Accepting Destiny

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Accepting Destiny Page 19

by Christa Lynn

  She glances at the remaining “food” on my plate and I know she’s fixing to go all doctor on me and tell me I need to eat. I chuckle though, when she turns her nose up at it and shrugs her shoulders. “What in the hell is that?” She asks, pushing the smelly varmint further away.

  “Not sure, but I think it moved a while ago,” I laugh. I didn’t feel like what I said was very funny, but Dani breaks out into a fit of the giggles and doesn’t come up for air until there are tears rushing down her face. I’m laughing back at her, but as soon as my stomach muscles clench, I remember about the ribs and suck in a breath.

  “Are you all right, Ally?” Dani asks, finally shaking off the tears of laughter.

  “Yeah,” I groan, “Hurts to laugh, but it was great hearing and seeing you laugh. I know you’ve been through hell these last few days, so seeing you let it go, is good.”

  “Gosh, Ally. I sometimes think you’re too good to be true. Your mother was right, you’re always thinking of others, even when your life is in turmoil. Anyway, I have a surprise for you,” she says, as the turns to the door, it slowly opening.

  I see a wheelchair roll in to the room and realize its Jackson. “Jackson! What are you doing out of bed? You just woke up from a four day coma, you need to get back downstairs,” I scream at him. Well, not really screaming, but louder that I probably should be speaking. He looks....normal. The swelling has gone down a bunch in the last few hours since I saw him last.

  “Relax, Alexandra. I’m being moved into the room next door, so I can keep an eye on you.”

  “Oh no you don’t, Mr. Bentley. The only person that will have an eye on them, is you. Now, get your ass back to your bed before I go ape shit on you,” I say, as I get out of the bed, groaning at the pain. Damn it, I keep forgetting my ribs are fucking broken.

  “Lay down, Alexandra,” he demands. Yes, Mr. Bossy Pants is back.

  “Me? Lay down? Jesus, Jack, you’re the one that just came out of a coma. You have.....shit, you have a broken head for Christ’s sake! And those internal injuries....damn it, you shouldn’t be out of ICU yet!”

  “Well, money can sometimes buy you anything you want, Alexandra,” he growls at me.

  “What? Money? You have got to be kidding me, Jack. It’s is YOU that matters here, not your stinking money. I want you to be able to go home with no side effects of what happened and if help me, Jackson.....” And I stop my ranting cause he’s just sitting there smiling at me. “How in the hell can you recover so soon from what you’ve been through, are you Superman or something? Did the doctors inject kryptonite in your IV?”

  Okay, now he’s laughing. This is so not funny and I glare at him through sleepy eyes. “It’s not funny Jackson!”

  “Kryptonite? Where do you come up with this stuff?” He chuckles.

  “Jackson, do you have any idea of your injuries? You. Broke. Your. Head! Damn it! Your fucking head!! You don’t just get up and walk away from that!” I show my frustration, but Dani places her hand on my shoulder, in a feeble attempt to calm me down.

  “Ally, it was just a hairline fracture. No permanent damage was done. His lung is healing nicely, so we now just wait for him to be released. The doctors ran another scan a little while ago and he’s gonna be fine,” Dani tells me.

  “Wait, his lung? What happened to his lung?”

  “His left lung collapsed on impact from the car, but the doctors were able to correct the issue with a quick surgery. You were still unconscious when that occurred, so you didn’t even know.”

  “Shit, what else do I need to know?” I ask, totally anxious that this was kept from me.

  Before she could answer, my door opens and Detective Rowland walks in. He didn’t knock or anything. Guess he thinks he owns the place or something.

  “Chase,” I say quietly. Jackson turns to see him and Chase’s eyes light up when he sees Jackson.

  “Bentley, damn. How are you? I didn’t even know you had come out of the coma yet,” Chase tells him, while shaking his hand.

  “Yeah, this beautiful woman came to sit with me and......” He stops mid-sentence, when he sees the expression on Chase’s face. “What is it Rowland?”

  “Has Ally told you anything about the accident?”

  Jackson shakes his head and looks at me with a surprised look on his face. “Is there something I should know?”

