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Hidden Magic

Page 77

by Melinda Kucsera

  “I thought you’d be in here,” Augustina Ordurin said as she stepped into view. Her hair was unkempt and her left cheek red and swollen.

  With a flick of her hand, Augustina slammed Hedda into the wall, holding her in an upright position. Hedda gasped in pain as an invisible scourge flogged her, leaving welts and bruises on her face and tearing through her silk shawl.

  The king propped himself up and urgently motioned toward the nightstand drawer. Corabelle opened it and found a multitude of vials and herbs. She noticed a unique small glass bottle with a thick liquid inside and took it out.

  These must be the medicines Doctor Benethor sent.

  As she held the bottle up to Henrick for confirmation, it lit up with a soft glow. The king’s eyes widened at the bottle, and he finally managed to speak in his raspy voice. “A Healer’s Touch…a bit of this,” the king explained, “will break the curse and partly restore me.”

  Corabelle opened the bottle and glanced toward Hedda. Augustina had apparently grown bored of striking Hedda with her invisible scourge. The dark mage filled her hands with magic and engulfed Hedda’s upper body in blue flames that left no visible marks. Hedda shrieked in agony.

  Corabelle handed the mysterious serum to Henrick. If no one stopped Augustina, she would kill Hedda. As soon as the serum touched the king’s lips, Corabelle bolted over toward the women.

  “Leave her alone!” Corabelle yanked Augustina’s golden mane with all her might. She wished she’d kept Seth’s sword.

  The dark mage spun around and slapped Corabelle so hard she stumbled and fell to the floor. Her face throbbed and the taste of blood filled her mouth.

  “What is she doing here, Hedda?” she asked in a husky voice. “Who is she?” Augustina walked over to Corabelle, scrutinizing her. “A mysterious one, this girl is…”

  The dark mage raised her hand and uttered an incantation, and a red light flowed from her palm. Corabelle flinched and threw her arms up, but a bright white globe of light encircled her and repelled the spell.

  The red light clashed with the light of the protective circle and dissipated. With a sneer, Augustina aimed her spell over Corabelle’s head toward Henrick, who had created the protective circle. The king managed to deflect Augustina’s attack. Suddenly, Hedda jumped to her feet and hit the other woman from behind with a stun spell. Augustina doubled over and slumped to the floor, her face screwed up in concentration as she fought off the effects.

  Corabelle ran for Hedda and helped the older woman to her feet. “What should I do?”

  “Help the king,” Hedda replied.

  Henrick lay on his side motionless, and Augustina was nowhere to be seen. Corabelle rushed toward Henrick. She checked his breathing and propped him up.

  “Your Majesty, are you hurt?”

  “I will live,” he said.

  “You’re still coughing, didn’t the medicine help?”

  “It helped enough, though it will take me a while to fully recover.” He groaned as Hedda and Corabelle helped him to his feet. “Hedda, this girl is a shaman.” He displayed the empty medicine bottle as if it were irrefutable proof.

  “My lord—”

  “When was the last time you’ve heard of a shaman? You must take the girl and flee the city.”

  Hedda frowned. “But Lorenc Wyle will use our leaving against you, and I can’t allow that. You need me here. He’ll charge you with aiding a magic-user and have the whole palace swarming with Enforcers.”

  “Forget about Wyle for now. I’ll handle him. Consider how a dark mage knew to specifically target us though we are powerful enough to cloak ourselves and cautious enough not to display our powers. Augustina sensed this girl and will come after her. I refuse to lose a shaman.”

  Hedda sighed, knowing where he intended them to go. “We will leave immediately.”

  Before Corabelle could question their plan, Quillan Mercer, the Legionnaire Captain, and an officer barged into the room.

  “My lord, the prince is dead.” Quillan’s voice broke as he spoke.

  The color drained from Henrick’s face. For a moment, he couldn’t form any words, but he finally stammered, “M-My son…is dead?”

  Quillan nodded. “He wasn’t killed by human hands or weapons…”

  Henrick motioned Quillan to be silent. The king had a glazed look in his eyes.

  “Master Hale,” the king said, addressing the officer next to Quillan, “escort these two women to my brother’s home.” Henrick faced Quillan. “Augustina is the murderer. She is a dark mage. Alert the palace and send notice to the Watch Captain at the city gate. She must not be allowed to leave the city.”

  Quillan turned on his heel and raced into the outer-apartments and down the corridor.

  Hedda wore a pained expression. “I’m sorry about Marcel. Perhaps I can stay and help.”

  The king shook his head. “Get to safety, or you will be next.”

  Hale grabbed Hedda and Corabelle each by an arm and dragged them away. Corabelle looked over her shoulder and watched the king slump to the floor and sob.

