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Best Of My Love: (Love in Emerald Creek)

Page 12

by N. D. Jackson

  As the sun came up hours later she’d made an impressive dent in her workload and finally exhausted enough she knew she would sleep. Long and restful and dreamless.

  When her alarm sounded later Dre showed no surprise that noon had come and gone. She had less than an hour to shower—again—and dress before back to back soccer games for the kids kicked off. With a goal to focus on, she spent fifteen minutes in the house before flying out the door to pick up sandwiches, fruit, water and juice for the little ones.

  The soccer field held more people than it should by her estimation. All the parking along the streets had been taken and she was forced to let a fifteen year old kid guide her to a muddy spot between two junkers that probably didn’t have all wheel drive. The whole damn town had turned out, she realized with growing tension as she wheeled the cooler in the direction of the mass of people. Great, she groaned internally and lowered her sunglasses to cover her eyes.

  She hadn’t gone more than a few steps when she heard it. “Auntie Dre! Auntie Dre!” Scanning the sea of people for the crop of white blonde curls she spotted Orchid waving and running in her direction, using her knees as a stopping post until she nearly fell over. “You came to see me?” Her enthusiasm was contagious and Dre nodded.

  “You know I did so I hope you’re planning to kick butt.”

  “Yeah!” Her tiny arms still clung to Dre’s waist, making it hard to move forward. “What’s in there?”

  “You’ll just have to follow me to find out. Have you seen Zoe or Eli?”

  In true little girl fashion she pointed and twirled in about ten different directions. “Over there,” she sang out, not all that helpfully.

  Dre simply smiled and told her to lead the way. “If you get us lost I’ll eat up all the sandwiches.” The sound of her giggle made Dre feel just a little bit better about being there.

  “But I’m a kid so you have to feed me first,” she insisted with her snaggle toothed grin.

  “I’m bigger and will probably have to carry you at some point so I get the sandwiches.”

  “Well isn’t this cozy.” Marissa Madden stepped in their path wearing her trademark sneer.

  “It was,” Dre muttered but kept moving forward, forcing Rachel to move or get plowed down.

  “You’re still a bitch, you know?”

  That brought a smile to Dre’s face. Women like Marissa still thought of it as a put down but Dre knew better. “And you still look like you were rode hard and put away wet. Well rode harder, anyway.”

  With a gasp she moved forward, struggling on the grass in completely impractical heels. “Playing nice with his little girl now isn’t going to make Erick come back to you.” She sounded so pleased with herself, so sure that’s what Dre was up to that she couldn’t help but have a little fun at the woman’s expense.

  “You know dressing like a slutty teenager won’t make your husband stop sleeping with his students, don’t you?” Dre pitched her voice higher just to make sure all the ear hustlers pretending not to be interested could hear. “Maybe a bit more plastic surgery though, just in case.”

  Rachel gasped, her face bright red with humiliation. “You little bit-,”

  “Careful there, children are everywhere,” she taunted. “Besides you’re the one who cares what these people think, not me.” She glared, daring the woman to say more but in the end Dre grabbed Orchid’s hand and walked away.

  “That lady’s mean,” the little girl offered with a pout.

  “It’s because she hates her life, but I think we handled her just fine. Don’t you?” She hoped so anyway because she didn’t back down from a fight. Not anymore.

  She gave an exaggerated nod. “Yeah! You’re so cool Dre.”

  She didn’t know about that but she’d stopped being nice for the sake of being nice a long time ago. It hadn’t gotten her anywhere so she’d given it up in favor of being honest. “You’re pretty cool too, Petunia.”

  Rather than correct her, Orchid gave a long suffering sigh and pulled her along until they stood in front of Shayna, Sarah and the kids. They sat on blankets surrounded by a big red cooler and bags of stuff. “I see you ran into Rachel,” Shayna smirked.

  Orchid leaned in between the two women and spoke. “Auntie Dre said she was old and her husband dates students. Oh, and she was rode hard!”

