Disruption of Desire
Page 8
Fuck, what do I do?
Connor has taken this to a whole new level. I really feel like driving up there and punching him right in the face, then telling him to pack his shit and get out. If he loves the club so much, he can go live there. At this point, I don’t give a shit. I thought he loved me and wanted to start a family. How are we supposed to do that, when he is out until all hours of the night doing whatever the hell he’s doing. I’m sure he will give me some lame ass excuse as to why he is still hanging out with them, but quite frankly, I don’t give a fuck.
I know it’s out of anger right now but I just want him to pack his shit and leave. I could throw it all out in the front yard, but that is so cliché.
As I pace back and forth throughout the house, I can feel the anger building. My palms are getting clammy, and my forehead has beads of sweat running down, mixing with the tears. I am a mess right now. Why he would do this to me, knowing how much I hate that motorcycle club life.
Grabbing a new bottle of wine from the liquor cabinet, I pop the cork and pour a nice tall glass. Maybe I can drink this all away. Drinking is only going to make things worse, but at this point, I don’t care. I just want him standing in front of me so I can give him a piece of my mind. I can’t promise I won’t hit him in the process, though.
Walking back to my office with my wine in hand, I notice headlights coming down the driveway. My body tightens up and my stomach is in knots. Did he have someone drive him home? Is he that wasted he couldn’t even ride his bike? As the vehicle gets closer, I make it out to be Frankie’s jeep. I head to the back door to let him in and, lo and behold, Brit is still with him.
“What are you guys doing back here?” Letting them inside and locking the door behind them, I see Brit has somewhat sobered up, and there’s a look of concern all over Frankie’s face.
“Well girl, we got back to my house and had a beer, and got to talking about this whole situation; how we know Connor is going to be out till the wee hours of the morning. So, we decided to come back here and keep you company.” Brit walks toward me with her arms open and embraces me. At her touch, I instantly start crying uncontrollably.
“You’re my sister and I won’t let you go through this alone,” she murmurs as she squeezes me even tighter.
“Yeah Piper, you know you’re like a sister to me as well. Your family has done so much for me and it’s only right that I protect my big sister.” Frankie wraps his arms around the both of us, turning it into a group hug.
“I love you guys, and thank you. Thank you for coming back. I was lonely and so many thoughts were running through my head. I just don’t understand why he would do this to me.”
As we walk into the living room and take a seat on the couch, Brit walks to the liquor cabinet.
“Got any more of that wine, sis?” she asks, looking through the cabinet.
“Yeah it’s on the kitchen counter. Help yourself.”
Grabbing herself a glass and pouring the wine to the rim, she looks at Frankie, “You want some, darlin’?”
Frankie holds his keys up and shakes them. “Nope, someone has to drive us to your house later.”
“Oh, you’re coming to my house, huh?” She gives him a smirk and a wink.
“Well, I was hoping so.” He’s smiling back at her.
“Oh, for Christ’s sake, would you two just fuck already. I know you both want to, so just get it over with already.” I laugh at them both while they look at me with this dumbfounded look on their faces.
“I mean, it’s pretty damn obvious you two have so much built up sexual tension for each other. Just do it already.”
We all bust out laughing hysterically. This is just what I needed tonight. I needed my best friends here with me. If I was alone, I would’ve driven myself insane.
Brit walks to the couch and sits next to me. She pulls the blanket from the back of the couch and covers us both up.
“So, what are we going to do about this motherfucker?” She takes a sip of her wine and gives me that evil smirk. “You know I have your back, sis, no matter what.”
“Honestly, I have no idea what I’m going to do. If Big Donnie told him you swung by there tonight, there’s no way in hell he’s gonna come home and face me. Not tonight, at least.”
Flipping the TV on, I start going through the channels. Brit takes the remote from me. “Girl, forget the TV. We need to plot some revenge type shit out.”
“Revenge, Brit?” I shoot her a puzzled look. “I can’t even think about revenge till he at least talks to me.”