  Lorenc waited at the Watch Captain’s station with his sword at his side and his hand ready to draw. Hedda’s disappearance confirmed his suspicions and anything she did was at the king’s behest.

  He’d have orchestrated the demise of Henrick Ordurin a long time ago, except that those in the position to strike the deadly blow were superstitious about openly opposing an Ordurin. Also, Hedda Shardar constantly thwarted his schemes.

  Once he had the girl though, things would change. She would be evidence—proof of Henrick’s consorting with magic-users. The king’s own foolish father signed the Enforcers Decree, authorizing the League to hunt “dark” mages, although a mage and a dark mage were tantamount to each other. The treaty had taken effect fifty years ago and would hold for two more months. Lorenc knew Henrick wanted the compact to come to an end, so he had to act quickly. All Lorenc had to do was catch the little witch, then one of the powerful houses would surely have the backbone and justification to condemn Ordurin, depose him, and take his place.

  The Watch Captain stood at the gate inspecting a merchant’s cart. The torches at the station blazed in the darkness, and an ice-cold wind permeated the night. A young Legionnaire, no more than nineteen and obviously a trainee, came running toward Lorenc. The soldier’s short sword swung at his side, and he carried a small shield.

  “Seal the gate! Let no one else through.” The young man carried a letter and showed it to Lorenc. The letter bore the wax seal of Henrick Ordurin.

  “What’s this?” Lorenc asked.

  “Prince Marcel has been murdered and the city’s on alert.”

  Yes! Now the witch has committed murder as well. He’d have her paraded through the streets and executed in no time. Perhaps he could even indict Hedda as an accomplice.

  “What’s that, General?” the Watch Captain called out.

  Lorenc snatched the letter from the Legionnaire and handed it to the Captain. “I believe it’s addressed to you, Captain Chandler.”

  He opened the letter and read its contents. He spun around and began barking orders at his guardsmen.

  Lorenc gazed at the Legionnaire. “Are you any good with that sword, trainee?”

  “Yes! This is my second year—”

  Lorenc waved his hand, signaling the young man to be silent. “It might be useful to have another sword. Would you like to come with me?”

  The Legionnaire gave him a puzzled look. “May I ask where to?”

  Lorenc grinned and walked toward Market Square, knowing the intrigued Legionnaire would not be far behind him. “Have you ever been witch-hunting before?”

  The young man’s eyes widened with excitement. He fell into step with the Enforcer, and they headed down the desolate street.

  “By the way General Wyle, my name’s Seth Radnor.”

  “Keep up little one, we need to make it outside the gate as soon as possible.” Master Hale shot an annoyed glance over his sho
ulder at Corabelle as she trotted slowly behind on her mare. She had almost fallen off twice and had let the horse lead her in the opposite direction of her traveling companions.

  “I thought you said you knew how to ride a horse,” Hedda said.

  “Well this one’s awfully difficult!”

  They neared Market Square. The horses’ hooves clacked against the gravel as they made their way down the street. Corabelle shivered, despite wearing a thick wool surcoat. The two women flanked Hale as he drew his sword. Someone from the opposite side approached.

  “Who goes there?” a voice asked from across the square. The outlines of two men emerged.

  “I am Dovier Hale, Master at Arms. The king has charged me with an escort. Who are you?”

  Corabelle almost fell off her horse for the third time. Intentionally blocking her path was none other than Lorenc Wyle and—fool!—Seth Radnor. What was he getting himself into?

  “Those two women are to be brought in for questioning. Hand them over to me,” Lorenc said.

  “I don’t need to honor your requests,” Hale said. “I’m a king’s man.”

  “Well your king is breaking the law by helping a witch to flee!”

  Lorenc lunged toward Corabelle, but Master Hale wheeled his horse and blocked the Enforcer. Lorenc drew his sword and made a slash at Hale, who blocked his strike with his own weapon.

  “Cora!” Seth called, dashing toward her and Hedda. “Get away from her, she’s a dark mage!” He drew his sword.

  “That wicked man is after me, Seth! Hedda is trying to help.”

  Seth glanced at Master Hale and Lorenc as they fought. Lorenc had knocked Hale off his horse and made quick thrusts as his opponent parried.

  Hale got the upper hand and disarmed Lorenc. The Enforcer dodged his slash and feigned reaching for his sword but then quickly tossed a handful of dirt into Hale’s face and rushed him. They fell to the ground and grappled.

  “Quick, Seth!” Lorenc rose to his feet and balanced himself. “Grab the girl. Slit the old woman’s throat if you have to!”

  “What’s happening, Cora? Are you really a mage?” Seth asked in a half-exasperated, half-confused voice.

  Hedda chimed in. “There’s no time to explain. Now will you help your friend or not? We need to get out of here.”

