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Synchronization in Chaos

Page 3

by Cindy Combs

  Sam chuckled. "Blair gives me grief about junk food. He's almost as bad as Dad."

  Ezra watched as the young man unzipped his backpack. "Is that a space blanket?"

  "Yep." Sam caught something as it fell out and slid it into his pocket.

  Ezra identified it. "Lighter? Do you indulge in the vice of smoking?"

  "No. But cigarette lighters are more reliable than matches in bad weather."

  Ezra lifted an eyebrow. "You seem overly prepared for a person visiting his grandfather's cabin."

  Sam sighed as he offered Ezra his choice of bars, hearing the hint of suspicion. After Ezra picked a granola, Sam explained, "About three years ago, Blair and I were heading for Harry's cabin and were intercepted by a hit man with a long-time grudge against our Dad." Serious brown eyes met the agent's. "We basically found ourselves being chased on foot, in the dead of winter, more-or-less lost, no phone or radio, with only what we had in our backpacks and my camera case. Blair was also pretty sick at the time and I ended up breaking my arm in one of the hit man's traps. If Jim hadn't found us when he did, I don't know how much longer either of us could have held out, especially Blair." Sam bowed his head back over his pack, zipping it up. "I swore never to get caught out like that again. So I prepare."

  Ezra nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the story. "Why was the hit man after your father?"

  Sam smirked as he stood up. "Dad's former DXS. He's the only one to ever stop one of Murdoc's assassination attempts, so Murdoc holds Dad responsible for ruining his reputation."

  "Then I stand by my previous observation. You are from a family of unique and fascinating individuals."

  Sam chuckled. Before he could comment, a shot rang out as the snow by their feet spurted into the air. "Run!" Sam and Ezra yelled together as they swiftly clambered down the path.

  Pine Tree, CO

  After Chris parked his Dodge Ram in front of the store, he turned to his partner. Vin was studying the area, a slight frown on his face. "Vin?"

  The younger man continued his search. "Something don't feel right."

  Chris glanced around. There did seem to be a strange tension hanging over the area. He pointed his chin at two men standing by a run-down garage. "Aren't those the same fatigues Ezra had?"

  "Yep. Snow's been churned up too, like there's been a lot of foot traffic recently. Strange for a place this small."

  Blue eyes met green. Both were thinking that if Ezra had made it this far, he wouldn't have found any help in this town. Chris raised an eyebrow in question. "You still want that junk food?"

  "Yeah, I'm starving." Chris' eyes transmitted the need to stay alert, which Vin silently agreed to with a nod. As one, they popped open the doors and walked into the store.

  Chris' nerves grew tighter once inside. While nothing was suspicious, the air seemed to crackle with unease. Increasing the feeling was the man at the counter, who was glaring at Vin's long hair and leather jacket as the lean man sorted through the chips. It was probably a good thing Buck had rejected Vin's request to join the militia -- Vin was protective of his hair.

  After grabbing two Cokes from the small refrigerated selection in the rear, Chris met Vin at the counter. The man studied them hard. "Where are you boys going?" he asked Chris suspiciously, ignoring Vin.

  While his first thought was to ignore the question, Vin's glance reminded him that perhaps they could get some information. "We're heading towards Ouray," Chris replied, picking the next good-sized town on the other side of Ridgway. He pushed the Cokes and Vin's Fritos closer to the cash register in a silent signal to ring them up.

  The owner ignored it. "You going to your grandpa's cabin like that other boy who was in here?" he questioned snidely.

  Vin felt a tingle on the back of his neck. Somehow, he knew this was important. "Could be one of my cousins. What did he look like?"

  Still directing his answers to Chris, the man shrugged. "Short brown hair, brown eyes, leather jacket like his, almost six foot."

  Nodding, Vin tried not to become angry at getting ignored. "Sounds like one of them."

  "You ain't driving a rental like him," the man drawled, sparing a glare at Vin's hair again.

  "We're from the Front Range," Chris replied, backing Vin's play, "while our cousin's coming in from out-of-state."

  "What he rent?" Vin asked casually. "Cuz isn't real smart sometimes."

  "Did pretty good," the man grudgingly admitted as he finally began to ring them up. "Blue Cherokee."

  "At least it wasn't like last time," Vin chuckled dryly, meeting Chris' eyes.

