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The Midnight Breed Series Companion

Page 24

by Adrian, Lara

  First mention in series: Appears in Kiss of Midnight.

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  Janet Human. Friend of Dylan’s mother, Sharon Alexander. Janet worked with Sharon at the runaway center in Brooklyn, New York. Janet is present with Dylan and two of Sharon’s other friends (see Marie and Nancy) on the trip to the Czech Republic, which Dylan attends in her cancer-stricken mother’s place. While in town for a meal, Janet attempts to match-make between Dylan and a Czech bartender (see Goran). Because the women received Dylan’s photos of her time in Prague, including images of Rio and the Ancient’s hiding place in the mountain cave, Janet and her two friends are later mind-scrubbed by Niko and Kade on Lucan’s orders. Later in the timeline of Midnight Rising, Janet helps Dylan pack up Sharon’s office at the shelter and shows Dylan a photograph of shelter benefactor, Gordon Fasso (see Dragos). Janet further assists Dylan during the timeline of Taken by Midnight, by providing old photographs of the shelter and some of the other women who once worked there (see Sister Margaret Mary Howland).

  First mention in series: Appears in Midnight Rising.

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  Jenna Tucker-Darrow Human (originally). Mate of Order member Brock. Jenna is a former Alaska State Trooper and best friend of Alexandra Maguire. Four years before timeline of Shades of Midnight, Jenna lost her husband and young daughter when a timber truck collided with the family’s vehicle on the highway in Alaska. Jenna barely survived, waking a month and a half later to learn her loved ones were gone. She quit her job as a Trooper, even though police work and helping people is a big part of her nature.

  Thirty-three-year-old Jenna is human, but an attack on her by the Ancient has left her changed in many ways—not the least of which being a growing dermaglyph that’s appeared on the back of her neck. The Order brought her from Alaska to their Boston compound to heal, aided by Brock’s calming effect on the human. As Jenna’s stay lengthened, the Order discovered her human DNA was being dominated by that of the creature who attacked her, gifting her with unusual strength and abilities, and transforming into something never seen before.

  Hair: shoulder-length, medium brown

  Eyes: hazel

  Breedmate mark: does not have one

  Bloodscent: does not have one

  Unique ability: superhuman speed and agility, unlimited language comprehension, adaptive regeneration (body learning to heal itself after injury), and other abilities yet to be revealed

  Mate: Brock

  Heroine in: Taken by Midnight (Book 8)

  First mention in series: Appears in Shades of Midnight.

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  Joey Human. FedEx clerk in Boston who had to deal with an abusive customer (see Sheldon Raines). Joey assists Elise the next day when she returns to the FedEx store to pick up her “husband’s” delayed package (see Odolf family). She has no ID to prove her claim, but Joey agrees to give her the package in exchange for her son Camden’s iPod, Elise’s only memento of her deceased son.

  First mention in series: Appears in Midnight Awakening.

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  Jonas Redmond (d.) Breed male, Darkhaven youth from Boston and close friend of Camden Chase. Jonas was the Breed youth whom Ben Sullivan witnessed having a violent reaction to Crimson in a Boston nightclub. Jonas continues using the drug and soon goes Rogue. The civilian is killed in an altercation with Dante outside a club, when Dante’s titanium-edged blade slices Jonas’s arm and the poison of the metal ashes the Rogue youth in the street.

  First mention in series: Appears in Kiss of Crimson.

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  Kade Breed male, Order member and mate of Alexandra Maguire. Close friends with Brock. Born more than one hundred years ago, raised on his parents’ 10,000 acre Darkhaven wilderness compound outside Fairbanks, Alaska.

  Kade been with the Order for about a year when Shades of Midnight opens, recruited by Nikolai, whom Kade had met decades earlier. Kade is a twin, had an identical brother, Seth, back home in Alaska. The untamed nature of his homeland is in Kade’s veins. He is quick and impulsive and loyal, but also haunted by a darkness that lives inside him. He is forced to confront that darkness when a string of human slayings—obvious vampire attacks—in the Alaskan bush send him back home to investigate for the Order.

