Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5)

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Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5) Page 22

by Angie Merriam

  “I want to thank everyone for coming to join us. As most of you now know, my sister is no longer Jax Bane’s prisoner. That does not make him any less of a threat. We know, by way of our internal spies, Jax’s goal is not only to have Annika but to rule Neveah. What we don’t know is why he allowed Annika to escape with James and Shep. Our lack of knowledge makes him dangerous. We must always have our guard up. We must watch out for each other.” He paused taking a breath while I hovered just behind him. He continued on.

  “As you also know my sister had a child, Lilly, and we have reason to believe she may be pivotal in defeating the enemy. She comes from a different world, one that is ravaged by war and hatred. It is thought that her knowledge of war and the action of those who start them may be invaluable to us.” “Wow,” I thought, “did these people think I was raised in the middle of a war zone?” Granted, there were wars fought, for many different reasons: greed, politics, control, civil rights, and freedom. But I had not been touched by war. I hadn’t the foggiest idea what the hell to do here. I couldn’t lead these people to a war they believed I knew how to fight. I was just as frightened as they were. I had lost what Denali was saying, lost in my own thoughts. I was trying to figure a way out of this, glancing at my mother who looked as confused as I felt. I had to say something, I just didn’t know what.

  I stopped Denali mid speech, though I had no idea where to begin, I started to talk.

  “Hello, my name is Lilly May, daughter of Annie and James. It is true I come from a different world, one that had dealt with its fair share of wars, but those fights didn’t affect my life. I grew up in the forest, much like the forests here in Neveah. I was sheltered from many of that world’s evils. As far as I was concerned I lived in paradise. I have no idea how to fight this enemy. I came for my mother and was told all of Neveah rested on my success or failure. I’m sorry but if you're relying on me to beat Neveah’s evil on my own, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. I don’t know how to fight any more than you do.” I could hear the whispers, the shocked gasps. I saw the shocked looks. I saw defeat written on their faces. Even those that scared me looked fragile and scared after my proclamation. I raised my voice to get their attention again. “I’m not done, please let me finish. I may not be a chosen one, but I will fight for Neveah. I will fight for my family. I will stand for Neveah. Jax Bane must be stopped. He cannot be allowed to hurt another body. He murdered my friend Serephina, and my husband’s mother. His evil has touched me in ways I never dreamed. I will stand beside you. I will fight with you, but I will not lead you into a war with myself being a false idol. You will not follow me. We will go forward together, united.” I stopped, breathing heavily. I glanced around, trying to assess their reactions.

  It was Denali who started to clap, followed by Shep, my parents, and soon they were all clapping and cheering. Denali hugged me. “Thank you,” he whispered. “We’re family, and family doesn’t abandon family in times of need. Not in my world or yours,” I replied hugging him back.

  Creatures of all kinds were shaking my hand, hugging me. A new sense of security was felt knowing we all stood as equals and we stood together. I met many of the Specials. My father’s family of healers was there and had reunited with their lost son. Leah’s family was there as well and welcomed Shep with open arms. He was beside himself knowing he had family who were good. He was really low when he found out about Jax, then again because his Aunt Kelsha is involved with Jax. We all tried to assure him this didn’t make him evil, and he believed us for the most part. There was still a small part of him that doubted though. His family was touched in many different ways. Some hearing thoughts, some seeing the future, or like Shep’s Aunt Kelsha, able to hear thoughts as well as having super hearing and magnificent sight range.

  Shep’s family was pivotal in relaying information to us from the flying creatures. My father’s family was invaluable with their powers to heal the injured. There was a group of people who could control the elements, and one who could start fires. There were the dream makers, and those with abilities to run fast, jump high and fly. The Specials looked very much like the humans of my world, and any one of them could blend in there. There were at least fifty special humans there, not including the elves and fairies. Our numbers were close to one hundred. I hoped it would be enough.

  I grabbed my husband, pulling him away from a crowd. I wanted a few moments alone with him before our trek down the mountain. Once we were a good distance away I turned and kissed him, long and hard. We pulled away breathless.

