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Lessons Learned (The Gifted Realm Book 2)

Page 43

by Jillian Neal

  Logan furrowed his brow. “Because my new bedtime is 9:30?”

  “No, I just didn’t see any lights on,” he fumed.

  “Yeah, we’re watching a movie here.” He moved to the kitchen, handed Rainer a beer, and then pulled another from the fridge for himself. “We’re almost done. You can watch Carlo bite it.”

  Rainer took a sip of the beer but nearly spat it out. That wasn’t at all what he wanted to taste or what he wanted in his mouth.

  “Logan, why are you watching The Godfather again?”

  Emily shot him needy, pleading expressions that made him reel.

  “It’s a classic, and how freaking many times have I watched The Fast and the Furious with you? Where’d you go, anyway?”

  Emily drew a steadying breath and swallowed down her need as Rainer ached for her.

  She moved in front of Logan and Adeline, effectively blocking them from the TV. Logan huffed and grasped her waist. He moved her to the side slightly.

  “Well, you wanna see what I got?”

  “No,” Logan was irritated that no one wanted to see The Godfather again.

  “Yes,” Adeline elbowed Logan.

  Emily bit her lip. The motion had ardent desire coursing quickly through Rainer’s veins. She moved and pulled up her shirt and lowered the right side of her waistband to reveal the tattoo.

  His pulse raced and desire surged through his veins. Rainer stared at his brand on her body. Desperation permeated every inch of him.

  “Wow,” Adeline sat up off of Logan and studied the Lawson crest.

  Logan choked on the long sip of beer he’d just taken. When he regained the ability to breathe, he shook his head.

  “Dad is going to flip!”

  “Shut up, Logan! No he’s not,” Emily huffed. Logan doubled over, laughing at Emily.

  “That’s really cool. I like how you did all the initials and the Auxiliary crest and everything,” Adeline admired.

  “Thank you. I showed him the crest and told him the stuff I wanted in it. He drew it out perfectly.”

  “Yeah, because Dad’s gonna love Rainer’s mark right beside your crotch,” Logan rolled his eyes.

  “When will he ever see it?”

  “Uh, next week at the beach, genius,” Logan reminded her sarcastically.

  Emily wrinkled her nose adorably and did look momentarily concerned. She shook her head just as suddenly and put her hands on her hips.

  “Who cares? I’m grown. Will, Garrett, and Patrick, and Levi, all have them. He’ll get over it.”

  “Uh huh sure he will, ‘baby girl.’”

  Emily glanced back at Rainer, and noted the volatile storm still swirling in his dark, hungry eyes. She gave him another longing look and then glanced at their bedroom door.

  Only too anxious to have her anywhere alone, Rainer yawned deeply and feigned exhaustion.

  “I’m really kind of tired.” Emily nodded, fully aware that they might be going to bed, but they, most definitely, were not going to sleep.

  “Me too. Come on, Logan. You can quote this movie in your dreams,” Adeline pled, much to Rainer’s delight.

  “Fine,” Logan grinned at her, and clearly hoped she was going to entertain him more than The Godfather. He took her hand and led her to their room.


  He moved to Emily in three long strides. Rainer pulled her against his body, braided his fingers through her hair, and crushed her mouth to his.

  He used one hand to firmly hold her backside as he guided her body in rhythmic circles around his straining length.

  She panted deliciously. Using every ounce of restraint in his body to remember that Logan and Adeline were only one room away, and that as soon as he got her in their room he could have her, Rainer pulled away and took her hands to lead her to their bedroom.

  He kicked the door shut and continued to consume her mouth. His restraint was gone. He wanted her. He grabbed her hand and moved it to his erection. He forced her to grasp him as a loud evulsive moan escaped her.

  “Feel me,” he commanded. “Feel how hard you make me, baby.”

  Her eyes flashed with hunger and excitement. She slid her hand up his zipper line and then plunged it into his boxers. She kneaded him. She squeezed and traced him. She spun her fingers over his head until he thought he would lose his mind, and then she broke away from him.

  Greedy, hungry lust coursed through him. His eyes flashed wildly as she backed away.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  With a decidedly wanton grin, she told him to wait for her.

