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Bella Mafia (Battaglia Mafia Series Book 8)

Page 53

by Sienna Mynx

  “I only meant...”

  “And Giovanni. You think he doesn’t struggle? Having a mother who he adored being buried in some forest away from everyone because of her shame, because of his existence? Trying to please a psychopath rapist for a father, and protect himself from so many enemies you need a book thicker than a dictionary to fill in their names? Trying to protect himself from Lorenzo and you?”

  Marietta sighed.

  “We all struggled. I get it,” Marietta said. “But I didn’t mean to kill Gio, hurt him, I swear it. I only wanted to protect my husband. If I hadn’t pulled the trigger Lorenzo would be dead right now. What was I supposed to do? Stand there and watch the only man whoever loved me die? I didn’t start this war between them. I’m pregnant. I love my husband. Just like you love Gio. I love him. I’ll die for him. That’s the truth.”

  “Pray your baby doesn’t,” Mirabella said and turned to leave.

  “Are you threatening my child? Are you so filled with hate you evil bitch that you would punish your niece or nephew!”

  Mirabella paused. Marietta wished she could get out of bed. She couldn’t, so she raised her voice to keep her sister with her. “Locking me in this room is putting your own flesh and blood at risk. The stress could kill us both. You can be mad, but sentencing my child to death is serious damn it. It’s irreversible. I would never, never, never do something like this to you!”

  Mirabella turned and wiped her tears. Marietta braced for the worse. She’d fight to the bitter end. She’d fight them all for the life of her child. So she braced for the worse prepared to give Mirabella the same.

  “There is a way out,” Mirabella said and smiled. She glanced back at her. “A doctor. Her name is Sera. You’ve met her, remember? She was my doctor.”

  “How can she help me?”

  “There are tests we need to run. To understand if you are mentally sound. I’ll need you to sign over your permission and care to me since your husband has absconded.”

  “Are you calling me crazy?”

  “If you do this, get the help you needed as a young child from all the abuse you suffered, I’ll let you go to the best psychiatric facility. I’ll let you get well so eventually you can raise your baby.”

  “Fuck you! You fucking bitch! Fuck you!”

  Mirabella smiled.

  “I’ll never do it! Do you hear me bitch! Never!”

  “Your choice. Too bad. My niece or nephew deserves better than this.”

  “Fuck you!” Marietta shouted.

  Mirabella left.

  “Fuck you! Fuck you, Mirabella! You hateful bitch!”

  Lorenzo refused to touch his wheelchair. He made it out of the shower, and dragged his leg over to the dresser with the few scraps of clothes he had. It was then he found Marietta’s things. The things she left behind. He stood there for a moment. Staring down into a dresser drawer of panties and bras. He slammed the drawer shut.

  At first he thought it was intentional that she didn’t call. His wife was smart. She knew how to work any situation to her favor. Certainly she could work Mirabella. He knew better now. Something was wrong. With Catalina and Armando gone, he had nothing but time and worry to keep him company. He couldn’t take it much longer without his woman at his side.

  How was she?

  Did she need him?

  How was the baby?

  Would they even dare harm her?

  Lorenzo pulled down his shirt. He tried to walk out of the door, but his bum leg began to pain him even worse. The villa was too big to be handicapped. He had to rely on the fucking wheelchair. He went back to the chair and plopped down. Then he wheeled himself out of the room and down the hall. Where was the kid? He could always find him when he needed to run an errand or help him in some way. There was no one around. Many of the men left with him hated him on sight. So most that stayed on the land, guarded its doors and accessible roads. Those that were inside, watched him from the cameras that pointed at him in every room.

  He ignored the cameras and went straight to the first room with an open door and a telephone. Lorenzo stopped his chair and used the edge of the desk to help him stand. He sighed as he thought of the words to say, and who he should say them to.

  After a few rings a woman who worked for the family answered the phone. Most of the staff he knew. He didn’t bother this time to connect a voice with a name.

  “It’s Lorenzo,” he said.

  “Ah, ciao,” the servant answered.

