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Brown, Berengaria - Future Revealed [Embrace the Future 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 3

by Berengaria Brown

  Pagan then climbed back out to check the vehicle wasn’t visible from the track. Koby insisted on seeing for himself as well.

  “Remember how hard it was to climb into the back here? If you get out, you’ll have to do it all again,” warned Ruby.

  “I have to see for myself,” he said.

  Ruby just shook her head and began assembling each of them a thick sandwich filled with salad vegetables. The coffee they’d brought in thermoses, and drunk at midday, would be almost cold now, but she got it out anyway as well as some water.

  Koby returned first and let Pagan shove him from behind to help him through the narrow gap between the top of the seat and the car roof. Then Pagan followed him through, saying, “It was totally invisible.”


  By the time they’d eaten, it was almost completely dark, so they made up their bed on the mattress with their blankets and pillows. To make enough space for all of them to lie down comfortably, they had to move the fuel cans into the front seat, but Pagan was careful to put them on the passenger side in case they needed to drive off in a hurry in the morning.

  By the time he turned back, the other two were already undressed. “Niiiiice. We can’t risk you screaming your release tonight, Ruby, so how about you fill your mouth with this,” suggested Pagan, dropping his pants and lining his cock up with her mouth.

  “Yum, dessert,” she said, licking across the head. She loved the taste of both her men. Pagan was always very salty and tangy. Koby was much spicier. Both of them were completely delicious.

  When she’d made their meal, Ruby had gotten the box of condoms out as well, so Koby took one and rolled it on, then lifted Ruby’s legs high and rested them on his own shoulders as he crawled nearer to her.

  “Come closer. I wouldn’t want you to feel lonely down there,” she said huskily.

  “Oh, I’m about to get much closer,” he replied, wiggling on his butt until his thighs enclosed her ass.

  Ruby giggled softly, aware that noises carried on the still night air, then held Pagan’s cock to her mouth again and licked the slit, hoping for a taste of his pre-cum. There was just the faintest hint of it. She held his shaft firmly in one hand and licked up the stalk, then down again, before pressing her tongue along his vein, loving the feeling of throbbing power in her mouth.

  While she was busy with Pagan’s cock, Koby drove his dick deep into her cunt. She sighed with happiness. Two cocks to play with. How wonderful was that.

  Koby held still deep inside her, so she wiggled her hips a little to tell him she was ready, before sucking the head of Pagan’s cock as far into her mouth as she could get it. She hollowed her cheeks and sucked on him, then let him slide out a little way, gently scraping her teeth over the head of his cock as he did.

  Her next step was to take his balls, rolling them in her hand before sucking first one, then the other into her mouth. Pagan hissed his pleasure, so she did it again.

  Koby was pumping steadily into her now, his hands on her hips, which he’d tilted so high he penetrated her incredibly deeply and aroused her intensely with every stroke. It was hard to concentrate on Pagan, but she wanted to pleasure him to the best of her ability so once again swallowed as much of his cock as she could, rolling her tongue over the shaft as he slid into her mouth then pressing it along the ridge until he hissed his joy again.

  She was fully focused on what she was doing and was almost startled to feel hands on her breast, playing with her nipples. She had to let Pagan slide out of her mouth to tilt her head enough to see whose hands. Ahh, Koby’s. She should have guessed. They were bigger than Pagan’s.

  Once again she sucked Pagan deep, tipping her head back to open her throat. She wasn’t very good at this, struggling to control her gag reflex, but she was working on it. This time she managed to swallow the head of his cock right down her throat, before having to let him out of her mouth. As she did, she rolled his balls again and could feel they’d already hardened, so he was getting closer to coming.

  Thank the gods for that, as the orgasm inside her was building fast now, and she wouldn’t last much longer. Koby was sending her higher and higher with his hands on her breasts as well as his powerful strokes in her cunt. He knew just exactly how to touch her to drive her wild.