  “I don’t want to wait,” he ordered as he attempted to catch her.

  She licked her lips seductively and slipped into her closet. Rainer felt like he was being gagged. He wanted her, raw and primal. He wanted to own her, to claim her, and he wanted it now.

  She’d put his mark on her and he planned on taking what was his. Moments later she emerged, wearing a black lace bra and matching, barely-there panties that framed her newly inked abdomen to perfection. She’d added a pair of sky-high stiletto heels to complete the provocative picture.

  His eyes were dark and ravenous as he took her all in. Her energy swirled in fervent anxious need.

  The thought of what her father would say about the wanton sex kitten, fresh with his mark, standing before him, hot and wet, flashed through his mind as he caged her between him and the closet door.

  If he didn’t like what he saw in those pictures, he sure as hell wouldn’t like what he was about to do to her, Rainer thought as rebellion mixed itself into the potent cocktail in his mind.

  Clearly her hellcat side was coming out tonight, and he planned to be the one to tame her, he thought savagely.

  He devoured her mouth then trailed hot kisses down her neck and as she laid her head back. She panted as he nipped her breasts.

  With a quick flick of his hand, he removed her bra and threw it on the floor. He caught her breasts in his mouth and sucked and licked with ferocity.

  A stuttered moan escaped her and he moved on to the next obstacle in his path to getting inside of her. He jerked the scrap of lace between her legs to the side and shoved his fingers in her.

  He needed her to be ready. She was hot, wet, and swollen. She throbbed around his hand, so he moved his mouth back up her neck.

  “Em, baby,” he choked in a feral growl as he dragged his teeth over the hollow of her throat. The heavenly liquid form of her energy dripped down his fingers, and he was done for. “I’m about to throw you on that bed and have my way with you, rough and dirty, so if you want me to stop, or you need me slow down, you need to tell me right now.”

  In a fevered moan, her body tensed and pitched. Fire lit from her soul and flamed in her eyes.

  “Don’t stop,” she stared at him as he took in her swollen lips and ravenous eyes. “Take me.”

  “Did you set the cast?” he forced himself to wait until she answered. “Yes, just take me Rainer, now. I want to feel it,” she purred.

  The electricity between them sparked in a heated, red glow.

  A low, rapturous, growl thundered from his chest as he grabbed her and spun her until she was on all fours on their bed, and he was letting his eyes rake over her as she shook her backside for him.

  In that moment, he knew that removing the thong she was wearing was not as important as being inside of her. He pulled it aside and drove into her as she gasped from the force, and then moaned her adamant approval.

  “Take it, baby. Just like that,” he commanded and she trembled around him.

  She convulsed and moaned and begged him for more. True to his warning, he pulled her back until she’d taken all of him. He thrust into her, driving her hard, and watching as he entered her fully.

  He listened as she panted and moaned then called out his name in lust-filled greed.

  “That what you wanted, baby? Feels good, doesn’t it? Show me how much you like it.”

  She was on the edge. He felt her swell tight
ly around him. Her fingers clawed at the sheets. Her back arched low, and she shook her sexy ass for him again.

  Her breath caught suddenly and her orgasm consumed her. With a final ragged push, he fell on top of her as she screamed out in ecstasy, and he filled her with all of him.

  He surrendered to the primal lust that had overtaken them. His release had him reeling. The ardent desire she built in him was all consuming, and just some of the things he’d said and done filtered back through his bliss-filled stupor.

  He withdrew gently and moved off of her. He held her as she moved to lie on his chest. He concentrated on her rhythms. They were languid and fulfilled. She was happy and content, so he allowed himself to revel in everything they’d just done.

  “I really, really like it when you’re like that,” she was still panting slightly.

  “Do you?” He ran his hands over her tenderly. He held her on his chest and pushed out his shield cast. It settled it over them.

  “Rainer, that was amazing! I mean, I love the slow sweet ‘you keep me casted the whole time’ kind of sex, too, but that… that was, wow!”

  “I don’t ever want to make you uncomfortable or do something you wouldn’t like.” He felt suddenly inept where moments before he’d felt quite skilled.

