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Mark Midway Box Set: Mark One, Mark Two, Mark Three, and Mark Four

Page 56

by John Hindmarsh

  She was interrupted by exclamations from her audience. She waited a moment before continuing. “There are rumors of a missile. I want to know everything about this—who did it, who’s involved, motives, countries, and anything else you can find. I want to know if this is a domestic act or foreign. I also want to know why we didn’t discover any indication this was being planned. I want facts and evidence. Guesses are acceptable if they’re well supported.”

  “Do we know if Schmidt is alive?” Linda Schöner asked.

  “I’m waiting to hear.”

  “The chatter we’ve been hearing—it must be related.”

  “Discover the relationships.”

  “The attack on Midway’s property?”

  “Stay on it. There must be a connection. I want identities of all those people Midway photographed.”

  “And the people who attacked him in London?”

  “Same. Stay on it.”

  A CNN anchor had started reading a news report on the helicopter crash. Maeve held up her hand and said, “Listen. Though I doubt they know anything yet.”

  The news item was full of promise without any details. Maeve said, “Tap into all the news feeds. They may discover items we need to know. Questions?”

  Schöner spoke again. “Maeve, we all hope he’s okay. Come on, team, let’s get on this.” Almost as one, the twenty analysts rose and left the room.

  Maeve stayed to watch the news even though she knew it was far too soon for the television media to have reliable information. She couldn’t believe someone had tried to take out Schmidt—and perhaps had succeeded. She reminded herself that Schmidt thought he was indestructible. This time he might be wrong.


  The lead medical emergency responder stood for a moment and stared at the disaster before him. The helicopter had hit the side of a three-story building and, according to eyewitnesses, slid almost in slow motion down the wall, scraping off windows as it went. No bystanders had been injured in the accident. The aircraft was now sitting on top of three cars in the parking area at the rear of the building. It was on its side and missing its tail rotor. The main rotor blades were buckled from their impact against the building and the ground. The helicopter’s automatic fire extinguisher system had deployed, filling the cockpit and cabin with foam. One of the crushed cars had started to burn but a quick-witted bystander had grabbed a fire extinguisher and doused the flames. The man had not realized the danger he was in, standing so close to the wreckage.

  The senior EMT watched as the fire crew evaluated the scene. They were concerned about the Jet A fuel still leaking from the helicopter’s fuel tanks. The medical emergency team wanted to approach but they stayed back waiting for an all-clear signal from the fire crew. The EMT would be surprised if there were survivors. News helicopters buzzed overhead and he hoped they maintained a safe distance. Sometimes the producers encouraged their pilots to take unnecessary risks. At least the sight of the crashed helicopter would help instill some caution in the more sensible pilots.

  At last the fire crew signaled the all clear. Two members of the emergency response team, wearing flame retardant gear, hastened toward the wreckage, one to the cockpit and one to the cabin. Firemen provided assistance as the paramedics struggled to gain access. The man at the cockpit signaled that the pilot showed no signs of life. The responder in the passenger cabin, after struggling with the ungainly position of the wrecked helicopter, indicated he had life signs. A swift team response followed. The senior EMT was pleased with his team’s performance. His team members stretchered the injured man out to a waiting ambulance and it sped away to the nearest hospital. Other team members followed with two more stretchers, each carrying a body and they required respect rather than an urgent response.


  Maeve received the second telephone call about ten minutes after the hospital had received the victim from the wreckage. Her informant said, “Schmidt survived. He’s in a critical condition. The medics declared both Dempsey and the pilot dead at the scene. Military and FAA investigative teams are on the way—they should arrive in minutes. The police have sealed off the area. No details of what caused the crash, except the helicopter is missing its tail boom. So far, no one’s confirmed it was caused by a missile. There are reports of a missile in flight and police are backtracking the helicopter’s flight path, trying to identify a possible launch location. That’s all we’ve got so far.”