  “I need to speak with Rocco. Tell him I’m on the phone.”

  “I’m sorry, Signor, but Rocco...”

  “Tell Rocco I’m on the phone! Now!” Lorenzo demanded.

  “Sì, Sì,” the woman said and put him on hold. Lorenzo let go a deep breath. He knew better than to call Melanzana and ask for Marietta directly. He couldn’t be bothered with the hysterics of a woman. He needed the sound reasoning of Rocco. Lorenzo waited for what felt like more than ten minutes before a voice answered.

  “Lo?” a voice answered.

  “Who is this? Domi?”

  “It’s me.”

  “Ah, okay, I guess we should talk.”


  “What the fuck do you mean, about? There’s a lot to explain, Domi,” Lorenzo said.

  Dominic chuckled.

  “You find me funny?”

  “Not really. But any explanation from you would be.”

  “Vaffanculo! Put Rocco on the phone kid. I know he’s the only one there holding the fort. You never could.”

  Dominic ignored him as if he never spoke. “My time is short. State your business.”

  Lorenzo frowned. Dominic’s aloof attitude made no sense. “Where is my wife?”

  “Last I heard she’s resting.”

  “Resting? Where? I demand to speak to my wife. To know she is okay.”


  “What happened to Giovanni was a set up Domi. Think on it. Why would I try to kill Gio and then make sure to save his life? Think on it. If I wanted Gio dead he would’ve been dead. I’m being set up. Why would I do this to our family?”

  “Because you’re a coward.”

  “I’m no fucking coward. There are things you don’t know.”

  “I know the basics. You lured Giovanni to meet with you, and had your wife shoot him.”

  Lorenzo’s brows caved in. He sat forward. “What did you say?”

  “I said Marietta shot Giovanni. Is there something wrong with your hearing?”

  “Where’s my wife?”

  Dominic didn’t respond.

  “Where is my fucking wife?” Lorenzo shouted.

  “We’re taking care of her,” Dominic said. “You’re welcome to come see for yourself.”

  “I want to speak to Rocco.”

  Dominic didn’t answer.

  “I want to speak to Mirabella!”

  Dominic didn’t answer.

  “Domi! If anything happens to Marietta or the baby, I’ll kill you...” Lorenzo said.

  “That’s fair. Because if Giovanni dies. I’ll kill them both.”

  The line went dead. Lorenzo snatched the phone off the desk and slammed it hard on the surface until it shattered. He wished for more strength to slam his fist through the wood. The rage within him went nuclear. He wheezed as the pressure in his temples mounted. He glared up to the camera in the top corner of the room focused on him. “Get me Mancini! Get him here now!” he shouted.

  “Mirabella,” a soft voice spoke behind her.

  She glanced back to see Kyra approaching. Mirabella had all but forgot she was in the house. She smiled and the action felt strained. There was little to smile about in her life any longer.

  “Can we speak?” Kyra asked.

  “Sure, come take a walk with me.”

  Together they started up the stairs. Kyra didn’t immediately express what was on her mind. Mirabella took the initiative. “How’s the baby, is everything okay?”

  “The kids are doing great. My little g
irl loves it here. And I know why. She loves being this close to her daddy every night. Thank you for bringing us.”

  “I’m glad you’re here,”

  Kyra sighed. “How’s... Marietta?”

  Mirabella blinked but didn’t respond.

  “Renaldo, he’s confided in me. I know what she did. Why she’s here.”


  “I support you Mirabella, I do. I am trying to understand but I think...”

  Mirabella pressed a finger to Kyra’s mouth. She fell silent. “Renaldo is the strongest of them Kyra. I think that’s why Giovanni kept him close. His loyalty is unshakable. And I know that puts him at risk. I brought you here to give you and your kids the security I missed after I had my first baby. For you to keep him strong, and because I trust you. But thats the extent of it. I won’t discuss my husband’s shooting with you. Kyra, you don’t want to have that discussion with me.”

  “I understand. I really do. I have to say that I love you both and I pray... that somehow we all get through this.”

