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Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5)

Page 18

by Angie Merriam

  Shep had been watching me examine this man, and gently squeezed my hand. He was smiling at me as though he knew some great secret he thought I was about to figure out. He was wrong. I was more confused than ever, and my body and mind were utterly exhausted. I had guessed I hadn’t slept enough if I was still so exhausted. Shep handed me his canteen, urging me to drink. The warm liquid slid nicely down my throat, soothing the rawness the water I swallowed had left behind. I drank until the canteen was empty, handing it back to Shep.

  “Sorry, I drank it all,” I whispered, trying to ignore the stranger staring at me. “It’s all right baby, I have more boiling over the fire.” Shep replied, taking the empty canteen. Sure enough there was a bowl made of some kind of wood sitting close enough to the fire to warm the liquid, but not burst into flames. Shep filled the canteen again, handing it to me. I blew lightly on the liquid before I took a few sips and set it down. Almost instantly my throat felt better. The burning in my lungs was gone. My body was slowly starting to wake up. The pain was leaving my muscles and joints. I felt my foggy mind clear. It was as though my body was healing at warp speed. I stood, stretching my legs and arms, it felt good. Within a few minutes, I was feeling myself again and decided to question the identity of this stranger.

  “How are you feeling Lilly?” It was the stranger who asked. There was a hint of pride in his voice. “Ummm, better thank you. Forgive me for my rudeness earlier. I don’t think we have been properly introduced.” I walked over to him, he was standing now. I reached my hand to his. “I’m Lilly May, and you are?”

  “I know who you are Lilly. I have been watching over you for years.” This statement threw me for a second. I was beginning to feel violated. So many people here claim to have been watching me for years.

  “Really, why is that? And what do you want with me?” I had checked his wrist when I shook his hand, checking that this was not Jax skin walking. Happy to confirm it was not, I was a little more apt to listen to this guy. Suddenly, Shep was standing behind me, as though offering support. I didn’t feel weak at all. Did he think I was going to fall? Couldn’t he tell I was back to normal now? I didn’t bother asking him. Clearly, he was rooted in his position as my protector, and I didn’t mind that too much.

  I focused my attention back to the stranger. “I’m sorry sir, but you still have not told me your name, or how you know me.” I was losing patience with him. He cleared his throat before he began speaking again. “Lilly May, my name is James Mender,” he explained before pausing. I think he was hoping I would catch on. My brain wasn’t working that well yet. “Nice to meet you, I think, how do you know me?” I asked. He glanced at Shep, as though looking for confirmation of some kind. I felt Shep nod his head in James Mender’s direction. “Tell her James, she is stronger than you think,” Shep urged him. “What the hell Shep, you know this man?” I demanded, turning to him. I may have been feeling better physically but my nerves were running low. “He saved you Lilly. He saved me as well. We would have died back there had it not been for this man. Hear him out please.” His voice was low, sweet and pleading. “Well I guess there is no delicate way to say this, so here goes.” The voice spoke, and I turned back to face him. He looked me directly in the eyes. His green eyes were familiar.

  “I am your father Lilly,” he said quietly. The words slapped me like a tidal wave. “What? How? I thought you were murdered by Jax.” I was feeling dizzy. Now I understood why Shep had come to stand behind me. He thought I may fall down from shock. I was thankful he was there. I studied the face of this man, this man who had just announced he fathered me. I was shocked to recognize his eyes as my own. We shared the same color of hair and the same curls. His skin was pale and freckled like my own. I remembered that my father had been a healer.

  “The water I drank, was that something you made?” I asked, suddenly curious.

  “Yes, I am glad to see it worked. It’s been quite some time since I last used my ability.” He looked shy as he spoke of his gift, and suddenly my emotions got the best of me. “Dad? Really?”

  “Yes, Lilly, it’s me, your dad, and I am so sorry things have gotten to this point.” I didn’t know how to feel. I was elated, confused, sad, and angry all at the same time. I started to pace. I was trying to put my thoughts and my feelings into some kind of order.

