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Dark Lessons

Page 3

by Julia Sykes

  And I definitely didn’t want to. I watched him as he shrugged out of his suit jacket. He grinned at me sharply as he loosened his tie. I only had a few seconds to puzzle over his almost cruelly arrogant expression before his body settled over mine. His weight pressed me into the mattress, pinning me down. He kissed me again, hard and demanding. I could taste myself on his tongue this time, and I moaned into his mouth at the wicked flavor.

  He reached beneath me and unclasped my bra before sliding the straps down my arms. I moved compliantly, wanting to be bare for him. My peaked nipples rubbed against his shirt, and although I ached to feel his skin against mine, there was something undeniably erotic about me being naked and exposed while he was fully clothed. It enhanced the power dynamic between us. I kissed him with greater fervor, physically communicating how much I wanted him.

  He gathered up my wrists and directed them over my head. On instinct, I pulled against the restraint. Allowing someone to overpower my naked body and trap me went against all my training.

  He gripped my arms firmly, stilling my efforts. His body over mine prevented me from kicking out, and all I could do was squirm beneath him. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, his hot breath tickling over my neck.

  “Calm down, kitten,” he said, soft and soothing. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “I don’t know how I feel about this,” I said on a shuddering breath.

  “Don’t you?” he challenged softly. He reached between us and caught one of my nipples between his thumb and forefinger, pinching hard enough to elicit a flare of pain. At the same time, he bit down on the sensitive spot on where my neck curved into my shoulder. I cried out at the flash of pain, but hot lines of pleasure shot from the abused areas, lancing all the way to my core. It throbbed, aching to be filled.

  I whimpered beneath him, confused at my body’s reactions but more aroused than I’d ever been in my life.

  He released me from his bite, and his touch on my nipple eased. He rolled the bud between his fingers, soothing me as his tongue traced the little indentations his teeth had left in my flesh. I shuddered, and my body relaxed completely as pleasure rushed to my head.

  “Good kitten,” he praised, stroking his fingers through my hair as though I was his favorite pet. Mindlessly, I leaned into his touch, craving more. “You trust me, don’t you?” he prompted.

  “Yes,” I whispered. A warm glow pulsed in my chest, filling me with a sense of security. Jason had dominated my body, but he was also taking care of me, seeing to my comfort and pleasure.

  “Stay.” He pressed a tender kiss against my forehead before he pushed up off me, getting to his feet. I made a small sound of protest at the loss of his heat, but my disappointment quickly dissipated when he began working the buttons on his shirt free. My tongue darted out to wet my lips at the sight of his sculpted body. I’d felt the smooth planes of his muscles through his clothes, but nothing could have prepared me for his perfection.

  His green eyes darkened as he watched me lick my lips, and he increased his pace in undressing. Within seconds, he’d stripped completely. My gaze riveted on his cock, and I swallowed hard. He was big and perfectly formed everywhere.

  He moved onto the bed, his heat rolling over my skin again.

  “Do you have a condom?” I asked. I was on birth control, but Jason was a stranger, and I didn’t want to take any unnecessary risks.

  “I do,” he replied. “But I’m not finished tasting you yet. Keep your arms above your head.”

  He eased down my body and settled between my thighs. His fingers sank into my flesh, almost firm enough to bruise as he pinned my legs down. The demonstration of his power over me only got me hotter. I could feel the wetness coating my lower lips, a wanton sign of my desire for him.

  He didn’t tease me this time. With a low growl, he buried his tongue in my pussy, devouring me like a starving man. I moaned and thrashed beneath his onslaught, but his harsh grip on my thighs rendered me immobile. All I could do was surrender to the pleasure he was giving me.

  He took me to the edge, his tongue stroking and tasting, exploring every inch of me until I felt thoroughly conquered. He owned my pussy, my ecstasy. I was so close…

  “Come for me,” he rumbled against my heated flesh. The command vibrated into my core, and he sucked my clit into his mouth.

