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Seducing Sam

Page 22

by Verdenius, Angela

  “Sure.” Sam looked at Carly. “Unless…?”

  “I’d love to.” She wanted to meet more of his friends, because going by Alan and Sophie, they looked to be a fun crowd.

  Retrieving her beach bag, she held on to Sam’s hand as he led her through the crowd.

  To her amazement, she saw Maddy, the RN she sometimes worked with from the Golden Link Nursing Association. Maddy waved to her and introduced her to the cold-eyed, tall, muscular man sitting beside her. “This is my husband, Mike.”

  Mike smiled at her, but it didn’t clear the tough, hard, ‘don’t-piss-me-off’ air about him. Knowing how nice Maddy was, Carly wondered how on earth she got on with him. It soon became clear, however, that Mike loved his wife. He hovered near her, ensuring her glass was always full and she was protected from the sun.

  “Jesus,” Alan commented. “What a maternal hen.”

  Mike just grunted.

  “His romantic side makes my heart beat faster.” Tim, the lean man introduced by Alan as the resident vet who had his thermometer up every poor furry bastard’s backside, fluttered his eyelashes. He wore board shorts and a t-shirt on which was written I’m A Sex Machine Operated By A Sexpert!

  “And here I thought it was me who made your heart beat faster.” Cindy wriggled her toes and sighed blissfully as the sun dappled them through the tree leaves. “When did you switch teams?”

  Now there was a woman who embraced her curves. Her hair was piled on her head in a messy, sexy bun, she had a fine gold chain around her neck, a gold bracelet on her arm, a gold chain around her ankle, and her bikini was gold-coloured. Leaning back on her elbows, her head tipped back, she cast her husband a sultry glance.

  Tim grinned wolfishly at her. “Oh, baby, I could never switch teams when you’re around.” He pointed to his t-shirt. “This says why.”

  The afternoon seemed to speed past. Carly felt right at home with Sam’s friends, laughing and chatting, enjoying the time. Not once did she feel out of place, one because the other women were plus-sized and didn’t seem to worry about what anyone thought, and two, because the men didn’t care, either. In fact, each in his own unique way was utterly devoted to his wife, which endeared them all to her.

  It warmed her even more that Sam seemed just as devoted to her, sitting beside her, his hand never far from touching her, whether it was to idly trace across her back or simply brush down her arm. He laughed with his friends, talked seriously depending on the topic, but not once did she feel as though he wasn’t aware of her.

  By the time they were in the car and heading back home, evening was falling and she felt both tired and happy.

  Sam had dialled the radio into a country station and was happily humming along to a sad country song. The ocean was calm; the waves no longer surging as the day gradually drew to a close. It was so peaceful.

  “All right?” Sam reached out to touch her shoulder.

  Smiling, she nodded. “I like your friends.”

  “They liked you, too. They’re a good mob.” He flashed her a grin. “There are a couple more, you’ll meet them soon.”

  “Are they all married?”

  “Yep. I’m the only single one left.”

  “Poor baby,” she teased. “Do you feel left out?”

  “Not with you by my side.”

  Pleasure swept through her. “That’s so sweet, Sam.”

  “I mean it.”

  There was something in his voice, a light in his eyes when he glanced at her, that had her heart picking up pace. Surely it wasn’t what she thought?

  Carly gave a nervous laugh. “Isn’t it a little too soon to be saying that?”

  “I don’t think so.” He steered the car into the traffic on the main road home.

  “You don’t know me well enough. I could be – be…”

  “Mmmm?” His gaze stayed on the road, though she had no doubt he was listening to every word because that’s just what Sam did, he listened.

  People laughed at his forgetfulness, but when needed, and where it really counted, he was as sharp as a whip. She knew him enough to recognise that now.

  Amazingly, she knew a lot about him in such a short time. A lot of good, heart-warming things that made her feel cherished. Made her want it to last forever.

  Made her heart skip a beat at the realisation.

  Too soon. Too quick.

  “You were saying?” Sam queried.