  Corabelle pleaded with her eyes, begging in her heart of hearts that Seth wouldn’t walk away in disgust. “He’ll kill me.”

  The young man paused and gazed into Corabelle’s petrified face. He had never seen his best friend look as frightened as she did now. He strode over to Lorenc’s sword and threw it out of reach.

  Hale’s arms quivered as he held Lorenc in a grip with all his strength. Seth held his blade at Lorenc’s neck.

  “You’re making a mistake,” Lorenc said as he dropped to his knees and lifted his arms in a gesture of surrender. “An irreversible one.”

  Hale retrieved his sword and pulled out a pair of cuffs, shackling Lorenc’s hands behind his back.

  “Why are you after Corabelle?” Seth asked.

  “She’s a magic-user. And no matter where she runs, I’ll find her. For this, she won’t even get a trial—I’ll run her through myself.”

  Seth punched Lorenc in the face. The man hit the ground hard, and his head slammed against the cold gravel.

  Hale slapped Seth upside his head.

  “Ouch! What was that for?”

  “For running around with that dung-heap!”

  “Sorry, Master Hale. I was…misinformed.”

  “In his defense,” Corabelle said, “he does a lot of idiotic things.”

  Hedda faced Seth. “You will ride with Cora, young man. We are taking her to safety.”

  Master Hale mounted his steed and motioned for everyone to follow. Corabelle was all too glad to hand over the reins to Seth and sit behind him.

  “Really though,” she whispered in his ear as they took off, galloping into the night, “I’m glad you’re here. I’ll be safe now—I’ll be free.”

  Augustina isn’t done with Corabelle yet—but she endures her own journey by pursuing dangerous magic. Grab your copy of the next book of this anthology, Wayward Magic, to see what happens!

  About the Author

  Alesha Escobar writes fantasy to support her chocolate habit. She enjoys reading everything from Tolkien and the Dresden Files, to the Hellblazer comics and classic literature. She’s the author of the bestselling Gray Tower Trilogy, an action-packed supernatural thriller set in an alternate World War II. The trilogy hit the bestsellers lists at Amazon (Top 60 in the entire Kindle store), as well as iBooks, Kobo, Barnes & Noble online, and Amazon UK. Alesha is also the co-author of the bestselling Aria Knight Chronicles and the Immortal Brotherhood series.

  Besides being a loving warrior mom to her six children, she enjoys crafts, consuming more coffee than is necessary, and spending time with her husband, Luis, a 20-year art veteran for The Simpsons™ television show.

  For more information about the author, please visit:

  Don't forget to grab your copy of next anthology, Wayward Magic, at


  Magical Mayhem Press (the publisher) & Melinda Kucsera would like to thank:

  Samantha Achaia-Picinich for all her hard work. Her sharp eyes spotted stray commas, forgotten descriptions, and other issues. This set will cast a stronger spell for her efforts, beguiling all who behold it.

  Raven Oak for her formatting skills and additional help.

  Alesha Escobar, Toasha Jiordano, and Tiffany Shand for their assistance making this set as strong as it can be.

  Jamie, Barbara, Joy, Clinton, AR Johnston, and the whole social media crew for tirelessly promoting this set.

  C. S. Johnson, Anela Deen, and the rest of the review crew for helping to gather early feedback.

  All the authors who contributed ideas during the formation of this set, especially those who could not take part due to unforeseen circumstances. It was an honor and a pleasure to work with the authors and editors on this project.

  And, of course, to our readers. We wouldn’t be writing without you.

  Wait! There’s More!

  In Hidden Magic, Book I of the Magic Underground anthologies, our heroes faced the seen and unseen in order to save the day. These same characters by twenty authors now find themselves in a continuing world of trouble because as we know, life can be dangerous!

  Wayward Magic (Magic Underground Book II) reveals stories of missing people, rescue, and most of all, magic. Our heroes will grapple with magic gone wayward in order to save themselves, their families, and often the world. This collection features:

  Out-of-control magic that could destroy a young apprentice’s master and their world

  A woman’s hidden magic leaving her with more freedom than she wanted

  Sisters at the center of a black magic scandal must stop the city from falling to demons

  Children separated from their mother must escape the castle on the most dangerous night in history

  The ill are suddenly protected from death by an unlikely hero…a teenage physician

  Famine-stricken subjects await precious cargo currently stranded on a ship

  A holy order must save a town from a pretty poison most magical and most deadly

  And more!

  1-click Wayward Magic ( today!

  Still not sure if Wayward Magic is for you?

  Here's 9 Reasons why you must 1-click the sequel anthology now:


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  Love knew no bounds like the one James and Margaret held for each other. It was their love that ultimately gambled with the Earth’s future and lost.

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