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Hail Mary (The Mavericks Series)

Page 27

by Julianna Marley

  “Is there anything you would like to share with me?” Whitney asked carefully. They weren’t going to discuss her heartbreak with Shay or even Adam using her for years, but they were going to discuss Charlotte running away from Myles. She’d always known that becoming friends with Shay was precarious, falling into bed with him had been irresponsible, and although it had seemed unavoidable, falling in love with him had been totally and utterly reckless. And Adam, well she always knew he hadn’t loved her, but hearing the words and wasting so many tears and sleepless nights in fear of him made her stomach unsettled. But Myles and Charlotte belonged together. And she was tired of watching Charlotte run away from any form of commitment in her life.

  “Nope,” Charlotte said simply, inspecting the Hershey’s Kiss wrapper.

  “Are you sure?” Whitney pressed again folding her hands on top of her paperwork.


  “I ran into Myles a few days ago.”

  That got her attention. Looking up, her eyes narrowed and because she knew her cousin so well, Whitney knew she was planning her next words carefully. Very carefully. Feeling her out to see just how much Myles had divulged. “What are you doing, Charlie?” she sighed. She wasn’t interested in playing games and methodically pulling emotions and feelings out of Charlotte. Not today. “Why are you pushing him away?”

  Watching Charlotte chew on her lip to stop it from shaking, she watched her suck in a breath quickly. The bravado mask she always put on was veiling. “It just doesn’t appear that it’s going to work out between us that’s all.”

  Gosh she was so sick and tired of this. Sick of Charlotte pushing away anybody who got too close. “Because he wants you to move in with him?”

  “Look, I’ve told you for years, Whit. The whole commitment thing just isn’t me,” she said quickly standing up crossing her purse across her body. “I’ll see you at home.”


  Stopping with her hand on the knob, Charlotte’s small shoulders slumped a fraction, the ends of her hair struggling to reach the top of her skin.

  “Like them.”

  She understood it. Charlotte’s upbringing had been highly unstable and she had witnessed that. But just because her parents had extreme arguments which ended in one disappearing for months at a time, did not mean that Charlotte had to resign herself to that same life. Or run away from the fear of it. “You have one fight with Myles and you’re running away because you’re terrified.”

  Looking over her shoulder, Charlotte’s eyes drifted in defeat. “I can’t do it, Whit. I can’t get in too deep with him only to hurt him when I turn out to be just like them.”

  The world saw Charlotte Scott as the sassy-mouthed, gypsy soul designer and she was all of those things. But she was also selfless and relentlessly determined. She gave the best of herself to everyone else. The girl who shared what little she had to anyone in need and who worked through the night just to deliver what she promised. She loved Myles and she deserved to be happy. Deserved to have the chokehold from her upbringing released and to shed the blanket of fear she carried around. Getting up, she walked around her desk before taking Charlotte’s hands. “Now I want you to listen to me,” Whitney ordered because Charlotte needed to hear this. Really needed to understand what she was about to say. “You are not your parents.” A tear running down Charlotte’s cheek, she watched her wipe it away harshly. It was taking everything inside of Charlotte not to lose it, she could tell. “We don’t fit in our family, remember?”

  It was true. They didn’t belong. They were both too creative and too kind. They were both determined to create the beauty around them instead of purchasing it. They put friends and family ahead of designer labels and social status. They fought for what they believed in and they faced their problems; they didn’t intimidate and throw money at them.

  “Myles,” Charlotte swallowed back struggling for words.

  “Loves you,” Whitney finished for her because it was the truth. “He loves you and wants to build a life with you. And you can’t keep doing this. Can’t keep doing this to him or yourself it’s not fair.” Pulling her into a hug, Whitney stood there a moment, her heart breaking for her cousin and maybe a little for herself. Here she was nearly begging Charlotte to set aside all of her fears and let Myles into her life. To stop letting the past define her and she couldn’t help but think of Shay. Swallowing back her own tears, she smoothed out Charlotte’s hair. Her future with Shay may have disappeared, but Charlotte still had one. A great future with a great man.