  Kyra hugged Mirabella and she hugged her back. “Thank you,” Mirabella said in her ear. She collected her emotions after releasing Kyra and continued on up the third floor. The time had come for her to meet with Giovanni’s doctors. And the news they delivered to her behind closed doors was far worse than she could ever hope for. There was no change in his condition. In fact, the doctors feared he was deteriorating in his current state. They wanted to send him to a special hospital in Switzerland. One that had dealt with cases like his.

  She was devastated, and retreated to her office alone.

  “Scusi Donna, you have a visitor.”

  Mirabella looked up from Eve’s diary. She’d been reading it over and over. Staring at the picture of Lorenzo’s mother. Not sure what to do with the information she now possessed. None of it would heal her husband.

  “Who is this visitor?”

  “Don Tacchini.”

  Mirabella sighed. She couldn’t face anyone at this point, let alone him. Why didn’t he just stay away?

  “He says it’s urgent. He has to speak with you.”

  “He should have called,” she mumbled. She tried to get up from her desk but felt weakness in her legs. Too weak for the effort. Her office was on the second floor of her home. Rarely did anyone who wasn’t family or a servant go past the parlor in Melanzana. But what difference did it make now?

  “Have him brought to me.”

  “Sì, Donna,”

  She expected him to leave but he lingered. “Is there something else?”

  “Sì, Donna, I think you should know Lorenzo phoned.”

  “To ask for his wife?” Mirabella asked.

  “No. He asked for Rocco, Dominic took the call.”

  Mirabella’s gaze fell back on Eve’s journal. She closed the book and made sure the picture was tucked inside. “Grazie. Have Leo escort Tacchini to my office.”

  “Sì, Donna.”

  Mirabella dropped back in her chair. Last night in Giovanni’s arms she felt so safe. Even if he couldn’t respond the way she needed. Part of her, felt as if he did. It was crazy to her that the doctors saw no progress, but she felt it. She felt his body warmth. She felt his strength. Was it part of her madness to even believe she felt his touch? If it was she’d accept it. Because feeling him in her heart was all she had left. If he had to go to Switzerland, then so did she and her children. She’d give this all over to Lorenzo and follow Giovanni to the ends of the earth to save his life. She was that tired from it all.

  The door opened. The Don entered. Seated before him she felt small and insignificant. But Tacchini’s smile did ease a bit of her anxiety. “I’m sorry for the unexpected visit.”

  “Should I have Domi come to join us?”

  “Probably. But first, let me update you.”

  Mirabella nodded. She gestured for him to sit. The Don came over to the chair and sat before her.

  “Adara delivered the message. Last night the Carabinieri raided the Bay and the Licciardi clan, all four hundred, have been dragged in. It is the biggest arrest so far. It’s made national news. The Prime Minister will speak on it this afternoon.”

  “And Sicily? The guns for the Gambettas?”

  “It went to plan. The guns have been seized. It’ll only be a matter of time before Gambetta realizes Armando was at fault. The Mafiosi will stop Lorenzo and Armando. You will have to share the news with the Armenians on Giovanni’s behalf. And then it’s all yours. Yours and mine,” Tacchini said.

  For Tacchini the news was the best he could have hoped for. A brilliant strategy that she and he delivered together. He could have called her, but he wanted to see her again. And this was the prime opportunity to do so with good news. When he expected elation or even gratitude from her, he got neither. She sat there staring at him.

  “What has happened?” he asked.

  “Rocco’s deteriorating in the hospital. They are still running tests, but his low blood pressure is a reason for concern.”

  “I didn’t know.”

  “I got some more bad news this morning. Giovanni, he’s not improving,” she said and her voice wavered. “Nothing I’ve done has worked. And I’m...” She put her hands to her face. “I’m tired. I’m so scared. I know I shouldn’t say that in front of you, but I am.”

  “Why shouldn’t you say it in front of me? Haven’t I earned your trust by now?”

  “I don’t want to trust another man. I want my husband.”

