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Dangerous Code

Page 15

by Stella Marie Alden

  “Do you know what kind of martial arts Joe was using?” The stovetop blares bright red, the knob on high.

  “A lethal kind of Kung Fu. Those CIA guys were lucky I recognized Dan when I did, otherwise they’d all be dead.”

  The bacon sizzles.

  “Are you and that Dan-ninja really an item? I thought you were with O’Brien.” She glances up from the pan, the bacon already starting to burn.

  “God, no. Why? Do you think Colin believed it?”

  She shrugs, the ink on her shoulder dancing. “He looked pretty pissed until you kicked that guy in the balls. Why did he call you honey?”

  “I have no idea.” My coffee bean grinding halts our conversation. Then I add, “He did act a little weird the last time he was in my office.”

  “Wait. Why was Dan in your office? Isn’t he CIA?” Apparently she doesn’t realize the stove has other settings besides high.

  I reach across and lower the heat before the bacon turns black. “The CIA wanted to stop me from selling Jason to the Chinese.”

  “Huh? Why would you do that? Sell to the Chinese?” A couple cupboards open and shut until she finds a stack of white plates and brings them to the table.

  When she returns I hand her some forks. “I’ve been working undercover for the FBI. They insisted.”

  “Wait. That makes no sense. Why would the FBI want to sell Jason to the CIA?”

  “Let me try again. Special Agent Drew insisted that I work undercover for him but instead of the Chinese, Dan Chiang shows up at my door. When Jason researches him, I find out he’s not a buyer, he’s CIA.”

  “Wow. That’s unbelievable but that still doesn’t explain why Dan went all ninja.” She drains the grease into a nearby can, then pours in scrambled eggs.

  “I think the CIA probably wants Jason for themselves… and me.”

  “Did you tell O’Brien?”

  “About me working undercover? I assumed he knew.”

  Nan shouts out. “Hey. You guys, you got to hear this.”

  When they look up she urges me on with her spatula. “Go on, Doctor Jones. Tell them about Dan.”

  Colin descends the stairs with hands on his hips, “Yes. Please do. Tell me about Dan, honey.”

  Dan follows, his mouth tight. “Don’t say anything, Jenna.”

  “Shut up. No one asked you.” Colin’s tone is curt and his brows are creased. Even I can tell he’s pissed.

  I guess they’re not as amicable as I thought. I take a piece of bacon from the plate on the counter and use it as a pointer. “Dan’s been using me to get intel on Special Agent Drew. Thinks he’s dirty.”

  Dan shakes his head. “How long have you known?”

  “Since day one.” I smirk at his astonished look. Why would he underestimate me so?

  Georgio types some into his computer, then shakes his head at the team. “There’s no record of Drew working with Jones.”

  Whoa. Now that I didn’t know. My mouth drops wide enough to capture flies. “You knew that Drew had me working in some kind of unsanctioned operation and didn’t tell me?”

  Dan nods.

  Nan paces. “So. Hold on. Let me get this straight, Drew is your FBI handler and he asked you to sell Jason to the Chinese? But there’s no record of you working for the FBI? And instead of the Chinese, Dan here comes knocking at your door? And he’s after Drew?”

  “Apparently.” I scowl at Dan. How could he not tell me that Drew’s been using me illegally? That totally freaks me out. No wonder I haven’t sold Jason to the government. They’re all absolute knuckleheads.

  “Can I talk to Dr. Jones for a moment? Alone?” Colin grabs my hand and leads me into the spare bedroom.

  Apparently either Joe or Nan is a neat freak because the bed is made so tight you could bounce a quarter off it.

  “Okaaay.” I brace for the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ speech. I suppose based on everything that’s gone down, I have it coming.

  “I’m sorry.” He takes both my hands in his, brings them to his lips and kisses them.

  Whoa. This morning is full of the unexpected. “Sorry about what?”

  “That I didn’t believe you. That it took Dan to convince me that Drew’s dirty. For sleeping with you when I should have been keeping you safe.”

  “It’s okay. I get it.” The apology felt pretty good until the sleeping-with-you part. I don’t want that to be a mistake.