  Once again she hollowed her cheeks and sucked Pagan’s cockhead, before scraping her teeth gently right along the length of his shaft. As soon as she took his head in her mouth again, he groaned, and jets of cum filled her mouth. Quickly she swallowed, then sucked him again, encouraging him to release more spurts of cum.

  Right then Koby pinched her clit, and she had to close her lips around Pagan’s cock to stop herself screaming as the orgasm burst through her. Koby pumped into her again and again as her cunt clenched and released around his shaft, waves of pleasure rolling through her as her hips rose to meet his without any direction from her.

  She opened her mouth and let Pagan slide out, taking deep breaths of air to fill her lungs and ease the pounding of her heart. Koby gently released her legs, and she flopped down flat on the mattress, panting.

  The two men cuddled her between them, petting her shoulders and back, pressing soft kisses to her face and neck. Filled with peace and happiness, she relaxed into their arms, loving being with them, despite the danger and a life filled with unknown and unknowable things.

  * * * *

  Koby woke instantly, knowing he’d heard a sound that didn’t belong in the woods where they were parked. Faintly in the distance, he could hear a motorcycle engine. No two, three, maybe more motorcycles. He sat up and reached for his clothes. He always folded them into a neat pile and set them on his boots. But it was so dark it was difficult to know which way to put his underpants on. Well, likely it wouldn’t matter if they were inside out. It’s not like anyone could tell under his jeans.

  Ruby had crawled off the mattress and was getting dressed, too, then finally Pagan stirred and sat up. Without saying a word, he started searching for his clothing.

  The motorcycles were closer now, but not really close. Possibly a mile away because sound carried in the night, but also possibly a bit closer than that, especially if they had their engines muffled. Ruby poked him and held up four fingers. He nodded. Yes, he thought four bikes, too.

  Koby heaved himself over the seat into the cabin of the vehicle. Dammit, he was going to have to try to lower the seat. Another inch or two would make it a lot easier. He wiggled and twisted his body, then felt Pagan’s hands on his ass shoving him forward. He almost hit his face on the steering wheel but managed to angle his body and crawl out the door. Getting to his feet, he wondered whether he should lock the door behind them. It’d make the delivery van—their only means of getting home—much more secure, but there would be a sound, a click that couldn’t be mistaken for an animal noise. Dammit, what to do, what to do.

  Pagan and Ruby joined him, and then Pagan made a hand sign indicating a key turning. Obviously he thought the door should be locked. Koby looked at Ruby, and she nodded. As quietly as possible he shut the door, which made only the softest click, then turned the key. Okay that wasn’t too bad. Thank all the gods they’d disabled the automatic locking system as soon as they’d acquired the van. He really didn’t need flashing lights and an alarm going off! Making sure Ruby was between him and Pagan, he started walking toward the motorcycle engines.

  In the van it had seemed very dark, but there, out from under the big tree, there was some light in the sky, and some plants seemed to give off a little light. Not much, but enough to see the path. Well, so far. He hoped to hell they could find their way back. As long as they stayed by the track, it shouldn’t be too hard, even if they had to wait until daylight, or longer, until the people with the motorcycles left. Hell, he hoped they weren’t going to camp there for days. If so, they’d have to push the damn delivery van for a couple miles at least before they could risk starting the engine. Why hadn’t they stayed at home in their nice safe warehouse?

sp; One by one, the motorcycle engines were switched off, and Koby had to listen intently to hear the sound of the hot metal cooling in the night air and the distant voices speaking.

  Then he sniffed. Aha! They’d lit a campfire. That would be much easier to follow than those very quiet sounds. And there it was, just a faint glimmer, but easy to home in on in the darkness and growing brighter by the second.