  “You don’t remember, do you?” I ask quietly.

  “I remember seeing you cross the street and that car came speeding down the road. All I could think of was getting you out of the way, so I pushed you away from the car, your body crunching against the pavement. And then I.......I..., shit, that’s all I remember, before waking up with your head in my lap.”

  “So you don’t remember much before that?” Chase asks.

  It is then, that I am positive that Jackson doesn’t remember that he was speaking to Madison, right before she plowed us down with her car.

  Jackson gets quiet for a minute, like he’s thinking. He shakes his head in confusion. “I can’t remember. All I do remember, is Jason called me from the beach telling me you slipped away, which by the will be punished for,” he says, as he looks my way. “And that’s it.”

  “Chase, I don’t think now is the time to be discussing this.” Dani says, giving that dreaded stink eye to Detective Rowland. Jackson picks up on this and I can tell he’s about to get pissed that we’re keeping something from him.

  “Tell me, Chase. Apparently there is something going on here, that everyone knows about, except me. Tell me. Now.” He says, his eye steely dark and angry.

  I decide to pipe up and see if he will calm down for me. “Jack, do you remember who you were talking to before the accident?” I ask him.

  “Talking to? No, I don’t remember talking to anyone. Why? Who was it?” He asks, pure confusion in his eyes.

  Chase begins to talk, but I cut him off. “Chase, please. Let me explain this to him, okay?” He nods, and sits back, crossing his arms across his chest.

  “When I arrived at your place, I had to park a few streets over. I walked to your building to see you, but when I turned the corner,you were standing there talking rather ummm,intimately, with a woman I didn’t recognize.” I stop for a second to see if I notice him remembering anything. His eyebrows scrunch up and he looks down at his hands.

  “The way you were looking at her, had me.....flustered. This woman saw me and made sure I knew she saw me. You turned to look at me and........I did what I do best, I ran,” I tell him. “You came after me and tried to get me to listen to you, but I was so tired from driving and so frustrated, that you felt you needed to explain things.....that I took off towards my car. You were hit by that car because you ran after me.”

  “Alexandra, if you think for one second, that you are at fault in all this....I swear, I’ll......” I cut him off.

  “You’ll what Jackson? It’s not like you’re in any condition to fight me on this right now. It’s my fault that you were hit.....that car was meant for me.” I look up at him, tears pricking my eyes and his green orbs stare back at me.

  “What do you mean, that car was meant for you? It was a freak accident Ally, nothing more,” Jackson says, but he looks at Chase for confirmation and Chase just shakes his head.

  “Jackson, the person who hit you is the one that broke in to my apartment. The same one that followed me that day, down the interstate, going to work.”

  “You got him? Is he in custody?” He asks Chase.

  He nods, “Yes, sheis. After she ran you down, she freaked and stopped her car, running out into the road and falling on top of your lifeless body, crying. APD picked her up almost immediately. There were witnesses that saw the whole thing, so she couldn’t deny it.”

  “Wait. SHE??” He questions. “So it was that girl you used to work with huh? Damn it, I didn’t think it was her,” he drops his head in defeat.

  “No Jackson, it wasn’t Sally. You really don’t remember who you were ta
lking to before all of this?” I ask.

  His eyes glazed over, and he looks dead at me. “Tell me Alexandra.....who was it?”

  Taking a deep breath, I reluctantly answer his question. “Madison Stone.”

  “Madison....wait, no......holy shit, that’s who that woman was? Fuck, I thought she was dead!” He screams, clenching his fists into tight balls.

  “Is she the one that’s been stalking you? Why the hell.......” his breathing gets heavy and his eyes roll back, his body shaking in anger. I start to panic and get ready to push the little red button beside my bed to get the nurse in here. Then I remember that Dani is a doctor. Maybe not the kind of doctor he needs right now, but a doctor nonetheless

  Dani gets to her knees in front of Jackson’s wheelchair and presses her hands to his knees.