  “Why didn’t you come for us? My mother mourned you all these years. She is being held by a madman because she believed he was you?” I saw Shep take a step back, clearly not wanting any part of this. “I couldn’t come to you. I wanted to, so badly, but I couldn’t. Jax came to me the day your mother fled. He said your mother belonged to him, and if I loved her at all I would leave her. He said she believed I was dead and if I wanted her alive I would stay away.” I could hear the sorrow of missed years and regret in his voice. “What are you saying?” I demanded, my tone more accusing than I intended.

  “He told me if I ever tried to contact Annie he would kill her himself. When she fled to the Ordinary World I followed her, intending to reunite with her there. That’s when I realized she was pregnant with you.” He paused, taking a breath before continuing. “I saw him once, watching her. I was shocked he had followed her out of Neveah, and at that point I knew I could never contact her. Instead I tried to stay one step ahead of him, always countering his moves, trying to keep you both safe. I knew he would go after Annie, I had hoped to stop him before he was able to get to her. I failed. I won’t fail again Lilly. I will help you get her back. I will help you defeat him. I have been watching him for years. I know his weaknesses. I want to help if you’ll let me.” My father finished his story with a hint of determination in his voice.

  I found it hard to be angry with him anymore. I was suddenly happy he had come. I ran the idea of my dad being with me now through my head. I liked the sound of ‘my dad’. I turned to him, smiling this time. “Of course, your help would be greatly appreciated.” He walked over to me. “Thank you Lilly.” I had the urge to hug him. So I did. When he hugged me back the tears came, and I did nothing to try to stop them.

  “Oh Lilly, how I have waited to hold my baby girl,” he said, and I could hear the regret of years gone by in his voice.

  “Well we are together now,” I replied. I turned to Shep, smiling. He smiled back, but pain was inscribed all over his face. I realized how agonizing this must be to him. Here I discovered my thought to be dead father, while he discovered his father was a madman. Both our mothers were being held against their will, and apparently we almost died by the water. I released my arms from my father and went to Shep. I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I love you. Don’t ever forget that,” I whispered.

  “I know Lilly, I love you too, and I am truly happy for you right now.” He held me tight, and I believed him.

  ~Chapter Twenty Four~

  Jax had been waiting anxiously for the arrival of Shep and Lilly. He had sent two of his minions to fetch them and bring them to his compound. The orders had been strict, and clear. “Bring them to me, no matter the cost.” He didn’t care if the girl met an unfortunate fate in the process, but he gave instruction to bring his son back alive. He felt his rage rise at the sight of Raiden and Danu walking towards him, alone. Raiden wore a look of dread and his scruffy black hair was falling down around his unshaven face. His broad shoulders hunched over his large frame in defeat. He was unable to lift his blue eyes to meet Jax. Danu wore a similar look on his square face. His long blond hair was matted to his head, covering the gills that resided near his ears. Danu was a water creature with the ability to exist on dry land. His fear of Jax ran deep, and he was terrified to face the man now.

  “Where are they?” Jax asked, attempting to speak calmly. The minions looked at each other, wishing the other to speak first. “I will ask one more time, where are they?” Jax’s voice was louder and littered with distaste. It was Danu who raised his green eyes to meet Jax and spoke first.

  “We had them. I had the girl under water, and her body had gone limp, when
a man came in after her.” He paused and Raiden raised his head, finishing the story.

  “I was successful in detaining Shep. I had him unconscious and was waiting for Danu to bring the girl back up. A man I have never seen approached me. He was carrying a metal weapon, pointing it at my head. He was fierce and…” Jax broke in before he could finish.

  “Did you leave Shep and Lilly behind?” He demanded. “The two of you could not handle the threat of one man?” He was shaking now, his brown skin a dark shade of crimson. Raiden continued, unphased by the interruption. “He was not alone. He had the Alphyn with him, three in fact. They lunged at me, and yes, I ran. I left Shep behind.” Danu then continued, “I heard the Alphyn above before I saw the man from under the water. I feared for Raiden, and I left the girl. I was sure she was dead. Her body was limp and lifeless when I swam away.”

