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Best Of My Love: (Love in Emerald Creek)

Page 20

by N. D. Jackson

  “Wow, must be some meal.” She was sure Nico had hired the best. After growing up under his father’s disapproving eye he was hell bent on becoming a success and based on the resort, he would have no problem achieving that goal. “And you know how much I love to eat.”

  “You tease me, Andrea.”

  Other than the fact he insisted on using her full name, she liked Nico. A lot actually. And if she didn’t have a strict rule about sleeping with her clients she would have taken him to bed years ago. He was handsome in a classical way with jet black hair and amber eyes, like some sort of desert prince. He was charming and funny, and had his own money. But men had fragile egos when a woman didn’t beg for a commitment they didn’t want after a few encounters between the sheets. “Nonsense I’m sure your chef is world class and I can’t wait to eat. The guy who owns this place is a real slave driver.”

  “I will let him know we are ready,” Nico told her before he disappeared into the dining room.

  Dre took the moment alone to gaze out at the gorgeous Turkish Riviera, the warm turquoise waters and the near white sandy beach. This kind of view, a girl could really get used to, especially with the open layout of the resort. Light and airy with oversized bamboo fans, the resort fit right into the scenery. Seamlessly. Each time she walked out of her bungalow she’d been struck by the effortless beauty and luxury of her surroundings. The instant calm that washed over her each time she felt the ocean breeze was becoming addictive. This had been exactly what she needed after Emerald Creek. After Erick.

  After everything.

  Live and learn, she thought ruefully as she wondered why she’d let herself get sucked into him again. It hadn’t ended well for her last time, why would this time be any different? She blamed Emerald Creek. That town had a way sucking a person in with their kindness and sense of community, and damn charming festivals. Before you knew it the place was in your blood, drawing you back time and again until you never want to leave.

  Well I left, dammit. Twice.

  “You are sad, Andrea. Tell Nico everything.” He picked up his glass of wine, swirled it and took a sip, encouraging her to do the same.

  “Not sad, just disappointed,” she told them and took a long sip from her glass as the warm breeze brushed against her skin. She couldn’t beat herself up about it again. She’d done it the whole ride to California and of the way to Turkey. She couldn’t trust Erick any more than she could trust her father but she let those deep baby blue eyes make her forget. Now I know better. “I’ll be all better soon Nico, don’t you worry about me.”

  “He must be an idiot. Even in your jeans and that tight little top you ooze sex appeal.” The had so much flattery built up inside of him it just came out all the time. No wonder he had more girlfriends than he had time for.

  “Thanks for saying so Nico but I was the idiot. Trusting when I knew I shouldn’t have. But enough about me. What does your father have to say about the resort?”

  Nico’s smile dimmed. “He is proud but disappointed I have abandoned the family business according to him,” he rolled his eyes and took another sip. “There are only so many billionaires and hundred millionaires which means there are only so many boutique resorts to cater to the rich and infamous.”

  “Can’t argue with math, can you?”

  He shook his head, a sardonic smile on his handsome face. They ate a decadent meal, spending nearly two hours together talking business and pleasure. “Andrea you always have a room here if you need it. I am just a phone call away.”

  “Thanks Nico, I might take you up on that. Now that I’m done here I think I’ll get lost in Tokyo for a while but I promise to be back for the opening.”

  He smacked his hands together and pulled her into his arms. “Tokyo is the perfect city for you. Beautiful with a lot of crazy and nonstop excitement. It is also the perfect place to get lost for a while.”

  “You do know me well Nico.” After a quick goodbye Dre made her way to her room and began to pack when a familiar ringtone sounded. She smiled and picked up. “How’s small time life treating you Burke?”

  “I can’t believe you called me here and then abandoned me in Mayberry!”

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh you love it and you know it. Besides I seem to recall you offering to come to Mayberry.”

  “Maybe,” he conceded. “The place is growing on me but damn do these people ever eat a salad? Steamed broccoli? Fruit? If I eat another piece of fried food I’ll finally need that ridiculous health insurance policy you insisted we get.”

  She finished packing and decided to take one last walk along the beach while they caught up. “There’s a new invention Burke, I’m not sure you’ve heard of it. You see it’s this big building where you can buy all kinds of food, fresh or canned, refrigerated or dry. Healthy foods or shitty foods. But here’s the best part, you can buy what you want and—wait for it—cook it yourself!” She couldn’t help laughing at his huff of displeasure.

  “There’s the smartass I know and love. How’d it go with Nico?”

  “Great. The resort is incredible and Nico is Nico.”

  “Still wants to marry you?”

  “Well the man does have great taste,” she joked.

  “No doubt about that. Dre,” He waited a beat then asked what he really wanted to know. “When are you coming back?”

  Dre let out a long, slow breath and stopped, turning to face the sea with a smile on her face as she tipped her head back, letting the sun heat her face. “I don’t know B. I’m thinking of disappearing for a while.”

  “What, Dre? No, goddammit, absolutely not! Get your sarcastic little ass back here to this Podunk town you dragged me to and…do something.”

  She knew Burke had a point, but still. “I’ll make my way back.”

