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Page 5

by Samantha Leal

  She recalled how River had, at one point, put his arm around the back of her bar stool and she had felt his hand graze her skin. She had looked him in the eye and they had shared a moment. When she had looked into his eyes, she had felt something strong and carnal. It was pulling at her, enticing her… She felt as if she were looking into both the eyes of danger and the eyes of safety.

  It was both confusing and a turn on.

  “But it’s River!” she said aloud as she slammed her hands over her eyes. “You’ve known him for ages, how has he suddenly caught your attention like this?”

  She thought on that for a moment and then she slumped back down in bed and pulled the covers up around her.

  “Maybe he didn’t catch my eye because I wasn’t looking,” she said again. “Maybe now I see him because I want to open myself up to a relationship…”

  She picked up her phone again and started to write a reply.

  S: I think you should say it…

  She hit send and then pulled her pillow over her head.

  “I can’t believe I just said that!” she cried as she moaned into the pillow and then her phone buzzed again.

  R: You know what I’m alluding to. I wish I was there with you…

  Her heart almost hit the floor. He was flirting with her. Not only that, but he was clearly telling her that he wanted to be there with her. In her bed.


  “Wow,” she whispered.

  S: Well, maybe we’ll have to discuss this later… Sounds interesting.

  R: I’ll call you tomorrow x

  She rubbed her head and wondered if she was still drunk, or asleep and dreaming. What the hell was going on?

  She had no clue, but she was loving every moment.

  No one had ever turned her head before, and now, suddenly, River was all she could think about.

  He had rolled back into town and ignited something inside of her that was fun and exciting. She grinned and jumped up.

  There was no way she could lie in bed now! She wanted to be out in the world and living her life. She wanted to shower, do her make-up, style her hair, and head out onto Main Street.

  If there was one thing she needed more than anything, it was a big frothy coffee from The Hideout to give her a buzz and help wake her back up.

  As she wandered down toward the coffee house, she clutched a magazine in her hand and let her eyes scan the streets around her. She had never felt as if she had a purpose like this before. She had never really dated even, she had liked the odd guy, but no one strongly enough to want to make them her boyfriend.

  Now, as she wandered the streets of Lost Creek and headed to The Hideout, all she wanted to do was see River. She imagined him sitting inside one of the stores, casually glancing out of the window, and seeing her walking along, swishing her hair over her shoulder and looking awake and free.

  She walked slowly, and casually glanced in various stores too. If he was around, she was sure she would be drawn to him in some way, and she didn’t want to miss him.

  The Hideout was coming up in front of her, and she smiled at some of the town folk as she passed them by and waved to another one of her neighbors over on the other side of the street.

  It was busy and full of life. Lost Creek Main Street on a Saturday was like something else, it really was a hive of activity, and when she looked toward the mountains, she could see the moving lifts ferrying skiers right up to the top, and into the clouds.

  She pushed open the door to the coffee house and the delicious aroma hit her. It was coffee beans and hot chocolate, cream and marshmallows, and freshly baked muffins and cakes.

  She wandered straight to the counter and looked up at the menu. She didn’t think she had ever been this hungry before, and she was so hungover she felt as if she could eat a horse!

  “What can I get you?” the barista asked.

  She was still scanning the menu, but she ordered a skinny latte and then a big slice of chocolate cake.

  “No problem,” the server said. “Eat in or take out?”

  “I’ll have it here,” she said as she pointed to a table by a big roaring log fire and walked over to sit down.

  She slumped into the chair and a wave of tiredness rolled over her. She felt as if she easily could sleep for a week, and that was why it was imperative that she got the coffee as soon as possible.

  When the barista brought it to her, she thanked him with a friendly smile and took the big, hot cup between her palms and held it to her lips. She blew on it to cool it down and watched as the foam parted in front of her.

  When she finally dared take a sip, it was like liquid revival.

  It was bringing her back to life.

  “Ahh,” she said as she sank back into the comfort of the couch cushions. “Perfect.”

  She reached for her magazine and started to flick through the pages. She read articles about fashion, about beauty, about sex, about career women, and celebrity dating that had gone bad. And as she scanned everything, she realized how right River had been the night before.

  It really didn’t matter. None of it.

  He had said he liked the fact that Stacey was happy living a simple and uncomplicated life, and that he always felt as if people were always looking to do something extraordinary, when really, the things that mattered were close to home.

  She rolled up the magazine, leaned forward, and tossed it into the burning fire in front of her. She watched as the flames began to lick around it and it started to turn black and charred.

  “I don’t need to read any of that rubbish,” she said. “None of it is important anyway.”

  She sat back and relaxed into the comfy seat, sipped her coffee and ate her cake. Just by herself, with no need for any other conversation. She enjoyed the peace and quiet, and the silence, and she was grateful for it.

  It was the perfect way to get over her hangover and bring herself back into a positive frame of mind.

