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Lessons Learned (The Gifted Realm Book 2)

Page 29

by Jillian Neal

  “Is Adeline okay?” Emily glanced at Rainer, and tried to discern what was wrong with her brother.

  “I honestly can’t tell if she’s just asleep, or if she’s passed out. But trust me, Em, we won’t be going to anymore Angels parties.”

  Tears began to swim in Emily’s eyes and fury lit in Rainer’s. “Hey, she sure as hell didn’t tell Adeline to get shit-faced drunk last night. You want to be mad? Be mad at yourself. You should’ve stopped her.”

  “I’m really sorry, Logan. I had no idea everyone would get sick.” Emily went on with her apology.

  Logan swallowed down several sips of the coffee and his own bitter regret. He turned to Emily. “Can I talk to Rainer, alone please?” It was much more a demand than a request.

  “Why?” She’d gladly take responsibility for everything that had happened, but attacking Rainer would have her swinging in a matter of moments.

  “It’s fine, Em,” Rainer soothed, “Why don’t you go back to bed? I’ll be in there in a sec.”

  Emily studied Logan speculatively as she fixed herself another cup of coffee and walked carefully back to their room.

  “Don’t forget we’re all supposed to be at Marcus and Sydney’s wedding this afternoon,” she reminded them just before she closed the bedroom door.

  Logan turned on Rainer. He glared spitefully. “You wanna tell me how the hell my fiancée ended up in our bed, buck-naked?”

  Rainer’s shield started to resonate with his anger. He shook his head in disbelief, and refused to allow his shield to fully develop around him. When an Ioses Predilect felt attacked, their shield would fight for them. It took a while for them to learn to harness it themselves.

  “Sure!” he spat. “After I helped both of you to bed, you two went at it rather loudly. So, I would assume, if she doesn’t have any clothes on now, it’s because after you stripped her and banged her last night, you failed to redress her.”

  Anger continued to pulse through Rainer’s veins. He was unable to believe that Logan thought he would take Adeline’s clothes off under any circumstances.

  Disbelief rocked through Logan. He paled dramatically. “You didn’t help her…?” Logan left out the word ‘undress’ as he took in Rainer’s furious scowl.

  “Logan, are you freaking kidding me? We’ve been best friends since we were born. I would never do that!”

  Logan leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands. He tried to massage away his headache and the entire night before.

  “And, I had Em cast her last night, so you’re welcome for that, too!”

  “Oh my gosh!” In his stupor, Logan hadn’t even gotten to that yet. “I am such an asshole. How could I have let her get so drunk? How could I have done that after I just swore to her that I’d never let her down again?”

  “Logan?” called a very weak voice from their room.

  He leapt up and offered Rainer a pitiful look. “I’m sorry. I know you wouldn’t do that. I just don’t know what the hell we had last night. I’ve never been so hung-over.”

  “You’ve never been so drunk!”

  “I know, and I’m sorry. Thank you for everything you did. I can’t believe I was such a jerk.”

  Rainer agreed, though he was still hurt over the accusations. The sound of Adeline vomiting had Logan sprinting.

  Rainer slammed the coffee carafe back into the maker, after he poured himself another mug. He stomped the path Emily had made to their room.

  “What was that all about?” Emily was lying in their bed, propped up on pillows, and sipping coffee.

  “Logan’s freaking out over everything he did last night.” Rainer eased into bed with Emily. He sipped slowly from his own mug.

  “Yeah,” Emily gave Rainer a sorrowful look. Logan certainly wasn’t the only one who regretted the evening before.

  “Would you mind holding me?” Guilt etched her face and fractured his heart.

  “Baby,” he soothed. She grinned. She loved when he called her that. He wrapped his arms around her carefully. Neither of them felt much like moving, so he tried to position them so they were both comfortable.

  “I’m really so sorry, Rainer.”

  Turning slightly, he tenderly kissed her forehead. She buried her face deeper in his chest.

  “Didn’t like the afterparty quite as much as you thought you would?”

  She didn’t have to tell him. He already knew the answer. That was one of the many wonderful things about being in a relationship with someone for as long as he and Emily had been. He knew her well enough to know what she was thinking, at least some of the time.