  “Eventually is not good enough Andrea. It’s time to stop running from this town. From that man.” He sighed and she could hear the frustration in his voice. “You’re stronger than this even if you don’t know it. I expect to see you by the end of next week,” he told her and ended the call.

  Feeling a little snarky she dialed him back.


  “I’ll bet you really wish you were on a telephone so you could slam it down right about now.” She tried not to laugh, but his frustrated groan made that impossible.

  “End of next week, Dre.”

  A month. Dre had been gone a month already but Burke still hung around. In the house she’d rented. Like it was normal. No calls. No texts or emails. And no matter what time Erick called her she never answered. Wherever she’d taken off to, she kept a close eye on her display—she had to—because it didn’t make any sense otherwise. She obviously didn’t want to talk to him and Erick couldn’t get over it. Wouldn’t get over it.

  Over her.

  Maybe this was how she felt after that phone call so many years ago. He’d tried not to think about it over the years because the guilt overwhelmed him whenever he thought about it too much. He hated himself more than he ever thought possible. Until he’d yelled at and accused Dre of something she didn’t do causing her to run away. He hoped she didn’t wait ten years to come back this time around.

  “Hey boss we’re out of Jim Beam,” Chad called out as he rushed by with a tray full of microbrews and girly cocktails.

  With a low energy nod Erick tossed the towel down and made his way to the storage cellar where he kept all the drinks. He hadn’t felt all that energetic lately. Not his usual self, smiling and full of life as he greeted customers. He hated feeling that way but no matter how many times he told himself to snap out of it he just couldn’t seem to do it.

  He knew what he needed to do. Go after her.

  Too bad he had no clue where she was now. Even Burke didn’t know, or if he did he wasn’t saying so. All he would say was that he’d talked to her the day she left Turkey for parts unknown.

  Parts un-fucking-known. Wherever that was.

  So he wiped the bar down for the ten thousandth time a
nd tried not to think too much about Dre and the mess he made of his relationship with her. If it had even risen to the level of being called a relationship this time. Considering the precision with which she cut him out, maybe it hadn’t been more than a fling to her. He couldn’t help but wonder where she was and who she was spending time with, wherever she was on this earth. Goddammit. So he decided to do what anyone did to find out information not given freely. He hit up social media.

  “Boss table twenty-two is requesting to see you.”

  Erick looked up at the sound of Chad’s voice, dropped the rag and made his way to table twenty two and noticed a familiar crop of blonde hair. “Burke man, what’s up?”

  He looked up with a wide grin that had the ladies at five different tables glancing his way. “Erick, tell me about these beers you’ve been raving about.”

  He frowned. “What are you talking about Burke? You’ve been in here at least ten times since you came to town. Which by the way is kind of excessive.”

  “Worried about my girlish figure?”

  “Hell no,” he answered gruffly. “Just that eating bisque three times a week is, you know, not heart healthy.” He was great for the business Burke kept steady on his visits though, keeping ladies in the dining room and drinking for hours.

  “Fine. I’ll have the Hefe sampler and a salad. With the house vinaigrette. Happy?”

  Normally he would be but today Erick felt on edge. Agitated. “What’s going on Burke?” He was up to something but Erick didn’t know what and he didn’t have the energy to figure it out.

  He sighed and leaned back in the booth, kicking his feet out and crossing them at the ankles. “I just wanted you to stay long enough to see something.”

  “What?” He hoped Burke didn’t have it in his mind to play matchmaker. But if he did that would mean he knew something. About Dre.

  “That,” he nodded over Erick’s shoulder with a smug grin and that’s when Erick knew. He turned and froze.

  “Dre.” He could hear the longing in his voice and wanted to shove it down deep. But he couldn’t.

  “Erick,” she replied, at little cold and angry, a little thick and wistful.

  “What are you doing here?”

  She shrugged. “The food’s great here.”

  And wasn’t that just Dre, still mad at him but complimenting him all the same. How could he ever think she would be cruel to anyone for sport? He smiled sardonically. “I meant what are you doing back in town?”

  “My VP is here and doesn’t seem to be leaving anytime soon,” she glared at Burke who just smiled.

  “How long are you staying this time?” Did that sound desperate or too eager?

  Arms crossed and a neutral expression fixed on her face, Dre sighed. “Eager to get rid of me again? Don’t worry Erick, other than eating here once in a while I plan to stick close to the rental.”

  Shit. “That’s not what I meant. We should talk. Soon.” She knew it wasn’t a request, he could tell by the rigid set of her shoulders. The resigned look on her face.

  She gave a imperceptible nod. “Yeah I guess we do. You can come by when you get off work tonight. I have some work to do so I’ll be up late.” Without another word she glared at Burke then turned on her heels and walked out.

  “That’s your chance man, I hope you make the most of it.” Burke grinned and clapped him on the back before following Dre out.

  My chance.

  He would make it count.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “I don’t know why you’re acting so hostile when we both know you still love him and want him back more than you want any damn thing.” Burke stretched across her bed while she looked herself over in the mirror.

