Quinn Family Romance Collection

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Quinn Family Romance Collection Page 31

by Checketts, Cami

  Sariah shook her head. “Like I said, there’s nothing to tell.”

  “I think there is.”

  She blew out a breath and admitted quietly, “I saw him with Scarlett Lily as we were leaving. She kissed his jaw.”

  “Did it look intimate or like a famous Hollywood person being all cheesy and kissing everybody? I’ve known a lot of those types in my life.”

  “It looked intimate.” Sariah hated to admit the truth, but the exchange had looked very intimate and neither Mack nor Scarlett Lily had a reputation for being a flirt or a player. The way Mack had watched Scarlett walk away bothered her as much as them being so close and Scarlett kissing him.

  “Sorry, love.”

  “Thanks.” Sariah slipped out the door, shutting it quietly behind her. She loved Teresa like a favorite aunt. Sometimes taking care of her was exhausting, but mostly it was fun to be with her, and the woman genuinely loved her. She was glad she’d talked to somebody about her Mack dreams being crushed.

  Padding into the spacious living area, she looked out at the view of Atlanta, the lights sparkling below Hyde’s high-rise condo.

  Hyde and Lily were on the couch, snuggled up. Sariah pivoted. She’d go back and hang out with Teresa some more rather than interrupt their alone time. She knew they didn’t get to be together often enough.

  “Sariah?” Hyde’s voice stopped her.

  She whirled back. “Hey. Don’t let me interrupt the smooch fest.”

  Lily laughed. “We were just talking. Get in here and talk to us.”

  Only sisters could boss somebody around like that. At least talking with them would get her mind off of Mack. She settled into the overstuffed chair across from them and smiled. “So, tell me about the wedding plans.”

  Lily shook her head. “Not right now. Tell us about Mack Quinn.”

  Sariah’s stomach leapt and then plunged immediately. Obviously, she wasn’t going to get her mind off of him. A couple hours ago she would’ve been ecstatic to talk about Mack, but not now.

  Hyde’s brows were drawn together. He didn’t look mad, more concerned.

  “Mack Quinn?” she asked, feigning innocence. Would Teresa have ratted her out about the garden interlude? She couldn’t think of when Teresa would’ve been alone with Hyde or Lily, except for that brief time that Sariah had gone back to try to find Mack … and seen him with Scarlett Lily. Schnikies, she hated that brief time.

  “We’ve seen the way he looks at you,” Lily said.

  “He’s asked me a couple of times about you,” Hyde admitted.

  “What?” Sariah could barely keep her seat.

  Hyde stared at her as only an older brother could stare at her. “After a couple of games. Has he been checking you out all season?”

  “I guess.” It didn’t matter now, but why hadn’t Hyde told her? “He asked you about me? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Hyde shifted and glanced at Lily. “I didn’t want him to hurt you.”

  Sariah blinked at him. Mack was huge and muscular, but he would never hurt her physically. The only way he could hurt her … he’d done at the party tonight. Two-timing her just like Tyler had done. She knew exactly why Hyde was worried and any frustration at him not telling her about Mack asking about her died quickly. Especially when Mack was obviously not the man she thought he was.

  “Thanks for watching out for me, Hyde,” she whispered.

  Hyde kept giving her these penetrating stares, only bested by Lily’s more penetrating stares. “If you … like him, I can give him your number. I know you’re an adult and I don’t want to treat you like you’re not. I just know he and the Quinn family are high profile and after what you went through, I didn’t want to expose you to that.”

  Did she like Mack? She liked everything about him, except for Scarlett Lily kissing him in such a public setting. “No. You’re right. It’s for the best. I wouldn’t want to be put on display again.” She tugged at the hair covering her disfigured right ear and side of her neck. “You ready to head to the hotel, sis?” She needed to get out of here. Sleep off this pain. Her silly fascination with Mack was over. She knew it couldn’t go anywhere, so why did it hurt so bad?

  Hyde stood, pulling Lily to her feet. “I should’ve dropped you both off at the hotel earlier. I just wanted a little more time with my beautiful fiancée.”

  “Wouldn’t want to deny you that.” Lily winked at him. “Teresa was worn out. We’ll get an Uber, no worries.”