  She smiled against his chest. “How about this? I promise to tell you if I don’t want to do something, and we just keep having fun and trying out new stuff, because we’ve been together since I was seven and I plan on being married to you until I’m at least 107, so I don’t want you to get bored.”

  “You have never, ever been boring, Miss Haydenshire, and I’ll agree to that deal if you promise that if there is something you want me to do or you want to try you’ll tell me that, too.”

  He wished at that moment that he could read her mind, as he very much wanted to know what thoughts his part of the deal might’ve elicited.

  “Deal,” she agreed. The curious grin on her face had him thinking that they needed to talk a great deal about what kinds of things she might like in bed.


  As sun poured through the windows, Rainer let his eyes blink open.

  He glanced down. Both he and Emily were still naked, and she was lying on his chest. Her right leg was slung out of the covers and over him. His arms were wrapped around her, and her newly-acquired tattoo on full display.

  Rainer let the night before replay in slow detail through his mind. He chuckled as his tawdry sex-kitten had turned right back into his sweet baby, tucked up in his protective embrace.

  Suddenly remembering that they had plans, he glanced at the clock and resisted the urge to curse. He and Logan were due at the farmhouse at eight, to help the Governor finish the work on Will and Garrett’s old room. They hadn’t quite finished the weekend before. With the new baby coming, they needed the twins out of the Haydenshires’ bedroom and in a room of their own.

  Emily and Adeline were going wedding-dress shopping with Tad, Nathan, and Mrs. Haydenshire.

  Governor Carrington’s wedding was the next day and then, Rainer thought with a smile, the entire family was leaving for the beach house Wednesday after work for an extended trip, before the election began.

  Governor Haydenshire had marched into Iodex and informed Vindico that Garrett, Rainer, and Logan were to be given vacation days for Thursday through Monday. That had been the last thing Vindico wanted, but he certainly couldn’t argue.

  A knock sounded at the door. Rainer raised his head and chest. He carefully kept Emily tucked next to him as he pulled the covers over her completely.

  “What?” he tried to be loud enough for Logan to hear him but not shout in Emily’s ear. Logan pushed the door open. “Hey,” Rainer wrapped the covers tighter over Emily.

  “Ah geez.” Logan stepped back out. “Sorry, I thought you were up. Uncle Tad and Mom just called. They’re on their way and Dad’s wondering where we are.”

  “Shut the door.”

  “What time is it?” Emily whimpered. Rainer chuckled at her as she sounded like an adorable frog. He kissed her forehead.

  “Hey, there; we overslept a little, baby. It’s almost eight.” He cleared his throat and ran his hands down her soft, smooth skin until he’d reached her backside, which he took several long moments to massage.

  She wriggled beside him. Rainer watched eagerly as she stretched, and the quilts and sheets fell to her waist. He gave her a shuddering growl, much to her delight.

  She crawled out of bed and began getting ready. Rainer dressed and headed to the kitchen to fix coffee and find something to eat.

  “What’s wrong?” Rainer had made them both coffee and returned hers to her, along with a bagel. Something was very obviously on her mind, and when he was with her like he’d been the night before, her energy remained on his skin. He could read her with ease.

  “Nothing. I was just trying to figure out if there was some way that only Adeline could help me change into the gowns.”

  “So your mom doesn’t see your new ink?”

  “I’m debating, actually. If Mom sees it, then she can do her whole ‘Emily, I can’t believe Rainer likes something like that’ lecture.”

  “Oh, believe me, baby, it drives me wild!” Rainer let the image of her in a thong and heels shaking it for him on their bed remain in the forefront of his mind.

  “I noticed, but if she sees it today, maybe she could break it to Dad before we get on the beach.”

  “I thought you said he wouldn’t be mad?” Rainer wondered if she’d finally seen the flaw in her plan.

  “Well, I mean, I don’t think he will, really.”

  “Uh huh, sure.”

  She giggled and stuck her tongue out at him. He gave her a decidedly naughty grin, which made her laugh.

  Soon Tad, Nathan, and Mrs. Haydenshire were spilling into the kitchen. “Em’s almost ready,” Rainer assured them as Adeline appeared.