  “I’m not acting hostile, jackass. I’m acting like a woman who’s hurt dammit.” But she knew Burke made a good point. She did want Erick, more than anything. Wanting him was easy, she’d been doing it for most of her life. Having him hadn’t turned out so well. Twice. “I really hate you sometimes, you know that right?”

  “You couldn’t hate me if you tried and believe me, I know you are a first class hater.”

  She glared at him.

  He burst out laughing, clutching his midsection and kicking the air. “You know what I meant.”

  Dre just rolled her eyes because of course she knew what he meant. Her ability to hold a grudge was not just legendary but well documented, a fact she was more than proud to acknowledge. She knew there were other ways to handle her anger than holding a grudge and she even knew that some people deserved forgiveness. Maybe not her forgiveness, but from someone, sure. She didn’t think Erick deserved her forgiveness. Not for cheating on her with Calista and not for jumping to the wrong conclusions when it came to his ex-wife. But her stupid heart didn’t seem to give a damn about forgiveness, or her desperate need to hold her anger close to her heart. Or her damn dignity. She wanted to find a way to forgive him. Badly. “This is crazy.”

  Burke grinned. “Love is crazy, at least that what people say.”

  “Like you don’t know.” She knew too. She felt it in her bones. Her heart. Crazy and out of her mind with the emotions banging around inside of her. Love and hate. Thrilled and terrified. Excitement. Anxiety. “Come on, I need to settle my nerves.”

  “Wait, you’re actually going to wear a skirt?”

  Dre grinned over her shoulder as she descended the stairs and made a beeline for the kitchen. “If things go south I figure it’ll be easy access to stop a fight.”

  He groaned and covered his face. “Goodness woman, I don’t need to hear that.”

  “You never had a problem hearing it before.” They talked about everything and they didn’t hold back. Ever.

  “Yeah well those guys were just meat but this is Erick. He means something to you.”

  She arched a brow and laughed. “You too, apparently,” she told him and poured two shots from the bottle of tequila she hid on top of the fridge, sliding one over to Burke.

  “Well the man does a killer bisque. I think I’ve gained five pounds since I got here.”

  “It’s called moderation, try it sometime.” She flashed a grin and refilled their glasses.

  Burke huffed out a laugh. “Says the woman pounding tequila because she has to tell a boy she likes him.”

  Dre stuck her tongue out since she couldn’t think of a thing to say in retaliation because Burke had a point. The tequila worked to calm her nerves so she wouldn’t go off half-cocked when Erick showed up later. It might not be a healthy way to cope but it was her method of coping, dammit. “Uno mas?”

  He shook his head and flipped is glass upside down. “Hell no. Any more of those and you’ll be so shitfaced you won’t know what you’re saying. Or what he’s saying. That tequila is missing a margarita,” he told her as he screwed his face up in disgust.

  “You know Burke, you drink like a twelve year old girl.”

  He frowned. “I guess that answers my questions about what you all do for fun around here.”

  “How do you think we make it through long, cold winters?” Her deadpan expression made him laugh. “Last one. For luck so make it count.”

  “The only thing I’ll be counting after this are the spots swimming in front of my eyes. I thought we were friends,” he told her when she flipped his glass over and filled it again. “To luck,” he toasted and poured the liquid down his throat.

  “We are friends. You gave me a pep talk and I appreciate it so I feel better about the good deed,” she shuddered, “that I’ve done for you. Go get pretty because I’m sending you out on the town with two fine ass single women. Maybe you can convince one of them, but definitely not both of them, that being a fine lady is completely overrated.” Burke needed a night out as much as Kira and Shayna did, so she set up reservations, a car and a few hours at a nightclub two towns over.

  “Who needs a lady when there are so many freaks to be had?” His smile spread slowly and a twinkle lit up his eyes. “Damn.” He stood and began
unbuttoning his shirt before his feet moved towards her and he wrapped his arms around in her in a grateful embrace. Then he turns his feet to the stairs. “You are the absolute best, I hope you know that. Good luck tonight babe.” The next sound she heard was his feet pounding up the stairs toward his bedroom. “What should I wear?”

  She laughed. Burke could be such a prima donna for a straight guy. “Something pretty.” She laughed a little more at his grunt and fired up her laptop while he got ready for a night out. Emails were safe, they gave her something to do instead of dwell on what would happen later.


  The way her mind spun, later couldn’t come soon enough. Especially with Burke dressed and gone, leaving her alone with her thoughts. And her damned email. Even if her employees were awake, no one would be responding this late so she should stop.

  And she would.


  The sound of a knock at the door startled her. She knew Eric waited on the other side of the door because her skin tingled and all the tiny hairs on her body fluttered like the atmosphere had changed. Slowly she pushed away from the table and stood, taking several deep breaths before turning towards the back door. Why am I so nervous? It was stupid really, to be so nervous and place such significance on one damn conversation. Either it, they, would happen or it wouldn’t. But when she pushed the back door open and saw him standing there, looking like her every fantasy in faded jeans and a plain black tee that hugged sculpted chest muscles and biceps. Honey eyes shone like gems and she knew, it wasn’t stupid. And she would do what she could to make it happen. To make them happen. “Erick, hey.”

  “Dre,” his voice came out deep and gravelly, full of emotion. “You look incredible.”


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