  Jax was trying to register what they were saying. He thought these two were clearly incapable of even the simplest task. He could think of a thousand different ways he would have handled the situation, but not every being was as capable as he was. He needed to figure out who the man was before he took care of these two pin heads. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. “What did this man look like?” He asked. Raiden spoke first, “He was tall, with red hair, that’s all I know.” His eyes looked back at the ground. Danu sucked in a breath of air before confirming what Jax already knew. “Yes, his hair was red and glowed in the night. He pulled the girl from the water and carried her to shore. We watched from the nearby forest, waiting for an opportunity to snatch the couple from this man, but the Alphyn never abandoned their watch. He healed the girl, and she called him father.” Danu looked back at the ground this time.

  James to the rescue, Jax thought. He had taken James for a more intelligent man. Clearly, the man did not take Jax seriously. He laughed to himself. This could prove helpful to him. The man was relentless, Jax thought, and even admired him for it. The arrival of James would change his game, making it more amusing. Jax will dispose of James as he should have done years ago, but not before reuniting Annika with her long lost lover.

  Though he had so looked forward to the arrival of his son and Lilly, this new information was just as valuable. He would send someone else to retrieve Shep, Lilly, and James as well. Yes, having all three of them would be wonderful. The power of control would belong to him. He was sure Annika would give herself to him, if it meant keeping her precious James and Lilly safe. She wouldn’t have to know that he would kill them.

  He would need to dispose of the two cretins before proceeding further. “Well, while the information you have bestowed upon me is much appreciated, you two have failed and for that you must be punished.” He was smiling at Raiden and Danu. They had both seen that smile before, when Jax had been denied his desire. Before they could think to run or plead for mercy, Jax had their hands tied, and was leading them around to the back of the compound.

  Once behind the compound, Jax ordered both the men to their knees and ripped their shirts from their torsos. Raiden wore scars of previous beatings across his back, while Danu’s scales were smooth. This would be his first beating, and he gritted his teeth, determined to get through it with dignity. They could hear the whip crack behind them. Raiden was beaten first, then Danu. He beat them until they bled and both men endured without a sound. He paused, allowing them to think it was over. He could hear the faint sound of breath coming from their mouths. He laughed and pulled his sword from his belt. Before they knew what was happening he sliced off the head of Raiden. Danu turned, horrified at the sight of his headless friend. At that moment, Danu was ready to die, knowing he could not live with the image for the rest of his life. He closed his eyes waiting for the sword to sever his head when he heard Jax walk away.

  Jax left Danu there with the thought of a headless Raiden playing over and over in his mind. That alone would be enough punishment for Danu this time. Next time Danu would be more apt to follow through on his orders.

  ~Chapter Twenty Five~

  The three of us sat around the campfire eating some kind of meat. I didn’t question the source, I was too hungry. Shep devoured the food, as though he had never eaten. It had, in fact, been a very long time since our last real meal.

  “So, what happened back there?” It was Shep who had asked the question. I had been wondering myself, but the thought of the hand gripping my ankles kept repeating in my mind. I was too afraid to ask.

  “Last thing I remember you were being knocked over by a wave. I had your hand Lilly and could have easily helped you up, but you started sliding into the water. I was holding your hand, pulling you back. Then it all goes black.”

  “Yeah, I remember being knocked over by the wave and not panicking until I felt something or someone grab hold of my ankle. It was pulling me under. I fought back, but the grip was too tight. I didn’t get a look at it before I lost consciousness.”

  Clearly, someone had been trying to stop Shep and I. My father spoke next.

  “When I got word of the situation here I sent a message to your grandparents. They informed me of where they thought you would be by now. I traveled back to Neveah through a portal not far from here. Thankfully I got to you just in time. I was setting up camp for the night when I heard screams coming from the land bridge. Three Alphyn arrived just as I did and we were successful in scaring away Shep’s assailant.” My father paused as though he were deciding how much information we could handle. The pause was only a second before he continued, “I jumped in the water with nothing but blind faith and found you Lilly. I pulled you out and brought you here. I was going back for Shep when he came wandering off the bridge, yelling your name, completely disoriented.”

