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Passion Over Time

Page 23

by Natasha Blackthorne

  “My lord!” She seized the front of his gambeson.

  Sir Bryant laughed, rich and deep, then bent and kissed her hard. His shaft stirred against her abdomen and she gasped. He broke the kiss, eyes glinting with mischief…and desire.

  “We have been traveling a full day,” he said.

  He slid his gaze down her neck to the swell of breasts above her bodice. She cast a wary glance at the men riding beside them. Sir Bryant’s face filled her view, then he dipped his head and she shivered when he trailed his tongue across her breasts. He sucked a nipple between his lips through the fabric of her dress. She moaned and his length hardened against her belly. Moisture pooled between her legs.

  By all that was holy, she’d gone without a man far longer than a day, many times before, yet her body acted as if it was starved for the feel of velvety steel inside her channel. He sucked harder and desire streaked from nipple to her sex. She wriggled, quite without willing it, and he lifted his head, locking his eyes with hers.

  A corner of his mouth twitched. “Are you uncomfortable, Lady?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “I am riding a horse, sir, and surrounded by men, whose cocks must surely be aching at the display of their master nearly fucking his wife in front of them.”

  Sir Bryant blinked, then his eyes darkened and he said in a low voice, “When I decide to fuck you in front of my men, you will see the difference.” With a growl he pulled her hard against him and didn’t allow her to move from his lap until they halted inside Chilgoriam.


  Relief flooded Riana at sight of her sister, sitting at the table in the great hall as if she had sat there every day of her life. Siusan shot to her feet and flew across the room and into Riana’s arms. Riana forced back tears as she held her close, and the tension eased a fraction with her acceptance that her sister was truly safe.

  Riana grasped Siusan’s shoulders and held her at arms’ length. The linen veil that covered her head and fell across her shoulders looked newly washed, and not a hair of the honey-colored braid peeking from the sides of the fabric was out of place. Not a speck of dirt was visible on her gown or the sleeves of the kirtle beneath the fabric. If Riana didn’t know better, she would think her sister had just stepped from a bath and been attended by the finest of lady’s maids.

  “You look well,” Riana said, and sent a look of thanks at Sir Dunbar, who sat at the table across from her.

  He nodded acknowledgement.

  “I am well,” Siusan answered. “Sir Dunbar was very kind. We had a true adventure.”

  Riana snorted a half-laugh, then glanced behind her to ask Sir Bryant if she and Siusan could speak alone. Sir Dunbar now stood with him, along with another man, and they were in deep conversation. Riana hesitated, a dozen questions suddenly surfacing. They had arrived safely at Chilgoriam Castle—their luck was beyond belief—but did he believe it would last? His conversation with the two men looked serious. Had something happened? Was there something she should know? The three men and Sir Bryant strode toward the door.

  “My lord,” she called.

  He glanced over his shoulder. “Mrs. Carpenter will settle you in,” he said, then disappeared out of the door with the other men.

  She halted. Had something happened? Was something wrong? Her heart rate accelerated. Or was the business of delivering her and Siusan to Chilgoriam simply finished? Her cheeks warmed with embarrassment, but she forced a smile and put her arm around Siusan. What had she expected? She and Siusan were safely away from Arundel. That was more than she had hoped for…and all that he had promised.


  Riana leaned back in the chair that sat before the hearth in her bedchamber and sipped the cider Mrs. Carpenter had placed on the table beside her. “Perfect.” Riana murmured.

  “Your dress is fresh,” Mrs. Carpenter said.

  Riana looked up at the housekeeper, who smoothed an edge of the olive green kirtle lying on the bed. Gratitude rippled through Riana. “You are kind,” she said.

  The old housekeeper’s welcome had been genuine. She had fussed over Riana, fed and bathed her, freshened one of the two kirtles Riana had brought with her, and insisted that the young girl assisting with the bath plaited her hair once it was dry. These were people she could work with…care for.

  “You should rest a bit.” Mrs. Carpenter raised a brow. “You want Sir Bryant’s first night with you in Chilgoriam Castle to be memorable.”