  “Jason!” I screamed out his name as white-hot bliss surged through my veins, burning me up with bliss. He continued to lick me through my orgasm, drawing out every last drop of my ecstasy, until I was trembling and weak.

  His heat left me briefly again, but I couldn’t focus enough on my surroundings to see what he was doing until he was before me again, kneeling between my thighs as he rolled on a condom. Even though I’d just had the most intense orgasm of my life, my inner muscles contracted at the prospect of having him inside me. I craved for him to fill me, to fuck me hard and finish claiming me completely.

  “Please fuck me, Sir,” I begged, adding on the honorific without a thought.

  He grinned. “Greedy girl. I like that.”

  His weight settled over me, and his mouth came down on mine. At the same time as his tongue surged in, he entered me in one smooth thrust. Even though my orgasm had prepared me, there was still a slight burn as he entered me. I’d never been with anyone as big as Jason, and he stretched me almost to the point of pain. A soft whine slipped from my mouth into his.

  “You can take me,” he murmured against my lips. “Relax.” As he spoke, he began to pet me again, his fingers running through my hair. He kissed me deeply, his tongue sliding against mine in firm strokes. His mastery of my body reassured me, and I softened beneath him. My inner walls eased, and he pulled out slightly before gently thrusting back in. He fucked me slowly, gradually stretching me as my body yielded to his. With every drag of his cockhead across my g-spot, pleasure pulsed through my system. I wrapped my legs around his hips, my heels digging into his ass as I urged him to take me more deeply. He groaned into my mouth and increased his pace, fucking me hard and fast. With each harsh thrust, I went spiraling higher on bliss, my body tightening until all my muscles shook. When I couldn’t take any more, my orgasm exploded through me, and I screamed against him as pleasure wracked my system. My core contracted around him, and he groaned into my mouth as his cock began to jerk within me, his release triggered by my own. He gripped my hips and rolled us onto our sides as he collapsed in sated exhaustion, but he didn’t withdraw from me. I floated in warm darkness, high on him.

  He brushed light kisses over my cheeks, my eyelids, my lips. I felt safe, cared for. I sighed and snuggled into his chest as I basked in the warm glow that pulsed from the center of my being. I fell into sleep, Jason still buried deep inside me.

  Chapter 3


  A sense of masculine satisfaction filled me as I idly traced the curve of Natalie’s hip. She was beautiful, peaceful as she slept. I’d been awake for nearly an hour, but it seemed I’d thoroughly exhausted her. She’d barely stirred when I’d withdrawn from her and prepared for bed. I’d thought about going back to my own motel room, but the temptation of her sweet, sated body was too much to resist.

  I should go, I reasoned, but I didn’t move away from her. For the first time in over a year, I felt at peace. The heady sense of control I got from dominating Natalie was far better than the hollow nothingness of my drugs. I hadn’t allowed myself to Top anyone since I’d started using. I’d barely scratched the surface of kink with Natalie, but I’d found our night together more fulfilling than any scene I’d ever shared with another woman.

  She’d been so strong and fiery in the bar, and watching her kick the shit out of the man who’d touched her without her permission had been one of the hottest things I’d ever seen. Usually, I liked my women soft, submissive.

  Natalie had proven to be submissive, but she certainly wasn’t outside the bedroom.

  And the knowledge that she’d softened just for me got me hard again. I was sporting al
most painful morning wood, but I didn’t want to rouse her.

  I couldn’t stop petting her, though. She was precious, my redemption after long months of weak addiction. One night with her had helped me find myself again. I didn’t plan on jeopardizing that by waking her up for a quickie. The self-control I found in resisting the base urge helped remind me of the man I used to be. I relaxed fully for the first time in longer than I could remember, sighing in contentment.

  The small sound of pleasure finally roused Natalie. She blinked slowly, revealing her striking sapphire eyes. I gave her a lopsided grin.

  “Morning, kitten.”

  She returned my smile and stretched, making a happy little hum as she moved. I wasn’t the only one basking in the afterglow of our night together.

  Suddenly, she sat bolt upright.

