Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5)

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Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5) Page 21

by Angie Merriam

  “So what’s the plan?” I asked. It was Denali who spoke first.

  “Calista called you the chosen one, but that is only in her visions. She saw you defeating Jax. The people of Neveah have never known his kind of evil. We don’t know how to approach him. It was thought that you being from another world, one littered with war and death, you would maybe know how to defeat this kind of evil.”

  Cyrus continued where Denali stopped. “We have been training for years for this fight. We had all prayed it wouldn’t come to this, but we saw the evil in Jax many years ago. His obsession for your mother has been well known in Neveah. We have had people watching him since word of what he had done to your mother was spread through the land. Calista warned us that he would take your mother, and you would follow her, ready to save her. She warned us you would defeat him, but it would not be easy, and lives would be lost.”

  Abigail picked up the story. “She couldn’t tell us why this chain of events was going to happen. Only that it would. We tried to prepare. Calista sees a lot, but she can’t see everything. We don’t know why you are the one to kill him, or what your destiny is. Please know this; we will not let you stand alone.”

  “But why send me on some crazy journey? Why not just tell me all of this in the first place?” I asked.

  “We selfishly wanted you to fight for Neveah, not only for your mother. We wanted to show you why we love this world. We wanted you to understand why it’s so important for us to save it. We also had hoped you would learn about yourself. Learn your powers. You are very gifted Lilly. We wanted you to be prepared to meet Jax. The people along the way could’ve helped you prepare,” stated Denali.

  “You understand why I couldn’t continue on that journey right?” I asked quietly.

  “Oh yes, we do now. We now know how dangerous Jax really is. We thought we had time. Now we know we were wrong and we are sorry.” It was Denali, and he was sincere with his apology.

  I ran all the information through my head. I understood why they had done what they did. I was no longer angry. They had been looking for a hero, and hoped it was me. I didn’t know if I could be a hero, but I would fight for them, for Neveah, for my family. “So what do we do from here?” I asked.

  “Well, this home sits above Jax’s compound, so we summoned fighters here. The legion of fighter fairies are in route.” I stopped Denali. “Fairies?” I laughed a little and was given serious glares from all around the table. I shrank back. Denali continued on.

  “The fighters are very ferocious. They keep our forests safe. Anyway, the Giants of the east and west will be here soon as well as a family of dragons from the Dark Forest. We also have a tribe of elves marching toward the North. The Alphyn will stand with us along with an array of creatures from all over the land. Multiple families will stand with us as well. Many with great powers are coming. I believe we can win this fight.”

  “Okay, but what am I going to do? I can’t just waltz up there alone, nor can I go with an army.”

  “Well, with Shep and James gone, that leaves me,” said Denali. “It’s a great disappointment though, are you aware of the power you and Shep possess when you are together?” I shook my head no. I knew of our connection, our chemistry, but not of any powers.

  “He truly is your other half Lilly. Together you are invincible, there is much for you to learn, let’s make it through this first.” He stopped, but my interest had been sparked. Shep and I really were connected in more ways than I had imagined. My heart broke a little thinking of him, not knowing if I would ever see him again. I pushed the thought from my mind, refusing to think the worst. I would see him again, I knew I would.

  We had been sitting at the table for hours when a knock was heard on the door. Cyrus rose, heading to the door. “It’s probably one of the Specials,” said Denali. I turned, eager to catch a glimpse of our visitors. Cyrus slid his peephole open, to view our guests.

  “I can’t believe it! Oh my Neveah! Get over here Lilly, Denali!” He spoke with urgency as we hopped off the table and ran to the door. I was scared. His reaction had not been one of seeing someone expected. The knock came louder when we reached Cyrus.

  “What is it?” I asked breathlessly. “Jax?” I asked, slightly nervous but ready. He shook his head no, the knock louder again.

  “What’s going on? Open the door!” I recognized the voice at once. I glanced at Denali and up at Cyrus who was now smiling. “Well, open the door Cyrus,” I said with excitement. He unlatched the lock and flung the door open.