  Riana kept to herself that it was unlikely the first night in Chilgoriam would be any more memorable than the first night and morning at Arundel. Though she would gladly wipe those days from her memory and start anew here in Sir Bryant’s home. Despite Rianna's trepidation, anticipation clearly hummed through her. Mrs. Carpenter and the female servants had expressed satisfaction that their lord had brought home a mistress. The housekeeper clucked that he had taken his sweet time in finding a wife. Riana couldn’t be certain how the rest of the household would respond to her, but once she took her place as mistress of Chilgoriam, the dream would be a reality. After, that is, she took care of the final order of business.

  Chapter Sixteen

  At the sound of the door opening behind her, Riana turned from the hearth in Sir Bryant’s bedchamber. He stood in the doorway.

  “Good evening, my lord,” she said. “You are well?”

  A corner of his mouth quirked. “Aye.”

  He entered the room, closing the door behind him, and crossed to the bed. He unstrapped his sword, laid it on the dresser beside the bed, then stretched out on the mattress.

  “The duchess can no longer harm you or Siusan,” he said.

  Riana nodded. “I am grateful.”

  “Grateful? Hmm. How grateful?”

  She couldn't be angry at the question. She owed him her gratitude, and the amused twinkled in his eyes stated he would take her gratitude in any form she gave it. How much more gratitude would she have to give for the request she was about to make?

  Riana walked to the bed and sat on the edge beside him. “The duchess cannot hurt us. But she can hurt Glen.”

  He nodded, clearly waiting for her to ask outright.

  “I have nothing more to offer. I am yours to do with as you please…”

  “I imagine you would again take matters into your hands if I did not deal with the matter.”

  “I cannot abandon him.”

  “He risked prison for you.”

  “I had no idea the duchess would imprison him,” Riana burst out. “Had I known…”

  “We will buy his release,” Sir Bryant said.

  “The duchess cares nothing for your money.”

  “True, but the warden will.”

  Riana flushed with memory of the man, his hands on her body, mouth on her cunt when Sir Bryant burst into the room. “I must tell you what you want to know,” she said.

  Sir Bryant grasped her wrist and pulled across his chest. He brushed her cheek with a thumb. His trailed his finger downwards over her chin and along her neck. Gooseflesh raced down her arms. His feather-light touch skimmed across the exposed curve of one breast, then the other. He dipped his finger into her bodice, brushing her nipple. She shivered. He tugged down her sleeve, exposing a breast. He palmed the weighty flesh. His gaze shifted to her mouth and he leaned close.

  When he had nearly reached her mouth, Riana said, “My lord.”

  His eyes lifted to hers.

  “We must speak.”

  He tugged her skirt thigh-high and reached between her legs. He brushed a thigh with his fingers, then slipped them between her already moist folds. “Is this what I need to know?” he asked. “How wet you are for me?”

  Her heart raced. She wanted him. Wanted to feel his length deep inside, to know she was safe in his arms…would always be safe. But a man’s cock had never saved a woman. He plunged his fingers into her channel. Pleasure ripped through her.

  “What you need to know,” she said in a breathless voice, “is that Her Grace murdered Lord Mar

  The fingers inside her stilled.


  “Lord Marr,” she said. “The duchess is responsible for his death.”

  “He was killed by a robber,” Sir Bryant said.

  “The murder was made to look like a robbery.”

  Sir Bryant removed his fingers from inside her and straightened, forcing her to sit up. “You certainly know how to shrink a man’s cock to the size of a sausage.”

  Heat crept up her cheeks.

  He eyed her. “You could not have waited five more minutes to tell me this?”

  “My lord, I—”

  He barked a laugh. “Ten minutes, then.”

  She didn’t reply, uncertain whether or not his look of frustration was truly tinged with amusement as she perceived.

  He studied her. “This has weighed on your mind.”

  “You must know the truth,” she replied.

  “So that I may be certain I made a good bargain.”

  “It is why you married me.”