  “Oh. I was saying…I’ve forgotten.”

  He laughed. “Isn’t that my line?”

  Relieved to change the subject, she laughed as well. “It’s catching.”

  “They say married couples become alike over time.”

  “In the case of Mike and Maddy, that might be a bad thing.”

  “Trust me, that couple are so in love you’d think Cupid was related to them.” Flicking on the indicator, Sam turned onto their street. “Ah, home sweet home.”

  The evening breeze came through the window, the scent of the gardens filling the air. As Sam pulled into her driveway, Carly sighed in pleasure. “I’m so glad Ed and I shifted here.”

  “Not as much as I am.”

  There it was again, that undercurrent of something more in the timbre of his deep voice. Looking at him she saw that he’d unclipped his seat belt and turned fully in his seat to face her, one forearm resting on the steering, the other on the headrest of his seat.

  In the gloom of the evening she could only catch glimpses of his face, but what she saw had her heart racing a little faster.

  “Glad to hear it.” She managed a little laugh.

  Leaning forward, he whispered, “Come here.”

  As always, she was unable to resist. Unclipping the seat belt, she slid it free and obeyed, about to brace her hand on the seat but instead catching hold of his broad shoulder.

  His skin was warm beneath her hand, silky, sun-kissed. Muscle moved beneath in a graceful slide. It was enough to make her sigh and lean right into the kiss.

  God, could Sam kiss. Gentle and teasing at first, seeking, and then growing more demanding, taking control so easily, so expertly. When she opened willingly to him, he swept inside, filling her with his taste, his clean, ocean-tinged scent filling her senses.


  One big hand slid around to cup her nape, the gesture tender, caring, but with that hint of firmness that always thrilled her to her soul.

  She could do this with him forever.

  Breaking the kiss, Sam looked down at her. “Carly, I’m falling for you.”

  Not daring to believe he could really be meaning what she thought, she smiled. “Luckily you’re sitting down, then.”

  His eyes behind the glasses were grave. “I’m not joking, Carly. I’ve never felt like this with another woman.”

  His words had her heart stuttering, warmth sweeping through her, but still she was scared to take that step. “Sam, this is too soon.”

  “Not for me.”

  “We’ve only known each other a short time.” She was such a fool not to grab this with both hands, but caution pricked at her.

  “I know what I want. I’ve always known.” He leaned his forehead against hers in typical Sam fashion. “I want you.”

  “You have me.”


  She swallowed. Delight coursed through her, but still…

  “Tell me what you’re thinking, Carly,” he urged softly. “Do you not care for me?”

  “Oh, Sam, I do. I’ve never met a man like you before. You make me happy, but…”


  She swallowed again.

  “Just tell me, honey. I’m not going to yell, I’m not going to get angry. I promise I’m not going to slam out of the car with my feelings all hurt.” His usual reassuring smile wasn’t present, but his calmness seemed to fill the car, seeping into her, quietening her erratic heartbeat so that she could think properly.

  Giving her confidence to speak truthfully.

  “Sam, I won’t lie to you. You
make me feel things I’ve never felt before. My heart skips a beat when you’re nearby. You make me laugh. You make me feel beautiful.”

  “You are beautiful.” Not once did his gaze waver.

  Biting her lip, she glanced to the side.

  “Look at me.” Such a quiet order that she couldn’t refuse. “Tell me what troubles you.”

  “Oh, Sam.” She sighed. “You have no idea of the power you have over me.”

  “I don’t wield power, honey. I’m just me.”

  Reaching up, she cupped his cheek in her hand, feeling the strong contours of his face before sliding her hand around to slip her fingers through the silky hair that spilled around his shoulders.

  She studied his face, the street light picking out the shadows, the sun-kissed skin, the strong lines of his nose and jaw. Such a handsome face.

  “You’re such a beautiful soul, Sam,” she murmured.

  Silently, he waited, his gaze intense.

  “And…” She took a deep breath. “And you have the power to tear me apart.”

  No answer, just that patient, watchful waiting.