Frankie looks over from the Lazy Boy recliner. “I hate to say it, Pipe, but she has a point. This whole time you guys have been married now, he has been lying to you about where he goes, what he’s doing. I’m inclined to agree with Brit.” He pulls the lever down on the chair as his legs swing out, kicking off his shoes as he gets comfortable.
“Like I said, guys, I don’t want to plot anything until I hear his side of the story. For all we know, it was only this one night that he was there. Frankie, you did say they were having a party there. What if it was someone’s birthday, or a celebration party of some sort.”
“Does is it matter, Piper?” Brit sits up straight and whips her head around, looking me dead in the eyes, pissed as shit. “Seriously Piper, he lied to you tonight about having to work. How many of the other nights has he lied? How many nights have you called me saying, ‘Well, he left again for work.’ You can’t honestly think he was actually going to work, do you?”
I know where she is coming from and, believe me, I get it. But a big part of me wants to believe he really was doing what he says he was. I have never given him any reason to lie to me about anything. I think I have been a pretty understanding wife. I have only asked of him this one thing: Leave the club!
“Piper, I don’t know if you know this or not, but I have seen a couple of documentaries about motorcycle clubs, and as much as you want to think it’s easy to leave a club, it’s not. Some of the shit these clubs put them through to leave, it’s downright scary. It’s almost better to stay like he did.”
“That’s bullshit, Frankie, and you know it. I screamed. Everyone at the club seemed to be okay with him leaving. They all wanted what was best for him. And getting married and starting a family with me was the best thing for him. Who knows what would have happened if he stayed full-time with them.”
“I understand that, but look at it from their perspective. You threw this demand down to him and the club, pretty much to have one of their main guys up and leave a family he has been a part of for years. Now, don’t get me wrong. I am by no means sticking up for Connor, but if you were in his shoes and knew the possible repercussions to follow leaving, you might just as well have done the same thing.”
I get where Frankie is coming from, but if he had no intentions of leaving the club, or they had no intention of letting him leave, then he should have told me. Then we wouldn’t be in this situation right now. He should have been honest with me about it. I’m not sure if it was the fear of losing me, or what, but he should have talked to me about it. If we sat down and he explained it all to me, I might have had a better understanding. But he didn’t; he just told me he would leave the club.
Would I have left him if he told me he couldn’t? Probably not. But I definitely wouldn’t have married him while he was still attached to them. I wasn’t going to be a part of that shit. It was bad enough dealing with it while we were dating, not knowing if I was going to get that call that he was in the hospital, beaten to shit; or even worse, that he was dead? I couldn’t live with myself if that ever happened. That’s why I asked him to leave and start a new life with me.
Brit reaches over and puts her hand on my thigh and gently squeeze. “I know it’s hard, sis, but look at what he’s doing to you. Look at what he has done to your marriage. It’s not right.”
“Ya know, before you guys came back, I was contemplating driving over to the clubhouse and confronting him.”
Brit’s eyes widen and I can see the excitement in her face. “We should totally do that, Piper. Holy shit, that’s a great idea.”
“I knew I shouldn’t have told you that. I knew you would be game for doing it.”
“Of course I am. Give me the chance to bust up in there and give those boys a piece of my mind. Hell yeah, I’m game.” She holds her glass of wine up in the air, as if to cheers me.
“No, Brit. We are not going over there.” I shake my head.
“Yeah Brit, there is no way I’m gonna bust up in there like that. I can defend myself, but those fuckers would gang up and destroy me.”
Brit looks at Frankie, clearly disappointed, and takes a gulp of her wine. Under her breath, she lets out, “Pussy!”
“Call me what you want, Brit, but those guys are ten times worse than anything I saw or did in the desert. And I’ve seen some shit that no man or woman should ever see.”
“Fine, but I want you both to know I would’ve fucked some shit up in there.”
“I’m sure you would have, sis. But it’s not the right time and definitely not the right place to do it.” I finish the last bit of my wine.