  “I am terrified, Whit,” Charlotte confessed, her face matching her statement.

  “I know. But you are the bravest person I know. Just let yourself be happy, Char. It really is that simple.” She wanted to see the similarities in their situations but Myles was asking for Charlotte to move along with him. To be closer and begin their life together.

  And Shay.

  Well he had been planning on leaving all along.

  Without her.

  Moving slowly down the weather-beaten boards, Shay took the hit of the cool air. Welcoming the smack in the face, he took one creaking step at a time. The sun was setting as he stuffed his hands inside his pockets looking out at the water.

  God he missed Whitney.

  Missed everything about her.

  He didn’t think this week could have gotten any shittier after the loss and his performance in Kansas City. Then he received a text from Brody that the Mavs were making their final decision about his contract tonight. Add in the worry descending upon him about his pop’s surgery, he felt like he had traveled to hell and got stuck there. But none of it compared to the hell he felt wanting to see Whitney. And Quinn. To hold them. To lay on the couch as Quinn fell asleep on his chest before Whitney followed shortly after. Knowing that both of his girls were safe. That they were at peace and taken care of. He had fallen into place with them. As if they each held the final missing pieces to his life. To himself. He couldn’t help falling in love with her. He’d tried to fight it, damn, had he fought it, but that woman had come into his life like a hurricane. Those eyes and that smile and the way she loved. He couldn’t hide behind anything with her because she saw right through him.

  And he loved her.

  But that woman also deserved more. And so did Quinn. So much fucking more than he had to give. He thought that had changed. That he could be good enough for them and give them what they needed. What they deserved. Or maybe that was just what he’d told himself every time he got lost in those caramel eyes, every laugh he earned from Quinn and every night falling asleep feeling Whitney’s body curled into his. Swiping his mouth with his hand, he kicked the cool sand under his feet. The vision of her crying into Quinn’s hair was haunting him, but maybe he’d set himself up for disaster from the very beginning. He had a short time in the league and he dedicated himself to his career. The same one now hanging in the balance. He knew wherever he went, he’d be alright. He’d get it together and establish his spot on any team. He’d miss his friends. His teammates. This city. But maybe it was a blessing in disguise because he also knew he couldn’t stay in this city knowing that Whitney and Quinn were so close and not being with them. He had hurt them and he’d been the second bastard to do so. And just because he wanted to be more for them, didn’t mean that he was.

  “I completely understand and I assure you that it will be elegant,” Whitney promised running her finger lazily across the steering wheel looking back to check on Quinn asleep in the car seat. “Okay,” she smiled. “We’ll talk in a few days when I have some more samples to send you. Goodnight, Siobhan.”

  Hanging up the phone, she leaned her head back against the headrest chuckling to herself. Rory had his hands full with that one. Siobhan wanted the world on a silver platter and although she had promised to do her best to give her an upscale wedding on a backyard budget, all she could really do was cash in on a few favors from vendors and of course not charge for her time. They had chatted briefly about
Patrick’s back surgery and how everyone was on edge and she wondered how Shay was holding up. Ignoring the crippling urge to find him and wrap him in her arms, she checked her watch again and waited for Charlotte to finish up in the studio. She had agreed to pick her up while her car was in the shop, promising she would be done by nine. At a quarter to ten, she must have been enthralled in another project and she took her seatbelt off ready to get out and knock on the small studio door. The bright flood lights lit up the small back parking lot and she saw someone pull up, cutting their headlights. Locking her doors, her heart thumped watching someone come out from the shadows as the studio door opened. Tensing with her hand wrapped around the door handle, she realized it was Myles just as Charlotte turned and locked the door behind her. Her heart jumped watching Charlotte clench her chest seeing Myles standing behind her holding a bunch of flowers. Turning off the soft radio music, she lowered the window. It was poor manners to eavesdrop, she knew that, but she needed to hear this. She couldn’t see much from the heavy glare on the windshield, so she peeked her head out the window. Staring at each other, she wasn’t sure who was going to blink first.

