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Lethal Peril_Military Romantic Suspense

Page 25

by Emily Jane Trent

  “I’ve been watching the news,” Hunter said.

  “Yeah, we made the front page for a few days.”

  “And her uncle…looks like he overdosed?

  “Yeah, I hadn’t expected that,” Wyatt said. “There’s been good resolution to all of this for Foster.” He’d spoken to Hunter ahead of time, so he’d known to expect the news report. “Jessica’s package was delivered to the FBI. When the story exploded in the media, the documents she’d sent them were valuable. She’d made it clear that Martin Foster had been the perpetrator of the illegalities, and conclusively documented that Stephen Foster played no role in the deception.”

  “What about the DEA?”

  “Jeremy turned over all the evidence we had. I’m sure they’ll keep a close eye on the boat rental company,” Wyatt said. “It’s a thankless task to keep a lid on drug smuggling, but we provided some leads anyway. With Martin gone, there won’t be any further activity funneled through Foster.”

  “I assume the mob will back off, now that all of this has been broadcast to the public?”

  “They’ve disappeared, as though they had no involvement in what transpired. I’m sure that’s what they’d planned all along. When the scheme collapsed, the crooks were nowhere around.”

  Hunter pondered that for a minute, then said, “When do you get out of here?”

  “Two more days, then I’ll be on crutches for a couple of weeks.”

  “Travis will put you back to work as soon as you’re able,” Hunter said. “So enjoy your vacation.”

  Beth came in just as Hunter prepared to leave. She came over and gave his teammate a bear hug. “I’m so glad you showed up,” she said. “You have no idea how much I appreciate you looking out for my father and brother.”

  “Glad I could do it,” Hunter said. “Well, I should be on my way. I’ll see you back home, Mercer.” He smiled. “And you take care, Beth.”

  When the door closed, Beth stood at Wyatt’s bedside. She looked him over, as if to be sure the medical staff were properly caring for him. “I thought you were invincible,” she said.

  “I am…but it doesn’t mean that I don’t get roughed up once in a while.” Wyatt took her hand. “And you need to be more careful. You nearly got yourself killed.” He still couldn’t believe that she’d jumped the assassin. “That was quite a stunt you pulled.”

  Beth squeezed his arm. “You’re the one in the hospital bed.”

  Being confined to bed, hooked up to wires, was damned inconvenient. Wyatt was still weak as a kitten, too. Otherwise, he would have pulled her into his arms and shown her how he felt about her.

  Wyatt wanted to say the right thing, but he couldn’t get the words out. He was just glad that Beth was safe. “It’s finally over. You don’t have to look over your shoulder anymore.”

  Beth gently kissed him. With her lips against his, she whispered, “Thank you…for saving me.”

  The intimate moment was interrupted when Stephen Foster came in. He looked sharp in his slacks and polo shirt. He was thinner than Wyatt remembered, but now he’d be able to regain his health. “It seems while I was in the care facility, I missed all the excitement,” he said.

  Beth flew into his arms and hugged him tight.

  Stephen held her arms and looked her over. “It’s so good to see you, Elizabeth.”

  “You’re looking stronger every day,” Beth said.

  “I’m feeling pretty fit.” Then his expression darkened. “I lost my brother…I’m so relieved that I didn’t lose you too.”

  Stephen let out a long sigh. “My brother was lost to me a long time ago. I tried, many times, to help him. But only he could avert his path toward destruction. And…he failed to do so.”

  Then Stephen brightened. “I’m back at work already, a few hours a week. And Kyle is doing a great job as CEO. It’s a trial by fire for him, but it will toughen him up. He’ll come through it as a stronger man, and he’ll make a good manager.” He smiled. “Also, I gave Susan a raise when I learned of her bravery in fighting against Martin.”

  Stephen looked at his daughter. “I’m very proud of you, Elizabeth, for uncovering the deadly scheme. You rescued me from a treacherous situation,” he said. “And thank goodness that you’re safe too.”

  Her father sighed. “Foster might have folded under the financial stress, if the federal agencies hadn’t closed us down first. But with good management, the company will turn around. It’s a good business, built on a solid foundation. It will take a lot of effort, but the company will bounce back stronger than before.”