  Shep laughed a little. “Yeah, when I saw Lilly laying on the ground and you leaving her body I thought it had been you that knocked me out.” They were both having a good laugh now.

  “What is so funny?”

  Shep snorted a few times before answering me. “I was ready to fight for your honor and had my hand cocked back intending to knock his lights out. I hadn’t realized how weak I was. I heard him telling me he was your dad just before I hit the ground again.”

  “Sorry, but I don’t see the humor in this,” I said, slightly irritated.

  “It’s just kinda funny ya know. Here the first time I meet your father, he saves your life and I try to knock him out for it,” he continued laughing. I saw no point in arguing. Sometimes men had a strange sense of humor. “Well glad you two are getting a nice little chuckle,” I said thinking none of this was funny in the least. “Dad, did you heal Shep too?” I asked curiously. “No,” he said matter of fact. “Why?” I asked.

  It was Shep who answered. “I can heal myself. Remember Lilly, the regeneration thing?” I had forgotten about that. Truth be told, I hadn’t even thought of mine or Shep’s powers. “Oh yeah that’s lucky for you huh?” I asked sarcastically. He didn’t answer.

  We finished our meals and sat by the fire a little longer, talking. Shep and I had dried out. Our packs lay open by the fire next to our shoes allowing them to dry. I decided we had rested long enough. I was anxious to get to Jax’s compound.

  “Well, should we head out?” I asked. “Maybe you should get some sleep,” suggested my father. “No, I feel great. I’m ready to go.” It seemed as though he was trying to stall. I didn’t give it another thought before standing and gathering my things. “You two can sleep here all night, but I am leaving,” I said as I pulled on my boots. “ okay, okay, let’s go,” my father said. Shep was already up and getting ready to go. He was just as anxious as I was.

  “Hey, Shep?”

  “Yeah Lill.”

  “Do you think Jax set a trap for us back there?” I asked, knowing his answer, but wanting to hear him say it.

  “Yeah, Lilly I do, and I promise he will not get to you again. I will make him pay for what he’s doing.” He kissed my forehead and continued gathering his things. My father was up, ready to head out as well.
  “Do you know which direction we need to go?” I asked my father.

  “I have a map, but if you know where to go I won’t need to dig it out of my bag”

  “Yeah, I know the way. If we stop once or twice to rest we should be there in a day and a half. Do the two of you have a plan about what you’re going to do once you get there?” I looked at Shep, he looked at me. “No, we haven’t got that far,” I said feeling foolish.

  “Well, we have some time to think about it. I know a place we can stop to rest. We should make it there by the time the sun is high in the sky. We will be safe there. Then I think it might be wise to continue on to the Northern Mountain until we reach the home of Cyrus and Abigail. They keep watch of the northern corner of Neveah.”

  I interrupted. “I know who they are. I have not met them yet, but I did briefly meet Brontes and Hannah. I was told Cyrus and Abigail have been watching Jax’s moves and reporting to my grandparents. I was told there were many watching Jax and reporting back. We were planning to meet Serephina there.”

  I was having my doubts about where loyalty lay here in Neveah. If so many people were watching Jax, how did he continue wreaking havoc? I chose to keep the thought to myself. Some things were better left unsaid. I still had a lot of unanswered questions, but decided to wait for answers. I followed my dad into the woods, away from the water. Shep followed close behind me, always keeping a hand somewhere on me. It was too dark to notice my surroundings. I didn’t care at this point. I just followed. The ground was hard traveling, many rocks, and shrubbery cluttered the area making it difficult to walk. The longer we walked, the louder the forest became. Animals and beasts were waking from the night. I could hear birds singing and larger creatures walking the forest floor. The sky was beginning to lighten and the chill of the morning was setting in. “The forest is awakening,” I said, not really to anyone, but out loud. “It will be light soon,” my father replied. We walked on, in silence.


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