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Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5)

Page 30

by Angie Merriam

  “Where is he? Lead me to him,” he ordered. Kelsha flashed him her devious smile and led him to the dungeon.

  Shep’s fearful eyes widened at the sight of Heren. He had been bound and gagged, completely unable to move. His once strong frame had begun to wither due to his refusal of food and water. He spent the first day in the dungeon screaming obscenities at Fionna and her sister until Kelsha had him gagged. He had no other way to fight her than to refuse the nutrition she offered. He made the decision to die down in that place before he accepted anything from her. Shep was unable to put up a fight when Heren laid his hands upon his head. Within seconds, Shep was unconscious. He would wake a new man. Heren’s ability to erase a person’s entire life made Kelsha’s body tingle with pride.

  That night Kelsha rewarded Heren as promised. Heren had always been so gentle with her. He never rushed, never bit or scratched, or pulled her hair. She was a delicate butterfly under his crushing hands. However, tonight Kelsha craved the animalism Jax had shown her, and she was not a delicate butterfly, but rather she was a ravenous tiger, and she would not settle for gentleness.

  Before they made it to their chamber in the darkness of the tunnel, she turned to Heren and whispered, “Take me, right now!” She began untying the rope that held her dress together, exposing her lovely breasts.

  He was reluctant at first, replying, “Kelsha, what are you doing? I can’t take you here, like this, what kind of man would I be?”

  He tried to step back, but she grabbed his shirt, pulling him close, whispering, “You would be a strong man, a real man, take me here and now!” She finished, biting the fleshy part of his ear, then his neck. She thrust her tongue in his mouth, forcing his teeth apart. He stood rigid, unsure of himself, until she shoved her hand down his pants, squeezing his manhood.

  “Relax, Heren, you will enjoy this.” She could feel his body relax while his penis stood erect. He began kissing her back with a fury he had never felt. Within seconds, he was nude from head to toe, as was Kelsha. He found her breasts and took them in his mouth, biting and pinching her nipples until they were hard. He explored every inch of her body with his mouth and when his mouth found the moist spot between her legs, she purred in pleasure. She pushed him to the ground, admiring his manhood. She teased him with her own mouth before riding him until he burst with pleasure inside her. She collapsed on top of him, trembling.

  She laughed quietly. “Wow, I didn’t think you had it in you. You were amazing.”

  He grinned back at her. “I didn’t know you were that kind of woman or I would have taken you like an animal long ago.” They lay on the cold hard floor, bodies trembling with pleasure, and full of each other.

  Once they finished, the two of them dressed and Kelsha asked, “How long before we can move him?”

  Heren was pushing a button through the last hole when he replied, “We can move him now if you like, darling. He is sleeping and will be for quite some time.” She smiled at him, very pleased with his accomplishment. He followed her out of the dungeon hall and up to the room that would soon belong to Shep.

  “We will bring him here,” she said to Heren.

  “Fionna will be waiting, I assume?”

  “Yes, she is more than a willing participant. She is smitten with the boy and eager to play her role.”

  “What do you plan to tell him of his past, and the reason he has no recollection of it?”

  “Well, I am truly his aunt, you know? I will tell him his mother died and he came to me shortly after. He suffered memory loss under the stress of his mother’s death and has blackout moments leaving his mind completely blank. Therefore he must stay with me as I am the only one who can care for him,” she said sweetly as though she were speaking directly to Shep. Heren smiled at her. He was immensely impressed by her and vowed to care for her at all costs.

  “That is brilliant, my love.”

  “Yes, I know. Now let's fetch Fionna and Marcello. She needs to assume her role while he helps you carry Shep here.”

  “Of course, darling,” he replied as they set out to find their willing help. Kelsha was excited by the possibilities that Shep presented. With Lilly out of his mind, he would more likely be willing to serve Kelsha. He would have no choice. He had no one else. She was his only family now.

  ~Chapter Seven~

  When Shep woke he was in a large feather bed. The room was dimly lit. His mind buzzed as it tried to recognize the room. He had no idea where he was. As his mind swam out of the fog, he couldn’t remember who he was. His mind was blank. He sat up, panic setting in. Frantically, he looked around the room and was still unable to identify his surroundings. He heard a noise in the corner and realized he was not alone.

  “Who’s there?” he whispered in the dark. No answer. He started to get out of the bed and realized he had no clothes on. “Shit, where are my clothes?” he said to himself, but out loud. He heard a giggle in the corner. “Who’s there?” he demanded. The giggle came a little louder. His heart was beginning to slow when he realized the giggle belonged to a woman. He sat up, trying to get a glimpse of the woman behind the giggle.