  “Well hello,” he whispered.

  “Hello,” I said back. “I just wanted a minute with you before we move on,” I whispered. He gathered me in his arms.

  “It’s going to be okay Lilly. These people . have great abilities, not to mention yours and mine. Have you used yours yet?”

  “No, have you?”

  “Yeah, remember when my mother first showed me and then again after you almost drowned?”

  “Oh yeah, I remember.” My thoughts were all mixed up, and I felt slightly foolish not remembering the times he had used his power. I brushed the thought away, continuing our conversation.

  “How was it?” I asked.

  “It felt strange at first, my whole body heats up, and then I can feel the heat traveling to the area that is injured. The injured area heats up to the point I feel like I am burning from the inside out, then the heat goes away, pretty quickly. The wounded area tingles a bit, and then goes away. It was a little scary at first, but now I know and it’s not really painful. I think, maybe the heat masks the pain.”

  “Wow, did you choose for yourself to heal, or did it just happen? I mean how did you just turn it on?”

  “I don’t know it just happened. I think it just comes naturally.”

  “Hmm, well I haven’t needed to use mine, so I have no idea what to do or what I can heal or where to start should I need to use it. I have heard there are different healing gifts. Apparently I am a complete healer, but have no idea what that means or where to start should I need to use it. My Meme also said I have the calming power, but again have no idea how to use it.”

  “You’ll figure it out Lilly. We are going to beat this you know, and then we are going to have a proper honeymoon.” His smile was dazzling and his arms around me gave me a sense of safety.

  I wanted to stay this way forever, safe in Shep’s arms.

  Our few stolen moments were interrupted by one of the large winged men. “Excuse me, but we need to go over some plans with you.” He was looking at Shep, who had pulled away from me. “Yeah sure,” he replied and walked away with the winged man, but not before glancing back at me with his reassuring smile.

  ~Chapter Thirty Three~

  Kelsha had been frozen in place, waiting for Jax to answer her. A thousand thoughts spun in her mind. His face was always like stone, unreadable. She couldn’t take the anticipation any longer. “Jax, what are you thinking?” She asked. She was worried by his silence. She had been so brash with him, demanding, and he didn’t take kindly to demands. She was afraid she had overstepped her boundaries. Finally he rose, and strolled lazily over to where she was standing. “Ahh, dear Kelsha, if I wasn’t so fond of you, you would be dead right now.” His hand was around her neck, squeezing lightly. “You know I don’t take threats or demands don’t you silly girl?” She shook her head in response. His hands closed just a tiny more around her neck.

  “Are you afraid of me Kelsha?” She shook her head no, determined to prove she was strong enough and worthy of his affections. “No? Huh, you should be,” he warned before releasing his hands. He turned his back on her and marched out of the room.

  He had to see his Fey. He had to know what was to happen. He couldn’t answer Kelsha yet. She would have to wait. Jax climbed the stairs at the end of the hallway. They wound up three flights ending at a locked door. He jingled his keys loudly, signaling that he was coming in. She would have time to hide. He knew he could never see his little Fey
. He couldn’t take the chance of being seduced by her. Her knowledge of the future was invaluable and he greatly relied on her to help him make the correct decisions.

  He walked in slowly; wanting to be sure she was hidden from view. “Hello,” he called out. There was no response and for a second he worried something had happened to her. Just as panic was setting in he heard her.

  “Hello Jax. What can I do for you?” Her voice was deep and raspy and always left Jax wondering what she looked like. If she looked as sexy as her voice sounded, he knew he wouldn’t stand a chance. He stayed close to the door, just to be safe.

  “It seems there has been a turn of events that neither you nor I saw coming.” He cleared his throat before going on.

  “You see, Kelsha of Antiope is with my child. I don’t know what to do in this situation.” His voice shook with vulnerability, a side of him no one, but his little Fey had ever seen or heard. “I need to know what you see. Do you see me winning this war, winning Annika? Do you see me with Kelsha, raising a baby?” His heart was pounding, and he paced the floor by the door. The Fey took a long time before speaking to Jax.

