Accepting Destiny

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Accepting Destiny Page 20

by Christa Lynn

  “Mmmm, I could take a guess,” she says.

  “You’re joking right? He just got out of a COMA and I’m in no condition to get my freak on, so no. Your guess is totally off base. If you must know, I went in to see him last night and fell asleep next to him.”

  I neglect to tell her I was in bed with him, because that’ll just get her going and I’m not in the mood. I know she is trying to liven things up a little, but I’m not going to condone it.

  “Well, a little hospital sex never hurt anyone,” She mumbles, looking up at me through her long eyelashes.

  “You’re crazy, you know? Sex is the last thing on my mind right now. Jack still has a long way to go in his recovery and I’m not doing anything to set him back, especially having sex with him in a hospital. That’s just nuts.”

  “Well, you never know. They say having sex helps get rid of headaches, stress and other ailments,” she shrugs her shoulders.

  “Heather, really?” I chuckle at her. “I’m just happy he’s alive, he saved my life,” I say, as I then burst in to tears. Nice, I go from a lighthearted banter to a blubbering mess. What in the hell is wrong with me?

  In an instant, she is wrapping her arms around me, in the way only Heather can. I plant my face in her shoulder and sob. My shoulders heaving and her hands brushing my hair. She doesn’t say anything, she just holds me until I stop shaking and my tears dry up.

  She finally releases me and I glance at the wet spot on her shoulder where my face was. “Sorry about your shirt,” I say, as I lay back in the bed.

  “It’s okay, I don’t like this shirt much anyway,” she laughs, trying to make me feel better. But it isn’t working.

  “Heather, answer me something. What does Jackson see in me? Why would he risk his life for someone like me?”

  “Are you kidding, Al? That man loves you so damned much, but you are just too blind to see it. You are an amazing woman and so lucky to have him. He stepped in front of a fucking car for you. Hell, I’m not sure, I would have done that,” she says, as she nudges me in the shoulder. “Really though, you’re beautiful, successful and an all-out great woman. You’d step in front of a bus for me and I don’t even deserve it. That’s just who you are, Ally. Please, do yourself a favor and let all these insecurities go, just run with it. You’ll always wonder ‘what if’ if you don’t. I’ll be here for you the whole way, but keep away from speeding cars for a while, would ya?”

  I nod my head. I know she’s right but I just can’t shake this feeling. Madison is back and even though she tried to kill me and Jackson, I just can’t help but wonder if this whole thing isn’t over yet. She’s not going to go away peacefully, I’m sure. She went above and beyond reasonable means to get his attention and I’m sure she’s going to keep at it, even from behind bars. That’s if she even stays in jail. She risked everything, just to get me out of the picture, a jail sentence won’t stop her.

  “What’s going through your mind, girl?” Heather speaks, dragging me out of my morbid thoughts.

  “What’s going to happen to Madison?” I ask.

  “She’s going to jail for a long time,” a masculine voice appears at the door way.

  “Hi Chase. What are you doing here?” I ask, as he steps in to the room.

  “I just stopped by to give you an update. Madison agreed on a plea deal. She confessed to everything, the break in, the stalking and the accident. She’s going to get help, but she’s going to get it in prison,” he says.

  “But what does that mean? We know she needs help, but what happens when she’s “cured?” I ask, using the quotation mark symbols with my fingers. “Does she then just take her Get out of Jail Free card and move on to the next helpless girl that gets in her way?”

  “Whoa, Ally. What’s gotten in to you?” Heather asks.

  “She tried to kill me and Jackson, and she’s going to get ‘help’? She needs a lot more than help, if you ask me. But, the judge didn’t ask me, because I don’t remember getting the fucking memo,” I snap. “How can they already give her a plea deal without interviewing the victims? They only asked me what happened, in my own words and I know they haven’t talked to Jackson, so they made this decision without any regard to the people she hurt. This is fucked up, Chase.”

  “I know, but her attorney pressed it along with the judge. She hired a real slime ball to get her out of this, but, since she confessed, at least she will be out of your hair.”