  “Jackson, you need to calm down. It’s over and both of you are safe now. She’s in jail and not going anywhere, anytime soon,” Dani says, trying to reassure her brother. “This is why we didn’t want to tell you right away. It’s too much,” she says, as she moves his wheelchair to face the door. “I’m taking him to his room to rest and get his doctor up to check on him.”

  “No, no more doctors Dani, not right now,” he whispers to her.

  “Don’t be an idiot Jack, you shouldn’t even be out of ICU and if you don’t behave, I’ll make sure you are back in there, in the blink of an eye.”

  Jackson nods at Dani and lays his head against the back of the chair. He knows his sister isn’t playing and gives in to her, his breathing slowly going back to normal.

  “You almost died, Jack. You and your pompous arrogance, as well as your money, got you out of ICU, long before you were ready. If this happens again, or if you have any, relapse, I will personally push your ass back downstairs. You got it?” Dani looks angry now. I silently give her a fist bump, because she’s got it going on. He would never listen to me that way.

  I watch as Dani pushes him out the door and to his room. How he managed to get the room next door is beyond me, but I’m so exhausted by this point, I can’t think about that.

  I flop my head back against the pillow and Chase just sits there. “Well, that went well,” he says slyly.

  “Yeah, I thought it might. He really didn’t seem to remember. Do you think it’s possible that he didn’t recognize her?” I shake my head, “No, he knew who she was, the panic in his eyes when he saw me standing there, gave it away.”

  “Well, I’m sure it’ll all come back to him soon enough. He just came out of a coma so things are a bit off for him. Once he rests up and gets stronger, I’m sure it will come rushing back and I’m not sure I want to be in the room when that happens.” Chase says as he stands to leave.

  “I need to get down to the station to file some reports. You gonna be okay here?” He asks me.

  I nod slowly, closing my eyes. “Yeah, I’m going to get some rest so I can get out of here tomorrow. Do you think....” and I drop off, not quite sure how to finish my question.

  “What Ally?”

  I shake my head, “Never mind. This bullshit just needs time to iron itself out, I guess. Those questions can come later. Thanks for coming by to see me,” I tell him, as he leans down and kisses my cheek.

  “I know this is frustrating for you Al, and the APD and FBI plan to work together to get to the bottom of it. Madison won’t be bothering you anymore. Get some rest and I’ll check in on you tomorrow.”

  As he opens the door to leave, I swear I spot Heather outside. I call out her name, but no one comes back in. Could they be......? Nah, they don’t even know each other, do they? Maybe this accident turned me in to cupid?

  Chapter 20

  Morning comes slowly as I toss and turn, trying to get comfortable and rest. But knowing Jackson is in the room right next door and not knowing if he’s okay, makes it hard to relax. After everyone left earlier, I was left, alone. Sure, the nurses and even my doctor came in to check on me, but that was it. Heather had gone home, or so I think, and so had my mom. Dad didn’t come by to visit. I didn’t mind though, I needed the quiet time to get my thoughts together.

  Jackson now knows how I feel about him. Well, I guess he knew all along, but he just heard it come from my mouth. It’s not exactly the way I wanted to tell him how I feel, but it seemed to bring him out of the coma and for that, I am thankful.

  I lay there in the dark, going over the events of the last few months and my mind goes back to that fateful night, where I met The Suit, for the first time. He was persistent and arrogant, but even then I was drawn to him. To this day, I can’t figure out what he sees in me, but I’m to the point, where I’m tired of questioning it. I’m going to self-destruct if I don’t just accept and embrace it, even if I don’t understand it.

  After what feels like hours, I decide to get up out of this bed and try to move around. It should be quiet in the hallway since it’s the middle of the night. The first few nights here, a nurse was in every hour or so, but now that I’m better, they leave me alone to rest overnight.

  I stand at the window overlooking the Atlanta streets. There are cars traveling on the highway off in the distance, but no bumper to bumper issues like during the day. The city looks calm and peaceful, but I know there is probably craziness going on down below.

  I find myself now peeking out the door into the hallway. I don’t see anyone at the nurse’s station, so I assume they are on rounds, or something. I tip toe out the door and make my way to Jackson’s room. His door is cracked slightly and I can hear the beeping of machines and a gentle light flickering in the background, which I assume is the television.