  Hyde pulled out his phone and brought up the app. Sariah said goodbye to Hyde and hurried to the front entry. Thankfully the condo was big enough they could have some privacy to say their goodnights. Unfortunately, it wasn’t big enough for her to miss hearing the sound of their kissing, soft laughs, and smitten voices. Oh, to find a love like Hyde and Lily’s. Obviously, it wasn’t in the cards for her. Sariah pushed a hand against her heart, but it still felt tight and painful.

  Chapter Seven

  Two weeks had passed since Mack had seen Sariah. Griff had finally, finally got him some information. He didn’t blame Griff, not at all, he’d just been impatient because he wanted to see Sariah. His brother had been busy taking down a trafficking ring in Belize and rescuing dozens of women and children. His brother was a hero many times over, and Mack was proud of him. He still wondered what had happened with him and Scarlett Lily, but knew he’d get nothing out of Griff. Bringing up Scarlett’s reference to tickling Griff might get Mack a reaction, but guaranteed it would tick Griff off. Most people tried very hard never to tick Griff off.

  Mack was in a rented Cherokee, driving west from Denver up I-70 into the mountains toward the little town of Georgetown. Sariah’s hometown. He couldn’t stop thanking Griff, and Heavenly Father, in his head. He had Sariah’s address. The only worry was if she was actually here. Hyde had said she lived in Denver. Was she working in Denver, going to school in Denver? Most people at twenty-one or twenty-two wouldn’t still be living at home. But this was his only hope of finding her. Griff had only given him this address, and told him gruffly to stop saying thank you.

  The river flowed next to the freeway, speeding along with spring runoff. Mack rarely saw traffic this sparse in Atlanta, especially on a Friday at noon. It was a pretty spring day. The leaves were just budding on the trees at this higher elevation, but there were so many pine trees in these mountains it still looked lush and green. He’d been to Denver quite a few times but he’d never seen this part of the area and he loved it. Not quite as green as Georgia, but these towering mountains were unreal.

  He took the turn for Georgetown and drove past a mountain lake and through a very quiet town. The mountains sheltered the town, towering above it on all sides. It fit Sariah perfectly—beautiful, peaceful, guarded, and unassuming.

  He followed Siri’s directions, stopping at a small house on the edge of the town’s park. The grass was still brown from winter and a few piles of snow remained. How cool was that? Mack had grown up in Rhode Island and loved the snow. He’d missed it since going to college in Texas and living in Georgia the past couple of years.

  Slowly climbing from the vehicle, he felt the stirring of nerves and the crisp air wrapping around him. What would Sariah think of him chasing her down like this? What would her family think? Would they call Hyde, find out he’d already been warned away, and tell him to leave? Mack hated confrontation and never sought out a fight, but Sariah was worth fighting for.

  He strode to the front door. There was a small cement spot that served as the outside entry, but it was flat without any front porch. He was surprised Hyde or Lily hadn’t fixed up the drooping family home with all the money they surely had, but maybe Lily and Sariah’s parents were too prideful to accept help like that. Not seeing a doorbell, he rapped his knuckles on the door and it immediately sprung open. A small boy stared up at him, his dark eyes wide with hero worship. “You’re Mack Quinn.”

  Mack nodded. “Hi.” He stuck his hand out. “Nice to meet you.”

  The litt
le guy put his small hand in Mack’s palm and shook it vigorously. He pulled back and leapt into the air, did a little dance, and yelled, “Mack Quinn came to see me! Yes!”

  Mack chuckled. He hoped it wouldn’t break the kid’s heart when he found out Mack was here for his sister.

  “Wait right here,” the kid demanded, holding up both palms. “I’ve got to find your card and have you sign it.” He danced back into the house singing, “Mack Quinn is he-ere!”

  Mack stood in the open doorway, not sure what to do but wait. A tall older, teenage boy appeared, with two smaller teenage girls with him. The entire family was olive-skinned with dark hair and eyes like Sariah and Lily. Possibly Italian heritage. They all gawked at him for a second.

  Mack put out his hand. “Mack Quinn. I’m here to see Sariah.”

  The boy’s eyes widened in understanding. “Caleb Udy.” He shook his hand and tilted his head to his sisters. “Trudy and Mary.”

