lady I saw you with.”

  “Yes, sir, she is.”

  “Anything happening there?”

  “Unfortunately, not.” He forced a smile.

  Bucky threw back his head and laughed. “Ah, us poor men. You’re a good one, son.” He slapped him on the shoulder and moved on to the next person waiting to say goodbye.

  Mack’s feet were too big for his body as he trudged out the front door and off the porch, handing his ticket to the valet. They finally brought his Range Rover to him and he tipped the valet and then scrunched himself inside, obviously, the valet had to move the seat forward to be able to drive it. Pushing the programmed seat button, Mack relaxed as the seat pushed back and he could stretch out his legs.

  Puttering down the tree-lined drive, he debated what he could do, if anything. Calling Hyde wasn’t going to get him anywhere. He shook his head, frustrated. Sariah. She’d been right there, and he’d lost her again.

  He thought through the night and remembered the conversation with Scarlett. He needed to try to contact Griff and give him Scarlett’s message. Sometimes Griff went off the grid and the family couldn’t contact him, but he always got back to Mack later. He had told Scarlett the truth, his brother was a great man who did what he did to protect others.

  Wait a minute. Griff! His brother could find information no person should be able to find. He pushed the button on his steering wheel and asked to call Griff Quinn.

  A few rings later and his brother answered, “Mack.” Griff was never warm with anyone, but Mack knew he was a little softer for him. The entire family was. He appreciated their devotion to him, and tried hard never to take advantage of it. Tonight, he might change that.

  “Hey, bro. You home?” Home for Griff was Sutton Smith’s sprawling mansion in southern California. Griff had plenty of money, but seemed to have no desire to have his own place or settle down. He lived to protect innocent people and put himself in danger.


  “Oh.” Mack used to ask what Griff was up to, try to have a normal conversation with his brother. He learned quickly Griff wasn’t interested in normal or sharing much of anything. “Thanks for answering my call.”

  “I always try to answer yours.”

  Mack knew that response was about the kindest thing Griff would ever say to anybody. He turned onto the side road leading toward the freeway, increasing his speed. “Hey, I met someone who said she knew you from college.” Griff didn’t respond so he continued. “Scarlett Lily.”

  He heard an audible intake from Griff. Mack paused, thinking this was the strongest response he’d ever gotten from his brother and wondering if his brother would reveal anything to him.

  “And?” was all he got.

  “She asked me to tell you …” How had she phrased it? Thoughts of Sariah pushed other conversations to the back of his mind. “That she asked about you.”

  “Hmm.” Griff sort of grunted.

  “What’s the story there, bro?”

  “Nothing. Scarlett’s … nice.”

  “Nice? I think a lot of men would have a better description for Scarlett Lily than ‘nice’.” Mack was goading him now and it wasn’t nice, but Scarlett obviously felt something for his brother and he would love to see his brother fall in love. Then again, it probably wasn’t fair to Scarlett to push a hardened man like Griff on her. She did seem like a very nice person.

  “Did you need something?”

  Classic Griff. But Mack did need something. “Yeah, I, um, need some info, a home address, work address, phone number, whatever you can give me.”

  “Why and on who?”

  “Sariah Udy.” The who was so much easier to explain than the why. There was absolutely no way to explain to Griff how Sariah looked at him, how he’d fallen for her, why he couldn’t get her out of his mind. Not that Mack cared that Griff would think he was a wimp, which Griff would. It was simply that falling for a woman wasn’t in Griff’s makeup. He had no point of reference for it. It was much better for Scarlett Lily that she not see Griff again.

  Mack cruised onto the freeway, pushing the buttons so his vehicle would basically drive itself.

  Griff was still waiting. “Why?” he asked again.

  “I love her,” Mack sputtered out. Oh, no! He didn’t love her, love her. He didn’t even know her. But he had to get to know her.

  “What?” Griff grunted, his voice filled with disgust. “You’re too young to know what love is.”

  “Please help me find her, Griff.” He ignored the reference to his youth. He was the baby of the family, but he was twenty-five, self-sufficient, and he knew his own mind.

  “Does she want to be found?”

  “I think so. It’s her brother-in-law who’s blocking me.”

  “Hyde Metcalf?”

  “You know who she is?”

  “I watch the news occasionally,” Griff said drily.

  “Do you watch Scarlett Lily occasionally?”
Mack knew he shouldn’t have said that the instant the words were out.

  “Do you want help or not?” Griff’s voice had gotten chillier and more raw than normal.

  “Please, Griff. I just need to talk to Sariah. You know me, I’ll leave her alone if she’s not interested.”

  Griff waited, let him sweat it out. He only needed to lightly touch the steering wheel to keep his car speeding along with traffic, but his grip on the steering wheel got tighter and tighter.

  “Please,” he said again.

  “I’ll see what I can find.” Griff hung up without a goodbye.

  The conversation wasn’t bad as far as conversations with Griff went and Mack felt a giddy happiness inside. Griff was the best at finding info. Soon Mack would be knocking on Sariah Udy’s door.

  * * *

  Sariah made sure Teresa was settled in one of the spare bedrooms at Hyde’s condo, her stomach churning the entire time. She couldn’t get the memory of Scarlett Lily kissing Mack’s jaw out of her mind. His jaw. That perfect jaw Sariah would love to touch with her fingertips. And Scarlett Lily had touched it with her lips.

  Why had Sariah deluded herself into thinking Mack Quinn was special or that she was special to him? She hated how inexperienced and vulnerable she was. A few looks and kind words and Mack had captured her heart. She had to learn how to be stronger, somehow.

  “Good night, sweetheart,” Teresa said. “Don’t you worry about me. I’m just tired.”

  “Okay. See you in the morning.”

  Teresa peered at her from the bed. “Are you going to tell me more about that big, handsome guy?”


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