  Fionna stepped out of the shadows, wearing nothing but a red stone necklace. “You’re awake, my love,” she stated, sweetly. Shep had no idea who this woman was or why she was naked. His mind paused long enough to admire her lovely, delicate body. Her face was pretty too, but in a plain way. Her body, though, was mesmerizing, and Shep had to look away to regain control. When he turned back to the woman, she was in the bed, watching him, smiling a sweet smile.

  “Have you forgotten me again? I swear one of these days I will not forgive you for forgetting me,” she warned lightly, never losing her smile.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know who you are. It seems I don’t know who I am either.” Shep looked away, and ran his hands through his hair.

  “Here, let me see if I can help you remember me,” she said and he looked back. Her eyes were like deep, sparkling pools that could drown him if he wasn’t careful, and her mouth, so plain yet so delicate, moved gracefully as she spoke.

  “You are Shep, my husband.” She held up her hand, showing him a ring. “I am Fionna, your loving wife. Together we are amazing. Come here and let me show you,” she said as her lips met his. He resisted, unsure of himself and of her. She had a job to do, though, make him believe he was in love with her. She would have fun with this job. He was so handsome after all, so manly. She had no trouble making her body rise to this occasion. Just looking at him caused her skin to tingle, and she wanted him badly. She had sat in that corner, naked, watching him sleep for hours. Her body was so ready for him. She didn’t know how slowly she could take this.

  Shep let out a deep sigh. Something felt wrong to him. He couldn’t put his finger on it. He felt out of place in this room, next to this woman. He felt her slide under the cover, felt her move closer to him, until he could feel her flesh on his own. She reached a hand up, gently touching his back.

  “It’s me, try to remember me,” she begged. Her hands made their way to his head, which she gently turned to face her. He could feel her breasts. Her nipples were erect and waiting for him. Before he knew what was happening, she had his manhood in her hand and was gently stroking it. The situation felt strange and wrong, yet his body was asking for her.

  “I don’t think we should do this,” he tried to protest, but she quieted him, covering his mouth with hers. She worked slowly. He pulled away, breathless, “Really, ma’am, I don’t know who you are. You really are lovely, but—” He couldn’t finish. His manhood was deep in her mouth and the protests died away.

  He pulled her up to him. Her body was so small next to his. He gently kissed her belly, then her breasts where he stopped to suckle her begging nipples. They explored each other for hours, taking turns pleasuring the other with hands and mouths before neither of them could take the teasing any longer. When he finally entered her, it wasn’t long until he burst with full pleasure.

  They stayed in bed
the entire day and night, making love over and over again. As she lay sleeping next to him, he thought she must be his wife, how could he love her so if she wasn’t? Yet there was still a small part of him nagging his brain. Telling him this was wrong, telling him to run. He pushed those thoughts to the deepest corners of his mind, sealing them tightly away. He just wanted to enjoy this lovely creature next to him. He fell asleep with her in his arms, and dreamt of another woman. This one was different. She had fiery hair, piercing eyes that stabbed his heart, and skin like a porcelain doll. She was beckoning him to her, pulling him closer and closer until he was jolted awake. He woke to his delicate little wife smiling up at him, and she asked, “Do you still remember me, baby?”

  “Of course, my love,” he replied and tried to shut that dream girl away.

  When Shep and Fionna finally rose out of bed, they went to meet with Kelsha. Fionna explained that Kelsha was Shep's aunt and only living family. She explained to him the war that was stewing and informed him of his duty: training Specials to be soldiers.

  “Why me?” he asked.

  “Because you’re the best,” she replied, sureness in her tone. They met Kelsha and Heren out in the courtyard. Jax had kept the compound dark, cold, and desolate. Kelsha had lightened it up, warmed it up, and added winter flowers and greenery to make it feel like home.

  She was pleased to see Shep approaching her, his hand firmly in Fionna’s. The girl wore a smile from ear to ear, telling Kelsha the plan had worked. “Well hello, you two love birds,” she said in greeting.

  “Hello, Aunt Kelsha, you look lovely,” Shep replied, kissing her cheek. He didn’t want her to know he had a lapse of memory. Fionna told him she would be angry. It would be their little secret. He foolishly believed her. How was he to know she was a gifted manipulator? As long as she stayed close to Shep, he would believe he loved her.

  Over the next weeks and months, Shep trained the Specials to fight. He wasn’t given details, just told to train. He was a natural soldier, and a natural leader. He taught them how to handle a knife, how to fight with bare hands, how to wield a sword, and how to protect themselves. The Specials had their gifts, but not all would be an asset in the war. Everyone respected Shep and fell in line behind him easily.