  Maeve thanked her informant and disconnected the phone. She felt a wash of relief. Schmidt had survived. Now she wanted to know who had caused this disaster. Those responsible would face more than Schmidt’s ire. She would bring their world to an end, she vowed. Her phone rang again. She checked the caller ID—the White House.


  “Maeve, the President has been informed that Schmidt’s helicopter crashed. We’ve also heard Schmidt is the only survivor. The President offers his thoughts. A couple of action points. He wants to meet with you tomorrow morning to discuss Cerberus. Also, if your analysts gather any information as to who was behind this, he wants to know as soon as possible.”

  Maeve acknowledged the action points and disconnected. The next few days were going to be hell. She looked to see if her assistant was at his desk.

  She said, “Harry, please call Midway. I want to let him know about Schmidt.”

  Moments later Harry told her Mark was on her phone. She picked it up and said, “Good morning, Mark. I’ve some unfortunate news. Schmidt’s helicopter was attacked at ten this morning. He’s in a critical condition.”

  “What? That’s horrifying. Damn. I hope he survives.”

  “Me too. I’ll keep you updated with his progress and whether his condition changes. We’re searching for who did it, who was behind them, for anything that will give us a lead. Talk with your DI Goodwin and see what additional information she can uncover in case there are links between the attack on you and this attack on Schmidt. The action on your property was a diversion of some kind. Or maybe to blow dust to hide their real plan. Anything you wish to do to get information, go ahead. Send me details if you uncover anything interesting.”

  “I’ll do that. Thank you for letting me know. Please keep me informed. When you’re able to talk with him, give him our wishes for a speedy recovery.”

  “I will. I’ll be making a nuisance of myself at the hospital.” Her laugh was nervous. “I’m scheduled to meet with the President tomorrow morning. He’s heard about Schmidt and wants to discuss Cerberus. I surmise I’ll have a responsibility to hold the organization together until Schmidt recovers. Can I add your name as head of the UK side?”

  “Uh…yes, I’ll do it. We can review the details when Schmidt’s up and running again.”

  “Very well. I’ll contact you after I meet with the President.”

  She disconnected. She wanted to call the hospital but decided not to. Instead, she contacted the senior Cerberus managers who worked with Schmidt and advised them of the morning’s events. She said she wanted guards on Schmidt while he was in the hospital. There were no disagreements.


  Chapter 20

  After Maeve’s call, Mark sat for a moment, deep in thought. He had accepted responsibility for Cerberus UK, without fully determining what that entailed. He called DI Goodwin.

  “Yes, Mark?”

  “I’ve some news. Maeve Donnelly called me. Schmidt’s helicopter crashed and he’s in critical condition.”

  “That’s shocking. Do you have any details on his condition? Do they know what caused the crash?”

  “I’ve no news on his condition. This happened at ten a.m., Washington time. The authorities suspect someone fired a missile at it. Maeve’s meeting with the President tomorrow. She thinks he’ll want her to manage Cerberus US while Schmidt’s out of action.”

  “I hope he survives. Donnelly’ll do a good job. She headed the FBI until sometime last year, if I recall?”

  “Maeve was director of the FBI for a long
time. She was kidnapped last year and some of her people were killed or injured. She decided she needed to do something else. She’s been managing Schmidt’s analytic team for nearly a year now. Maeve knows everything, and if she doesn’t, she can usually find out. Before she was appointed director, she held several positions in private and public legal areas.”

  “I’d like to meet her some time. It sounds as though she has an interesting background.”

  “There’s more. Maeve asked if I’d take responsibility for Cerberus UK and I said yes.”

  “A drastic way to make your decision.”

  “Yes, it is. Also, my home in New Hampshire was attacked earlier this morning. It was burned to the ground.”

  “Is everything happening today? Did they think you were there? You and Schmidt both, in the one day. That’s not a coincidence.”

  “That’s what we think as well. I’ve a video I’ll send you as an FYI. Some kind of militia group was involved. Six of them will be in the hospital for some time, recovering from gunshot wounds.”

  “They were shot? Who did that?”

  Mark decided not to disclose details. “I have some security, just in case. While the attackers were arrested, we don’t know yet who’s behind the attack. The point is, Maeve and I both think the break-in here, the raid on my home, and now the attack on Schmidt are all linked. I’d like to visit with the people you arrested yesterday. I may be able to discover what they were trying to do.”

  “Unofficially, of course.”

  “Of course. I’ll bring Gabrielle, if I may?”

  “What? Why?”

  “I’d prefer to demonstrate, if you want to join us. I’d like to interview those agents as soon as possible. Can you arrange it for me?”

  “Expect a car in an hour.”

  Mark transferred a copy of the video file to Goodwin and went searching for his crew. He discovered them in the lounge, enjoying scones, strawberry jam, and cream again. He put on a disappointed face. “Where’s mine?”

  Niland pointed at half a scone in the center of the table. “You can have whatever is left.”

  Mark updated the group while he ate the half scone, liberally smeared with the remnants of the cream and strawberry jam. “Maeve said she’ll keep us informed about Schmidt’s condition. She’s going to run Cerberus US while Schmidt is recovering. Scott and Sera, I need Gabrielle for about an hour this afternoon. A car’s coming for the two of us. It’ll be here in about forty minutes. The vehicles for our move will also be here soon. Scott, can you organize our exit? Make sure everyone’s cleared their room, get all our suitcases loaded?”

  “Okay, I can do that.”

  “I’ll handle the account when I return. I’m going to be in two places at once for a while.” Mark didn’t explain why he needed Gabrielle. He also kept silent about his future involvement with Cerberus UK. There was too much happening and he wanted to organize his thoughts.

  “Anything else?”

  “No, that’s all for now.”

  Anna said, “Do you want me to come with you two?”

  “No, it’ll be a quick visit. Reb and you can help clear our rooms so we’re all ready to leave when I return.”

  Scott and Gabrielle reached the lobby as the police vehicle arrived. Mark was a handful of steps behind them. Unsurprisingly, DI Goodwin was a passenger.

  There was a whisper in the back of his mind.

  Are we going to tell her about all our abilities?

  Mark silently replied: Let’s keep most of it private. We can say both of us are able to determine whether a person is telling the truth or not. Otherwise we’ll play it by ear. It’ll depend on what we find out, what we need to do, okay?


  Mark greeted Goodwin. “Good afternoon, Detective Inspector. I wasn’t sure you’d be here.”

  “Well, I’m intrigued. If I can learn something new, I’m open to doing so.”

  “So am I”

  “Me, too,” Gabrielle said.

  “Where are you holding your prisoners?” Mark asked.

  “We’ve utilized some army barracks. They have a small hospital unit and the military is providing treatment. Our prisoners suffered more or less minor injuries, as you know. SO15 decided to hold them as suspected terrorists, which gives us a lot more flexibility.”

  “Terrorism actually may be an accurate call. Are they able to speak?”

  Goodwin laughed. “Able to, yes. Willing to, perhaps not. Speak to you? I’ll be interested to see what happens.”

  “Did you view the video I sent?”

  “Oh yes. Remind me to be extra cautious if I ever pay you a visit. What did you use?”

  “I’ve been field testing an automated weapon system. It’s a projectile weapon—think ‘rifle’, mounted on servos, with a camera unit, all remotely controlled from a laptop or any similar device. It’s effective once you know how to use it.” He didn’t mention he had used an earlier version of the weapon against the mercenaries who had attacked his parents’ lab. “I had to be extra careful. Killing people attacking our home might be legal, but I thought it was more prudent to injure them. I haven’t had a chance to follow up, to find out what the FBI or the local police did with them. Gabrielle, will you ask Scott later to find out what happened?”

  To his surprise, Gabrielle pulled a cell phone out of her jacket pocket and made a call. He had not realized the two children were equipped with phones. He listened while the girl conveyed his message.

  “I should have known,” he said when she finished her call.

  Gabrielle giggled and returned the phone to her pocket. “It’s very useful.”