  “Shit! What time is it?”

  “Not even seven yet,” I assured her.

  “How close to seven? Crap!” she exclaimed and tried to slide off the bed. I caught her wrist, stopping her. She tugged against my hold. “I have to take a shower. I’m going to be late. Fuck, I can’t be late.” She seemed to be talking to herself as much as to me.

  I reluctantly released her, allowing her to scramble away. I got to my feet as well. Her eyes dropped to my jutting cock, and she licked her lips.

  “I’ll shower with you,” I told her.

  She shook her head, tearing her gaze away from my dick. Her dark eyes were almost frantic. “No, I’ll never leave if we shower together. I’m sorry, Jason, but you have to go.” She picked up my clothes and began tossing them at me. I caught them in an automatic action. I’d rather throw them to the ground, scoop her up, and carry her into the shower.

  But the panic in her eyes kept me immobilized.

  “Okay,” I allowed after a beat of silence. “I won’t keep you.” I began to pull on my clothes. When I was fully dressed, I pulled out my phone. “What’s your number?”

  “My number?” She appeared puzzled.

  “Yes. I’d like to see you again.”

  She shook her head again, more wildly this time. “I can’t. I’m sorry.”

  I frowned. “Why not?”

  “Look. It’s not you. Last night was… Well, it was amazing. But it was just one night. I have things I need to do. I’m sorry.” Her eyes widened, almost pleading. I could tell she really was sorry, but that didn’t stop bitter disappointment from flooding my chest.

  “All right,” I allowed, summoning up a cool façade. I had things I needed to do, too. For one, I needed to get to Quantico and set up my new life there. For another, I didn’t need to get into a relationship while I was trying to get my life back on track. I might have gotten through the detox phase of my recovery, but my life was still a shit storm. I had no business bringing Natalie into it.

  I tore my gaze from her naked body and walked past her, opening the door just enough to exit but so that no one would be able to see her. The idea of anyone looking at her perfection made anger spike through me. And that was completely irrational.

  I’m only getting attached because she’s the first woman I’ve fucked since I got sober, I reasoned.

  Firmly pushing her from my mind, I jogged away from her motel and made my way back to my own room. I’d leave Natalie in my broken past. It was time to put my life back together, and getting involved with anyone would break my focus. Salvaging my career was my number one priority, and I couldn’t allow anything to get in the way. Not even the most incredible woman I’d ever met.

  “Jason Harper. I have to admit I’m surprised to see you here,” Director Georgia Parkinson said, her brown gaze pinning me in place. The whites of her eyes contrasted with her dark skin, making her stare all the more striking.

  I lifted my chin and faced her head-on, tamping down the shame that threatened to rise up and consume me. “I assumed you would have been briefed on my reassignment,” I said stiffly.

  She speared me with a hard look. “Oh, I was briefed by your father personally. That’s why I’m surprised. I was impressed with you as a recruit. I never expected we’d meet again under these circumstances.”

  Humiliation burned through my veins. So, my father must have told her everything. My suspicions were confirmed when she continued on.

  “You will see a psychologist twice every week to work through your problems. I know you’re clean now, or I wouldn’t have allowed your presence here. But I will not tolerate a backslide. Whatever it is that caused your lapse in judgment, I expect you to work through it with Dr. Larson. If I get an inkling that you’re using again, I will expose you, no matter what your father threatens me with. You won’t work another day for the Bureau. Am I clear?”

  “Yes, Director,” I said as coolly as I could manage.

  “However,” she continued, as though I hadn’t spoken. “I remember that you were one of my most promising new agents. I won’t waste your talent. Once Dr. Larson clears you for re-entry into the field, I’ll recommend you to a new field office. This assignment at Quantico doesn’t have to be permanent if you don’t want it to be.”

  “I… Thank you.” I wasn’t sure what to say. I was shocked that Parkinson was being remotely kind to me, knowing what I was.

  Addict. Failure. Weak.