  “There’s one more thing I was wrong about. Dan said the CIA found Mahmoud. He’s working for the Arab Embassy.”

  He places his tablet on my lap with the picture of an Arab man.

  I shove it away. “But that’s not him.”

  “Look closely. He’s had surgery but the basic dimensions of his face can’t be changed. It’s him.” Colin calls up my facial-reco app which proves his point.

  I’m stunned. Why hadn’t Jason told me? Then I’m scared shitless, because Jason would have. The need to run is worse than ever. The only way Jason wouldn’t have warned me is if Mahmoud had some control over him.

  Colin lifts my chin up, his intense gaze holding me captive. “Stay put. We got this. Together. Okay?”

  When I break free, I pace at the foot of the bed. “None of this is okay. I wish that day on the bus had never happened.”

  Colin’s jaw ticks and his brow furrows.

  That, I am quite sure, is angry. “Don’t be mad.”

  “I’m not mad.” He curses under his breath.

  “Dammit Colin. Just tell me what’s wrong.” I sit down next to him, cup his cheeks with my palms, and stare into his face.

  “Are you sorry that we had sex? About us?” He inhales, nostrils flair, and brings his face close.

  Everything in my body tenses wanting him to bridge the gap and kiss me.

  I whisper, “No. Never.”

  “Thank fuck.” Suddenly his hands shoot behind my head pulling my hair as his lips press into mine.

  I cling to his broad shoulders, moaning, feeling, wanting.

  His lust rivals my own and when his tongue demands entrance, I open. He plays with me igniting this super-charged pent-up passion that’s been lying under the surface for days.

  This need is too overwhelming, too soon, too unexpected but I go with it and tear off his t-shirt. I just want to feel every inch of him. If I could climb inside him, I would.

  He grabs me around the waist, and rolls me onto the bed, his legs between mine. “I need you, Meggie. God help me, but I do.”

  My shirt lifts over my head, my pants go down and I kick them off the rest of the way. Then his calloused hands are over my body, stopping to touch the already swollen nub between my legs.

  He groans. “You’re already so wet.”

  I don’t want him to talk, I just want him to touch me. With his hair between my fingers, I hold him captive to my lips while our bodies heat, melding and grinding. My legs open wide, needing him more than oxygen. Then I wrap my legs around his waist, wanting his jeans off.

  His swollen cock at my sex tells me how much he wants me. Maybe I won’t ever get the happily-ever-after, or even the big ‘L’, but for right now, I’ll take this.

  I drown in his kisses, savoring each delicious one as he rubs the coarse denim against me. I can’t help but arch into him, trying to reach my need. Finally I manage to slip a finger between us, release his top button, and unzip his fly. Already pre-cum and sweat have made his underwear damp.

  With a growl, he sits and everything comes off. Then he’s back on top, suckling and caressing so hard it hurts. But it feels so amazing that I don’t ask him to stop. I have to have release.

  “Oh no.” He chuckles, pulls both hands over my head and holds them there.

  Then one finger of his free hand slides between my breasts, over my belly button and through my curls. He stops just short of my want and I arch in a backbend.


  A lazy finger circles where I’m slick with want, about to break. Then he bites down on a nipple, two k
nuckles press into my core and I scream.

  Everything explodes into stars and lightning behind my eyelids.

  Before I can inhale, he fills me, our pelvises meeting. Oh God. I’m stretched wide and open as he slides slowly in and out.

  “Open your eyes.” He’s intense, so focused, that my inner walls clench.

  When he moves faster, I buck, excitement building.

  He moans, drives hard, sweat rolling off his chest. My nails dig into him, as do my heels behind his back.

  Suddenly his whole body tenses and I tighten every inner muscle around him, owning his release.

  He shivers, shoves deep and my whole world explodes again.

  Then, he collapses onto me, aftershocks pulse, and my body quivers. When our bodies stop ricocheting, he rolls onto his back and slides me up onto his chest. We just lay there for the longest time listening as our heartbeats return to normal.

  His hands slide up and down my damp back, making my sex twinge. Still connected, his cock responds. Despite all the crap that’s going on in my life, I’ve never been happier.