  “And what of the bargain you made?” he asked.

  She frowned. “What?”

  “Have you made a good bargain in marrying me?”

  “I never dreamed I would have such good fortune.”

  “Because I have taken you away from the duchess?”

  “And Siusan,” Riana added.

  “And Siusan,” he repeated.

  Riana laid a hand on his arm. “I will always be grateful.”

  “Grateful.” He gave a low laugh. “Fate is a cruel mistress to have turned my plans against me.”

  She frowned. “I do not understand.”

  He dropped his gaze to her hand where it still rested on his arm and she snatched it back.

  He stuffed his hands behind his head and regarded her. “How do you know the duchess is responsible for Lord Marr’s death?”

  Riana hesitated, uncertain of his sudden change in mood and topic. “He came to Arundel. The duchess was angry when he refused to financially support Balliol.”

  “Lord Marr is a loyal follower of Sir Andrew. She was a fool to think he would change alliances.”

  “But he supported Balliol at Dupplin Moor.”

  Bryant’s eyes narrowed. “You are mistaken.”

  She shook her head. “He regretted it, but it is true. The duchess threatened to expose his involvement if he did not add to Balliol’s coffers.”

  Sir Bryant grew thoughtful. “If news reached Sir Andrew that Lord Marr had supported Balliol, Lord Marr would be relegated to the ranks of the Disinherited. But the duchess would gain nothing by killing him.”

  “Nothing but the fear of those who would resist her requests in the future,” Riana said.

  Sir Bryant looked nonplussed. “She aspires to rule Scotland?”

  “In her way, yes,” Riana replied. “She cares nothing for politics…”

  “But everything for power,” he ended.

  Riana nodded.

  “Was she successful in frightening her next victim?”

  “I know only of Lord Cormac," Riana replied. "He contributed to Balliol’s cause.”

  “You are certain Lord Cormac supported Balliol?” Sir Bryant demanded.

  Before she could stop the thought, her face heated with the memory of Lord Cormac in her bed.

  Sir Bryant’s expression hardened. “Did he tell you while his cock was buried inside you?”

  She couldn’t prevent a small gasp.

  “By God,” Sir Bryant muttered.

  Riana lifted her chin. “You knew what I was before we married.”

  “Aye,” he bit back. “I even fucked you in the bed meant for Sir Dunbar.”

  “You did. And with very little urging.”

  He gave a strangled laugh. “What man could resist that?” He glanced at her breasts and she looked down. She had forgotten she was still exposed.

  Riana yanked the bodice up over her breast. “Only moments ago you couldn’t refuse.”

  “Aye, and even now my balls ache and my cock is so hard you could ride me all night and not wear me out.”

  She drew in a sharp breath.

  His mouth thinned. “You tried once, after having my cock inside you, to fuck another man. Never again.”

  “What—” She leapt from the bed. “How dare you?”

  He gave a low laugh. “I dare because I am your husband.”

  “You had no claim on me then.” She lifted her chin. “You had no right to interfere.”

  “Interfere? I saved your pretty neck from the hangman’s noose.”

  “Which time?” she demanded. “When you saved me from murdering a man by coming to my bed by mistake, or when you burst into the prison as the warden was fucking me?”

  Sir Bryant seized her wrist and yanked her to the edge of the bed. “It seems you owe me twice over.”

  He was probably right, but she wasn’t about to let him know that. “The warden would not have harmed me.”

  “Nay, he would only have fucked you sore.”

  “He would not have been the first.”

  Sir Bryant jumped from the bed so quickly she had barely taken a step back before he was pressing her against the wall.

  “And he will not be the last.” Sir Bryant ground his hard length against her belly. “But it will be me between your legs rubbing you raw.”

  She gasped.

  He gave a small nod. “I see the notion appeals to you.”

  Riana pushed at him. To her surprise, he turned and strode to the door.