  I was standing face to face with Shep. I ran into his arms, giggling sobs escaping my throat. I squeezed him tight, happy to feel him squeeze me back. I loosened my grip, urging him into the house when I saw he was not alone. The sky had gone dark again since our arrival, and I hadn’t noticed the two shadowy figures who had stepped in behind Shep. The face broke through the shadow. “MOM!” I screamed, running to her, grabbing her around the neck. “Oh my God, I was so scared mom. I was so worried about you! You’re alive and safe! Oh my God!” Her arms went around me. One hand stroking my hair like she use to do when I was a child.

  “Oh Lilly, I am so happy you’re safe.” She kissed me on the forehead. I didn’t want to let her go. I felt two more arms around me and looked up long enough to see my dad. I was sobbing uncontrollably. Time froze. For a few moments, I was not in some make believe land, trying to fight a madman. I was with my family. I was happy.

  My moment didn’t last long. The Giants and Denali had many questions for the three escape artists. They were all shuffled into the giant house and took spots at the same mini table I had sat at earlier. I sat close to Shep, my hand never leaving his. I would hold that hand forever if that’s what it took to keep him with me. Every few minutes he would squeeze my hand. I thought he was checking to be sure I was real. I squeezed back, assuring him I was.

  My mother and father told us of their escape. They both found it unsettling that it had been so easy. Shep didn’t speak, just sat, listening and squeezing my hand. I wondered if he knew about his mother. I didn’t want to have to tell him yet, so I waited to find the right moment.

  Denali was speaking, “Do you have any ideas as to why he let you go?” I wondered where the enduring moment of reunion had gone for my mother and her brother. They spoke as business partners, not family. I filed the thought for a later date. My father was speaking now, “We don’t know why he let us go. His behavior is erratic and unpredictable. We know he will come again though. Maybe he is hoping to find us together.”

  It was Abigail this time. “But why, why would he take the time to kidnap you just to let you go? It makes no sense.”

  Cyrus was next. “Have you heard the fate of Serephina and Akayleah?” He looked over at Shep, offering a look of condolence.

  “Yes, we knew of my mother’s passing, but we don’t know why he killed her but let us live. We did not know of Serephina.” Denali looked across the small table at me. I think he was looking for approval in telling Shep why his mother was gone. I nodded my head yes, unable to tell him the story myself. He began with Serephina.

  “It seems he has more insiders than we originally thought. He got word that Serephina was traveling to villages recruiting people of Neveah to stand behind us in a fight. He knew she had spoken with Calista, . and had been given her insight into what was to come. He met her on her journey, skin walking as Avelon, the leader of the elves. She told him of our plan, confirming what he already knew. Knowing she was dangerous to him he killed her, leaving her on the forest floor.” His voice was low, thick with sadness as he spoke of the little elf. He paused for only a second before he went on.

  “It seems the story of Akayleah is much shorter. According to our spies, it was her sister, Kelsha, who told him he was the father of Akayleah’s son. He felt a sharp betrayal, and once he brought her back to his compound, he tortured her for her betrayal.” He paused, deciding it was best not to go into detail. “He gave her the choice, her life or her son’s. We al
l know her choice.” Shep’s hand was tight in mine. He was fighting his tears, not wanting to break down. He didn’t respond, just sat, silent as he had done since his arrival.

  Shep and I sat there listening to the ideas of my parents, my uncle, and the Giants. I had a strong desire to run, go back home, get far away from this place. I knew that was impossible. Jax had to be stopped. He would follow us to our world. They were discussing the betrayal of Kelsha. It had been learned recently that she was reporting back to Jax. Their true relationship was argued. No one knew the extent of their connection, but decided she was the betrayer of the Levannah family. What they didn’t know was why. What drove her to follow such a madman?