  Sarah swallowed a shocked gasp but she couldn’t stop the laughter that shook her body. “Andrea dear you still have the sharpest tongue I’ve ever seen and you’re not afraid to go for the jugular.”

  “She had it coming,” Dre replied with a casual shrug. She just couldn’t understand why people thought they were entitled to say random shit to someone else just because they attended a few classes together at some point in time. Especially people who weren’t friends or even passing acquaintances.

  Dre sat in silence as the first game got under way and the parents all cheered on the kids as they ran up and down the field. Sometimes the ball followed them, most of the time they forgot all about it. But the first game ended when Eli’s team scored the one and only goal. “Good job kiddo, you work up an appetite?”

  Eli bobbed his head up and down, meeting her hand with a high five. “Did you see me pass the ball to Jared for the goal?”

  “I did and I was impressed.” He blushed beet red as she handed him first water and then juice.

  “Thanks Auntie Dre. Can I have a sandwich?”

  “Of course, pick one,” she lifted the lid on the cooler and he dove in, grabbing two halves with an adorable gap toothed grin. She didn’t have kids and wasn’t sure she wanted them, but Dre realized that she liked kids. Liked being around them too. They had a thirst for knowledge and they were honest to a fault. It was refreshing. “Good luck girls, kick some butt out there,” she said later when the second game was set to begin.

  JT showed up half way through the first half of Zoe’s game and she had to fight back a groan. How anyone could want that asshole around was beyond her. “Hey everybody.” He took a seat beside Shayna but Dre refused to look at either of them. When he lifted the lid on her cooler and tried to steal a sandwich she slammed it shut. “What the hell is your problem?”

  “You. All the other adults brought food for the kids. What did you bring?”

  “Myself,” he growled, a menacing expression on his face.

  “Eat that then.”

  “Why are you even here?”

  She did look at him then. “I was invited, can you say the same?” She already knew the answer though because Zoe and Eli were still terrified of the monster.

  His gaze narrowed to slits but he wisely kept his mouth shut and turned to Shayna. “Can we talk?”

  “Not now.” She was embarrassed because all the busybodies stared and leaned in close to make sure they got the gossip right when they passed it on. Small town living, Dre thought with a shudder.


  “Don’t ambush me JT. You want to talk then call and we can set up a time.”

  Good for you Shay. She just hoped it lasted longer than a minute.

  “I’m not making an appointment to see my own family.”

  “Better than seeing them through three inch glass,” Dre added, not very helpfully. And not trying to.

  He stood towering over her in an effort to intimidate her. “What did you say to me?”

  Little did he know, Dre did not intimidate easily and certainly not because of cowards like him. “Go on big man, shut me up. Just remember I hit back.”

  Just then her father, Sheriff Al ambled over. “Everything all right here?”

  “Peachy,” Dre answered, her gaze never leaving JT.

  “Yeah fucking great,” he spat and walked off.

  “Must you goad him,” Shayna asked with clear frustration.

  Seriously? “Must you let him bully you all the time? Has that worked for you?” She knew she should have regretted her comment but she didn’t. Shayna had always made herself small for that loser. “Look you handle him your wa
y and I’ll handle him mine.” She stood then and packed up her cooler to take it to the car. “Later.”

  Watching the rest of the game from the hood of her car was less stressful and more peaceful even though Zoe’s team lost. She wanted to take them to dinner but JT lingered and she refused to break bread with that asshole so she went home.

  I’ve got a bottle of Jameson and a website layout to finish before bed anyway.

  “I want to be strong like Auntie Dre.” Orchid made her announcement over Sunday breakfast with her father and grandmother. “She is so cool Daddy. I bet no one ever bullies her.”

  Erick’s dad senses went on high alert at her words. Her tone and the unhappy pout on her face. “Is someone bullying you sweet pea?”

  Her big eyes looked sad. And concerned. “No but they tease me. A lot.”

  “Why? You’re the best.” He winked and flashed an encouraging smile but his heart broke when his little girl couldn’t find her own answering smile.