  "Well, I hope you aren't all having a big party and traipsing through my store." He glanced at Vin again, then back to Chris. Vin had a feeling that if Chris had not been there, with his clean-cut looks and bad-ass attitude, the man would have given him a harder time.

  Chris held the man's glare for a moment, silently letting him know that he would do what he damn well pleased. Then he paid for the items and followed Vin out of the store.

  Once they were in the truck, Chris glanced at Vin. Seeing the thoughtful look on his friend's face as he tore open the bag of Fritos, he asked, "What?"

  Vin paused a moment as he looked around. "This burg isn't all that far from the militia camp."

  Chris nodded. "Hell, the guy in there's probably a member."

  "What if Ezra got this far and saw a rental jeep sitting in front of the store?"

  Chris thought a moment. "You don't think he'd..."

  Vin shrugged. "Ez's a gambler. Considering the locals, he may have felt it worth the risk."

  "In any case, the driver may have seen something." Chris put the truck in gear. "Get a hold of Buck. Maybe JD can track him down."

  Bennett, CO

  MacGyver took a deep breath as he sat in the van. The paper trail on one of the chemicals had led him and the ATF agents to a small town on the plains east of Denver. The rundown house didn't appear to be livable and certainly not occupied. However, appearances could be deceiving. Experience had taught him that.

  The consultant from Phoenix felt his muscles tighten as the agents around him checked their weapons and Kevlar vests. He hated guns, but could understand their necessity given the situation. The sound of a jet engine reminded Mac just how close they were to the Denver International Airport and what could possibly be at stake.

  Nathan also had heard the plane. "Man, talk about an ideal location for a terrorist wannabe. I pray to God we don't have to search DIA for one of this maniac's bombs."

  "Amen, Brother." Josiah turned to Mac. "You'll be able to hear everything on the headphones. If we find another bomb, we'll call you."

  Mac nodded. "Just be careful."

  Josiah moved two fingers near his forehead at Mac before following his partner out the door. Mac reflected that the gesture looked like Josiah had been tipping an imaginary hat.

  Holding his breath, Mac listened as Jackson and Sanchez coordinated with Teams 3 and 5. When there was no answer to Nathan's knock, the sound of the door breaking signaled the start of the raid. Calm, intense voices crackled through the radio. Soon, it became apparent their suspect was not home. Sounds of opening drawers and moving furniture intermixed with the agents' chatter.

  Then Nathan's voice came across loud and strong. "MacGyver, you better get in here and see this."

  "Bomb?" MacGyver asked more calmly than he felt.

  "No, but you won't believe this workshop..."

  Ridgway, CO

  "Buck, what was the description of that rental Jeep Vin mentioned?" JD was listening intently, pressing the earpiece of his headset closer to his ear.

  Buck looked up from the map. "Blue Cherokee."

  "Bingo!" As Buck stood up and walked over, JD listened a few moments more. Thus the older man easily noticed when the worried look crossed his friend's face. "Damn!"

  "What?" Buck asked.

  "The Sheriff's department has found a Jeep matching that description with the back window shot out."

" Buck echoed JD's swearing.

  "Also asking for a coroner." Buck's face turned white before JD continued, "But that sounds like it's for another wreck in the same area."

  "Guess that's something." Worry still lined the older agent's face. "Where's it at?" JD scribbled down the information as he continued to listen. Buck read it over his shoulder and nodded. "Okay, that's east, northeast of us."

  JD turned worried eyes to his friend. "What do you think happened?"

  "Militia must have found Ezra and his friend with the Jeep. Hopefully, they managed to escape." Buck slapped JD on the shoulder. "I'll get the news to Chris and Junior, then we'll go check it out."

  County Airport, Montrose, CO

  "Sandburg, you are shameless." Jim shook his head as he lifted his suitcase off the belt.

  Blair was grinning as he smoothed the large sticker on the side of his luggage. "Hey, I'll have you know that's an Aztec symbol for..."

  "I know what it's a symbol for -- that's obvious."


  The two partners continued to tease each other as they walked towards the car rental desk. Then Jim blinked. "Isn't that Sheriff Connor?"

  "Yeah, it is." Blair walked over, greeting, "Hi, Sheriff."

  Connor's eyes bugged out. "Blair? Where'd you come from?"

  "Cascade," Blair chuckled.

  "Our plane just landed," Jim explained, following his partner.

  The sheriff glanced between the two men. "Then how come there's a Jeep Cherokee rented out to Blair this morning?"

  Blair felt his good mood drain to his feet. "I missed my flight this morning, so Sam picked it up." Swallowing, he asked, "What's wrong?"

  "We're not quite sure..." Connor hedged.

  "Not sure about what?" Jim asked quietly. He did not like the implications.

  "Well, one of my officers found the Jeep in a snow embankment with the back window shot out."

  "WHAT!" Blair exclaimed, his eyes wide.

  Jim's face grew grim. "Any sign of Sam?"

  "No. There was also a truck over the side. Four dead."

  "Damn," Blair whispered, mind racing.

  The Sheriff again glanced between the two men. "Any ideas who might be after Sam?"

  Both shook their heads. "Sam just got back from India, and Dad hasn't warned us about anybody recently," Blair explained. He looked up into the Sheriff's face. "Can you take us there?"


  "Sheriff," Jim softly growled. If Sam was in trouble, the sentinel wanted to start tracking him as soon as possible. Memories of Murdoc terrorizing Sam and Blair in the area were still fresh after three years.

  "I'll get Deputy Kelsey to lead you to the spot. If you think of anything..."

  "We'll let you know," Jim assured him. He gently nudged his stunned partner towards the counter, wanting to get the rental and on the road as soon as possible.

  Uncompahgre National Forest, CO

  Sam barely stopped before sliding over a rock and into the ravine below. As Ezra managed to avoid running into him, Sam glanced down and shook his head. "Too steep."

  Ezra shuddered at the drop, all too easily imagining their bodies broken on the rocks below. There was no way they could navigate the ice coated rock. Breathing hard, the agent asked, "Any way around it?"

  Sam swiftly surveyed the area. "Maybe on the other side of those rocks?" He pointed at a ridge of reddish brown rocks jutting out of the snow.

  "In addition, it would provide us with higher ground." Ezra checked the clip in his gun, fearing they may end up trapped in a shootout.

  Before Ezra could take a step towards the ridge, Sam's arm stopped him. "Just a minute." With a couple of well-placed kicks, Sam sent a stone on the edge crashing into the ravine. Noticing Ezra's lifted eyebrow, he explained, "Decoy."

  Nodding in understanding, Ezra, too, kicked another large rock to follow the first. "Excellent idea, Mr. Malloy."

  "Sam," his companion absently corrected, studying the terrain to their goal.

  "Sam." Ezra leaned down to yank his back-up piece from his ankle holster. "Do you know how to shoot?"

  Nodding seriously, Sam took the offered weapon. "Took a course, and Jim's helped me some. Just don't tell my Dad if you ever meet him." Before Ezra could ask why, they could hear noises in the trees. "Follow me."

  Ezra carefully picked his way after Sam, stepping on stone wherever possible. They scrambled up the rocky mound until they could see over it. After a few more yards, Sam pointed ahead. "There's a foot bridge. We must be close to a trail."

  "Then let us traverse this ravine and increase our distance from our pursuers."

  Sam held back a chuckle as he led the way. If he could write the way the agent talked, perhaps his editor wouldn't be so upset with him. However, he suspected the southern accent added to the flow. The photojournalist was just stepping onto the bridge when a shot hit the rock next to him.

  "GO!" Ezra shouted. He turned and shot towards the three men above them, forcing them to find cover in the rocks. Then Ezra, too, crossed the swaying construction of rope and wood as fast as he dared. Shots from his backup piece rang in his ears as Sam covered him. Once across, Ezra turned and fired three well-placed shots, severing the main connecting ropes. The bridge fell, effectively cutting them off from the other side and their pursuers.

  As Ezra and Sam scrambled to get out of bullet range, a voice shouted, "Blair Sandburg!" Shocked at the familiar name, Sam turned to the voice. "Yeah, you! We know how you and Ellison participated in that injustice against one of our brothers! How Dexter Fillmore rejected our cause! Revenge for Garrett Kincaid WILL be ours!"

