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Deceit (The Stellar Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Rebecca Clark

  “No.” I bite my lip out of frustration and cross my arms over my chest. I probably appear to be throwing a tantrum, but I’m just upset at myself for not having the courage to look the first night.

  “We can do it together, then. I’ve an idea, because of your background, what you might resemble. Don’t be nervous; you’ll be beautiful, just as you are right now.” He lifts my chin with his thumb so I’m staring him in the eyes. “Trust me, Alexa. It won’t be awful.” He reassures me with a grin and a wink.

  “Okay, but first, what should I expect to see from you?” Nerves make me start to tremble. Not knowing what to envision is dreadful. Michael is so cute, and the idea of him turning into an alien is ridiculous.


  “Ah, you’re nervous I’ll be scary?” He tries unsuccessfully to hide his grin, but the dimples indenting his cheeks give it away.

  And that’s when it hits me. Why do I care what my alien form is? This is who I am and I need to accept that. It can’t be that bad if Michael is willing to reveal his identity and see mine.

  “No. I’m okay. Let’s do it.” I study the light above. It’s nearly faded completely, and even if I want to change my mind, it’s too late.

  “Close your eyes,” Michael says. “I’ll tell you when it’s over. It should only take a few minutes.” He grabs my hands and squeezes them to reassure me.

  The anticipation is the worst. I keep imagining Michael with a large head, big eyes, and a long, green body. Sweat beads on my forehead and I wonder if I’ll be green with additional appendages.

  It seems an eternity passes, but it has really only been a few minutes before Michael says, “Alexa, you’re gorgeous.” I can feel Michael’s gaze upon me. “You’re pretty much the same. I’m afraid you’re a little bit shorter, but you appear stronger. Your muscles are well-defined and, not to be rude, but you’re curvier.” He gives my hands another squeeze, signaling that it’s okay to open my eyes.

  I blink a few times to accustom my sight to the dark. Michael’s face is no longer directly across from mine. I’ll have to crook my neck to see his face. Either he grew, or I shrank considerably.

  I slowly lift my gaze and my eyes meet his. He still resembles Michael, but he’s taller, his Beiber hair is longer and a lot darker, and his eyes are the color of steel. He’s absolutely captivating.

  “Are you okay?” His voice is the same, and I can sense his concern.

  “Huh? Yeah, I’m okay. You just—you’re so…so different.” I stare at him in awe. He smiles. I think he knows what I’m trying to say. He’s hot. Popular Earth Michael is actually a hot, model alien. This is crazy.

  “The clothes are a tad tight, but I came to you as quickly as I could, and I didn’t grab anything to change into.” Now that he mentions it, his shirt is on the verge of ripping. His biceps bulge within his sleeves, and I can see the outline of the muscles on his chest and stomach.

  Nervously, I stare down at my body to make sure I’m still fully clothed. My pants fit me fine. Stretchy leggings, thankfully, so they’re easily adjustable. However, my tank top is now a tad too small. My chest definitely grew a size. Now I know what Michael meant when he said “curvier.”

  “Do you want to see how beautiful you are?” he asks.

  Mentally, I’m not sure if I can handle all of these changes, but after seeing Michael’s unscary change, I decide I should. “Yes, I think I’m ready.”

  He leads me by the hand back to the boulder where I fell asleep, and easily lifts me up onto it. I kneel down and glance at my reflection in the stream. The light is dim so I know I can’t see myself perfectly, and before I can think twice about the darkness my fingertips light up. Since this isn’t the first time I don’t freak out but instead immediately worry how Michael will take the news.

  “Um, so yeah my fingertips glow or ignite and I have no control.” Instantly I blush and hope he isn’t repulsed by the new Alien me.

  “Wow! I’ve heard of this phenomenon but I’ve never seen it, never mind up close.” He quickly moves his eyes from the tips of my fingers to my face. His look of shock is quickly replaced by a devious grin.

  I use my fingers as a light source and peer back into the water prepared to be disgusted by my new look, but what I see is surprising. My facial features are pretty much the same, except now I have high cheekbones. My eyes are larger, more oval, and definitely a darker color, a beautiful deep lavender. My hair is longer and strikingly dark against my pale, almost translucent skin. I’m not scary; I’m stunning.