  “You just…” With a sigh, she continued softly, “Jonathon might have hurt me, Sam, but you could destroy me.”

  When she said nothing further, just simply looked at him, he asked her, equally as softly, “And you think I would do that to you?”

  “If we part ways it will happen, whether you mean it to or not.”

  “We won’t part ways.”

  “How can you be so sure of that?”

  “I know what I want, and what I want, I get and keep. I want you, Carly, and I’ll keep you. Once we commit, there’s no going back for me, not ever.”

  “That’s now-”


  “How can you be so sure of me, then?”

  His smile was just the briefest curve of his lips. “Because I know you.”

  “It’s only been a short time. You can’t know me that well.”

  “Really? I’ve seen you with my friends, your friends, on your own. I’ve even seen you in a snit. You work hard, you have loyalty, and honey, most telling of all…”


  “Most telling of all, how could I have any power to destroy you if you don’t feel something more than just attraction?”

  How could she even argue that? Staring up at him, a tremor went through her. This was too fast, too quick. Too deep, too emotional, too heavy. She didn’t do things quickly, she didn’t jump into things, she was careful, more so since Jonathon.

  Her mind buzzed. Here was this gorgeous man, this wonderful being, offering her so much more, and here she was, scared, uncertain, and so afraid to take a leap into a future together.

  “Carly.” He smoothed down the back of her hair. “It’s all right.” When she could only look mutely at him, he smiled gently, his eyes so full of tenderness and understanding. “It’s really all right, honey. We’ll go at your pace. Your pace is okay. I want you happy, sure, and if that means waiting, I’ll wait.” Pressing a soft kiss to her brow, he whispered, “I’ll wait forever if I have to.” A quick kiss to the tip of her nose, another to her lips, equally quick, equally tender. “You have no idea how you seduce me just by being you. No pretence, no greed, no grasping. I love you, Carly, and I’m not afraid to admit it.” He kissed her again, a little longer. “I’ll wait forever, but know this, I’ll never let you go.” Drawing back, he gazed into her eyes. “I mean it. You’re mine.”

  And just like that he pulled back, turning and opening his door to get out.

  Mind whirling, senses playing havoc inside her at his declaration and her own churning emotions and fears, Carly got out as well, meeting him at the front of his car.

  Taking her hand, Sam led her up the steps to her door.

  She managed to unlock the doors before turning to look up at him. “I’m sorry, Sam.”

  He knew exactly what she meant, his smile tender. “I know.”

  This time his kiss was deep, long, still tender even though there was something definitely masterful about it. It was that of a man unmistakeably staking his claim. It made her heart pound, her knees weak, and her hands cling to him.

  Breaking the kiss, he said softly, “Goodnight, honey.”

  She watched him walk back to the car, his stride long and sure, every step confident. Tall, muscular, graceful, handsome, patient and kind.

  And wanting her. It still amazed her, made her breathless, to think a man like Sam Willow could want her so much, yet it was so plain to see, to feel.

  She was a fool for wanting to wait. Tipping her face up, she took a deep breath. When Sam was around her, she couldn’t think properly, his very presence seeming to mesh with her, bringing them together. Time alone to sort out her feelings, her intentions, her thoughts, was what she needed.

  She watched as Sam pulled the car into his garage, walked up onto his veranda and opened the house door, the hall light spilling out welcomingly. He gave her a wave which she returned before entering her own home, closing and locking the door behind her.

  Crusher bounced around her feet and she smiled down at him. “What, Ed isn’t home yet? Are you starving to death?” Wondering where he was, she walked into the kitchen and fed Crusher. When she stood up, she saw the answering machine light flashing.

  Ed’s message was first. “Hey, Carly. I’m going to be home really late. Got some paperwork to catch up on at the bike shop, then I’m meeting Charlie for dinner and a movie. Can you feed Crusher for me? Ta muchly.”

  Well, that answered that question.

  The second message wasn’t so welcoming. Jonathon’s voice was thick, as though having difficulty speaking. “You dumb bitch! Where’s my bloody envelope? You should have Goddamn given it to me by now! I’m out of time. Call me now.”