  Hair: thick, spiky black

  Eyes: wolf-like silver, fringed with inky lashes

  Unique ability: can connect psychically with predator animals, experience their senses, direct their actions with a thought

  Mate: Alexandra Maguire

  Hero in: Shades of Midnight (Book 7)

  First mention in series: Appears in Midnight Awakening.

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  Kassia (d.) Breedmate, Dragos’s mother and mate to the Gen One and Order member, Dragos the elder. Kassia was the artist who hundreds of years ago stitched a tapestry for Lucan, commemorating the Order’s triumph over the Ancients. Unbeknownst to Lucan, the tapestry, depicting him on a rearing warhorse in front of his family’s burning castle, also contained clues to a riddle woven into the design that later would lead the Order to the hiding place of the Ancient in the Bohemian mountain cave. Kassia was very close to Tegan’s first mate, Sorcha. After Kassia’s mate, Dragos the elder, was killed by Marek, she committed suicide to avoid being tortured by Marek for the secret of the Ancient’s hiding place.

  First mention in series: Referenced in Midnight Awakening.

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  Kellan Archer Breed male, third generation. Son of Christophe Archer, grandson of Lazaro and Eleanor Archer. Kellan is fourteen years old during the timeline of Taken by Midnight, where he is first introduced in the series as the Darkhaven teen of a prominent Boston family who’s abducted and held for ransom by Dragos’s men. Kellan’s abduction was actually a ruse meant to give Dragos the chance to find the location of the Order’s Boston compound, a goal achieved when the Order rescues the teen and brings him and his grandfather, Lazaro, into Order protection at their headquarters. It is soon discovered that Dragos embedded a GPS device in Kellan’s stomach, which the boy vomits up, alerting the Order that their longtime secret compound has been compromised.

  Kellan Archer is a sullen boy, bereft over the loss of his parents and all but one of his family members (see Lazaro Archer) in a Darkhaven explosion carried out at Dragos’s command. Mira befriends Kellan immediately, deciding he will be her best friend whether he likes it or not (he doesn’t). During his recuperation with the Order, Kellan continues to withdraw, refusing to feed until Lucan takes him out to hunt in Darker After Midnight. He wants to join the Order for revenge on Dragos, but Lucan denies him, telling him he’s too young and wants it for the wrong reason. Later on in Darker After Midnight, Kellan takes part in a snowball fight with Nathan. When Mira gets hit with one of Nathan’s volleys, Kellan reacts with swift, protective fury. The two teen vampires grapple, and Kellan, sensing Nathan’s lethal skill and training, asks him to teach him everything he knows.

  Although Kellan is only a teenager as of the timeline of Darker After Midnight, his full romantic story is told twenty years afterward in Edge of Dawn.

  Hair: ginger as a teen; brownish-copper, the color of an old penny, as an adult

  Eyes: hazel

  Unique ability: can read a human’s true intentions with his touch

  Mate: Mira

  Hero in: Edge of Dawn (Book 11)

  First mention in series: Appears in Taken by Midnight.

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  Kendra Delaney (d.) Human. Registered Nurse and friend of Gabrielle’s who unwittingly becomes involved with a Breed male (see Brent) after meeting him in the Boston nightclub La Notte. Kendra is later picked up by Marek and brought to an orgy with a large number of Rogues under Marek’s leadership. While with Marek, Kendra is turned Minion for him. Marek uses Kendra to lure Gabrielle to him, leading to a confrontation between Marek and his brother, Lucan. Kendra dies when she leaps to her death from the high floor of a building at her Master’s command.

  First mention in series: App
ears in Kiss of Midnight.

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  Kerr (d.) Breed male, one of crime boss Reiver’s henchman. Kerr and another thug, Packard, are sent by Reiver to silence Danika after she crossed him. Malcolm MacBain kills Kerr at the small cottage where Danika and her son were staying on MacConn lands.

  First mention in series: Appears in A Taste of Midnight (novella).