  “What do you think?” Michael asks eagerly.

  “I’m, uh…pretty.” I try to hide my shock, but my quavering voice gives me away. I sit back on my heels and lock my stare with his.

  “You’ve always been beautiful, Alexa.” Smiling, Michael gazes into my eyes.

  “Thanks, Michael, but don’t think a compliment like that’s going to get you out of doing some pretty intense explaining,” I half joke. He drops his eyes and his posture stiffens. I twist around to sit on the rock facing him. “Who are you? How did you find me?”

  Michael glances up. His gray eyes are darker, and I can almost feel his tension radiating between us. “I don’t know how to explain all of this. I never wanted to lie to you. I’ll tell you what I can.”

  All I want is answers, but I can see by Michael’s expression that the answers aren’t good.

  “Before I moved to Massachusetts, I was living on the planet Mapu. That’s where I’m from. My job was to go to Earth and get to know you.”

  His words hit me like a slap in the face. My mother must have sent him. “Do you know she wants to kill me?”

  Michael jumps off the rock and puts his hands on my waist to pull me down with him. “I would never let anyone hurt you, Alexa,” he says earnestly. “You didn’t let me finish.” I try to break free, but his strength is insurmountable. He holds me gently but tightly until I stop fighting him.

  “Why did you pretend to like me and ask me to the dance?” I say as humiliation spreads like poison through my body. I’m simply a job. Anger quickly replaces the embarrassment.

  “Alexa, please calm down. You’re not a job. I really wanted to go to the dance with you.” Michael looks uneasily at me and I realize my fingers are still glowing but the color has deepened from sun kissed orange to a blood red. I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths, hoping that will cure my weirdness.

  “You can open your eyes.”

  My knees buckle. Michael catches me and keeps his arms around me to hold me upright. A long moment passes before I notice that he’s smiling and my fingers are no longer glowing. “What’s so funny?” I pull away from him and fold my arms across my chest.

  Great, so now he’s making fun of my alien oddness.

  “I’m not laughing at you. I’m smiling because even now, here on this planet, you’re so sensitive. I thought it was an insecure Earth thing, but you’re just emotional.” He pulls his smile into a sly smirk and glances to the side, avoiding my death stare.

  “Great. So not only was I a job to you, I was too sensitive.” I know he doesn’t mean to hurt me with his comments, but it’s frustrating when people think they know who I am better than I do.

  “That’s not what I mean, Alexa. But I’m sorry if I hurt you. Can you forgive me?” He puckers his face and sticks out his bottom lip in a perfect pout.

  I can’t help but grin at his playfulness. “I’m not sure if I do, but I’ll think about it.”

  “Good, that’s all I can ask. Now that we’ve transitioned, let me answer any questions that you have.” He grabs my hand and leads me a few steps into the dense shrubs beside the waterfall.

  Moments later, we come upon two sleeping bags, a campfire, and a thermos. I turn and gaze back the way we came. There’s a nearly unobstructed view of the waterfall. “Michael, were you here while I was on the rock by the river napping?” Where I was while dreaming and talking with Jax, my mind adds.

  “Yes, I was keeping an eye on you
. I’d just found you, and I wasn’t going to let you out of my sight.” Michael crouches to stir the fire to life. Then he pats the nearest sleeping bag, inviting me to sit next to him. He opens the thermos and takes a few swallows, then passes it my way. I take it hesitantly and he chuckles. “Don’t worry, it’s not poison.”

  I roll my eyes and take a swallow. It tastes sweeter than any water I’ve tasted before. “What’s this?” I take another swallow and savor the taste.

  “It’s water from the river you were sitting next to. It’s the purest water around.” He rolls his neck, then gazes directly into my eyes. It almost feels like we’re back in my bedroom, prepping for the biology test. Until I scan him from head to toe and take in his new muscular appearance.

  “Michael, why are you here?” I whisper, staring into his eyes.