  He had fallen easily into the role of husband to Fionna and loved to dote on her. He had come to greatly admire and respect his aunt, swearing to protect her in the inevitable war. He was still unsure who or what they were fighting, yet he continued on. When he wasn't training the soldiers, he was going over plans with Kelsha, who was becoming increasingly pregnant day by day. Heren was always within arm’s reach of her, which Shep found comforting. He knew, should something happen to him, Heren would care for his two women.

  Shep and Heren had become great friends during the passing days while Fionna and Kelsha bonded over the impending birth of Kelsha's baby. Fionna spent hours on end making things for the baby. Shep suspected Fionna was eager for a child of her own and decided they would try once this war was over. According to Heren, the time was coming quickly. They were all confident in Shep's training. They were convinced the war would be over before it began, Kelsha's colony being declared the victors.

  Shep felt the same confidence as the other inhabitants. He wasn’t sure exactly what they were fighting, but he was sure of Kelsha. He trusted her with his life and basked in the praise she bestowed upon him when she saw how well he trained the Specials.

  Yes, he knew a war was coming and prayed he had done well enough to keep his family safe.

  ~Chapter Eight~

  Denali spent his days and nights tracking Kelsha's every move. He couldn't help but feel a deep responsibility when it came to the downfall of his family. He was well aware of the war Kelsha was attempting to create and vowed to stop her before she was able to start.

  He felt Neveah change in recent days. The air of peacefulness that usually circulated was becoming thinner and thinner. The vegetation was beginning to droop slightly, and his father's energy was waning. The changes were subtle, but they were there. Denali knew the closer to war came, the more the land would suffer. If the land suffered, so would many of the people.

  When he first got word Leah was alive, he felt a slight relief. She was a strong, capable woman. She would be determined to get her son back and would be a strong ally in a war. Denali visited her in The Dark Forest on many occasions. He was always amazed at how quickly she healed herself and how quickly she organized a tiny, but capable army.

  “How did you do it?” he asked Leah on one of his visits.

  “Do what?” she replied.

  “Recover so quickly? Convince these creatures to stand and fight with you? Train them to be effective? How did you move past what happened that horrific day on the mountain? How do you not go insane knowing Shep is following your sister?” His questions were flying fast. She laughed a bit and raised her hand for him to stop.

  “You have a lot of questions, Denali,” she replied and took a sip of her water. She cleared her throat before attempting to answer them. “I recovered quickly because I don't have the luxury of time. The creatures of The Dark Forest, while frightening, are rather gentle and loyal. They have been my friends for many years. They didn't need a lot of convincing. They just want to live their lives in peace. I wasn't on the mountain that fateful day, though I wish I had been. I struggle daily with knowing Shep, my only son, is a prisoner of my own sister. I have to force myself to stay put, to prepare, to be smart about the situation. I so badly want to storm in there and take my son,” she finished.

  “Neveah is beginning to feel the effects of evil in the air,” Denali informed her and she shook her head in agreement.

  “I see it too,” she replied. “Can I ask you a question now, Denali?” “Sure,” he replied, sipping his own drink.

  “Why did you hate Annie?”

  He was taken back. He was a little unsure what to say. Why would she think he hated his own sister? “What makes you think I hated Annie?”

  “She loved you greatly, you know? She was heartbroken when she received a letter from you disowning her,” she was saying before he cut her off.

  “What? I never sent her a letter of any kind, especially one disowning her. I was pissed at her for leaving, of course, but I loved my sister. I missed her greatly through the years. I felt horrible for not protecting her from Jax. I spent many years blaming myself for what happened to her and for her leaving. I watched Jax for years. I followed him to the Ordinary World on many occasions. I was planning to stop him, but again I was too late.”

  “My apologies, Denali, your sister felt as though she betrayed her entire family by running, and when the letter came it confirmed her fears. If you didn't send the letter, who did?” Leah asked out loud.

  “I don't know for sure, but I am willing to bet it was Jax. I am sure he wanted all ties severed between Annie and the rest of us. I just wish I had stopped him,” he said with guilt.

  They sat in silence for a long while, each immersed in their own thoughts of the past and the future, and both wondering what the future would hold for their families. Lilly's connection to Shep made them relative to each other, and Denali felt damn proud to call Leah family.

  “Thank you for going with my sister, Leah. Thank you for helping her,” he said, and she could hear the sincerity in his voice.

  “She helped me as much as I helped her. She was my best friend. I miss her terribly and plan to avenge her murder.”

  “What about Shep?”

  “I will get my boy back.”

  “I have no doubt in you, Leah. I thought you would like to know that Lilly is getting close to giving birth. Calista has given images to my father and all seems to be going perfectly for her and the baby. At least we know they are safe.”

  “Yes, they are safe. Together you and I will bring that family back together.”

  “Agreed,” Denali replied and thought of his own lady waiting back at the Levannah house for him. