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Lessons Learned (The Gifted Realm Book 2)

Page 12

by Jillian Neal

  “I’ll do my best, baby. Maybe your dad will make Vindico let us go again.”

  “I’ll call Daddy,” she decided. Her tone had regulated. She sounded so excited. The lilt in her voice made him determined to be at Angels Arena at six when they finished practice. “I’m gonna go get dressed.”

  “Bye, baby. Love you.” Rainer spoke quickly as he was standing outside of Stariff’s office now.

  “Love you, too.”

  Rainer returned to Iodex a half hour later, and felt much more relaxed. Stariff had talked him through what would likely happen at the trial, and had assured him repeatedly that his father’s will was iron-clad.

  He and Emily’s inheritance would forever be theirs, until it was handed down to their children. The thought made Rainer smile serenely as he reheated the coffee he’d left on his desk, and followed everyone into Vindico’s office to hear the report on O’Ryan.

  “Okay,” a genuine smile was actually affixed to Vindico’s face. “O’Ryan was very forthcoming with information, and we struck a deal. The more information he supplies us on Wretchkinsides, the longer I’ll keep him out of Felsink. If he helps us bring him down, then I’ll get him out for good.”

  Everyone inside Vindico’s office leaned forward in anxious anticipation. It seemed everyone was ready for a little action.

  “First thing,” Vindico spread a map of the greater D.C. area out on his desk. “Three safehouses that I hadn’t yet found. Here, here, and here,” Vindico drew red dots on the map all around Claredon. Crime had certainly picked up in that area.

  “So, we will most definitely be keeping an eye on these. But,” Vindico’s smile widened, “he also informed me that the Interfeci members, who have been moved to the States, have been hanging out at a strip club called The Tantra, right beside the airport.”

  “So, today, I want five men inside and two out. Get as close as you can to these men, but don’t get yourselves recognized.” He plastered his desk with mug shots of men who were known associates of Wretchkinsides, but hadn’t been seen outside Europe until recently.

  “I want to know everything they say. Only observe. Do nothing else. I don’t want them to know we’re on to them just yet. Throw on some ball caps and keep your heads down.”

  “They open for an early lunch. You can fight over who gets to go in. I don’t give a damn, but you better have me a shit load of evidence when you show up back here tomorrow morning. Stay through several shifts, or at least until Nicky’s little league team leaves.”

  Rainer broke out in a cold sweat, and Logan looked like he might be sick.

  “Oh, I’m definitely in.” Tuttle chortled.

  Rainer’s stomach churned. Not only did he have no desire to go to some strip club, but the thought of what it would do to Emily had him reeling.

  “Get out of here. Try to work through more of that evidence before you leave.” Vindico ordered. Everyone filed out of the office and back towards their desks.

  “I am not going to a strip club.” Logan shocked everyone by the adamancy of his vow. Rainer understood immediately.

  For all of the heartbreak and discord his going might cause Emily, if Logan went to The Tantra, it would devastate Adeline.

  She was strung tight, and her entire self-worth was tied up in Logan. She didn’t believe she was pretty or that she had anything at all worth loving, and Logan going to a place where beautiful women were pulling their clothes off for money may very well drive her right over the edge.

  “He can fire me, suspend me, do whatever the hell he wants, but I will not go in a strip club.” Logan fired again.

  “All right, all right,” Garrett soothed. “You can stay outside, geez, chill.”

  Rainer opened his mouth to state the very same plea but was cut off by John Ramier. “My wife is eight months pregnant,” he looked like he might actually break down in tears. “She can’t even see her feet, and that’s entirely my fault. I cannot go to a strip club. She spends most of the time in tears already. I’m terrified to even imagine trying to tell her that I have to spend all of my work day at The Tantra.”

  “All right,” Garrett took over. “So, you and Haydenshire can stay across the street, and we’ll call or text if we need any backup.” He chuckled as he called Logan by their last name.

  As Portwood and Ericcson sauntered back to their desks, Tuttle discussed how great this assignment was.

  Rainer and Logan cornered Garrett.

  “He can’t just send guys who are, like, happily married and shit, into strip clubs.” Logan defied.

  “I’m not going.”

  “Yes, you are, Rainer. You’re an adult. This is a job, and I’m sure my baby sister will pitch one hell of a fit, and I’ll even help you deal with her when we’re done. But this is what your boss told you to do. You’re going to do it,” Garrett stated firmly. “Do you really think that you’re going to see something today that’ll make you want to take that ring back off her finger?”

  “No!” Rainer retorted in horrified disgust.

  “Then chill and get the job done. Emily will be fine. Don’t tell her yet. What she doesn’t know will keep you from getting shouted at, right? Tell her later.” Garrett shrugged.

  Rainer swallowed down the bile that rose in his throat as he gave a slight nod.

  The Tantra

  What seemed like only a few short minutes later, Garrett pulled the Highlander into a seedy parking lot, complete with a light-up neon sign advertising the strippers’ names and the lunch special.

  Rainer’s stomach spun in violent, jarring twists as his palms began to sweat.

  “Here,” Garrett handed him a couple of fives and then twenty one-dollar bills.

  “Oh, hell no,” Rainer vowed. He thrust the money back against Garret’s stomach. “I will leave this club tonight, and go home, and swear to your sister that I did not look at or touch one single woman here today. So, you can keep that all for yourself.”

  “Fine,” Garrett rolled his eyes. “But you’re going to need to order food and drinks.” He handed Rainer back two tens and a twenty.

  “Whatever,” Rainer fumed.

  Logan and Ramier made their way across the litter-lined street to a drug store with most of the light up letters in its name darkened.

  Logan shot Rainer an apologetic glance as he pulled his cell phone out. He was trying to let Rainer know that if he needed him that he’d be there.

  Rainer plodded towards the door to the club. He willed away thoughts of not only what Emily was going to say and do, but also of what his father would say if he knew where he was.

  Garrett opened the door and stepped inside; Rainer followed. An extremely scantily-clad woman appeared to welcome them.

  As he stared steadfastly at the black carpet, complete with swirls of neon greens, pinks, and purples that shimmered slightly when the stage lights hit them, Rainer bristled.

  “Well, hey, good lookin’,” the blonde drawled as she linked her arm through Garrett’s. He smiled and gave her an appraising look.

  “We’re meeting them,” he grinned and let his finger run just over the waistband of the non-existent outfit the girl was wearing. Portwood, Ericcson, and Tuttle were already seated inside.

  The blonde smiled, batted her fake eyelashes at Garrett, and nodded. “Of course, stud. Just follow me.” She bounced excitedly as she grasped Garrett’s hand in both of hers to lead him to a table. Rainer returned his gaze to the floor.

  “Anywhere, baby,” Garrett drawled. Rainer allowed himself a split-second eye-roll. The waitress giggled with a bit too much show.

  He pulled out a metal chair with a red leather cushion, and fell onto it with a huff. He tried desperately not to think about what had gone on in the chair he was currently occupying as he seated himself at the table.

  “Enjoy, gentlemen,” the blonde called before she waved to Garrett and moved back to the door.

  “Okay, obviously that’s them,” Portwood threw a glance to the round booth very near
their table that was full of Wretchkinsides’ men. “They just told Jennifer,” he gestured his head back to the blonde that had seated them, “that they were expecting a few more friends.”

  Garrett pretended to glance around the club. Before any further comments could be made, a tall brunette, who was falling out of the waitress uniform she was wearing, made her way to their table. She leaned over to show off all of her assets. Rainer kept his gaze on the scrolling pattern on the laminate table that was supposed to look like wood.

  “And what can I bring for you to sip while you enjoy the show?” she flirted sassily. Garrett chuckled and stepped up again. “We’ll all have a beer.” He slapped Rainer on the back to indicate that he needed to loosen up.

  “You paying, stud?” The waitress drawled, but then to Rainer’s horror she draped herself across his back. “Or is this heartbroken sweetheart picking up the tab?” She fussed in a high-pitched, pitying whine. Rainer slid forward and away from the woman.