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  Kir Breed male, Kade's father, and brother to Maksim, who lives at the family’s ten-thousand acre Darkhaven outside Fairbanks, Alaska. Kir is mated to Victoria, who is heavily pregnant with twin sons during the timeline of Shades of Midnight. Kir and Kade have always been distant because Kir has focused all of his energy on holding Seth up, over-protective of him because he knows Seth is the weaker of his two sons. Kir’s fears are rooted in his past, when he and his brother, Grigori, had a similar dynamic to that of Kade and Seth. Grigori turned Rogue and Kir had to kill him. Kir and Kade reconcile at the end of Shades of Midnight, at Seth’s funeral.

  First mention in series: Appears in Shades of Midnight.

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  Kiril (d.) Breed male. Guard at Sergei Yakut’s lodge near Montreal, Quebec. Kiril and three other Breed males are assigned by Alexei Yakut to guard Nikolai after Sergei’s killing. Believing Alexei that Niko was responsible for Sergei’s murder, Kiril expresses his opinion that they should torture the warrior before the Enforcement Agency shows up to take him into custody. Kiril is particularly nasty and aggressive, unaware that Niko is not unconscious as he appears, but awake and very pissed off. As a six-man Agency detail approaches the lodge and Niko’s time to escape is running out, he attacks Kiril, snapping the guard’s neck and then using his dead body to crash through a nearby window in his attempt to elude capture.

  First mention in series: Appears in Veil of Midnight.

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  Klaus Breed male. Andreas Reichen’s driver and member of his Darkhaven. Klaus is present when Reichen picks up Tegan and Elise at the airport upon their arrival in Berlin in Midnight Awakening.

  First mention in series: Appears in Midnight Awakening.

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  Krieger Breed male, Enforcement Agent in Germany, reporting to Wilhelm Roth. Agent Krieger phones Roth, pulling Roth out of a dreamwalk visit from Claire, to inform him about Hans Waldemar’s killing and Roth’s country Darkhaven being destroyed. Roth orders Krieger to send a team in to have Andreas Reichen killed.

  First mention in series: Appears in Ashes of Midnight.

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  Lanny Hamm (d.) Human. Resident of Harmony, Alaska, and cohort to Big Dave Grant. Lanny was at the impromptu town hall meeting where Alexandra Maguire first sees Kade, and was supportive of Big Dave’s call for a wolf hunt. Lanny was later killed by the Ancient while in the Alaskan bush hunting with Big Dave.

  First mention in series: Appears in Shades of Midnight.

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  Lazaro Archer Gen One Breed. Jet-black hair, dark blue eyes. Appears to be around thirty years old, but is close to one-thousand years old. Lazaro has many regrets, including that he did not join Lucan and the Order during the war with the Ancients in the mid-1300s, and that he again refused Lucan’s call to act when it became evident in present day that Dragos was intent on eliminating the Gen One population. Lazaro and his kin have lived in the New England area for a century or so. Lazaro blames himself for the violence visited on his family by Dragos: the abduction of his nephew, Kellan; the slaying of Lazaro’s son, Christophe; and the destruction of the Archer Darkhaven by Dragos, which killed Lazaro’s long-time Breedmate, Eleanor, and the rest of their kin living in the Boston residence.

  Lazaro begins working closely with the Order afterward, offering up one of his unused Darkhaven retreats in Maine as temporary headquarters after the Boston compound is compromised to Dragos and the humans. Lazaro also shares with Lucan some history about the Ancients, that Lazaro’s sire attended secret gatherings with the other Ancients and taught Lazaro some of their language.

  First mention in series: Appears in Taken by Midnight.

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  Lieutenant, unnamed (d.) Breed male, second generation. Lieutenant of Dragos’s, executed the planned attack on the Archer family Darkhaven in Boston, which killed Lazaro’s Breedmate, Eleanor, and the rest of their kin who lived there. Lieutenant reports to Dragos that Lazaro and Kellan are alive after the joint rescue effort by the Order and Mathias Rowan. Also informs Dragos that Hunter is now working with the Order. Lieutenant is later killed by Dragos after telling him more bad news, that the captive Breedmates were found and rescued by the Order’s Breedmates. Dragos rips out Lieutenant’s heart. It is later inferred in Deeper Than Midnight that Enforcement Agents Freyne and Murdock both reported to this Lieutenant.