  “I am sorry Jax, but I do not see you winning this war . you have created. Many of your followers have been reporting to the Levannah family, and those who were loyal have abandoned you, thinking this is a lost cause.” This was not what he wanted to hear, she went on. “There are many who have gathered to fight you Jax, you will not win. Leave Neveah. Leave with Kelsha before it’s too late for you. Your future in Neveah is limited.”

  She stopped with that warning, telling him to leave. Her prophecy was highly disappointing but he had no intention of leaving Neveah without Annie. He knew by the tone of his Fey that she was done speaking. There was nothing left to discuss. He left her alone, locking the door behind him, and went back to Kelsha.

  He found her still in his room, waiting by the window. He would keep her with him; at least until she gave birth, he would decide what to do with the woman after his child was born. He knew she was nearly as dangerous as he was. He would need to be careful with her. He startled her when he spoke.

  “They are waging war on me. You are well aware of this right?”


  “I didn’t think they had it in them, the people of Neveah I mean. They have always been so weak. It’s disgusting really. And James Mender is back. I can’t believe he took my threats so lightly. I will be sure he takes me seriously from now on,” he said, irritation in his voice.

  Kelsha agreed, coming to stand by him at the window. She had thought James was dead all these years and felt a stab in her heart. She pushed the feeling away. James being alive didn’t matter. He would never love her, after all. She would make Jax her priority. Jax continued talking, unaware that she hadn’t been listening.

  “I expected the daughter, maybe a few tagalongs for help, but not hundreds. I don’t have the means to fight them here. We are greatly outnumbered, and I question the loyalty of many in this house, but not you Kelsha.” He smiled at her and she smiled back, feeling as though she had gained some ground.

  “What do you plan to do Jax?” She asked.

  “Well, had the idiots I sent for Shep and James followed my orders and brought Lilly to me as well, I would have them all captive now. Are you aware of the ability Lilly and Shep possess when they are together?”

  Kelsha shook her head. “No, tell me.”

  “Well, together they are sort of invincible. His self-healing power paired with her power to heal creates a greater power. No one can touch them, or hurt them. It’s as if they are wrapped in a protective barrier. It’s impenetrable. I have never seen two powers combine like that, as though they were truly made for each other.”

  “How do you know this?” She asked, intrigued.

  “I have known for years. I have watched them together, out in the Ordinary World. Even amongst the Ordinaries, you could see their auroras spark together. It really is amazing. His mother knew, as does Annika. Shep and Lilly can never know. Together they can cause great damage because no one can protect themselves against them. Apart, they are vulnerable. Yeah Shep is slightly stronger than Lilly, with his regeneration power, but he is not invincible. His heart will stop if it is pierced.”

  Kelsha was fascinated, if not jealous. She would have loved to connect with someone on that level. She pushed the thought aside. It didn’t matter now anyway. “What do you plan to do?” She asked again. “Run, with you and my dungeon prisoners. I can’t take chances, you being with child. I will see you safe and return on my own. But, if you even think of harming Annika, I will kill you,” he said, his tone fierce. He quickly left the room with Kelsha close behind.

  They reached the door to the dungeon and found it opened. “What the hell?” Jax murmured under his breath. He gingerly walked in, shock written on his face. Kelsha waited in the hallway, not sure she wanted to know what happened in there. The scent of death was heavy in the room and the various odors were wafting out, assaulting her nose. Jax returned only a few seconds later clearly furious. “What is it?” She asked. “They are gone,” he replied. “What do you mean, gone?” She asked.

  “I mean they are gone you stupid girl. I forgot to lock this door, having been surprised by you!” He spat, his hands rubbing his face and head aggressively.

  “You forgot to lock a dungeon door that held your prisoners? The ones you planned so nicely to capture and I am the stupid one?” She laughed in his face. His tan skin was turning crimson as anger rose in his cheeks. Had she not been with his child, he would have no problem killing this woman where she stood. How dare she distract him from his plans, then mock him when they go wrong?