  “I’m here for you. There are a lot of people searching for you, and I’m going to take you to a safe place. Do you know who you truly are? What you’re capable of?” His voice is now serious, which concerns me.

  “Well, I was told that my father is some type of military warrior who was thought to be dead but actually isn’t. And my mom is some evil matriarch on the planet Mapu. Is this right?”

  “Pretty much.” Michael’s voice is low.

  “Great,” I mutter sarcastically. But I can sense he isn’t telling me everything. He’s holding back and that makes me nervous.

  “Do you know what your powers are?” He bites his bottom lip and holds his breath, waiting for my answer.

  “Not quite. Kasper told me there’s no way to know the extent until I produce some sort of new skill. I know I’ve extra strength and I can light up a room with my hands when I get angry. I also know sometimes when I imagine something or think about something, I can make it happen. But that’s only happened once or twice.” I study my folded hands.

  “Hmmm, there are a lot of things you might be capable of. Therefore, there are quite a few people who would like to get a hold of you.”

  “But why, Michael? I don’t understand why they want me. I don’t even know how to use my possible powers.” I truly can’t believe I’m a target because of something I might be able to do.

  “Alexa, there’s an intergalactic war happening right now. Planets are fighting for resources to stay alive. This panics the aliens and they flee their planets, seeking a safer, more habitable place. This whole underground city was created to hide aliens that have already left their planets.” Michael’s voice quivers with the last word, indicating how serious this situation is.

  “I know that’s what I was told. It just seems like something out of a movie. Even hearing it from you, it sounds unbelievable. I just don’t know why aliens can’t come and go when they want. Especially if their own planet is in such turmoil.”

  “There are rules in the galaxy to prevent that. You’re supposed to stay on the planet you were born to, even if it’s dying. If you flee, then you’re punished,” he replies.

  “That’s stupid! Who made that rule?” I can’t believe that there are aliens stuck on a dying planet.

  “Your mother,” he almost groans.

  “But why would she care?” It baffles me that one being holds so much authority.

  “She wants to hold all power over the galaxy. Other planets cower at her demands because they’re afraid of her cruelty. She tortures and kills aliens for all sorts of insignificant reasons.” Michael looks down, and I can tell by his expression that his mind is somewhere else.

  “Why does she want me?” I ask, fearing the answer.

  “You’re believed to have the abilities to help her rule the galaxy. Others believe you have the ability to stop her and save the galaxy from its demise.”

  “No!” I yell, jumping to my feet. “I need to go. I need to go back home. This is too much. I can’t be here.”

  Michael hops up and grabs me by the arm. “It’s not who you are, Alexa. I know that, and soon, more will know what I know. You’re good, nothing like her.” He puts his hands on my hips and draws me in to him once again, comforting me. “You’re so special.” His lips are inching closer to mine. I lift my chin, closing the gap between us. His lips are so full and warm against mine. They part and his tongue tickles my bottom lip.

  Our first kiss. I pull back, unable to comprehend what’s happening. His eyes travel up and down my body. His shoulders fall as he lets out a deep breath. He moves in again and takes my face in his hands. He stares passionately into my eyes and moves closer. I close my eyes, longing for another kiss. His lips graze mine and I let out a low moan. Michael moves his lips down my neck. I pull away, afraid that all of this excitement will trigger a magical reaction.

  “I’m sorry, Alexa,” he says. “I’ve been wanting to do that since we studied in your bedroom.”

  “That’s okay.” I can’t keep my lungs full enough with sweet air. “What do we do next? What do I tell Kasper and Tam?”

  “Nothing. We must leave without them knowing. If we tell them where we’re going, they could also be in danger.”

  “Where will we go, then?” I really can’t imagine putting more people in danger because of who I am.

  “We will go where they least expect. For now, we rest for a few hours. Then we’ll leave.” He sits back down on the sleeping bag and I follow his lead. “By the way, happy birthday, Alexa.”

  “Thank you.” I look away, afraid that I might tear up again. He pulls his sleeping bag closer and lies behind me with his arm draped around me. It makes me feel safe and not alone. His nose tickles my neck as I curl up against him. He kisses the top of my head so gently, like he’s afraid I’ll break. For that moment, I pretend to be back at home with Michael, enjoying the dance. It’s the last thing I think of before sleep finds me.