  “But I do understand, Mirabella. That’s the point of our friendship. If I could have my beloved back, I’d give it all up. Walk away. I loved her that much. But I can’t. And my children can’t. It’s a hard reality, an unthinkable one, but it’s one you have to face.”

  Mirabella wiped her tears. She stood. He could see her clearly. That trim waist of hers, and her heart shaped hips in her black jeans. The full swell of her breasts in her black knit shirt, with enough cleavage revealed in the v-neck collar to highlight her beauty. He liked her this way. Out of her elegant or professional attire. With her hair drawn up to a ponytail, and her face revealed to him without makeup.

  “I’ve come into some information. Something that could either bury us all, or finally heal my family. The old me would go for the latter. Would want peace. But I don’t like who I am anymore. I don’t have any compassion in me anymore. And that scares me.”

  “Mirabella, Donna Nera, you are doing everything in your power to save the people you love.”

  “By punishing the people I love? I could have brought Catalina home. I didn’t. My sister... I don’t even feel bad about what I’m doing to her anymore. I feel empty. I can’t feel anything Piero.”

  He took her face into his hands. She closed her eyes and wept. He didn’t care, he couldn’t bring himself to care. He pulled her face to his and kissed her. Mirabella pushed at his chest but he forced the kiss and he felt a part of her resistance weaken so he seized on her vulnerability and swept his tongue deeper into her mouth.

  “Stop it!” she turned her face away. He kissed her neck and held her in his arms.

  “You’ll get us killed. Please stop,” she said and pushed hard at him.

  “I can’t,” he said in her ear.

  “No!” she shoved him harder and his grip on her softened. She broke free. She stumbled back with horror in her eyes. “What have I done? Oh my God. What did I do...”

  “It wasn’t you...” he reached for her.

  “Get away from me!” she shouted.

  Immediately the door flung open. Leo charged in. Mirabella looked at him with horror. Her lipstick was on his mouth. Leo looked at him and then his boss. Tacchini turned away and removed a handkerchief from his pocket.

  “Donna? What is wrong? Donna!”

  “Give us a minute. Please Leo. We’re fine.”

  When Tacchini turned again he saw the man had a gun in his hand. Leo glared at him like a charging bull.

  “It’s okay Leo. Give us a minute. Pleas

  It took another long threatening pause before the young enforcer left the room and closed the door. “No one can ever know what happened,” Mirabella said.

  “He knows Bella,” Tacchini said.

  “Don’t call me that!” she hissed. “Don’t even think the word. It was a weakness. My weakness. But it was innocent. I didn’t betray Giovanni. I would never betray him. I made a mistake and my mind was confused, that’s all. I didn’t mean it. It didn’t happen.”

  “It did happen.”

  She whirled on him. “It did not. It never happened Tacchini. I love him so much. And when you talk and the way you walk into a room, you remind me of him. But you aren’t him. So please, for both our sakes please, don’t push me. I’m empty inside but not for you.”

  “Can I see him?”


  “Giovanni? Can I see him? Speak to him?”

  “No, no, that’s not...”

  “It might help.”

  “Help who? Help how?”

  “Your man suspects something between us. I have to change the tone of this visit. Pay respect to Giovanni and deliver the news to him.”

  Mirabella paced thinking it over.

  “If not him, you need support. Comatose patients aren’t necessarily dead, he’s not dead. Why don’t we share my good news for him together?” Tacchini touched her arm. She flinched. “Trust me. I know what you’re going through. I’m only here to help not destroy your life.”

  “The kiss...”

  “It didn’t happen,” he reassured her.

  “Okay.” She wiped her tears and rubbed her hands down the sides of her jeans. She released a deep breath. “Okay.” She led him out of the office to another stairwell, and then up to the third floor of Melanzana. Of course her men who guarded her tagged along. He saw them, but ignored them. He stayed at her side.

  “Wait. Where is Adara?” she asked.

  “We’ve lost her.”


  “The Generale has her locked down. Not even my people know what has become of her. We knew it was a risk.”

  “But she could turn on us.”


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