  Ezra grabbed Sam's arm and yanked him down into a gully of brush. The agent forced the civilian ahead of him until they were at least half a mile from the ravine. After pulling him to the side, Ezra turned Sam's still stunned face to his while the agent struggled to control his breathing. "Your brother Blair... Detective Blair Sandburg... partner James Ellison... from Cascade, Washington?"

  Eyes widening, Sam nodded. "Yeah. How do you..." Then a light turned on in Sam's mind. "Wait a minute! About a year ago, Blair emailed me that they helped an old army buddy of Jim's who's an ATF agent."

  "Vin Tanner, one of my partners. Your brother helped me put the pieces of the case together. Who's Fillmore?"

  "Haven't a clue," Sam replied with a shake of his head. "Maybe one of Jim's informants?"

  "Who's Garrett Kincaid?"

  Sam's face turned grim. "Remember I mentioned the guy who hurt Blair and Dad busted his nose?" At Ezra's nod, Sam continued, "That's Kincaid. Blair and Jim testified against him in a federal case this week."

  "So his comrades would hold a grudge?"

  "Oh yeah. In fact, they tried to kill Blair after the trial while attempting to break Kincaid out. And Blair and Jim's plane should have landed in Montrose..." Sam glanced at his watch. "An hour ago."

  Ezra was now frowning, too. He had enjoyed working with the brilliant Sandburg and what he suspected about the young detective's press conference made him an admirer. The fact the handy young man beside him was Sandburg's brother only increased his protective feeling towards Malloy. "Then there is even more incentive to communicate with the outside world." Ezra again flipped open Sam's cell phone to read, 'No signal'.

  Larabee's truck, Uncompahgre National Forest, CO

  "Hey, Chris."

  Chris glanced from the road to his partner. "What?"

  Vin had a topo map spread across his lap. "If Ezra and his mystery friend left the rental Jeep on foot, and considering the terrain, they'd hit the next county road before 550."

  Chris slowed the truck to a stop. "So if we take that road, we might intercept them?"

  "It's a long shot." Vin looked up into Chris' green gaze. For a moment, the doubts, desperation, and fears of each shot across the air.

  Then they nodded together. Chris took his foot off the brake and began to pick up speed. "Where's the turnoff?"

  Uncompahgre National Forest, CO />
  Ezra and Sam nearly tumbled into the road in front of them. As Sam yanked out the rolled up topo maps from his pack, Ezra again checked the phone. For a moment, he couldn't believe his eyes. "Finally!"

  Sam glanced up as Ezra frantically punched buttons, then turned his attention back to the maps. When Buck's number announced it was unavailable, Ezra dialed up another familiar one. It was a relief to hear the drawling 'hello'. "Vin!"

  "Ezra!" Ezra's soul warmed as he heard the relief and excitement in the normally laid-back voice. "Where are you? Are you okay?"

  "I am winded, famished, and fatigued, but unharmed. We are..." Ezra lifted an eyebrow at Sam, who quickly gave him the location. "On County Road 12... near Cedar Creek."

  "We? You mean the guy in the rental Jeep?"

  Ezra could hear the rustling of maps. "I'm impressed. A Mr. Malloy is traveling with me."

  "Okay, found it. Chris and I are practically on top of you."

  Ezra felt his gut tightened. "Mr. Larabee is with you?" Sam's eyes narrowed, picking up on Ezra's subtle apprehension.

  Vin's chuckle was very audible in Ezra's ear. "You missed your check-in by hours, Ez. Of course he's here." A grumble was heard in the background. "Chris says you owe him for having to fly over the mountains on short notice."

  Ezra paused, not sure whether his boss was worried about him or angry with him. Though knowing Larabee, it was probably both. Chris was like a mother grizzly with his men.

  Suddenly, the dirt by his feet flew as a bullet plowed into the road. "Hurry, Vin!" Ezra gave Sam's back a push and together they ran towards the brush-covered ditch. The two men ducked into the slight protection as Ezra fired back.

  "How close?" Sam asked, checking the bullets in the backup piece. There was only one left. He aimed at a pine branch heavily laden with snow right above their pursuers.

  "The cavalry? I don't know." As Sam fired on the branch, snow dumped on the two shadows below. "I see your accuracy is as good as your brother's."


  Suddenly, a black Dodge Ram roared to a stop in front of them. The doors on their side sprang open, a man whipping up to shoot over the cab.


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