  She wandered back down Main Street and started to head toward her turning for home. She looked at each of the stores as she went past, and at all the little businesses that were thriving there and doing the best they could. This town truly was magical. She had heard people say that when they had visited, and she realized that she had taken it for granted.

  She didn’t know what was going on with River, or with Esme and Zeke, but she knew she wanted to help them and help protect what was theirs. She didn’t want anyone in town to get hurt, and she didn’t want to see any of her friends suffer either.

  She was just about to reach into her purse to pull out her cell phone and call Esme when she heard a familiar voice calling her name from a distance.

  She stopped and turned around, and she nearly fainted when she saw the tall, broad, and incredibly sexy River running toward her.

  “Stacey!” he called as he waved.

  She stopped and raised her hand.

  “Hey you,” she smiled.

  “I didn’t expect to see you around town today,” he half laughed as he stopped in front of her and caught his breath.

  She smiled at him and cocked her head to the side. After their conversation via text earlier, she was suddenly a little more shy around him, and she just hoped to hell that she wasn’t blushing bright red.

  “I felt pretty bad, I have to admit,” she said as she held her hand to her face and shielded her eyes from the sun. “When I woke up, I didn’t have a clue how I’d gotten home. I was on the couch with a crick in my neck and my shoes were still on.”

  “You were pretty wasted,” he laughed. “Blu was the only sober one, so he drove and we dropped you at home. I know I carried you to the couch and locked you in.”

  “Thank you,” she said shyly. “I mean it, thanks for looking after me.”

  “I always do,” he said with a cheeky grin.

  And she looked at him with amusement but also confusion.

  What does that mean?

  She kicked her toe into a patch of snow and it sprayed
out in front of them.

  “So, you’re working tonight?” she asked him.

  He nodded his head and looked back into her eyes. Out in all the white of the snow, his seemed even more blue and piercing, and she gulped. They were too beautiful, they were sucking her in all over again.

  “But I’m not there tomorrow,” he said. “Why don’t we do something?”

  She felt her jaw sag a little, but within an instant, she was smiling.

  “Are you asking me out?” she said cheekily.

  River shrugged his shoulders and winked at her. He was so confident and smooth, it was as if he knew no one would say no to him.

  “What do you think…” he said with a wry smile.

  She smiled shyly back and nodded her head slowly.

  “Okay,” she said. “That sounds nice, I’d love to.”

  “Good,” he said as he reached for her hand and pulled it into his.

  His skin was so hot, and she could feel an electricity radiating from him. He was so big and strong, and every time he touched her, she felt something incredible rocket through her.

  She was held there by his eyes, in a complete trance, and she felt as if the world was going to fall away beneath her when he raised her hand to his lips and planted a soft, solitary kiss on her knuckles.

  She felt weak at the knees.

  What the hell was happening!?

  “I’ll pick you up,” he whispered. “How about seven?”

  She opened her mouth to speak but no words would form. She cleared her throat and nodded her head, and he winked at her again.

  “Okay then,” he said. “Well, I guess I’ll see you then.”

  She nodded her head, and he slowly let her hand fall back down between them.

  She was completely stunned, and she didn’t know what the hell to say. River began to walk backward, all the while watching her as he moved away and began to merge into the crowd.

  A few moments later, and she was still standing there, all alone, with her mouth gaping open, and no true clue of what had actually just happened.

  “You have a date,” she whispered to herself as she finally turned and began to head toward home. “You have your first date in what… five years!?”

  She shook her head and kept on walking.

  She had a date.

  With River.

  One of the most badass guys in town. And not only that, but he was her boss!

  Something strange was happening between them. She didn’t know what, but she knew she was surely going to find out.

  She walked home quickly, skidding in the fresh snow as she went, and when she burst through the door, her heart was pounding and her smile was fixed permanently on her face.

  “You need to call Esme,” she said aloud as she reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone. “You need to see how baby Magnus is doing, and you need advice. This is insane!”

  As she pressed dial, she wondered if Esme knew anything about it. Maybe River had already told her he was interested. Or maybe Zeke knew something.

  She held the phone to her ear and her heart raged on.

  She hadn’t had a crush like this in as long as she could remember. And it felt fucking awesome.


  “Woah, he did what?” Esme said from the other end of the line.

  “I know, I totally wasn’t expecting it. It’s like it just came out of nowhere and suddenly, he’s into me.”

  “I think he’s always been into you…” Esme said quietly.

  “What?” Stacey closed her eyes and tried to let the words sink in.

  “I don’t know, I just always got that impression.”

  In the background, Stacey could hear that Esme was watching TV, and she wondered if she had even heard her properly.

  “Okay, erm, well that is news to me,” she half laughed.

  “What are you going to wear?” Esme asked excitedly. “I take it you’re going to go out with him?”

  “Well, yeah,” she replied. “I mean, I’m pretty nervous, but I guess I’m kind of excited too.”

  “You’ll have a great time, I bet he’s loads of fun.”

  “Well, I guess we’ll see,” she smiled. “Sorry to go on about me and my dramas, how are you, anyway, and little Magnus?”