  “I know. That’s why I have one,” he replied.

  “I have three,” Goodwin said. “One for the Met, one for Cerberus, and the third one is personal.”

  The trip to the barracks didn’t take long. The soldier on duty waved them through once he sighted Goodwin’s SO15 warrant card and they parked in the rear of the barracks. Goodwin led them into a nearby army building and they passed more military and police guards on the way. The building was set up as a small hospital with detention facilities.

  “We have your three attackers here. The senior officer is Parrish. Joseph Parrish. We’ll see him first.” Goodwin nodded to the guard at the door of a small room and ushered Mark and Gabrielle in ahead of her.

  Parrish was handcuffed and wore a leg chain, which prevented him moving away from his bed. He was sitting up, with pillows bracing his back. His jaw was bandaged. There was a water container with a long straw on the table beside his bed. He looked up, recognized Mark and snarled. He tried to talk and the words came out as mumbles.

  Mark said, “We understand ICE has disowned you. Your controller’s denied all knowledge of your activities. I thought you might like to tell me about it.” He moved closer to the man who was mouthing threats. “Mind your language,” Mark instructed, stepping aside to reveal Gabrielle. “I don’t think what you said was suitable for young ladies.”

  Gabrielle moved to stand beside Mark. He focused his attention on Parrish. “Don’t struggle. We only want to talk with you, to ask some questions. Be quiet.”

  The ICE agent stopped struggling against his restraints and ceased his attempts to speak.

  Mark spoke again, “Parrish, we want to know who ordered you to kill me.” Unnoticed, Gabrielle approached closer to the bed and laid her hand on Parrish’s arm. The man stilled. Mark stepped closer and placed his hand next to Gabrielle’s.

  Mark said, “Who ordered you to carry out your attack on me? You knew it was illegal. Why did you accept an illegal order? Do you know who issued the instruction to your controller? Can you guess?” The man appeared resigned. A minute later both Gabrielle and Mark released the agent’s arm and stood back.

  Mark said, “Thank you for your cooperation. If you’d like to provide Detective Inspector Goodwin with a comprehensive written statement, I’m sure your treatment here will be improved. If you think it’s necessary, we ca
n discuss the Witness Protection Program for you. Understand?”

  Parrish nodded, subdued. He mumbled through his bandages.

  Gabrielle said to Goodwin, “He wants paper and pen. I think he’ll prepare a detailed statement for you.”

  The DI led them out of the small room to an empty office. She sat them both down and looked from one to the other. At last she said, “Alright. Tell me, what just happened?”

  Gabrielle looked at the floor.

  Mark said, “We have some…attributes, I suppose you’d call them. We’re able to soothe someone who’s trying to fight us, as you witnessed. We, if we’re fortunate, can sometimes read an impression of what the person is thinking.” He did not mention he was able to access and transfer whole memories as though they were files.

  “I’ll be damned. None of the Cerberus people I know can do anything approaching that.”

  “Gabrielle is the only Cerberus person I know who has this talent. Mine isn’t Cerberus-based and is different from her’s. I’d like a copy of Parrish’s statement, when he’s done.”

  “So what did you discover?”

  “It was an ICE operation.”

  “That was my impression.”

  “They were instructed by their local manager—their controlling agent who denied everything when you questioned him. This controller gave them the assignment and when they protested, he arranged a videoconference with a senior—very senior, from what I can discern—manager from DHS headquarters in Arlington. He confirmed their instructions.”

  “Can we get verification, do you think?”

  “We should talk to the others. Fortunately, Parrish surreptitiously recorded both meetings and will arrange to have tapes delivered to you. However, they’re voice only, no video. We’d like a copy. Maeve’s people can run some voice recognition analyses to see if they can identify the speaker. Parrish didn’t know his name; he was referred to as the Italian Blade.”

  “I’ll issue an arrest warrant for the local controller, once I have a written statement from Parrish. If I can obtain one more statement to confirm what he says, even better.”


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