  “Don’t thank me. Show me you can do this. You father might think he can punish you for the rest of your life, but he’s not God. He can’t keep you here forever without raising suspicions if I recommend a transfer for you.” Her lip curled in disdain, and I realized that maybe I wasn’t the only person who hated my father. “But,” she added sharply. “I won’t do that until I know you’re good to go back into the field. So work with Dr. Larson. How long you’re here depends on how hard you work to get through your issues.”

  I stiffened. I didn’t want to talk to a shrink. I could handle my problems on my own.

  Yeah, and look what a great job I’ve done with that, a nasty little voice needled me.

  “All right,” I agreed, the fight draining out of me. If spilling my guts to a shrink was what I had to do to get back into the field, then I’d do it. I could handle a few months training recruits if there was hope to get away from Quantico soon. “I’ll talk to Dr. Larson.”

  “Good.” Parkinson nodded in satisfaction. “You’ll be teaching hand-to-hand combat while you’re here.”

  “I can do that.” I’d excelled at hand-to-hand combat during my training, and even though I’d lost some muscle weight while I was using, I could still fight.

  She nodded again. “Not a toe out of line while you’re here, Harper,” she warned. “Don’t make me regret helping you.”

  “You won’t,” I swore. “Thank you, Director.”

  “You’re dismissed.” She waved me out of her office.

  When I closed the door behind me, I heaved in a deep breath. It definitely could have gone worse. Parkinson seemed to dislike my father, which meant I had a powerful ally. All I had to do was rip open my soul and expose my darkest secrets to a stranger.

  I straightened my shoulders. I’d talk to Dr. Larson. I had to. Nothing was more important than getting my career back.

  Not even the scorching hot little brunette who I couldn’t seem to shake from my mind. Natalie’s scent seemed to cling to me, even though I knew that wasn’t rational. I’d left her hours ago, showered, and changed clothes. There was no reason for me to think I could sense her in any way.

  But try as I might, I couldn’t shake her. Images of our hot night together flashed through my mind, tormenting me. I wished she’d given me her contact details.

  No. It’s for the best, I reminded myself.

  Sighing, I resolved to push her from my mind and headed toward the large lecture hall where the New Agents in Training—the NATs—would be given their orientation speech. I didn’t necessarily have to attend, but I was curious to assess the group I’d be training. If they were anything like my class at Quantico, there would be a few who excelled, some who scraped by, and several who were
n’t up to scratch.

  I was a little relieved I’d been assigned to a more physical aspect of their training. I wasn’t in the right headspace to test the NATs on logic puzzles, and those had never been my strong suit, anyway. I left the more difficult mental hurdles to the analysts and enjoyed being in the field. That didn’t mean I was incapable of putting my mind to a difficult problem, but it certainly wasn’t my favorite part of my job.

  When I arrived at the lecture hall, I realized orientation had already started. I could hear the NATs swearing to uphold their duties in unison, the sound of their combined voices emanating through the closed doors. Deciding it wouldn’t be a good idea to burst into the hall partway into orientation, I settled for leaning back against the wall and waiting for them to emerge. I didn’t have anything to occupy my time at the moment, anyway, and sizing up the new recruits was the most useful thing I could think of. Until my first class or first therapy appointment was scheduled, I had nothing to do.

  I hated lacking purpose or direction. It brought back my feelings of ineptitude, reminding me of my weakness and my failure.

  I shoved back the shame that threatened to rise up and consume my thoughts.

  I’m starting over, I reminded myself. I could think of this time in the next few months as Quantico two-point-oh for me. I was working my way to becoming a field agent, just as I’d done a year ago. I might not be participating in the same challenges as the NATs, but I had my own obstacles to overcome. I had to prove myself all over again, and I wouldn’t fail. I’d excelled at training the first time around. I could do it again.

  My conversation with the Director had given me hope that my time here would be short. All I had to do was prove to the therapist that I was clean and stable.

  I certainly felt more stable than I had in months. My night with Natalie had helped remind me of the man I used to be before the drugs. Before the waking nightmares had taken hold deep in my brain, tormenting me and making me weak.


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