  She nodded into his chest. She wouldn’t reveal her face, but he felt tears begin to trickle down his chest.

  “Em, it’s over, and you don’t have to go to the Angels parties if you don’t want to.” She finally lifted her head and wiped away her tears.

  “I know, but now everyone’s sick and it’s all my fault, and, Rainer, I kind of think I do have to go. The Angels are known for partying and everything.” Her confession drowned out as guilt took up residence inside of her.

  “Em, you didn’t make us all drink, and none of us knew how strong that was going to be. And the Angels are known for being a fierce all-women’s Summation team, but that doesn’t mean you have to party like the rest of them, if you don’t want to.”

  “Yeah, I guess I kind of have to figure out what part I want to have in being an Arlington Angel.”

  She fell silent, and Rainer let his eyes close. They could figure everything out tomorrow, he decided as his body relaxed around hers. He just desperately wanted to sleep.

  Several hours later, Emily gasped. Rainer’s body shuddered. He tried to ease her upright. He thought she was going to be sick again.

  “Rainer, we’re supposed to be at Marcus and Sydney’s wedding in like two hours! I had no idea how late it was!”

  After settling back onto the pillows, Rainer scoffed, “Who cares? Let’s skip it.” If he didn’t have to put on a suit and sit through a stuffy wedding of two people he didn’t even like in the first place, it might’ve made the evening before and the ensuing hangover worth it.

  “Rainer, we can’t.”

  He pulled Emily back onto his chest, thinking she was being overly anxious about Logan’s spoken RSVP to a wedding they’d only known about for two weeks.

  “Sure we can.” He eased her onto her side so he could wrap his arms all the way around her and let her hide in him.

  “Let’s just stay in bed all day. I’ll hold you. We can sleep, or watch TV, just hang out. Then, later, if we get to feeling a little better, I’ll make sure you have a hell of a lot more fun than if we went to a shotgun wedding.”

  “That sounds perfect, but we have to go.”

  Rainer shook his head. He was pleased that he could make the motion without feeling like he was going to keel over. “Why?”

  Emily brushed her hand over his cheek and then tucked back into his embrace.

  “We have to go because Mom and Dad are going, and it’s gonna be a big Senate wedding.”

  Rainer tried to think of any other way out of going. “Okay,” he finally stumbled upon something, “How about we volunteer to keep the twins?”

  “At least we could just hang out. I just don’t want to be with anyone but you.” He tried not to whine but failed miserably.

  “Rainer, we can’t. Will and Brooke are keeping the twins. Dad was all ‘you’re my daughter and you know how your mother and I expect you and your brothers to act as a representation of our family, and I know the Angels have a reputation of doing things that you know I wouldn’t approve of’.” Emily mocked her father’s responsibility speech.

  Once again, Rainer found himself trying to push the belly shot out of his head.

  “We can’t just decide not to go to a wedding we said we’d be at because we’re hung-over.”

  Rainer sighed. He knew she was right. He glanced at the clock.

  “All right, b
ut can we sleep a little more, then get ready, and please don’t tell me we have to stay for the whole ridiculous thing.”

  Emily giggled again as she slid her body upwards in the bed until her breasts were right at his face.

  “Yum!” Rainer found himself suddenly feeling better.

  “Here, I’ll set the alarm for an hour, and I’ll let you sleep here.”

  Rainer proceeded to slide his hands under the t-shirt she was wearing and began groping her.

  “Deal,” he agreed.

  Sticks and Stones

  A few hours later, Rainer was standing in the Sheltons’ back yard. He poured Emily another cup of punch. Mr. Shelton didn’t look any more thrilled at the reception than he had at the wedding. Furious was the way Rainer decided he would describe Sydney’s father, not that he could really blame him.

  Marcus had been steering clear of Sydney’s parents but did guide Sydney over. They talked, and he even ran his hand over Sydney’s non-existent bump. He looked quite proud, for the moment anyway.

  Rainer agreed to stop glaring at him whenever he walked by, per Emily’s request.

  Emily was in a conversation with her mother and Serena. They were smiling and laughing, so Rainer stayed back. He didn’t want to interrupt.

  “Hey, Rainer,” Samantha Peterson pounced. She sidled up to him while he was fixing a plate of finger foods for Emily. Rainer didn’t try to hide his distinct eye-roll.