  “Hey, listen, I don’t mind at all, it feels good to be talking about something adult for a change, for the past few days, all I’ve been doing in speaking in baby talk, feeding the little man, and sleeping when I can.”

  “Are you tired?”

  “I’m okay for now,” she said as she stifled a yawn. “But it is hard work.”

  “Can’t be very nice to just be cooped up in the house either?” Stacey said tentatively.

  Esme went quiet for a moment and then she took a breath.

  “River told me you were staying hidden away for a bit,” Stacey carried on. “I don’t know why or anything, but he said something about some kind of trouble…”

  Esme seemed to be thinking and then she sighed.

  “Yeah, you could say that,” she said. “But I don’t know what I’m allowed to say and what I’m not.”

  Stacey felt her mind twirling again. She felt like everyone knew what was going on but her.

  “You just need to do whatever they say,” Esme said. “Because they’re keeping us safe. Okay?”

  Stacey listened to her words and took them all in.

  “Okay,” she said. “I mean, I trust you all, so I know that whatever it is, you’re all only looking out for me.”

  “Exactly,” Esme said. “I’m sure when the time is right, River will be able to say more. I mean, I don’t even really know a whole lot.”

  Stacey was practically bursting to ask Esme. She wanted to beg and plead with her to tell her what the hell was going on between them all, but she knew it wasn’t the right time. Esme was tired, and she was on a break with her new born baby. Stacey couldn’t hassle her for information. She was just going to have to wait and see who offered it to her.

  “So, yeah, I have no idea what I’m going to wear,” she said to change the subject and take the pressure off Esme. “But it’s not until tomorrow, so I have plenty of time.”

  “I want updates,” Esme said with excitement. “A blow by blow account.”

  “Ha, okay, doll, I will, don’t worry.”

  “Keep me in the loop,” Esme said quietly. “Oh man, Magnus is waking up. I can hear him whining on. I better go and get him.”

  “Okay, have a lovely day and give him a cuddle from me.”

  “I will do, love ya.”

  “Love you too,” Stacey said as she hung up the call and looked around.

  She stretched and yawned and then she wandered back into her front room and grabbed the remote control. She flicked on the entertainment channel and started to watch a reality show about a group of women all trying to make their own fashion label. She rolled her eyes and yawned.

  She could probably do with a nap herself, but she had slept so late into the day, she didn’t want to make herself any less likely to sleep that night.

  As the sun went down and she pottered around her home, tidying up and making dinner, she felt truly blessed to have such a comfortable place to live. She had read plenty of books and articles to know that some people weren’t as privileged as her, and she was starting to truly appreciate everything she had.

  She stirred the big pan of pasta on the stove and looked back through the door toward the front room. She had propped it open, and she could see right back to the television. It was dark outside, but she had yet to close the blinds out the front, and when she looked toward the windows, she was sure she saw something flash out on her driveway.

  She stopped still and let the spoon fall down into the pan.

  She squinted.

  Had she seen something? Or was it just a reflection from the TV?

  “You better close the blinds, anyway,” she said aloud to herself as she crossed through the kitchen and made her way toward
her front door and the windows either side.

  When she reached them, she looked out and she instantly saw that her trash can was rolling around at the end of the driveway. She reached up and clutched her t-shirt close to her neck.

  How had it even got down there? It was usually right at the top of the drive and next to the backyard gate.

  She scratched the side of her neck nervously and peered from one side of the street to the other, trying to see if there was anyone out there in her line of sight.

  The whole neighborhood seemed still, but her trash can still turned at the base of the driveway and from one side to the other. Almost like someone was rolling it.

  “How is it even doing that?” she whispered, her heart rate picking up speed and her mouth going dry with nerves.

  She watched it for a few moments longer, and then, out of nowhere, she heard a huge bang and crash on what sounded as if it could be her roof!

  She screamed and jumped down onto the ground, looking up at the ceiling of the front room, but knowing there was another floor above her.

  She could hear scratching noises, and the sound of cackling, and when she covered her ears and tried not to breathe, she thought she was losing her mind when, suddenly, she heard the terrifying howl of a wolf.

  She felt her jaw sag open and then she heard a blood curdling scream. Once the screaming had stopped, there was the sound of something tumbling down the roof, and a large dark shadow crashed down past the window and thumped onto the ground outside. Her heart was racing so fast and she had a ringing in her ears. Her vision was going blurred. She was so scared, she didn’t have a clue what the hell was happening, and she certainly didn’t dare get to her feet and brave looking out of the window.

  She stayed flat against the wall and the floor, hoping that no one was looking inside… when the howling came from up on the roof again and she heard the snarling and growling of a wolf getting closer and closer.

  She heard footsteps running away, as if they were taking off down her driveway, and then another large shadow crashed down in front of the window. The snarling was with it, as if it was a wolf that had jumped, and then she heard the scratching of large claws, as if the animal was tearing at the ground to ramp up speed before it went careering out of the driveway to chase whatever it had been fighting with up on the roof.


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