  “You have to say that ‘cause you’re my dad.” Her words lacked their usual firepower.

  “I have to take care of you, the rest is optional. Now tell me what’s wrong.”

  After a few moments of indecision, she looked from Sarah to Erick. “They make fun of my name.”

  Damn. He’d told Calista it was a bad idea but he’d felt so guilty for his devastation over losing Dre he’d given in too soon. “Do you like your name?”

  “Yeah. Dre said it’s unforgettable. Just like me.”

  Of course she did. The woman had a way with kids that he couldn’t seem to wrap his head around. She was prickly as hell with most adults, cutting them with her words as though it were nothing. But to kids she was like a twisted Mary Poppins. “She’s right about that.” But he had to wonder what else she’d said to his daughter.

  “She says I should stand up for myself.”

  He agreed but she couldn’t go around insulting the world the way Dre did. “What does that mean?”

  “It means let them know I won’t take their crap! Sorry,” she added at her use of a bad word. “Missy Madden pushed me down in practice yesterday and I tripped her right before she almost got a goal. Coach made me do laps but it was totally worth it.” She grinned proudly at both of them while Sarah fought a losing battle to hide her laughter.

  “She’s still got spunk that’s for sure,” Sarah added sounding almost proud. “Should’ve heard what she said to Marissa at the game.”

  He’d heard alright. “It was all anyone at the restaurant could talk about.” He bet Dre would be shocked to learn nearly the whole town was on her side because they were all so tired of Marissa pretending that she ran the town like she had in high school. But damn he really regretted that he’d missed it. Even now, after his daughter had given him an explicit play by play.

  “I’m going to read for a bit,” Orchid said as she slid from the chair and put her plate in the sink.

  At the sound of her door closing Erick stood and began to rinse the dishes while he told his mom the latest on Dre. He should have felt weird talking to her of all people but he didn’t. He also didn’t go into details. “She hasn’t called or made any effort to contact me.” They’d made love again for the first time in years and he thought that meant they were moving forward. “I guess I was wrong.”

  Sarah frowned. “Since when have you been so timid? Use your mouth boy, it’s why you got it. Talk to her.” She shook her head disgusted and disappointed. “It’s the only way to find out what you want to know. And we both know Andrea won’t sugarcoat things for you.”

  Even though sometimes he wished she would sugarcoat things or at the very least dull the sharp edges of her tongue.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Dre woke up earlier than usual because she had a full day that started with meeting Kira at Gloria’s. The last thing she felt like doing was making another trip to town so soon. A week had passed since the soccer game yet it was all anyone wanted to talk about. They either wanted a replay or to give her more ammunition to use against Rachel. No thank you. She arrived at Gloria’s five minutes early and found not just her sister but also Shayna. “This isn’t an intervention, is it?” They both met her joke with smiles but Dre couldn’t shake the sense of unease that settled in her gut.

  “Not unless you need us to have one but to be honest I’m terrified of what you might end up saying to me,” Kira joked about her now infamous run in with Rachel. “Have a seat. I have something to discuss with you both.”

  Dre frowned. “What happened to the timid little thing from a few weeks ago?”

  “She had a hot night with a sexy Frenchman and it changed her.”

  “I’ll drink to that,” she raised her empty mug in the air, “even if it is only coffee.” They shared a laugh and she caught Shayna staring. “What?”

  She blinked twice, eyes still too wide for this time of morning in Dre’s opinion. “You two! You haven’t had a real conversation in like, ever and now you’re acting like sisters.”

  Yeah, she refused to touch that. At all. “So Kira, what’s this meeting about?”

  “I need help and I was hoping you two would be up to the task.” She fidgeted nervously but pushed forward. “Dre I need a logo for my store and I need your help. I’ll pay of course but I don’t know what I’m doing. I know what I want but I’m not sure if it’ll work.”

  “Just give me the store name, the colors you want and an idea of your vision and I’ll work up a few options for you.” She refused to even think about payment or talk about it with her. Doing this wouldn’t make up for ignoring her for so long but it could just simply be a kind gesture. I haven’t done one of those in a while, she smirked to herself. When the waitress showed up she skipped niceties and ordered her breakfast.