  “Oh, hey Samantha.” He turned his back on her. Emily was scowling viciously.

  “So, are you still living at the Haydenshires’?” She edged closer and batted her eyelashes at Rainer. He had the distinct feeling he was being circled like prey for the kill.

  “No, Em and I moved in together.” He narrowed his eyes at her, and bile rose in his throat as he thought about the quotes she’d provided the tabloids.

  Samantha scowled but then cooed, “You know, you’ve been with Emily for, like, ever. Don’t you ever wonder what it might be like with someone else?”

  Vile repulsion washed over Rainer. “No, I don’t!” He waved his hand toward Emily, who appeared by his side instantly. She was set to detonate. Her vicious scowl could’ve singed Samantha’s haughty sneer. “When you have everything you could ever want, and then some, you just consider yourself a really lucky guy.”

  Emily gazed up at him adoringly.

  Samantha rolled her eyes and huffed, “Well, if you ever change your mind….”

  “Not a chance in hell.”

  “I cannot believe her!” Emily spat as Samantha sauntered away.

  “She’s a bitch, Em. Just forget about her.” Rainer decided that he didn’t even feel guilty that Samantha had heard his assessment. Her face contorted in rage as she jerked Sydney from Marcus’s grip and they began whispering heatedly.

  “Rainer!” He heard his name approximately a half second before Fergus Martin stumbled into his back.

  He was still angry with Fergus for the party he’d thrown at the beach the first week of summer. He’d not only invited the press, but he’d tried to slip altered Ecstasy into Emily and Adeline’s drinks.

  Emily elbowed Rainer.“Be nice,” she mouthed.

  Rainer sighed. Truthfully, Fergus hadn’t realized that what he’d been using for the week before the party had been illegal, and it had certainly affected his normally annoying, yet friendly, disposition.

  “Hi, Fergus.” Emily looked shocked.

  “Hey, Ferg,” Rainer joined the greetings. His brow furrowed. Fergus had a girl on his arm, one who didn’t appear to mind being there.

  “Tilly, hi, I haven’t seen you in so long,” Emily smiled kindly.

  “I was in the classes abroad program last year, and when you decided to combine your Sub-Freshman and Pre-Freshman years, I didn’t really get to see you all that often anymore, I guess.”

  “Yeah, I kind of had a mission,” Emily laughed at her own dogged determination.

  Rainer leaned and kissed her temple. He certainly didn’t mind being her mission.

  “I’m so excited to finally be a senior this year. I’m so ready to be done!” Tilly announced.

  Several thoughts occurred to Rainer in that moment. If Fergus and Tilly were dating, and she was only a Senior, then Fergus was either going to have to break up with her before school started back or decline his contract to return to Venton as a Mentor’s assistant.

  “When did you two start dating?” Emily asked. Rainer could feel her Receiver’s radar ease from her pores. She was trying to determine the depth of Fergus and Tilly’s admiration.

  “Well,” Fergus never missed an opportunity to brag, “Tilly saw me in the library, and, I mean, who could resist?”

  Tilly giggled delightedly as Rainer fought not to roll his eyes.

  “He’s just so sweet, and he’s always talking about Rainer and Logan. Is Logan here?”

  “Oh, uh no. His fiancée has a little stomach flu, so he stayed home to look after her,” Emily eased out her lie.

  “Uh, Ferg,” Rainer gestured his head to the right. Fergus leaned and kissed the side of Tilly’s head in a copycat movement that matched Rainer’s.

  They stepped a few feet away from the girls.

  “So, uh, how exactly are you planning on this working? You can’t be a Mentor at Venton and be dating a student.”

  “Well, I mean, she’s a senior. We’re only a year apart. I’m crazy about her,” Fergus stumbled over his excuses.

  “Uh huh, well, even if your mom is one of the Academy Governors, I really don’t think Mentors dating students is going to go over well.”

  “I’m sure I’ll think of something.”

  Rainer shrugged. He’d love to know how Fergus planned to get out of his latest debacle.

  Samantha edged closer to Emily and Tilly. She was laughing ostentatiously with Rita McClendon, another of Sydney’s bridesmaids.