  “Hi,” she heard Charlotte mumble, her design bag hanging off her tiny body. Her hair up in a mess on top of her head, she looked anxious.

  “Hi,” Myles said, his voice rough.

  Holding her breath, she waited for them to speak again before silently praying that this was it. That what she said to Charlotte was enough for her to stop running scared.

  “Are those for me?” Charlotte asked nodding her chin towards the flowers.

  Looking down at the bouquet, Myles chuckled softly, making her smile.

  Come on y’all.

  Shaking his head, he looked back up at her. “Corny, I know, but listen Char-”

  “-I’m sorry.” Letting the large bag drop to the ground, Charlotte leaped towards him. Covering her with nearly his entire body, Myles let the flowers drop wrapping his big hands in her hair and around her waist.

  Covering her mouth from squealing because Quinn was asleep and because she didn’t want to get caught, Whitney inched closer to the window.

  “Look at me,” Myles pulled back coming down to her level. Cupping Charlotte’s face, the lights reflected off her tears and bright hair. “You’re a free spirit and I love that about you, baby.” Pressing his forehead into Charlotte’s, he smoothed his thumbs down her cheeks. “And I want you to fly. Just please let me be your anchor, baby. Please.”

  Whitney’s heart sped up and she clenched her chest. She felt like she was watching every love story she had ever read unfold right in front of her.

  “I’m so afraid of turning out like my parents, Myles,” she looked up at him, wiping a tear. It was so dark, his bright white teeth from his smile was the only thing she could see on him. “I can’t hurt you like that one day down the road.”

  “Don’t worry about one day, crazy girl,” he smiled again. “Let’s just worry about today. And today I’m not leaving here without making you all mine.”

  Rising on her tip toes, Charlotte kissed Myles and Whitney nearly fell apart right there in the front seat of her car. Thank goodness Charlotte had finally listened as she watched the two hold each other in a dark parking lot. There were no candles or music, no sunsets or beautiful scenery. Just two people so in love and willing to take a leap of faith. Together. And it had been one of the most beautiful things she had ever witnessed. A very close second to the sight of Shay rocking her baby girl fast asleep.

  “Got some news, Cunningham.”

  Mathis’s voiced boomed across the general manager’s office and Shay swore he jumped in his seat a bit. He was on edge and he hated it. Nothing rattled him, but this past week it felt as if his nerves were charging through his body. “I’m happy to say that you’re staying exactly where you belong.”



  He and Brody both asked at the same time. Was he beginning to hear things now? Adjusting uncomfortably in his seat, Mathis looked over at Emme. Grinning, she shot him a wink sitting back in her chair like a queen on her throne.


  He was staying in Charleston.

  “We, ah, found some wiggle room in the budget,” Mathis continued firmly. “I apologize for any inconvenience Shay, really I do. But you know how these things go unfortunately,” he said extending his hand. “Happy to still have you here. You’re the true definition of a Mavericks player and when we were presented with an offer we couldn’t refuse,” he looked over at Emme again. “Well, let’s just say that things fell into place from there.”

  Thank God.

  Relief washing over him, he smiled for the first time in over a week. He really didn’t know what had changed so quickly in just seven days, but he wasn’t going to question it. He had prepared himself for the worst, had even reached out to a realtor to sell his home two days ago. Opening the folder, Brody looked over the details of the contract and smiled. But he didn’t care what the contract read. Didn’t care how much they offered him. He was staying in his city. On his team. And that’s all he cared about. “Thank you,” he stood up shaking Mathis’s hand. “Truly.”

  Reading over a line that Brody was pointing to in the middle of the print, he nearly choked on his tongue. “Franchise?” Looking up at Mathis and over to Emme, they both nodded, grins on both of their faces.

  Fucking franchised wide receiver on the best team in the league?

  “I’m happy that I,” Mathis said, shooting a look over to Emme, “that we,” he corrected, “could make this work.”

  Shaking hands with Mathis again, he moved giving Emme a big hug. “I don’t know what you did,” he smiled, leaning down really low because the woman was so damn short. “But you just saved my career. And I think my life.”