  “Hi.” Mack shook their hands quickly.

  “Sorry about Josh. He’s obsessed with football.”

  “He’s a cute kid.” Mack loved that Sariah had a large family like him. He’d come from much more affluent circumstances but at least they had family size in common. It could be a point in his favor.

  “How do you know Sariah?” Caleb asked.

  “I saw you talking to her after one of Hyde’s games,” Mary piped in, her tone more accusatory then welcoming.

  “I’ve … seen her at a lot of games, but I officially met her at a party a couple weeks ago,” Mack tried to explain. “Are your parents here?”

  They all shook their heads. “Dad’s at work and Mom’s grocery shopping with our brother, Brandon. It’s early out on Friday so I’m babysitting,” Caleb explained.

  “You don’t need to babysit us.” Trudy rolled her eyes and pushed out one hip. She looked the most like Sariah.

  “Why don’t you just call or text Sariah if you ‘know her’?” Mary made quote fingers with her hands and her dark eyes were full of sass.

  “I’d love to. Will you give me her number?”

  Mary gave him a challenging glare. “Do you know how many guys want her number? I’m not stupid.”

  Mack hid a grimace. Her little sister obviously saw right through him. The whole family seemed to have a lot of fire in them.

  Josh rushed back into the room and plowed through his siblings, triumphantly holding up Mack’s football trading card. “Can you sign it, please, Mr. Quinn, please?”

  The siblings all regarded their little brother with fond looks; it reminded Mack of how his siblings were always so good to him. There was also a protective feeling these Udy siblings had and Mack remembered hearing about the traumatic accident that happened to Josh and Caleb last year. No wonder the siblings wanted to protect him. For Mack, it had been the speech impediment and complete silence for years. It had made his brothers crazy protective of him, getting in lots of fights. Luckily, Navy, the oldest, was in middle school and never saw or heard about the bullying. She would’ve torn somebody apart.

  “Of course.” Mack took the card and the pen Josh thrust at him. He signed his name and handed it back. “I should’ve brought you some hats and sweatshirts.” What had he been thinking? Gifts for the family would’ve come in handy right about now. They obviously didn’t have much financially, and Josh seemed to be the only one who wasn’t suspicious of him.

  Caleb waved a hand at that. “Hyde gives us lots of stuff.”

  Hyde. Oh, yeah. The Hyde that had warned Mack to stay away from Sariah. Hyde wasn’t going to like this at all, but Mack couldn’t dwell on that. He was an adult. Sariah was an adult. He was going to find Sariah and talk to her no matter what obstacles were put in his path.

  “Can you please give me her number?” He directed the question to Caleb, obviously the oldest at home and the one in charge.

  “If some dude, bigger than your house, showed up asking for your sister’s number, would you give it to him?” Caleb asked.

  Mack hated to admit that he wouldn’t.

  “This isn’t just some big dude, this is Mack Quinn,” Josh protested. “Best offensive lineman in the world! He protects the Rocket and makes it possible for Hyde to get perfect passes. You give him whatever he wants.” Josh jutted his chin out and looked so cute Mack had to refrain from picking him up and giving him a quick hug.

  The girls both smiled patiently. Caleb squatted down next to his little brother. “Josh … you know I’d do anything for you, but I’m trying to protect Sariah here.”

  “Why would Sariah need protection from Mack Quinn?”

  “Just because somebody’s a great football player doesn’t mean they’re a good person.”

  Mack’s eyebrows rose. He wanted to start calling character witnesses. He tried very hard to be a good person and these loyal siblings of Sariah’s were going to block him from finding her just like Hyde had. Maybe he was the one in the wrong here, but he yearned for Sariah like he’d never yearned for a person. He wanted to ask his brother Kaleb to write a song about it. Then he could sing it for Sariah and maybe win her over. He was no Kaleb Quinn, but he had a decent voice.

  “You’re a good guy, aren’t you, Mr. Quinn?” Josh demanded.

  “I like to think so.”

  “You’re not going to hurt Sariah, are you?”

  Mack swallowed hard. “I promise you, Josh, that I would never do anything to hurt Sariah. I care for her deeply.”