  Emily was still trying to ward off her headache and was eating the food Rainer had provided her.

  As she took a discreet bite of a cucumber sandwich, Samantha attacked. “I don’t know how she expects to fit into a wedding gown if she keeps eating like that.”

  Infuriated energy sizzled in Rainer’s blood. He moved back to Emily in two quick steps.

  “You know, Tilly,” Emily was on the warpath, “It is just so pathetic that she wants to call up the tabloids and fake a relationship with my fiancée because she’s too much of a bitch to get her own guy.”

  “Emily,” Mrs. Haydenshire sighed, “Please be nice, even to Samantha Peterson.” She’d made certain no one but Emily and Rainer had heard her.

  Before either of them could respond, Samantha was joined by her mother, Yvette.

  “Well, Lillian,” Mrs. Peterson drawled nastily, “So rare I see you and Stephen not completely covered in children.”

  The Petersons were one of the Gifted families that always had a snide comment about the size of the Haydenshires’ family.

  Mrs. Haydenshire smiled and gave a fake chuckle. “Yes, well we do get out occasionally, Yvette.” Her tone was syrupy sweet; her glare was deadly.

  Rainer and Emily exchanged a grin.

  Yvette Peterson seemed to have just noticed Emily and Rainer’s existence. She narrowed her eyes in on Rainer.

  “Well, Rainer, Samantha tells me that Emily has you caught up in her web, the Lawson ring and all.” She grasped Emily’s hand to see the ring. Rainer watched as Emily jerked her hand out of Mrs. Peterson’s.

  He forced a chuckle and put his arm around Emily. “I wouldn’t call it a web, Ms. Peterson. Emily made me the luckiest guy in the Realm when she agreed to marry me. I can’t wait to get her down the aisle.” He gestured back to the makeshift aisle running down the center of the Sheltons’ overly-manicured lawn.

  Mrs. Peterson gave a very fake laugh and then took an overly- appraising look at Mrs. Haydenshire and then up and down Emily.

  “Yes, well, I suppose if you’re looking to expand the Lawson empire, it would appear that birthing hi
ps do run in the family, so that should be helpful.” She patted Rainer on the chest and adjusted his tie before she turned to slither away.

  Rainer’s mouth fell open as Emily lunged towards Mrs. Peterson, but Mrs. Haydenshire caught her before she could wrap her hands around either Samantha or her mother.

  Mrs. Haydenshire shook her head and drew a steadying breath. “I swear, if that woman has one more face lift, her ears are going to meet at the back of her head. I’m surprised she can still blink.”

  She effectively broke Rainer and Emily from their fury as they cracked up.

  Once they quieted, Mrs. Haydenshire gave them a knowing gaze. “Now, since Adeline is a Valeduto Predilect and they are so rarely sick, why don’t you two tell me the real reason Logan and Adeline aren’t here, not the reason you gave your father.”

  Emily and Rainer shared an uncomfortable glance, but neither of them spoke.

  “Uh huh,” Mrs. Haydenshire sighed, “How bad are they?” Adeline had been violently ill since she’d awoken. Rainer couldn’t count the number of times he’d heard Logan cleaning up after her. When she’d finally emerged to apologize to Rainer and Emily, she looked like she’d been beaten. Her eyes were bloodshot, her face sallow and dark, and she was having trouble keeping anything down.

  Emily and Rainer had informed Governor Haydenshire that Adeline had a stomach virus, and that Logan had stayed home to care for her.

  Governor Haydenshire seemed distracted as he’d informed Emily and Rainer that he thought perhaps Mrs. Haydenshire might be coming down with the same virus.

  Logan wasn’t throwing up, but was thoroughly disgusted with himself for allowing Adeline to consume so much alcohol, and for what he’d agreed to do when they’d gotten home. Together they were quite a pair and certainly not up for a wedding.

  “Logan’s okay.” Emily bit her lip. She didn’t want to rat out her big brother.

  Mrs. Haydenshire’s eyes closed momentarily. “Do I need to go home?” she sounded disappointed but resolute.

  “I don’t think so,” Emily hesitated.

  Rainer’s phone chirped at that moment. He pulled it from his pocket and read the text. He turned to Mrs. Haydenshire.


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