  “I got it,” Garrett supplied. He threw Rainer a warning look. The waitress nodded and continued. She slid her hand along Rainer’s cheek, and he jerked away from her garish, red fingernails.

  “Poor baby, don’t you worry. A few hours here, you’ll forget all about her,” she thought he was there to drown his sorrows over losing some girl. He cocked his jaw to the side and glared at Garrett.

  “Nope, that won’t be ‘til tomorrow.”

  “Uh, no. He’s fine. We’re just here hanging out. Haven’t seen each other in a while.” Portwood and Tuttle nodded their agreement.

  With a slight shrug, the waitress nodded and went to pour the beer.

  “Loosen up, man,” Garrett demanded. “You’re gonna blow our cover.”

  A minute later, two more men joined the round booth, and were greeted heartily by two mid-level guys who worked for the Interfeci.

  Rainer glanced towards them as they slid into the booth. He shared an ominous glance with Ericcson. The tension around the table was palpable. The waitress moved to take their order. They began pretending to carry on a conversation, though they were listening in on the Interfeci discussion.

  Several of them had strong German accents, and Rainer had a difficult time understanding their muddled English.

  “Now that we’re all here, we want to see the show, doll,” a large man, seated in the back corner of the booth, demanded with a sneer. They all stood and followed the waitress up a set of stairs.

  “Ok, we need to be moved to the club level.” Garrett informed as soon as Wretchkinsides’ men were out of earshot.

  “When the waitress brings back the beer, I’ll ask if we can be seated upstairs.” Portwood agreed.

  “All right, boys,” the brunette had returned, “Here are your drinks. Can I do anything else for you?” The double entendre rang loudly in her offer.

  “Uh, sure, actually, we’d like a club-level table, with a good view,” Portwood urged.

  Rainer knew Portwood was very happily married, and he’d even complained about the assignment, but he seemed determined to get the job done.

  Maybe I am overreacting. Maybe Emily will understand that I had no choice. Rainer tried to console himself with what he knew was utter drivel.

  The brunette giggled obnoxiously. “Well, I’m sure you would, honey, but that’ll cost you.” She dragged her fingernails lightly across Portwood’s chin.

  Rainer saw Portwood grind his teeth at the unwelcome advance. “I’m sure that won’t be a problem...honey,” he added with a slight grimace. His act was slipping slightly the closer the woman got.

  “Whatever,” the brunette furrowed her brow. She didn’t appear accustomed to her flirtations being thwarted. “I’ll get Bridgette to take you up.”

  With a nod, they all began sipping the beers they’d been provided.

  “Do I even want to know what happens on the club level?” Rainer grumbled.

  “I don’t know,” Ericcson admitted. He slapped Rainer on the back. “I can pretty much assure you that I don’t look forward to finding out, either. I don’t get places like this. The only girl I want to see naked is my wife, and, trust me, I’m not gonna be seeing that for a long while after I tell her about this.”

  Tuttle rolled his eyes. “What is wrong with you? You go and get married and now you can’t appreciate the scenery anymore? Geez, you were a hell of a lot more fun before Meghan.”

  Rainer saw Ericcson’s jaw clench furiously.

  “I enjoy the scenery at home,” Ericcson spat, “So, why don’t you pipe down, Tuttle.”

  A few seconds later, a girl appeared, dressed in a barely-there frock similar to the ones on the rest of the waitresses, but Rainer noted that she seemed younger, and a little less sure of herself. She was overly eager to please.

  Garrett’s brow furrowed. “Uh, hi, my name is Bridgette. Carol said you’d like a table upstairs?”

  “Thanks,” Garrett grabbed his beer and stood to follow Bridgette. Everyone else followed him

  “This good?” Bridgette led them to another table. This one was even closer to the Interfeci so, with a smile, Garrett nodded.

  “Perfect,” he winked at her and she preened slightly. After taking the seat beside Ericcson, Rainer silently prayed that this wouldn’t be as bad as he was envisioning.

  He finally allowed himself to look around. He took in a long catwalk with several poles placed along it. Several cages were located around the room. These all contained women dancing vulgarly inside.