  She looked thrilled. “I’m so excited!” She grabbed her purse and her new sunglasses, a recent gift from Logan. “I’ve never been to a wedding before. I watched a few on TV when we had enough money for it.”

  Logan and Mrs. Haydenshire shared a pained expression.

  “And, obviously, I’ve never been shopping for a wedding dress. I’ve never even seen anyone in one, in person. So, I get to do all of that in one weekend.”

  Before anyone could respond, Emily stuck her head around their bedroom door.

  “Uncle Tad, come here a sec.” Her mischievous grin gave her away. Tad looked thrilled.

  “Oh, whatever this is, it’s going to be good,” he tittered eagerly and moved into Rainer and Emily’s room.

  “What is that all about?” Mrs. Haydenshire demanded from Rainer.

  “She’s probably showing him her new…” Logan started, but Rainer threw his elbow out hard and caught Logan in the gut. A hissing groan escaped Logan as he glared at Rainer.

  Rainer shook his head minutely and let his eyes goggle. Logan rubbed his side.

  “Her new, what?” Mrs. Haydenshire quizzed Logan again.

  “Uh… ear… things.” He pointed to his own ear lobes.

  Adeline tried hard not to giggle as she supplied “Rings.”

  “Yeah earrings.” Logan was still glaring at Rainer. Mrs. Haydenshire hadn’t bought that for a moment but, to Rainer’s relief, she decided not to interrogate them.

  Tad and Emily emerged, looking thick as thieves. Emily was beaming, and Tad was shaking his head.

  “Well, let’s see it then.”

  “See what?” Emily had never been a very good liar, and her pleading glance at Rainer immediately sold her out.

  “Ten children, Emily Anne. Eventually you will learn that you can’t put anything past me. Now show it to me!”

  Emily hesitated in sea of terror for a moment.

  “Oh please, please, child, tell me it is not somewhere that I used to cover with a diaper.”

  With an audible huff and a dramatic eye-roll, Emily pulled down the waistban
d of her skirt and lifted the right side of her shirt revealing the phoenix crest tattoo.

  “Of course, Rainer’s crest. How did I not see that coming?” Mrs. Haydenshire quipped before she scolded, “Emily Anne, your father is under enough stress. Did you have to do this right now?”

  “Mom, it’s no big deal; just don’t tell Daddy.”

  “Oh, I’m not,” Mrs. Haydenshire assured her, “You are.”

  “It really is a work of art, Lill. You should see everything in it,” Tad urged his sister.

  Mrs. Haydenshire turned her glare on Tad.

  “You know,” Nathan stepped up to bat for Emily. “I just saw a new line of gowns that have sheer fabric detailing here.” He moved to Emily and slid his hands from the bottom of her rib cage to the top of her hips. “You could show it off in the gown.”

  “Uh, no,” Emily, Tad, and Mrs. Haydenshire stated at the same moment.

  Rainer momentarily tried to envision Governor Haydenshire escorting Emily down the aisle in a see-through gown. He was simultaneously turned on and confused by the image.

  “We should probably go,” Adeline offered quietly. She was clearly hoping to get Emily out of a lecture from her mother.

  “Yes, let’s,” Mrs. Haydenshire issued everyone out into the garage.

  Rainer brushed a kiss across Emily’s cheek. “Good luck.”

  Emily shrugged. “She’ll be fine.”

  Rainer let his hand slide across her backside as she moved to the garage. She giggled and blew him a kiss as he closed the door.

  Birthing Hips

  Rainer and Logan got ready quickly and rushed to the farmhouse. Connor and Levi had volunteered to help, but Garrett and Chloe had gone back to the beach house for the weekend.

  Patrick informed everyone that he and Lucy had something they really had to do that day, and that they wouldn’t be back until late. He’d seemed quite agitated and nervous, so no one argued. They just nodded their acceptance as he left.

  They spent the day tediously steaming off wallpaper, stripping the walls, sanding, and painting. Connor and Levi pulled up the carpet and, after Logan and Rainer finished the walls, they helped lay down the hardwood to match the rest of the second floor of the farmhouse.


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