  “Seriously?” Shayna’s auburn brows rose comically. “Fruit, hash browns and bacon?”

  Dre shrugged. “Fruit, starch and protein, what else do I need?” She didn’t bother with dieting because when she wasn’t chained to her desk she was out living her life. If she met someone who didn’t like her body, she showed him or her the door. “I’m healthy and that’s what I care about.”

  “Where do you even put it,” Shayna shook her head but Dre couldn’t be sure in disbelief or disgust so she shrugged again.

  “Mostly it goes straight to my ass,” she said around a slice of bacon.

  “If we weren’t friends I’m pretty sure I’d hate you.”

  Dre grinned. “If we weren’t friends I wouldn’t give a damn.”

  Kira shook her head, smiling at their exchange. “Shayna I heard JT’s family let you go from the garage.” She held up a quick hand to ward off the defensiveness she saw rising in the redhead. “I’m not judging you, I’m just saying I heard it yesterday and it works for me because I need someone with management experience to help with my store.”

  “What store?”

  Kira filled her in on her plan to open up a boutique within three months in town. “What do you think?”

  Dre saw the skepticism in Shayna’s eyes but she didn’t understand. She didn’t have a job and someone had offered up a pretty good one. Where was the downside. “How can you afford to pay a manager and will there be benefits?”

  “Been saving all my life and until recently I didn’t think I could open it but I should hear about my loan any day now. That’s actually why I need a solid manager because I need my focus to be on designing until we get a solid foot under us.” She wore a nervous smile that reminded Dre of the first night Kira came home. She was all wide eyed and scared but hopeful. “I’ve talked to a few designers like you said Dre and three have agreed to bring down samples.”

  “Great. See you’re on your way kid.”

  She was pretty sure she heard Shayna murmur something like “will wonders never cease,” but she chose to ignore it. “You guys have talked about this before?”

  “On the way to Chicago. She’s the one who told me to reach out to other designers to fill out
my stock so I can have time to get my own designs done properly,” Kira answered cheerfully.

  “Dre said that? This curly haired beast beside me?”

  Kira nodded wearing a wide grin.

  Plate empty, Dre stood and stretched. “All right chicas, I have a full day so I’ll catch you later. Kira send me that info so I can get started on it.” She laid a few bills on the table and turned, nearly slamming into Kira’s mom. “See you girls later.”

  “I hope you’re not corrupting my daughter Andrea.”

  She glared. “Better me than you since we all know how you get down.” She walked away, leaving the woman red faced and stuttering. She hated to do that in front of Kira but just because she’d chosen to let her sister in didn’t mean she had room for Annie. Because she didn’t now and she never would. Pushing through the glass doors while the bell overhead trilled, Dre paused. What am I still doing here? She could go back to California if she wanted, and she did. But she’d been let down plenty after her mom died and she didn’t want to make a child feel that way. Ever.

  “Dre why don’t you come in and join me and Annie for lunch?”

  She wanted to growl at the sound of her father’s voice. Why after all this time did she still feel as strongly as she did? Her old therapist told her that hanging on to the hate wasn’t healthy, that she couldn’t be whole until she let it go. Only she couldn’t. So she’d stayed away instead. But even now that she was back, temporarily, she couldn’t seem to do it. “No thanks I already ate.”

  He sighed in that disappointed way that used to get to her, back when she cared about his opinion. “Then just join us. Please.”

  “No and I don’t think your wife would care for that either so just drop it.” They glared at each other, features so similar yet so foreign.

  “You’re never going to forgive me for getting married again are you?”

  She laughed bitterly. “You think that’s why I hate you both? No. I hate you both because you were off screwing her while mom was dying. Then you brought that tramp into our home like you were glad Mom was gone so she could move in!” She heard his strangled gasp when she walked away but she refused to turn back. To acknowledge any effort he might make to pretend the truth wasn’t what it was.


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