  He slapped her hard across the face. Stunned, she just stood there, laughing at him. The taste of blood was dancing on her tongue. She composed herself before she spoke again.

  “I deserved that, but do not ever hit me again. You are not the only one capable of murder dear Jax.”

  “Are you threatening me Kelsha?”

  “Oh no, just stating a fact. I am not the demure little Annie that you can abuse while I lay limp in the corner.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes it is so. You will not abuse me. I will slit your throat in your sleep if you ever lay a finger on me again.” She stood in his face, blood dripping from her lip, her voice lined with animosity.

  It was Jax who was laughing now. This woman really believed she would kill him given the chance. She really was perfect for him. She was strong willed, beautiful, yet slightly mad. Had Annika of Levannah not stolen his heart all those years ago, he could maybe love this woman. But, he couldn’t, not now or ever.

  “Point taken Kelsha. You know, we would have been perfect together, had we not been spoiled by others. I may not be able to love you, but we can be partners. I know you are not able to love me any more than I am able to love you. We don’t have to live in fear of each other though. I give you my word to never harm you again.” He held a hand out to her, as though shaking on some deal. She knew he was lying. He would surely harm her again, if she were to cross him. She knew the dangers of Jax, but she was more dangerous. She reached for his hand, but pulled him close to her. His face inches from hers. Her breasts pressed hard against his chest. She could feel him rising in excitement. She knew she excited him, and that would be his weakness.

  “I will be your partner Jax. I will help you with whatever your plan may be, but do not underestimate me. Carrying your child or not, I can be your worst nightmare.” She shoved her tongue in his mouth, tasting his excitement. Just as she thought his need of her was erupting, she pulled away. She turned and strode up the hallway, out of the dungeon, leaving him breathless and frustrated. She had him right where she wanted him.

  “Stupid girl, huh,” she mused to herself. “Stupid man, can forget his purpose with a simple kiss.”

  She waited for him in the entry way. He wasn’t far behind her. He composed himself quickly, she thought.

  “Now wh
at?” Kelsha asked.

  “We get them back,” he answered. His tone had a hint of annoyance which she attributed to the kiss a few moments ago.

  “This time, the girl as well.”

  “Then what, do you really think Annika will want to be with you?”

  “Once I kill James, as I should have done years ago. Then I will flee with you and the other three. They will learn to appreciate me, if not love me. I will give them no choice. I will marry Annika. I will lead Neveah. You are an unfortunate accident, but one I intend to deal with when the time comes.” He spoke with arrogance. The man was delusional she thought. He would never persuade Annika to love him. He would never rule Neveah. Her family and friends would kill him first. He may be evil, but his level of genius was in question. He was blinded by love. She would fix the problem for him. She knew her role. Kelsha knew what must be done for her to move on, as well as Jax. He would be furious with her, she knew, but he would thank her one day. “May I come along with you, to help?” She asked sweetly. “Maybe between the two of us, we won’t screw things up.” He sighed, thinking for a moment. “Okay,” was all he said.

  She followed him outside, behind the compound. His stables were back there and housed half a dozen horses, all black as night. He mounted his own, motioning her to one of the smaller . horses. She snorted, taking offense at this, and mounted a stallion just as large as the one Jax rode. He smiled, clearly impressed with her choice, though he spoke no words to her.

  He galloped out of the stable and headed North, toward the home of Cyrus and Abigail. He decided that was the closest refuge for his prisoners to run to. Kelsha trotted behind him. Once away from the compound he kicked the horse, urging it to run full speed. Kelsha did the same. They would make it within an hour at this speed. His plan was not fully formed yet and would take this time to decide exactly how he would capture them again.

  He was secretly happy to have Kelsha with him. He trusted her to bring no harm to Annika, for the sake of the baby she carried. He thought he could feel her fear when he was close to her. That fear would keep her in line, at least for a while. Jax would decide what to do about her later. She was right, Annika would never agree to his having a mistress. He would eventually need to dispose of Kelsha. He would enjoy her until the time came, he decided, and smiled back at her.


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