  Hand on the handle, he paused and looked over his shoulder at her. “Remember, you are mine. Mine to touch. Mine to fuck.” His gaze bore into her. “Mine to love.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Riana argued with Siusan, but to no avail. Her younger sister insisted they visit the chapel before the evening meal. Thankfully, there was no priest in residence, and Riana slipped into the back pew of the four pews on the left of the dimly-lit room.

  “You will not pray?” Siusan asked.

  “Not today.”

  Her sister smiled. “God will not fault you for protecting me.” Siusan placed a kiss on her cheek. “Neither will Sir Bryant.”

  Riana startled at the unexpected insight, but before she could respond, Siusan had turned away and was walking down the aisle.

  “Mine to love.”

  In the hour since he’d said the words, Riana had played them over and over in her mind. Lit candles at the altar sent light skimming across small, stained glass windows on the left and right, lending the cut glass an eerie sense of animation. Riana remained motionless as Siusan stopped in front of the dais, crossed herself and knelt.

  Were Sir Bryant’s words a declaration of love? A flutter closed around Riana’s heart with memory of the heat in his gaze in the instant before he’d left the room. She had the odd sense that, despite the fact he’d lain between her legs twice, he was telling her that his true claiming of her was yet to come. Was it possible he saw her as more than the whore she had become?

  He had married her believing she intended to murder his friend. Was Siusan right? Did he understand? Riana allowed herself to relax against the back of the pew. Whatever his feelings, he had proven he was willing to protect her and Siusan. Perhaps Sir Dunbar was right and the duchess feared their combined forces. Was that why she had released them? Or was it the fact that their mother was with child? Sorrow wound through Riana. Why had her mother not told her? If a son was born, he, instead of Riana, would be heir to Fyvie Castle. What kind of man would he grow to be? Her heart went cold. He would be just like his father, a puppet for the duke and duchess—if they survived the sentence of forfeiture Lord Fostar had planned for them.

  Tears sprang to her eyes. Soon, the Duke and Duchess of Arundel would be penniless and without authority to harm anyone. Siusan would marry and bear children. She would have a good life. What of her? Riana came up short. Would Sir Bryant want children? What would it be like to feel his child growing inside her? A tremor ri
ppled through her. What would her son think of the fact that his mother was a whore? What of their daughters? Riana bowed her head. If God was kind, He would allow her to keep that secret. Would Sir Bryant keep her secret? She recalled his gentle touch. He wasn’t a cruel man.

  Siusan rose, crossed herself again, and started back down the aisle. Riana stood and, when Siusan reached her, linked arms with her. They reached the chapel door and Riana glanced back at the dais. The Christ hung behind the altar, head downcast, eyes upturned. Something seemed to flicker in his eyes. Riana started, before realizing it was nothing more than the play of candlelight against the painted irises. She let the door close behind her and they walked along the path leading to the castle.

  Siusan gave a cry and Riana halted at sight of Glen emerging from the small group of trees ahead on the left. Siusan pulled free of her and raced across the short distance to him. She threw her arms around his neck. He hugged her close for a long moment before she straightened.

  “You are well!” Siusan cried.

  He nodded, eyes soft, then turned his gaze to Riana as she stepped up to them. She hugged him close, her tears bathing his shirt. He drew back and smiled.

  “How?” Riana asked.

  He reached inside his shirt and withdrew a letter. Riana took the paper. She spotted the duke’s seal and fear streaked through her. Glen grasped her trembling hand and squeezed. She looked at him. A corner of his mouth lifted in encouragement. Siusan leaned in close. Riana considered sending her into the castle, but didn't. Siusan was no child. She should understand her fate. Riana broke the seal and read.


  I will not speak of your treachery. Instead, I will give you the opportunity to set things right. As you can see, I have freed Glen. This is only the first of my mercies. I also release Siusan. She may stay with Sir Bryant and we will dower her. All this we will do, if you return home. Glen will escort you to Arundel, where you will immediately wed Sir Ross. Do not fear the sham of a marriage to Sir Bryant will prevent this. I have already dealt with the matter.

  “Dealt with the matter?” Siusan cried as Riana read the last lines. "She—she has annulled your marriage?"


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