Brit pulls the blanket off and grabs my empty glass, then heads to the kitchen to refill our glasses. “Frankie, love, are you sure you don’t want anything while I’m up?” She shakes her empty glass and looks back at her ass at the same time.
“If you’re insinuating that you’re gonna give up that ass, why then yes, I’ll take a piece of that. As for a drink, a glass of sweet tea will be fine.”
“You only want a piece of this ass? Not the whole thing?” Smacking her ass with her hand, she gives him her devilish smirk.
“Oh, my God, would you two get a room already!” Smiling, I let out a little giggle.
I’m so glad these two knuckleheads are here, but for real already, I wish they would just go fuck and come back. It’s gonna happen. I know, as soon as they leave here and get to Brit’s house, it’s on for those two. Hell, if Brit has it her way, she’ll be giving him road head the whole way home.
Brit fills our glasses and brings them back, plopping down on the couch, and covering us back up.
“Um, hello? Where the hell is my tea?” Frankie chides, throwing his arms up in the air.
“Fuck. I knew I forgot something,” she replies, getting back up and letting out a growl as she does. “I got your damn tea, alright. You’re lucky I don’t have a set of balls, or I would tea bag your drink. Get it? I’d tea bag your tea!” She laughs, letting out a snort as she does.
“Yeah we get it, Brit. Good one. And if you had a set of balls, then we definitely wouldn’t be doing anything tonight, or any night.”
“Pssshhhh. Yeah right. You have wanted this ass for quite some time, Frankie. I bet, even if I did have a set of nuts, you’d still hit it.”
“Holy shit, you two! You guys are gonna drive me nuts tonight. Or at least drive me to drink a couple bottles of wine.”
Brit yells out from the kitchen, “I bet if I get you pretty tipsy tonight, we wind up going over to the clubhouse.” Sticking her tongue out, she pours Frankie’s tea.
“Oh, I’m pretty sure that would happen.” I laugh at her, feeling the effects of the wine already.
As the night progresses and the wine goes down ever so smoothly, I feel myself getting more and more tipsy. I glance over at the kitchen counter and am surprised to see four empty wine bottles sitting up there. Holy shit, Brit and I drank that much wine? They have only been here for two hours. Oh well, I needed to have this night. Especially the way it started out. Who am I kidding, it’s not night. It’s early morning. I look at the time on the cable box. 3:30am. Where the hell did the night go?
Frankie is passed out in the recliner, and Brit and I are on the couch, giddy as fuck. It feels like we are back in high school again, sneaking liquor from my dad’s cabinet and drinking in my room. Getting wasted and talking about boys. Only difference is, this time we aren’t talking about boys, we’re talking about the man I married, the man I said I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. As these thoughts run through my mind over and over again, and the more Brit and I talk about it, the sadder I get. The drunker I become, the more likely I am to do something stupid. And with Brit here with me, it’s a good possibility that will happen.
“Frankie! You awake?” Brit yells out to him, laughing and almost spilling her wine.
No response from Frankie, not even a movement. He must really be knocked the hell out. Pulling the blanket off me, I try to stand up but find myself reaching down for the floor. Next thing I know, I’m on my stomach, face down on the ground. I look up at Brit and she busts out laughing at me.
“Shhhh, bitch! Don’t wake him!” I whisper loudly, as I look back at her. “Watch this. Zac showed me how to do the Army crawl.”
Trying to do an Army crawl with how drunk I am must be hysterical to watch. There is no freaking way I’m doing this right, but damn it, I will do my best. As I get closer to Frankie, I look back at Brit, and she has tears streaming down her face from laughing so hard.
“Girl, you look like a dysfunctional worm.”
Laughing at what she just told me, I can feel the spit shoot out of my mouth as I try to laugh quietly. That obviously didn’t work the way I planned it, though. I finally make it to the recliner and inch my way up the arm rest, trying to be as quiet as possible, to not wake Frankie. As I get up to my knees, I lean over him and get close to his ear.