  I can hear Michael’s voice faintly in my head, but I find it difficult to open my eyes. “Okay, I’m getting up,” I reply dreamily. I blink my eyes a few times, then take in my surroundings.

  Michael is standing above me with a wide smile on his face. “Wow, waking you up is a difficult job. I’ve been trying for at least twenty minutes.” He offers his hand to help me to my feet, then pulls me close and bends his head down to whisper in my ear, “Are you ready to be on the run with me?” His warm breath shoots tingles through my body, and a weakness sweeps through me making my legs wobble. I’m thankful he’s holding me up, otherwise, I’m not sure I’d be standing.

  He tips my face up and kisses me with mind-boggling tenderness. I wasn’t expecting it, but I don’t stop him, either. Instead, I kiss him back, and the moment turns from tender into a feverish whirlwind. His hands are traveling over my body, leaving my skin hot wherever they touch. I run my fingers through his soft, dark hair and down his muscle-etched back. He moves his mouth from my lips to my neck. My stomach swirls with both anticipation and nervousness. I bring my hands to his chest and push him back.

  His steel-gray eyes flutter open. They appear even lighter, touched with a swirl of blue. The corners of his mouth tip upward in a grin. “I could get used to that,” he comments.

  He bends down and starts to pick up our supplies. I decide to help him instead of standing and watching him. I try to make the silence more bearable by pelting him with questions about where we’re going. The only answer he reveals is something about it being the best, least obvious place to hide out. I decide to let the topic rest for now.

  I can’t stop feeling bad about leaving Kasper and Tam. They really seemed dedicated to helping me learn how to use my powers. But if what Michael says is true, I’d better stick with him. I just hope Kasper understands that if I stay, I put everyone down here in danger. The gravity of the overall situation really weighs on me. How could I let this queen—my mother—scare or even kill these poor beings?

  “Alexa, stop worrying. We’ll find a way to get you out of this mess.” Michael flashes me a quick smile while putting the last of the supplies in his backpack.

  “It’s not that, Michael. I j
ust wish my mother wasn’t a monster terrorizing all these beings. There has to be something I can do to stop her.”

  “It’s not that easy, but we will come up with something,” he replies.

  “Where are we going now?” Where could we be going to stay safe? “Aren’t we in a good place to hide out?”

  “No. There are beings down here that have seen you. They would use your whereabouts to save themselves by striking a deal with the queen. We can’t take that chance.” Michael holds my gaze. He doesn’t have to speak more; his stern demeanor says it all. He grabs my hand and slings the backpack over his shoulder.

  I notice Michael’s hair is becoming lighter and the steeliness in his eyes is receding. However, his muscular physique remains. I give my body a downward sweeping glance. My hair is lighter too, although it’s still longer than it was on Earth.

  “Michael, the lighting is getting stronger, but parts of you still appear different. Why is that?” I try not to sound surprised, but just when I think I understand what’s happening, something changes.

  Michael stops and turns toward me. He studies my face as he speaks. “Alexa, the more time you spend on your planet or near it, the more you show your heritage. After a few days, there will be subtle changes to your appearance—unless you leave and go somewhere else that’s not your place of origin. It’s almost like a disguise. We all possess this ability to hide our true appearance so we’re not targeted by a rival planet.”

  “So, our true form is always visible when we’re on the planet we belong to?”

  “Yes, it’s like a protective barrier between you and strangers. I may still appear different because here on Pumalia, I’m closer to Mapu than I was on Earth.” Michael reaches up and brushes the hair out of my face. “You’re so beautiful, Alexa.”

  That’s all it takes to twist my stomach with anticipation. His touch is so soft and caring. He lowers his lips to mine and gently kisses me, taking my mind off whatever we were just talking about. I tangle my hand in his thick hair and let myself live in the moment. He lifts me up so he doesn’t have to bend over. He guides my legs to wrap around him, freeing his hands to wander over my body.


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