  “Out of my hair? For how long? A month or two? This is nuts, she deserved a full on jury trial and I plan to hire my own attorney to make sure she gets what’s coming to her. This is re-frickin-diculous.

  Laughter filled the room, a mixture of female and male giggles sweep over my angry self and I looked at the company I was keeping at the moment. “What is so damned funny?” I ask, in my “you’ve pissed me off” tone.

  “You Ally, you and your silly sayings. ‘Re-frickin-diculous?’ Where do you come up with this stuff?” Heather asked, as she caught her breath. I wasn’t finding this funny at all, but both she and Chase are struggling to keep a straight face.

  “Whatever. Can you guys step out while I get dressed? I’m breaking out today and I refuse to be wheeled to the car looking like this. Out!” I shoo them away.

  “Touchy, touchy,” Heather murmurs, as she turns to leave, grabbing Chase by the arm, to pull him out too. I’m so angry at this point that I am slamming things and tugging on my clothes a bit more forceful than I should. I’m not even feeling the pain in my ribs. I cram what is left into the bag Heather brought and sit down in the chair, sulking like a child. This whole situation as got me so pissed off, that I can’t even think straight.

  I need to get my emotions in check quick, or I am going to make an ass out of myself. Heather and Chase come back in skittishly, peering at me from around the door, to make sure I’m not still sulking. Well I am, so I shoot daggers at Heather as she walks in.

  “Easy Tom Cat, it’s gonna be okay. We’ll be here every step of the way,” Heather whispers, as she plants her ass on the arm of the chair, her fingers tugging on my hair. “Now, I believe there is someone that wants to see you, before you leave. C’mon,” She tugs me to my feet, the pain in my ribs still grabbing at me.

  She sees the pain in my face and gives me a look of sympathy. I don’t want her sympathy, or anyone else’s for that matter. I’m going to fight this verdict against Madison Stone, if it sends me to the poor house. She’s not going to get away with attempted murder. My life, and especially Jackson’s life may never be the same again and damned if I’m going to let that happen.

  Madison will pay, and pay dearly for what she’s done. Before you go all freak-a-zooid on me, NO - I’m not going to kill her. Though that thought has crossed my mind. Wait, you know what? I will kill her. I’ll kill her with kindness. She won’t know what hit her when the knife she so slowly inserted in to my back, comes lashing across her beautiful face. Yep, Madison Stone, let me introduce you to Karma.

  Chapter 21

  I follow Heather out of the room next door. I need to see Jackson before I check out of Horror Hospital. Now, it wasn’t bad I guess. I’m just ready to go home and get back to my life. I hear loud voices from outside, and one of them is Jackson. He sounds angry and I wonder if I should leave and come back later. “Damn it! What the fuck were you thinking? You almost killed me and Alexandra!” I hear Jackson screaming. Now, I’m not usually a nosey person, but I decide to just listen for a few minutes. Then the female voice speaks, and she sounds like.....I don’t know, guilty? Upset? I’m not really sure. Heather and I stare at each other for a moment with our eyes bugged out of our heads.

  “Jackson, she’s no good for you. You deserve so much better than....that.”

  “Stop! You shut your fucking mouth, Madison.”

  I suck in a breath when I hear her name. Madison is in there? What in the hell? I debate knocking, but decide to just wait it out. Whatever is going on in there needs to happen, without me present, but d
amned if I’m leaving. Heather looks at me at whispers, “Madison?” I shrug my shoulders, because I’m finding it hard to believe too.

  “Why are you so angry with me, Jack? I was trying to do you favor.”

  “A favor? By killing me? You’re crazier than I thought.”

  “You and me; what we had was good, Jackson. We fit together like two puzzle pieces, always have. Your mom wanted this, mine does too. We need to give them what they want.”

  “See, that’s where you’re wrong Madison. We do not need to give them what they want. Mom is probably rolling over in her grave, knowing what you tried to do. I guarantee when I meet her in Heaven, she will be so thankful that I ended it with you. Now, you need to get the fuck out of my room before I call security. You aren’t even supposed to be out of jail!