  Stephen walked over to Wyatt and squeezed his arm. “Thank you, Wyatt. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. I can’t possibly repay you for what you’ve done.”

  “I appreciate that, sir,” Wyatt said. “But consider us even. I did the job I was hired to do.” That was true, but there was more to it. His feelings for Beth had made it more than just an assignment.

  Stephen turned away from Wyatt and faced Beth. “I’m so proud of you, my dear. I was livid when I heard of your mistreatment. I want you as part of the company, where you belong. I’m offering you the position of president of Foster International. I recognize your underutilized capabilities. With your technical expertise on our side, we can turn things around, and restore the company to its rightful place in the industry.”

  Beth hugged her father. Her eyes met Wyatt’s, and she smiled through tears. “I love you, Dad,” she said, with her arms around her father’s waist.

  Wyatt’s greatest desire was Beth’s happiness. He’d known all along what her place in life had been. Her talent and brilliance were finally recognized. He wasn’t about to interfere. He smiled back at her, though his heart was breaking.


  Wyatt had been back in LA for a couple of months. His recovery had been slow and painful. The physical therapy had challenged him—but whatever the therapist had instructed him to do, he’d done double.

  He gave all he had to his recovery, determined to get back to work as soon as possible. The pain and recovery had been worth it, because Beth had her life back. He’d do it all over again without hesitation.

  In the meantime, Wyatt had been assigned to desk work. He had unending admiration for Cooper and Rip, unsure how they dealt with being in the office so much. It was killing him, and he’d been itching to get back in the field. Travis agreed to give him the next assignment when he’d fully recovered. That couldn’t come too soon.

  Wyatt was on good terms with his brother now, who was doing much to offset his father‘s destructive precedent. He’d contributed to environmental programs and ran Mercer Resources honestly. Wyatt had offered his help, if Jeremy ever had need for protective services.

  He also made an effort to keep in touch with Jessica. He’d been wrong to hold his father’s behavior against her. In truth, he hadn’t, but it had pushed him away. Jessica had been innocent of wrongdoing. He adored his sister, and vowed to be a good brother.

  He had his family back. In the past, he hadn’t dealt well with his father’s abuse of power, and he’d nearly lost his relationship with his brother and sister as a result. He hadn’t been able to see past his disgust for his father’s methods. And it had nearly cost him important relationships.

  Had he lost Beth too?

  But that was different. She’d conquered her demons. Any part she’d played in her family’s business would honor the tradition of generations. She could take her rightful place, and she deserved it.

  Should Wyatt have told her how he felt? It wouldn’t have made a difference. She was rich, immersed in a world that he wanted no part of. He’d accepted his family, but he wouldn’t go back. He was a bodyguard, a protector, and that was what he chose to be. He saw no way that he and Beth could be together.

  Wyatt had the napkin that Beth had drawn the cartoon on, and he admired it. His heart warmed, seeing her screaming on the rollercoaster ride with him laughing by her side. He missed her unbearably. There wouldn
’t be another woman like her; there was no other woman he wanted. He loved her with his heart and soul.


  It had been weeks, and so much had happened. Beth had finally gone out for coffee with Susan and thanked her for helping, even when things had gotten pretty scary. They’d become friends, and agreed to get together whenever they could.

  Beth’s father was healthy now, and was devoted to restoring the good name of Foster International. It was great to see him so robust. Kyle had taken on the full responsibility of his duties, rising to the challenge with enthusiasm, and she was proud of him.

  Elizabeth Foster was in charge of her life now. Her father’s faith in her hadn’t wavered. He loved her dearly and supported her choices, whatever they may be.

  She looked at the photo in her hand, then held it up. In the picture, she had been screaming her head off, riding the Cyclone with Wyatt laughing by her side. It had felt so good to lean against him, and she longed for his strength. She smiled—what a wimp she’d been.

  She loved Wyatt with all her heart, and missed him desperately. The first hours after his surgery had been touch and go, but he’d come through it well. He’d finally opened his eyes and reached for her hand. She closed her eyes, reliving the moment. “I love you, Beth…so much,” he’d whispered, then had fallen back asleep.