  ~Chapter Thirty One~

  The trip to Jax’s didn’t take long. Kelsha was nervous. She convinced herself on her journey that Jax would welcome her and their baby with open arms. He would accept that she would have to kill Annika, and they would run away together. This, of course, was only reality in her head. She knew there was a very real chance he would reject her. She couldn’t let that happen.

  The thoughts of the Specials and creatures below crowded her mind at times, and she screamed internally for them to shut up. She was thankful for her gift most of the time, it gave her a great insight and advantage in many situations. Times like these though, it was a curse, when all she wanted to do was listen to her own mind, but couldn’t. She was soaring over Lake Aruna when her mind was finally quiet. Apparently water creatures didn’t have many thoughts. She used this time to convince herself that her plan would work.

  When she finally reached the compound she didn’t even bother to secure Lucy. She had never really cared for the dragon, and didn’t care if she flew away right now. She was where she needed to be. She let herself in, not wanting to draw attention. Jax always had Specials and creatures around, and she didn’t want anyone to recognize her. She drew her cloak over her head and found her way to Jax’s room. He wasn’t there, but she had an idea where he could be.

  He had shown her the dungeon before, years ago. He had confided in her, his plan to kidnap Annika. He had knowledge from a Fey of what would take place. He had explained it all to her in great detail. That must be where he was. She listened for his thoughts. It wasn’t long before she could pick his out of the rest of the household. She was right, he was in the dungeon.

  She made her way down without attracting a glance. She had only passed a few Specials on her way and wondered why they were so scarce. The house was usually crawling with bodies. The emptiness made her uneasy, but she ignored it, pushing on down into the ground.

  He was coming out of the dungeon when she found him. His shock at seeing her was apparent. He quickly tried to change his face. He went from shock, to excitement at seeing her in a fraction of a second, but she hadn’t missed his initial reaction. It didn’t bother her. He wasn’t expecting her after all. She knew his little Fey had not seen this coming. She hadn’t decided her own course until that night. She flashed him her dazzling smile. “Hello Jax,” she said as seductively as possible.

  “Kelsha, I wasn’t expecting you. To what do I owe this special visit?” He asked, a master at hiding his real feelings. She grabbed his hand, pointing up the hall. “Shall we talk in a place a little more welcoming?” She asked.

  “Of course my dear,” he replied and followed her out. Having been surprised by his visitor, he hadn’t locked the door to the dungeon. The unlocked door nagged his mind. He would get rid of her quickly and go back to secure the room.

  They made it out of the dungeon tunnel, and she led him to his own room. They stepped inside the lavish room, painted in red with a bed of gold. A large fireplace stood near the window and was burning when they came in. The room was dark, save the firelight. Jax went to light a few candles, but was stopped by Kelsha. “No, I like the firelight,” she said. She was nervous, and didn’t want to see his face if things didn’t go as she had planned. She wandered over to the bed, removing her cloak, revealing her low cut gown. She had hoped seeing her in the firelight, beautiful in red, would soften him for her.

  “What’s this about Kelsha? You are ravishing tonight, but I have a great deal of things I need to be doing.” He was urging her on. She didn’t like being rushed. She sat silently for a second, deciding how to tell him. Direct was her choice. “I am pregnant Jax.”

  He was quick to respond, “Is it mine?”

  “Yes, of course! How dare you ask me that? You know I have only ever been with you.” She was genuinely hurt and offended by his question. His face was still unreadable as was his mind. She waited for his reaction. He didn’t speak, just stood there staring at her. “What do you expect from me Kelsha?” He finally asked.

  “I expected you would want to care for your child. I believe it’s a boy,” she added, trying to make the idea more enticing.

  “This really puts a crimp in my plans Kelsha, how could you do this?” He was rubbing his face in annoyance. Kelsha saw red.

  “How could I do this? Do you think I did this to myself? Don’t forget Jax, you were a willful participant!” She had not expected him to dismiss her this easily. She was beyond angry at his response. Her blood was boiling. She stood, and bluntly told him what she was expecting.