  “Meggie-pie. We need to go back to work.” With a moan, he pulls out but I want him to stay.

  “I love you.” I have no idea why that blurted out but I’m not sorry. I’ve loved him forever. Since he rescued me at summer camp.

  So much time goes by, I figure he’s not going to say it back and I really do understand why but it stings none-the-less.

  “Say it again.” He turns me onto my back, his elbows next to my ears, his eyes boring into mine.

  “I love you?” Why does his ego need to hear it again? Isn’t one humiliation enough?

  His eyes close and a small tear rolls down his face. “Shit Meggie. I can’t love you right now.”

  “I understand.”

  He puts a finger over my lips. “No. You don’t. Let me finish. I can’t love you but I do. I love you so bad it hurts all the time.”

  I reach up and touch the liquid on his cheek, not believing this moment to be real. “What’re we going to do?”

  He takes my wrist and kisses my finger. “First, we’re going to get up and get dressed. Then we’re going to catch that monster. After that, I’m not sure exactly, but I’m not letting you go. Ever.”

  I can’t help but grin. He said he loved me. Wow. “I’d rather make love again.”

  “Me too, but we can’t, baby. Not until this is over. You know that, right?”

  I nod. I get it but I don’t have to like it.

  “I need a quick shower.” Colin opens the door. “Don’t go anywhere. And don’t steal my boots? Promise?”

  “Promise.” Exiting the bedroom, I ignore the smirks from the peanut gallery and head for my computer. I log on, open a browser, and…

  Wait a minute.

  It’s that awful video again. The one where Mahmoud takes my virginity in Los Alamos. I’m kicking, screaming, and scratching as he holds me down, grunting like a pig.

  I turn my head, hold my stomach and puke onto the floor.

  Sitting next to me, Nan exhales sharply. “Jesus, Megan. Oh my God. Is that you? Joe! Colin!”

  Nan grabs my hand. “Quick! Turn and look. Who’s that?”

  Grace’s mouth is covered in duct tape, her hands are behind her back, and she’s lying on a cot in a small dark room.”

  A text box opens. “I’ll trade. You for her.”

  Without thinking, I pick up my phone and text Fin. He’s negotiated the release of some of my more wealthy clients. One thing I’ve learned? Assholes come from all tax brackets.

  After I finish, Nan stares at my phone with her mouth open. “What did you just do?”

  “We need a negotiator.” My move seems like a perfectly good tactic.

  She moans on my behalf. “What do you think Colin’s going to say about that?”

  Oh man, I didn’t think.

  Colin arrives in a towel, dripping from the shower, shampoo still on his head. “What am I going to say about what? What happened?”

  I turn my laptop so he can see. “Mahmoud has Grace. Wants to swap me for her.”

  Nan elbows me. “Tell him.”

  “And I called in a negotiator. Sean Finnegan.”

  “You what?” His brows crease.

  Rats. Just when things are perfect between us, I have to go and piss him off again. “He’s good.”

  “You have me, dammit.” His hand rakes through his hair and he looks like he might want to strangle me.

  Joe and Georgio dash over to the table, no doubt because of Colin’s volume. That and the puke on the floor.

  Joe puts a hand on Colin’s shoulder, “Calm down. Nan, what’s going on?”

  She looks to me. “Can I tell them?”

  I nod and she describes what she saw on the video and what I did after.

  Georgio looks up from Google. “Fin’s the best. I can’t believe you can afford him.”

  “Well, uh. We have an arrangement.” I saved his sister a while back, helped them get reconciled. Fin may be good at negotiating with strangers, not so much with his own family.

  Colin grunts and I stare, waiting for some word that we’re okay. When he sees my face, he leans over and surprises me with a kiss. “It’s okay, Meggie. I get it. Let’s not waste any more time arguing. What’s done is done. If you say he’s the best, I trust you.”

  Nan’s fingers are already flying on my computer, tracking how the video got through all my firewalls and for about an hour, we do nothing but follow dead ends.

  When the doorbell rings, Colin opens the door, and I fly across the room to hug Fin. “Thank God you’re here. Someone took Grace.”