  The sisters were looking a little less defensive but still wary. Caleb stood and shrugged his shoulders. “Look man, I’m not trying to be a jerk, it’s just Sariah … she’s pretty special to us and she’s been through a lot.”

  “Hyde said something similar,” Mack admitted.

  Caleb’s eyes narrowed. “So, you already asked Hyde for her number and he told you no?”

  Dang, this kid was quick. Mack nodded, not able to lie.

  “I’m sorry.” Caleb picked Josh up and ushered him back from the door. The girls stepped back and Caleb moved to swing the door closed.

  “Please,” Mack begged.

  “She lives with Hyde’s mama, Teresa,” Josh yelled.

  “Josh,” all the other siblings reprimanded.

  “Thank you,” Mack said.

  Caleb firmly shut the door on him. That hadn’t gone too well, but at least he had another lead. He called Griff and luckily his brother answered.

  “What now?” Griff asked.

  “I need an address for Teresa Metcalf’s home. I think it’s near Denver.”

  Griff exhaled loudly. “I’ll text it to you, but no more.”

  “Thanks, bro.”

  Griff hung up.

  Mack hoped he wasn’t making his brother break laws but this information was something he seriously needed to know. No more, echoed in his head. If he didn’t find Sariah at Teresa’s house, what would he do? Start wandering the streets of Denver asking if anyone knew her?

  His phone beeped and he had to wait until he exited the canyon and could pull off the freeway in the first little town. The address was in Golden, Colorado. He hoped that wasn’t too far away. When he plugged it in and saw he was already in Golden, he thought maybe things were finally going his way. Bless that little Josh for idolizing him and giving him what he needed and Griff for probably bending rules he shouldn’t bend to find him the information.

  He followed Siri’s voice along quiet city streets, back up a hill closer to the mountainside. The cul-de-sac was affluent, but Hyde’s mom’s house was definitely the nicest and the biggest. He loved the flow of the redbrick two-story and all the windows. The landscaping was amazing with spring flowers straining to peek out. He jumped from his rental and hurried to the door. Teresa had smiled at him at the party at Bucky’s. Even if Sariah wasn’t here, maybe Teresa wouldn’t turn him away.

  He pushed the doorbell and waited impatiently. A few seconds later the door swung open. Two ladies stood staring at him. He recognized the blonde as Teresa but didn’t kn
ow the shorter, darker-haired lady.

  “I know you,” Teresa said.

  “Lucky you.” The other lady pumped her eyebrows and looked him over.

  “Mack Quinn.” Mack stuck out his hand. Both the ladies took turns shaking his hand.

  “Teresa,” Hyde’s mom murmured.

  “Auntie Allie,” the dark-haired lady said.

  “We didn’t officially meet but I was with Sariah last week at Bucky’s party … in the gardens.”

  “Lucky Sariah,” Allie said.

  Teresa’s blue eyes lit with understanding but then they narrowed quickly. “Sariah saw you kissing Scarlett Lily.” She folded her arms across her chest and tilted her head in an obvious challenge. “What do you have to say for yourself, young man?”

  “Whoa.” Mack held up his hands. “No. I promise I did not kiss Scarlett Lily.” Had Sariah seen him talking with Scarlett? Oh, no. What if it hurt her?

  They both glared imperiously at him, Allie mimicking her friend’s defensive stance.

  “She kissed my jaw,” he explained. “She dated my brother, Griff, and wanted me to give him a message.”

  Their stance softened perceptively.

  “I promise I am not dating Scarlett. I couldn’t think of dating someone else when my head is so full of Sariah.”

  Allie placed a hand on her heart. “Oh, that was sweet.”

  “Is she here?” he asked quickly, maybe too quickly as the women exchanged a wary look.

  “No, she’s not,” Teresa said. “She’s at … school.”

  “Oh.” Of course, she wouldn’t be home in the middle of the day. “Could you give me her number, or if you don’t feel comfortable with that, I could leave my number.” These two were the most receptive of anyone, besides Josh. “I need to talk to her.”

  They exchanged a look then finally Teresa said, “You can give us your number.”

  “Thank you.” Mack hoped he didn’t look like an eager puppy dog. He hurriedly wrote his number on the notepad they gave him, along with a, Please, call me, Mack Quinn, and handed it back. “Please tell her I’m not with Scarlett.”


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