  “This is the plan. I am going to do you a favor and get rid of Annika Levannah, and anyone else who wishes to cross me. After that, we are going to leave Neveah for good.”

  He stared at her as though she had lost her mind. He could see she was unstable at the moment, and chose to tread carefully in those waters. He knew the baby was his. Kelsha may be a lot of things; a whore was not one of them. He felt slightly bad about how he had reacted, but this really did put a crimp in his plans.

  He had always thought highly of Kelsha, and enjoyed the time he spent with her. She was always loyal to him, and just as demented. They shared broken hearts and the need for revenge. He had always been clear with her though, she was well aware of his need to have Annika as his own. He had been waiting eighteen years and had perfected a flawless plan. Everything he’d dreamed of was within in reach. It hadn’t been difficult to deceive Annika. She’d been so willing to go with him. He’d been beside himself with joy when Lilly came looking for her mother, bringing James Mender and Shep to him. He’d always planned to take Lilly, but she was making his game easier for him. His men managed to nab James and Shep while they slept but Lilly still wandered around Neveah free. She was the only missing piece to his puzzle but that didn’t worry Jax.

  With Akayleah out of the way, Shep would feel an uncontrollable desire to protect his dear Lilly, leaving him the perfect target of manipulation. He would have his son by his side, be it of free will or bribery. He would play the same game with Annie and James, promising the safety of James in exchange for the hand of Annika. With Annika as his bride, the Levannah family would have to welcome him back. He would be king of Neveah, or, would have been. Until Kelsha’s arrival, his plan was perfect. How was he to care for her and this child, while proving his loyalty to Annika and her royal family? For the first time since he’d set his plan into motion, Jax felt a tinge of worry.

  She stood staring as he hashed his original plan out in his mind. She still stood silent, as he thought of his new choices. He could kill her now and be rid of the problem. On the other hand, a child of his own that would not deny him was a hard idea to resist. He could hide the woman until she gave birth, and then kill her. No, that would raise too many questions. He could think of no way to have the baby and Annika. Not right now anyway. He would give the situation more thought. He may be volatile, but he would not murder the mother of his child, now or ever. Nor, would he allow her to kill Annika.

  ~Chapter Thirty Two~

  We all slept fitfully that night. I woke countless times, listening for the sounds of an intruder. Each time I was jolted awake, I woke Shep as well. I could hear the restless stirs of my mother and father. They had not had the proper reunion, but the joy they felt at being together was tangible, if n
ot secondary to the reason we were here. We had been told that Specials and creatures from all corners of Neveah would be arriving throughout the night and into the morning to march with us to Jax’s compound. We would be prepared and ready.

  By morning all Specials and creatures had arrived. Shep and my parents had been making the rounds all morning, discussing tactics and plans. I stood in the doorway watching and observing. Some of the creatures were frightening to look at, and I admittedly, was slightly afraid to venture too close. I was aware of a Gryphon flying above us. It was black as night and stood in stark contrast to the snow white Phoenix who shared the sky patrolling duty. There were four Alphyn roaming the land around the house along with three dragons, all of which could take to the sky, if need be. Avery and Avelon had brought ten of their elves to march beside us. They were the first to arrive and there was a certain heaviness in the air without Serephina. Merrick and Hadrian flew in with at least twenty five of their fighters. It was hard to imagine the tiny fairies being very fierce, but Denali assured me they can hold their own against any size being.

  I caught sight of a small group of bodies at the edge of the tree line. They were dressed in long pleated skirts, with nothing on their chest but a plethora of muscles and a bow and arrow. Their faces were frightening yet handsome and their black hair hung to their waists. Had it not been for the magnificent black wings, the three of them may have looked like Ordinary men. They were a sight to behold.

  Denali interrupted my observations, saying I needed to meet with those who would stand beside me against Jax. I swallowed my fear, and followed him out. Denali had a calm face, but a booming voice. He demanded attention, and everyone stopped what they were doing to hear the man standing on top of a giant tree stump, with a visibly nervous girl behind him.


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