  Beth had kept track of his progress, and heard that he’d be going on assignment again soon. In the precious weeks that Wyatt had been by her side, she’d gotten to know and understand him.

  He wouldn’t have wanted her around during his recovery—not that she would have minded. She’d take Wyatt on any terms. But she’d waited until he was strong enough to resume his duties.

  Beth swung open the door to the building and took the elevator up to Stealth Security. Her heart pounded at the thrill of seeing him again, and she took a calming breath.


  Wyatt was hyped up about the new assignment. Travis had assured him that he wouldn’t be disappointed. The client waited for him in the conference room, ready to tell him the details. Travis did enjoy his mysteries.

  He opened the door and stepped inside. His stride was confident, his morale improved. He was back to work, part of the team again, and that was good. He stopped mid-step and stared.

  Beth stood by the window, grinning. She wore a sky-blue dress, and her hair brushed her shoulders. Her brown eyes sparkled, and she took a step toward him in her silver high heels.

  All the air went out of Wyatt’s lungs. She looked amazing, and it was so damn good to see her. He grinned. “Don’t tell me that you need my services again.”

  Beth stood close and took his hands. “This time…it’s personal.”

  “I can’t tell you how good it is to see you, but…what are you doing in LA?”

  Beth looked into his eyes. “Seeing you would be reason enough.”

  Wyatt’s heart pounded. He breathed in her floral perfume, felt her warmth, and would have swept her into his arms…but something made him hesitate. “Is there another reason?”

  “A media agency in LA has hired me. The cartoons the Gazette printed went viral, and I guess they liked what they saw. The company has employed me in their department dedicated to political cartoons, and they even animate them to publish online. That’s very popular these days.”

  Wyatt beamed. “You’re willing to reveal your talent to the world?”

  “It looks that way.”

  “What about Foster International?”

  “It’s in good hands,” Beth said. “My father is at the helm again, with Kyle by his side.”

  “I suppose you’ll still inherit?”

  Beth shrugged. “I guess so, but my father is going to live a long, healthy life. So I won’t be spending inheritance money in the near future, and I have my own career now.”

  Wyatt touched her cheek. He was just so damned glad to see her.

  Beth put her hand over his. “Besides, can you picture me in an office for the rest of my life?”

  “Nope…you’re too much trouble.” Wyatt put his arms around her narrow waist and pulled her close. “So your career brought you to California?”

  Beth’s expression revealed there was more to it than that. “Well…while I’m here, I’m sure there is some kind of mischief I can get into…”

  After a beat, Wyatt said, “Marry me.”

  Beth pressed close and touched her lips to his. “You’re a very brave man, Wyatt Mercer.”

  Wyatt deepened the kiss, tasting her sweetness. His life had just taken a turn for the better…a lot better. She was a dream come true.

  When he pulled back from the kiss, Beth’s eyes sparkled. She ran her fingertip over his lips and looked into his eyes. “Yes, my love…I’ll marry you.”

  If you enjoyed Lethal Peril, you’ll love Cold Peril – the first full-length novel in the Stealth Security series. It’s a suspenseful story filled with romance - an all-in-one love story – no cliffhangers.

  Garrett’s past might hold the answer…

  Ex-Navy SEAL Garrett Flynn is employed by Stealth Security to protect celebrity clients. He’d planned to meet Marlene, the younger sister of a marine who died in battle. When he shows up at one of her charity events, a shooter’s sudden attack compels him to be the gorgeous movie star’s bodyguard. Yet a secret haunts him, and he fears it’s the clue to why the killer is after Marlene.

  Cold Peril (Stealth Security Book 1) – a standalone military romantic suspense novel

  Read the first chapter and download your copy: HERE

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  Mortal Peril (Stealth Security Prequel) (exclusive content)

  Ex-Navy SEAL Travis faces mortal peril to protect his pregnant wife Melanie.

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  And to see all STEALTH SECURITY romances in the series, click: HERE

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  Lethal Peril by Emily Jane Trent ©2017 All Rights Reserved

  Published By Camden Lee Press




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