  I decide it’s finally time to intervene, so I tap quietly on the door. “It’s open!” A female voice floats out the door, followed by a low frustrated growl

  “I’m going to go put your things in the car, Ally. I’ll be back in a bit,” Heather says, as she goes the other way. I just nod at her and slowly push the door open.

  I walk in, peeking around the corner and immediately freeze in my tracks. Madison Stone is sitting next to Jackson’s bed, but glaring up towards the door waiting to see who is coming in. We stare at each other for what seems like eons. “What are you doing here?” I ask her, a bit of a bite in my voice.

  “What? I can’t visitmyman?” She snips back.

  “Your man?What the fuck are you talking about? He’s not your man anymore, not after you tried to kill him.”

  She then spewed an evil laugh. “Oh Alexandra, you are a naive one eh?” She gets up and starts moving towards me. “You think you have it all now, don’t you? Fancy job, new car and Jackson. Well guess what bitch, Jackson is MINE and he will always me mine. You will never be able to give him what he needs,” she says, as she looks me up and down, disgust in her eyes. “What he sees in you, I will never know.”

  “Enough!” A male voice, scratchy from sleep and tubes running down his throat. Madison and I both jump at the sound, stepping back from each other. “Get out!” He screams, authority still resonates from his throat, even though the sound is weak.

  “I’m sorry, I was just leaving,” I say, as I back towards the door, not taking my eyes off of Madison.

  “No, stay Alexandra,” Jackson sits up in bed. “Madison, you need to get the hell out of here,” he says as he reaches for the phone by the bed. “What the fuck are you doing out of jail anyway? I can’t even comprehend what happened, must less, have the strength to lay here and look at you. I despise you. Now. Get. Out!” He screams, his voice catching and then he falls back to bed, his head hitting the pillow in exhaustion.

  Madison’s eyes drop in defeat, and I give myself a fist bump internally. She thinks she’s hot shit huh? Well, I got news for her.

  She turns towards the door and sulks her way out of it. “I’ll be right back,” I tell Jackson, as he angrily looks at me.

  “Ally no.....” But I’m already gone, following Madison down the corridor.

  “Madison, wait.”

  She turns to look at me, a true sadness in her eyes, but I refuse to fall for the “oh whoa is me” attitude. I get right up to her face, a feeling of empowerment cradles my body. “I see you back in this hospital, or anywhere near Jackson, I will personally make sure you.....”

  “Oh? You’ll what Ally? Hit me? Beat me up? Go head, I fucking dare you.”

  “No, I would never stoop to your level Madison. You come near me or Jackson and I will.....”

  A male voice comes from around the corner, “Personally escort you back to jail, where you belong, Miss Stone.”


  “What in the hell are you doing here, Miss Stone?” He growls.

  She steps back, fear filling her eyes along with a few tears. Great, she’s trying to be an actress now. Well her little pity party ain’t working on me.

  “I...I...I’m sorry, I just needed to see him. I needed to make sure he was okay,” she whispers, while looking down at her six hundred dollar shoes. Even as a criminal, she’s still worried about how she looks.

  “No apologies, Madison. You know you aren’t supposed to be here and I should haul your ass back down to the station.” His eyes soften at the sight of her tears. Oh no he doesn’t, he’d better not fall for her guilt trip.

  I see him giving into her and I feel I must step in, so I go nose to nose with her. “You step one pretty little foot near me or Jackson and I will take you down. Do you hear me? Don’t fuck with me. You’ve made both of our lives miserable for the last few months and it is over! Done got that? Now, take your sassy, no good, miserable piece of shit self and get the hell out of here. You come back, I will drag you out of here by your hair,” I softly touch a tendril of hair that has spilled out of her tightly wound bun. “And you wouldn’t want to mess up those Jimmy Choo’s by getting them scraped over the pavement, now would you?”

  I turn to go back to Jackson’s room and I hear her huffing and puffing, like she’s gonna blow the house down. I turn back and glare at her, those daggers that I’m famous for shooting at people. She stomps her foot and turns towards the door. “I mean it Madison, I spot you one more time, you will regret it. Oh, by the way...where is that little minion of yours, Scott Adair? The one you had do all your dirty work?” Madison’s brow furrows and she looks down at her designer shoes. “You’re a fucking coward, Madison, can’t even do your own stalking. I hope he rots in the jail cell, right next to yours, so you can smell each other’s decaying corpses. You lost your own game, Madison. Jackson no longer belongs to you and I’ll make damn sure it stays that way.”