  The campfire was some way ahead and to the right, but the track was heading more or less in that direction. Koby decided he wanted to stay on it, as it would make finding their way back to the van so much easier. He turned to his partners and waved at the path, then made walking motions with his fingers. Both Pagan and Ruby nodded. Good, they agreed with him. With the extra bit of light, they moved a little faster, although they still had to watch both the path and their feet quite carefully. The track was very overgrown with stones in it, and small plants. That was actually a good thing, as it meant it wasn’t in regular use by anyone, but it made walking at night much more difficult.

  Four motorcycles meant eight people, possibly as many as twelve but more likely eight. A rider and pillion passenger on each machine. He didn’t think they’d have sidecars, but it was a possibility he had to allow for, and a sidecar could hold a person as well as some luggage.

  But he only planned to watch and listen, not make themselves known to these people anyway. They’d been lucky with the villagers. They were good people. But so many people those days couldn’t be trusted. Survival was getting harder as the years passed and factories that had remained in operation had closed. Those who had a stable food supply needed to keep that knowledge hidden or risk being attacked and having everything stolen. Twice their former community had been attacked. Both times they’d managed to drive the raiders off, but after the second time, they’d chosen to move to a more defendable location. It was one reason he and Pagan had worked so hard to hide the fact they were living in their warehouse. It’d be difficult to find a better home than that, so they never wanted anyone else to discover they lived there.

  After about ten minutes of walking, the fire was much brighter and closer, and voices could be heard more clearly. Koby could distinguish words here and there, occasionally even a phrase or sentence. All the voices were male, which wasn’t good news. Either the women were cowed into submission or else this was a group of all-male raiders. Neither was the type of people he wanted to make himself known to.

  Close by the track was a tree with a very broad trunk and branches starting not too high off the ground. He tapped Ruby on the shoulder, pointed to the tree, and indicated she should climb up it. Vehemently she shook her head and pointed along the track. She wanted to come with them. He shook his head and pointed to the tree. She crossed her arms over her chest and stood still. Okay, that wasn’t going to work. He turned and began walking again. Gods, she was stubborn. She’d have been much safer hidden away, but it was plain she wasn’t going to cooperate with that plan.

  He stepped even more carefully now, watching out for any dry wood or pebbles that might make a noise under their feet. Even though the other people would have the noise of the fire and their own conversation, it was likely there’d be one or two of their number away from the group, on guard against trouble and listening for any strange noises.

  He stepped off the track to circle around toward the campfire, paying close attention to the trees there so he could find the place again. The bushes all looked very similar, but he tried to memorize the location of the taller trees with regard to each other as he moved away from the track’s helpful guidance.

  Finally he felt going any closer would be too dangerous. Again he pointed to a tree and motioned Ruby to climb it, then pointed around to his right and to Pagan, then to his left and himself. Ruby and Pagan nodded.

  This tree didn’t have any helpful lower branches, but that would make Ruby safer. He hoped. He kneeled down, and she scrambled up his back, finally placing her feet on his shoulders. Then he stood, holding her legs tightly with both hands. She easily reached the trunk and swung her body onto it, gripping with arms and legs, then inched her way higher, before grabbing a branch and hauling herself onto it. As soon as he saw she was settled, he nodded to Pagan and they both turned to find their own lookout tree.

  He walked maybe fifty feet left then stood very still in the shadow of a tree trunk. He looked and looked but could see no guards. They were either very good indeed or not present. Cautiously, slowly, and silently, he inched his way closer to the campfire, trying to look in every direction at once and to open all his senses to alert him to any danger.

  He still couldn’t see any guards, but he could see six men—well, he thought they were men—sitting and lying around the fire, cooking meat on long sticks. There was a pot of coffee warming in the coals of the fire, and two of the men had long-neck bottles of beer in their hands. He could smell the meat and the coffee over the smoky, woodsy scent of the fire itself. The people’s conversation wasn’t loud, but he could hear it clearly now, so he looked at the nearest few trees, picked a large one, and shinned up the trunk, then hauled himself onto a branch. He could see quite well from there but wanted to be more hidden in the foliage so climbed a few branches higher, then settled his body along a branch, with his back resting against the tree trunk.