  That was enough to spoil the pleasant haze she’d been in, and not wanting to get woken up in the middle of the night by an irate phone call, she dialled Jonathon’s number.

  “I can’t find your envelope,” she said when he answered. “And I don’t want to hear anymore about it.”

  “Well, you don’t have a choice,” he snarled. “Find it.”

  “I’ve looked. I can’t find any padded envelope.” She sighed. “What’s so important about it anyway?”

  “None of your Goddamn business. You find the envelope, you don’t look in it, and you give it to me.”

  “I don’t know what shit you’re into, but I want nothing to do with it,” she said sharply.

  “Just find it!”

  “I don’t have it. I just don’t. There’s nothing I can do about it, you’ll just have to accept that it’s somewhere else.”

  “This is your final warning. Have it for me by tomorrow night or else.” His phone slammed down in her ear.

  “Bastard.” Hanging up the phone, she looked at Crusher who was licking the last of the food from his bowl. “You’ve got the life, Crusher. Food, love, and no worries.”

  She could worry all she liked, it made no difference. No amount of searching had unearthed Jonathon’s envelope. It was time she took the matter further; there was no telling just how far Jonathon would go now. Tomorrow she’d go to the police station, perhaps get a restraining order. She couldn’t believe she was actually contemplating it.

  With that decision made, she grimaced. Now that she was away from the beach, she didn’t like the feel of salt and sand on her skin. A long, luxurious shower and hair wash, and she felt a lot better. Damp hair hanging loose, she slipped on a summer nightie and dressing gown and went into the lounge room to sit and watch TV.

  Actually, TV was to occupy her eyes while her brain mulled over the afternoon at the beach, which had been fun, and the conversation with Sam in the driveway, which had been confusing, heart-warming, tingling, and nerve-wracking all at once.

  Sam loved her. That had her tingling and warm, and even just the thought made her heart pick up pace.

  It was her own fears that made her hesitate. Did sh
e love him in return? Love was a strong word, one she didn’t use lightly. She knew if he walked away now that her heart would break, so she definitely had a lot of feeling for him. But love?

  God, who was she fooling? If he had the power to destroy her, then yes, she loved him. Loved him enough that destroying her was exactly what would happen if he left. He made her feel beautiful, loved, cherished. With him she was at ease, happy, so comfortable even while her blood sizzled and her heart sang.

  Being with Sam just felt so right, was right. So why let her fears make her hesitate? Why not take the heaven-sent opportunity with both hands? Why, she thought in despair, did she allow her fears to hold her back?

  Crusher whimpering at the door caught her attention, and she got up to see what was wrong.

  At the door, he barked and whimpered, putting his head down to sniff floor.

  “Whoa. If you want a pee, you go outside.” Unlocking the door, she snapped on the veranda light. “Good boy. Outside. I’ll wait here.” Opening the door, she watched as he raced out.

  Only he didn’t go out to the garden, he veered to the side and started barking loudly.

  “What’s wrong, Crusher? Don’t be silly.” Carly took a step out. “Is SJ here? Don’t worry, he’ll only lick you to death. He-”

  “Hello, Carly.”

  Shocked, Carly stared at Jonathon as he stepped in front of her. One side of his face was swollen, one eye half shut and blackened. “What happened to you?”

  “You.” He bared his teeth. “You happened to me.” Reaching out, he shoved her hard in the chest, sending her staggering back into the hallway. “And now I’m going to happen to you.”

  Chapter 9

  The door slammed behind him before she could stop him. “Jonathon, what the hell are you doing?”

  “You bitch!” His hand cracked across her face, sending her stumbling against the wall. “Where is that bloody envelope?”

  Shocked, her hand cupped to her burning cheek, she could only stare at him.

  Grabbing her dressing gown, he yanked her close and yelled, “The envelope! Where is the bloody envelope?”

  “I don’t know!” She shoved him away angrily. “How dare you come in here and hit me?”


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