  “But he’s mine! Jackson belongs with me!” I hear her scream down the hall and I freeze in my tracks.

  I turn to face her, tears streaming down her face. Chase is just standing there, his jaw resting on his chest. I march back over to her and get in her face again.

  “No, Jacksonwasyours. You fucked that up and now he’s mine! Nothing you can do or say willeverchange that! If you want him so bad, trying to kill him was the wrong thing to do! Now get the hell out of here and go talk to your attorney, cause you just stepped in a big pile of dog shit and you’re gonna need him to scrape it off your shoes. Chase, will you get her out of here, please?”

  Chase nods and takes her by the elbow, but she yanks it out of his grasp. “I’m going, but you have not heard the last of me,” she spits out. “You watch where you’re going, Alexandra, cause you never know where I might be.”

  Chase bends down to her ear, but speaks loud enough for me to hear, “I was going to let you go, but now that you’ve threatened Miss Sanders, you’re going back to jail. Now, you’ll come with me quietly or I’ll put the fancy wrist jewelry on you and drag you back.”

  “You’re arresting me? For what?” She screams. “She threatened me too! Arrest her!” She barks.

  “I didn’t hear her threaten you, Miss Stone. I only heard you threaten her, and you’re the one that just took a plea bargain to get out of a death sentence. Now, Madison Stone, you are under arrest for making terroristic threats.You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can’t afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights I’ve just provided you?”

  “This is unbelievable! You won’t get away with this!” She screams.

  “Miss Stone, do you understand these rights?” Chase emphasizes.

  “Yeah yeah, I got it. But this ain’t over. Not by a long shot!” She cites, as Chase pulls her away.

  I stand there silently for a few minutes, before I realize there is a crowd of people standing in the corner of the waiting area. Good, witnesses. I turn to go back to Jackson’s room and stop short, as he’s standing in the hallway, leaning against the wall. His IV stand right beside him and I immediately soften. I g
o to him and gently wrap my arms around him, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. “How long have you been standing here?” I ask.

  “Long enough. You’re shaking,” he tells me, while running his finger along my cheek.

  “I’m okay, she just pissed me off. Chase arrested her, so maybe we’re done with her, for a while anyway. Now, what are you doing out of bed, Mister?”

  “When you didn’t come back, I got worried, but I see now I have nothing to worry about, not anymore,” he looks down at me. “I’m so damn proud of you, Alexandra. You stood up to her and did it without giving up. You. Amaze. Me,” he says, as he brushes his lips against mine. “Now, put me to bed,” he says, as he winks at me.

  “Yes sir,” I tell him, as I grab the IV stand and coax him back inside.

  Once I have him back in bed, I sit down next to him and hold his hand. He looks dead beat tired. I lay my head down on his chest and look up at him. Dark circles under his eyes and bandage still wrapped around his head with strands of hair poking out. His beard covering the now lightening bruises and he’s still beautiful. We lay like this for a while, not speaking. Just drinking in each other, silently appreciating the fact that we are both alive and recovering. He closes his eyes, exhales a deep breath, and I know he has fallen asleep. His grip on my hand relaxes and I close my eyes as well.

  A few minutes later, or hours maybe, a hand rests on my shoulder. I look up with sleepy eyes and see Heather. “Your doctor has your discharge papers, you need to come sign them,” she tells me.

  I go to stand up and Jackson squeezes my hand. “Don’t go Ally,” he whispers.

  “I’ll be right back, I promise. I have to go sign my discharge papers.”

  He smiles at me and drops my hand. “You get some rest, I’m gonna go home for a bit and shower, then I’ll be back, okay? Dani should be here in a little while.”

  I tell him this, but I really don’t know. I assume she will be after her office hours are over, but I could be wrong. He nods and pulls me closer. “I love you, Alexandra.”


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