  First mention in series: Appears in Taken by Midnight.

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  Libby Darrow (d.) Human. Jenna Tucker-Darrow’s six-year-old daughter, who died in a car accident in November, four years before the timeline of Shades of Midnight. Libby was in the vehicle Mitch Darrow, Jenna’s husband, was driving when a timber truck hit their Blazer, killing both Libby and Mitch and putting Jenna in the hospital with severe injuries. Jenna finally says good-bye to her daughter, visiting the cemetery in Harmony, Alaska, for the first time at the end of Taken By Midnight.

  First mention in series: Referenced in Shades of Midnight.

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  Lucan Thorne Gen One Breed, leader of the Order and mate of Gabrielle Maxwell. The youngest of three brothers, the other two deceased (see Evran and Marek). Lucan is no less than nine hundred years old.

  Founder of the Order in mid-1300s in Eastern Europe with Tegan, Marek, and five other Gen One Breed warriors. Led the uprising against the Ancients during same period, following the killing of Lucan’s mother at his father’s hands. The war against the Ancients resulted in the slaying of all but one, who was secretly hidden for centuries by Dragos. After the Order eventually dissolved in Europe, Lucan later established a Boston headquarters in 1898 with Gideon in an effort to combat Rogues in that city.

  Lucan is considered one of the most formidable Breed males in existence. As a Gen One, particularly one who’s seen firsthand the devastating results of what Bloodlust can do to one of his kind, Lucan’s greatest fear is losing himself to blood addiction. It is a fear he hides behind his contempt toward Rogues, but deep inside he dreads turning into the monster his father was. Lucan drives a black Maybach and carries two titanium-edge swords, in addition to other weaponry.

  Hair: silky jet-black, falls to near his collar

  Eyes: piercing pale gray

  Unique ability: hypnotic manipulation

  Mate: Gabrielle Maxwell

  Hero in: Kiss of Midnight (Book 1)

  First mention in series: Appears in Kiss of Midnight.

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  Luna (dog) Canine. Alexandra Maguire's gray and white wolf dog.

  First mention in series: Appears in Shades of Midnight and later books.

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  Maksim “Max” Breed male, Kade's uncle, Kir’s younger brother at nearly three hundred years old. Unlike Kir, Max is openly proud of Kade and his work with the Order. While Kade is in Alaska on Order business, Max tells him about their family’s dark secret: that his other uncle, Grigori, went Rogue and Kir could not deal with the fact (it’s later revealed that Kir killed Grigori). Max’s loyalty to Kir shackles him to the family Darkhaven, but at heart, Max craves adventure, appreciates the concepts of risk and reward, courage and honor. Kir is deeply attracted to a Breedmate at the Darkhaven, Seth’s promised, but unclaimed mate, Patrice.

  First mention in series: Appears in Shades of Midnight.

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  Malcolm MacBain (aka Brannoc) Breed male, mate to Danika MacConn. Highlands-born Malcolm is more than four-hundred years old, lives in a fifteenth-century stone castle outside Edinburgh, Scotland. Mal was as close as a brother to Conlan MacConn, the pair of Breed males both neig
hbors and brothers-in-arms who rode into many battles together. They also saw Danika for the first time together, and both were mesmerized by the Nordic blond beauty. Malcolm tried to impress her, seduce her with his dark, cynical charm. But it was Con who won Danika’s hand in the end. Malcolm harbored no ill will for his friend’s lucky match, but he secretly loved Danika for a long time.

  Mal remained unmated until very recently, when a young Breedmate named Fiona stole his heart with her innocence and sweetness. Mal and Fiona mated and soon were expecting a child, but Fiona met with tragedy in Edinburgh while shopping on her own. A blood club supplying pimp grabbed her off the street, intending to hand her over to an area crime boss (see Reiver). She fought back and was stabbed and killed. Malcolm raced to the city in daylight hours to find her, and suffered UV burns and a savage knife wound across his face when he confronted the pimp. Vowing to avenge his slain mate and unborn son, Malcolm adopts a new name, Brannoc, and covertly infiltrates the crime boss’s organization with a plan to destroy him from the inside.


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