  “Eh, saving lives,” she shrugged, before bumping his arm. “It’s what I do.”

  Giving her another hug, he shook Brody’s hand before backslapping him. Walking downstairs into the cafeteria, Shay took a deep breath.

  He was staying.



  And for some reason his chest tightened harder at the thought. Sliding into a bench, he leaned against his knees and rubbed his eyes. God, he wanted to just find Whitney. To bury his face into her neck. Kiss that mouth and make her repeated promises that he would never go anywhere without her. Or Quinn. That he was staying right here. With them.

  “Nova,” he felt a hand smack on his back and he looked up. “Rumor has it that you’re staying in town.” Liam grabbed his hand, pulling him into a back slapping hug. Sitting on the bench beside him, Walsh seemed genuinely pleased about him staying and he was glad. “You must be pretty relieved, huh?” he asked taking a swig of Gatorade.

  Shaking his head, Shay smirked. He had heard what he so desperately wanted to hear. That not only was he staying in Charleston, but that he would continue to play and retire a Maverick. But for some reason, being here, staying here without Whitney and Quinn, it didn’t feel the same as he had expected.

  “Did you tell that sweet girl of yours the good news yet?” Liam asked.

  Leaning against his knees, he studied the tile on the floor. “Nah,” he said roughly, pushing the toe of his sneaker into the floor. He wanted to see her. To tell her. “I don’t think it would matter much to her even if I did.”

  “Please don’t tell me you screwed that up,” Liam growled. Shaking his head, it was as if he already knew the answer. Looking away, Shay nodded to a few players passing by the cafeteria. Of course he had screwed it up.

  “Come on Nova,” Liam shook his head again. “From what I do know about Whitney, she’s a great girl. Seems like a real great mom too.”

  The best.

  “And I mean those lips,” Liam whistled.

  “-Watch it.”

  Chuckling, Liam grabbed his shoulder. “Look, we’re trained to eat, sleep and breathe nothing but football, but the truth is, you gotta solidify yo
urself a life outside of this game, brother. Outside of these walls. Our careers could be taken away at any moment.”

  It was true. Whether it be a contract, a career ending injury or a younger and faster rookie looking to take their spot, they were all in jeopardy of being out of a job every single time they took to the field. But he knew a long time ago that he wasn’t the guy to promise Whitney a life. With him. Maybe that was his penance for what happened with Rory? That he was able to go out and live both their dreams. But do it alone.

  “Yeah, and what about you?” Shay jerked his chin to Walsh. He was a pretty serious dude, but no signs of creating that same life he was busy preaching about. “What if something happens to you?”

  Pushing his long hair off his face, he rose to his feet. “Please,” he scoffed holding his arms out, “they don’t call me iron man for nothing, baby.”

  Slapping him on the back again, Liam left promising to take him out for a drink to celebrate. Resting back against the bench he looked up seeing a tall blonde breeze by the cafeteria entrance before slowing her pace. “Hey, you.”

  Giving a small wave, he looked back at Liv. She looked like she was on a mission as per usual, but it was still nice to see her. Holding up her phone, she shook it. “A little birdie just told me the best news I’ve heard in a while.”

  Chuckling, he stood up slowly, wrapping her into a hug. Liv was special. He never grew up with sisters and he respected her. Her big heart, her tenacity and the way she took care of everyone fortunate enough to be around her. The way she had welcomed him into her family the day he became a Maverick was something he would never forget. And he was glad that he wasn’t being shipped across the country, far away from her, Jax and the kids.

  “I am so happy. Are you happy? I’m so happy,” she rattled off excitedly and he couldn’t help but laugh. Agreeing, her smile dipped as she studied him. Which wasn’t safe. She had an odd way of reading him and like most of the women in his life, she liked to tell him what he was thinking and how he should feel. Although, right now, he would welcome somebody telling him what to think or how to feel because the hell if he knew. “Hmm, interesting. I saw Whitney earlier today and she had the same look on her face.”


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