  For the next hour, he listened to the men talk. They were the scouting party for a group of bandits, with strict instructions to look, not touch. Instructions that didn’t please several of the men who wanted to find some women and have “a bit of fun” before returning home.

  “The boss won’t be happy if you do that. There’s a winery a day’s ride from here, and if we don’t find it and report back about how to take it over, we’ll all be dead meat,” said one of the men.

  “Yeah, but no one’ll know if we capture some people here. It’s a day’s ride from our base and a day’s ride from the winery, so it’s perfect. No one will ever know what we do,” grumbled another one.

  “Don’t be stupid. That means we’d have to kill everyone in the settlement we took the women from. And you reckon no one’ll find out. You’ve got rocks in your head!”

  Finally they all dragged sleeping bags from their motorcycles and lay down around the fire. No one seemed to have been left on guard, and Koby wondered if the two men would disappear to try to find a woman, but it seemed they were in awe of “the boss” and stayed put.

  He waited what seemed like forever, but was likely only another hour, to be absolutely certain. The fire had died down, and none of them stirred to put fresh wood on it or moved from their sleeping bags. He quietly climbed down from the tree, mentally cursing the aches in his back and butt and hoping he wasn’t making a noise now there was no talking to cover small sounds. At the foot of his tree, he again stood silently for a long time waiting, but no one stirred.

  Koby moved as noiselessly as he could back to Ruby’s tree, and she slid down into his arms as lithe as a fish, with no signs of stiffness, and almost no sound either. He turned to walk in the direction Pagan had gone and sensed something.

  He pushed Ruby behind him and tensed, squinting his eyes in the darkness, turning his head from side to side. But it was Pagan who materialized from behind a bush and grinned at them.

  Koby patted his chest, both to settle his pounding heart and to indicate to Pagan he’d startled him, but Pagan kept grinning, so Koby turned and led the way back to the track. Ruby recognized where they needed to turn before he did, touching his arm and pointing. Koby looked up at the trees for the pattern he’d memorized and nodded. Once they reached the track, they were able to walk faster, but it still took them the full ten minutes to return. Then there was the worry of unlocking the door and climbing in without making a noise, closing the door softly, plus climbing over that damn seat again. Gods, how he hated doing that, even though Pagan grabbed his arms and tugged him to help him over.

  None of them got undressed that time, they just removed their boots before lying on the mattress
and pulling the blankets over themselves. Koby had intended to stay on watch but was so tired he fell asleep very quickly.

  Chapter Three

  It was barely dawn when Pagan woke to the sound of the motorcycle engines. They were not close and not coming in that direction, but nonetheless Koby was sitting up and peering out the driver’s window. Pagan just shook his head. The delivery van was thoroughly hidden, and that meant they couldn’t see out, as well as other people not being able to see them. He’d been very careful not to damage any branches as they’d left the vehicle then returned in the night. Nothing gave away a hiding place like a trail of broken plants.

  Koby went to climb over the seat, but Ruby pulled on his arm and passed him a bottle of water. She was right. Pagan was very thirsty, and he knew the others would be, too. Before they walked back to where those bikers had camped, they needed a proper drink and some food, too.

  While Koby drank, then passed the bottle back to Ruby, Pagan rummaged in their tub of food and got out half a dozen tomatoes. It wasn’t much, but eating them would be silent, whereas crunching carrots would not be wise right then, just in case some people were still around.

  He drank his water then shoved on Koby’s ass to help him over the seat. If they removed the headrest, it might help. Koby mostly fitted beside it, but it was all Pagan could think of to give the big man a little extra space.

  It was much easier walking in daylight, and there were bird and animal noises to help cover the small sounds their feet made. Plus they remembered the route they’d taken and automatically turned off the track where they had the previous evening. They stayed together and moved closer to where the campfire had been. There was absolutely no sound, so Pagan was certain everyone had left, but it was wise to check.


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