  I quietly step in and peek around the corner in to his room. He’s asleep and his head is facing away from the door, so he wouldn’t see me, even if he was awake. His chest rising and falling softly with each breath. His legs are on top of the blankets, exposing deep bruises across his thighs. I hadn’t noticed these bruises before, but I shake my head amazed that his legs weren’t broken, when Madison’s car slammed in to him.

  I scan his half naked body, taking in the subtle shading of bruise after bruise and pray a thank you that this beautiful man survived such a brutal attack. He’s slightly on his side, leaving just enough room to his back that I can slide in next to him. I know it’s against the rules and I’m sure to be kicked out as soon as I’m noticed, but I can’t help myself.

  I gently and slowly crawl in the bed next to him, trying to avoid slamming my own sore ribs against the arm rail. I get settled and softly lay my arm across his stomach, hiking the other up under my head. It’s not the most comfortable position, but I don’t care. Having his body close to mine, feeling his skin and knowing that he’s alive right next to me, is all I need.

  I watch the shadows cross his stubbled chin, his eyelids moving rapidly in sleep. He must be sedated, because he never moved as I climbed into his bed. I think I must be hallucinating, but I feel his breathing calm some, his breaths not as deep, or rapid as they were when I first walked in.

  I relax my fingers on his stomach, his skin cool to the touch. I’m wishing now that he wasn’t on top of the blanket, so I could cover him up and get him warm. It’s cool in the room, so I press in to him and use my body heat to warm him.

  Suddenly, bright light enters the room and I blink awake scanning the room. We are still alone and sunlight is filtering in from the window. Shit, I must have fallen asleep and if I don’t get out of this bed soon, I’m gonna get caught.

  I try to wiggle my way out of the bed, when an arm squeezes around me. It’s not a strong squeeze, but I feel it. I look down and Jackson is looking at me, smiling. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” I whisper.

  “Nonsense, this is the best way to wake up in the morning. How long have you been here?” He asks, his voice scratchy and weak.

  “Ummm, since last night I guess. I couldn’t sleep and came to check on you. I crawled into snuggle and I guess I fell asleep. I’d better get up before someone comes in,” I say, as I
pull the covers off of me.

  Wait, we weren’t covered when I laid down. Someone already knows I’m here.

  Just as I roll my own tender body over, the door opens and in walks a nurse. Great, I’m so busted.

  “Well good morning you two,” I jump and I know I must look like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, because she just chuckles as she approaches the other side of the bed. “It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone, but his doctor will be in soon and he won’t like this,” She pats Jackson on the arm. “Your secret is safe with me.”

  I get out of bed and try and make myself presentable, but it’s no use in a hospital gown and shorts. “I’d better get back in to my own room, before someone realizes I’m gone,” I whisper, as I kiss him on the cheek. He flinches a little at the sharpness of the stitches in my lip.

  “Oh really? THAT makes you flinch? You were hit by a car and my little stitches poking you in the skin hurt?” I snicker, his eyes flashing at me, obviously not amused.

  “I’ll let the nurse check you out and come back later, okay?” I say, not letting him take a jab at me. He nods and smiles, reaching for my hand and pulling me closer to the bed.

  He presses his lips against my knuckles and then releases my hand. “Thank you, Ally.”

  I smile back at him, but I don’t understand what he is thanking me for. I didn’t do anything but put him in danger. I should be thanking him for saving my life. I shake it off and go back in to my room, where Heather is waiting for me.

  “Hey H, what are you doing here?” I ask.

  “Waiting for you, where have you been?”

  “How long have you been in here?” I glance around the room, thinking there might be a hidden camera in here somewhere.

  “About thirty minutes. I figured maybe they took you down for some final tests, before checking you out.”

  “I was in Jackson’s room,” I tell her, as I climb back on to my own bed.

  “Hmmm, really? You think that’s a good idea?”

  “What? What do you think happened in there?” I tell you, Heather’s mind is always somewhere else, amazingly close to the gutter.


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