“Frankie,” I whisper. “Are you awake?” I get nothing.
“Pipe, he is passed the fuck out.” Brit stands up.
“I gotta break the seal, girl. After I’m done peeing, what do you say we mosey our fine asses over to that clubhouse and give your man a talking to?”
“Girl, that sounds like a great idea. Only thing is, how do we get there? Frankie is passed the hell out.”
“Where are his jeep keys at?” she asks, as she walks to bathroom. “Find ‘em!”
My drunk ass starts looking all around the recliner to see if they are there, but no such luck. Not on the end table either. They must still be in his pocket, but I’m sure as hell not digging in his pocket. That’s just weird. I’ll make Brit do it when she comes back out. If he woke up with my hand in his pocket, that would be one for the books.
Standing up on my two wobbly feet, I make my way to the kitchen and pour a glass of water. I really don’t need any more wine, even though I sure could drink some more. Brit comes out of the bathroom and into the kitchen.
“You got the keys?” She’s holding her hand out as if she wants them.
“Nope! They are in his pocket,” I whisper and laugh at the same time. Damn, I am drunk.
“Well, I guess I’m going in after them.” Brit walks over to Frankie and straddles him. Still no response out of him.
“Damn, he’s a heavy sleeper.” She slowly and softly feels the sides of his jeans, trying to find out which pocket the keys are in. When she finds them, her eyes widen as she glances over at me. I can see the excitement in her face, as she slides her hand slowly into his pocket.
“Hell, I might as well try and get a feel of his dick while I’m at it.” Moving her hand, she reaches a little deeper into his jeans. “Yeah, that isn’t the keys. But holy hell, he has a massive cock.” Her face lights up with a devious smile.
“Brit! Just get the keys! I don’t want to hear that shit.” Leaning up against the counter top, I concentrate on trying not to fall over.
Putting my forehead down on the counter, as the room is spinning all around me, I try to imagine how this will all play out. Being as drunk as I am, it’s not working too well for me. I pick my head up to see how Brit is doing with getting the keys, just as she pulls them out of his pocket and starts jiggling them, like she’s found gold or something. As she tries to get up from his lap, Frankie makes a sudden movement, which scares the shit out of Brit, and she falls to the floor. She rolls onto her back, laughing her ass off, and snorting.
She pops up, holding the keys in the air. “Mission one, accomplished.”
“Hell yeah! Now, let’s go get that douche of a husband of mine.” I pause. “Wait. Are you okay to drive?” I ask, with the straightest face I can muster up.
“No, but how the hell else are we gonna get there.”
“You know if he wakes up and we are gone, and the jeep is gone, he is gonna kill us.”
“Well, I guess we better hurry the hell up then, huh? And if he wants to get in these panties, he won’t say a word to us.” She gives me her evil smirk again.
“Let me grab something before we go.” Walking back into my bedroom, I go into the closet and grab my pistol from the shelf. Connor bought me this pistol for my birthday and taught me how to use it. I slip it into the back of my belt and pull my shirt down to cover it. I don’t know if I’ll need it, but I’m sure as hell not going in there unprepared.
Making our way outside to the jeep is a struggle. Neither one of us have any business driving right now, but I so want to go show my ass at the clubhouse. So, we get up into the jeep and fire it up.
Brit checks her mirrors, before she looks at me and says, “Buckle up, bitch. For safety, of course.”
Surprisingly, Brit is doing a damn good job driving. Granted, we are just driving down my long ass driveway right now, but she’s driving straight as an arrow. She stops at the end of the driveway and takes a deep breath.
“Here we go, girl.”
“Wait!” I bellow out.
“What the fuck, Piper!”
“You sure you got this, Brit?”
“I’m good. The top is off, the wind will keep me going. Plus, you know I drive better when I’m drunk. And I’m pretty sure at 3:30am, there aren’t too many people on the streets.”
“And the clubhouse is only a couple miles down the road. Okay, let’s do this. I love you, Brit.”