  We get down to business real quick as Fin’s staff of four unpacks and Georgio gets them setup and online.

  Chapter 26

  In a way, I’m glad Mahmoud Teherizad isn’t dead. That way I can castrate him before I kill him. When she first told me her side of the story, she made it sound like she was a willing partner, at least at first. That’s not what I’m witnessing on this video. This is the brutal rape of a teenager.

  Her head’s turned into my chest and she’s breathing and counting, working hard not to have a panic attack.

  I’m so proud of the way she bravely stands up to that monster as I mutter into her ear, “We’ll get your friend back. Don’t worry.”

  I may not be happy she called in this negotiator, Fin, without asking me, but in a way it’s good. According to Dan-honey, JTTF has a leak, most probably Drew. Calling in FBI help would be a big mistake. Still, I can’t help but wonder if my boss will be asking for my badge when this is all over.

  Maybe Fin will hire me. He’s doing everything right and I got to admire his cool. I guess if you negotiate for a living, it becomes second nature.

  Once his team is in place, he holds out his hand and I shake it. “Detective Colin O’Brien. Thanks for coming at such short notice.”

  “Sean Finnegan.” His Irish accent throws me as he loosens his iron grip and drops the tight mask he’s been wearing. “I’d do anything for me girl, here.”

  The he kisses her cheek, holds her too tight, and I wonder if I have yet another competitor.

  “Feck it. O’Brien. She saved me sister. It’s not what you’re thinkin’.” He laughs off my murderous look.

  Suddenly I get how people might underestimate him with that easy going manner.

  Megan leaves his embrace to peer over the shoulders of his team. “Did anyone find Grace?”

  “Not yet.” A dark Indian man glances up from his screen. He’s sitting on yet another folding table set up on my workout floor.

  Fin gets all serious, and rubs at his short dark beard. “Who is this bugger, Teherizad?”

  Her face turns bright red. “I met him when I was in college in New Mexico.”

  “I thought you went to MIT?” Finnegan’s face tells me he knows all about Megan’s background. He’s just play acting for the team. Making her tell the story in her own way.

  “I did. It
happened before that.”

  “Tell us about it. About him.”

  Megan’s story doesn’t change much when she recounts it for Fin and his team, not even how she begged for Mahmoud to take her to bed. I know it must make her feel awful and it pisses me off that she has to recount it again. She was an innocent.

  I can tell Fin feels the same when she finishes her story. “Has this Mahmoud character contacted you since sending the video today?”

  “No.” She looks at Nan, who shakes her head in the negative.

  “So what now?” I jump in, wanting action. All this talk is making me nuts.

  “We research. See what we can find out about him. A negotiator’s best friend is data. The more intel we have, the more likely we’ll get Grace back.” Fin raises his eyebrows waiting for me to disagree. I don’t. He’s probably profiled me and knows exactly how to placate me which is downright annoying.

  Meggie holds my hand, not his, which makes me feel somewhat better. She’s biting her lower lip as she sits down at her computer. Then she gets down to work, searching like mad with the others.

  When they find choice bits, like that the bastard owns a yacht in New Jersey, my ears perk up and I add my two cents. “That’s the perfect way to get Doctor Jones out of the country.”

  Fin points to a map of the Jersey coastline. “I’m guessing he’ll want to do the swap near the water, somewhere near here.”

  I’m going to owe Simon big time. Regardless, I volunteer them again. “I got a couple Navy Seal buddies on leave. As long as you have high tech toys, they’ll be happy to help.”

  The negotiator grins. “No problem. Tell them to get ready. I expect that when Mahmoud gives us coordinates, we’ll have just enough time to get there.”

  Suddenly it dawns on me that Fin’s not planning on negotiating, he’s going to attempt a swap.

  “I’m not putting her at risk.” I shoot him the best glower I have.

  “Not your call. It’s hers.” He eyes Megan.

  Oh great. Now he’s put me in the position of arguing with her, knowing I’ll give in.

  With an incredible shiner, a bruised jaw and her arm in a bandage, you would think she’d had enough but not my Meggie.


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