  He began to sweat as he pushed his beer away. Wretchkinsides’ men were talking loudly and cat-calling to the girls in the cages.

  Once she’d seated them, Bridgette turned with an eager smile. “Uh, is there anything I can do for you or that you’d like to see?” With that, she spun around, making her extremely short skirt flare to accentuate the point of the offer.

  Garrett chuckled as Rainer quickly returned his gaze to the table. He was determined to keep it there for the entire afternoon. He was supposed to be listening. So, that’s all he would do.

  He began memorizing the lines in the wood and tried not to look at the girls in cages. He found it disturbing and demeaning. It reminded him of the way he always felt when he and Logan went camping with the rest of the Haydenshire brothers when they were teenagers. Porn was always passed around. Rainer had certainly seen the best of what Playboy, Jugs, and Spank had to offer.

  Emily never knew about all of that either, he reminded himself as he allowed the debate in his mind of just never telling her where he’d been all day to continue.

  The guilt layered itself thickly in his soul. His chest tightened as he tried to draw steadying breaths. How had things gotten so out of hand in one week? Besides the porn on their camping trips, Rainer couldn’t think of a time in the last twenty years that he hadn’t wanted to tell Emily everything.

  Music with a heavy lurid beat began blaring as red and purple lights flashed around the room. Bridgette made her way back to their table and refilled their beers.

  As she left, Garrett elbowed Rainer. “You think she’s old enough to work here?” Rainer glanced Bridgette’s way and shrugged. She did look young. She was probably his age, maybe a year or two older.

  He was determined to tell Emily, truthfully, that he hadn’t looked at any woman while he was here. So, he wouldn’t allow himself to study her in any detail.

  “The show will start in about five minutes,” Bridgette drawled, “unless I can do something for you now.”

  Garrett smiled but shook his head. “We’re fine for now, but don’t go too far.” He winked at her again and made quite a show of easing a one into her G-string.

  Bridgette seemed thrilled as she spun and pointed to the back of the panties that came up over the top of the sheer skirt she was wearing. “How about another, stud?”

  “You got it, baby.” Garrett agreed as he slid another bill in the banding at the top of her backside.

  The stage lights lit as women in elastic bras with no cups and G-stri
ngs took to the poles on the stage.

  The Undoing

  ~Logan Haydenshire~

  Logan’s phone rang again in his pocket. Sheer panic flooded through his rhythms. He didn’t know what to say. Why did she keep calling?

  “Uh, man. That your mom or something?” Ramier finally asked. He’d been listening to Logan’s pocket buzz for the past forty-five minutes.

  “No, it’s my sister.”

  Ramier nodded confusedly.

  “Emily, like, as in, Rainer’s fiancée, my sister.”

  “Oh, and he doesn’t want her to know that he’s in there?”

  Logan nodded as he glanced back across the street at the neon signs, shaped like legs that flashed intermittently.

  “That’s a bad plan Lawson’s got going. Always better just to fess up, trust me.”

  “He’ll tell her. He tells Em everything, but he didn’t want to tell her over the phone.” Logan defended Rainer. It’s what they’d done since they were old enough to talk. He may have teased him about the whole crazy thing in the restaurant, but this was entirely different.

  His phone began its annoying buzz again. It sounded more and more agitated with every hum.

  “You better talk to her.” Ramier urged.

  “Yeah, maybe I can take some of the heat off of Rainer.”

  Emily began shouting before Logan could even get his phone to his ear.

  “Em,” he tried, but she wasn’t going to stop. He decided to listen instead. He needed to try and figure out what she already knew.

  “Two Iodex officers showed up here in the middle of practice and brought me this thing that said we’re being sued by Stan! I’ve been calling Rainer for over an hour, and he isn’t answering his phone. I called Dad, and he went down to Iodex, and Vindico said he was on assignment or something. Where are you? Is he hurt? He’s hurt, isn’t he? Is that why you haven’t been answering? Tell me where you are, Logan! Now!”

  “Em, chill. Rainer is fine.”

  “Then why isn’t he answering his phone?”


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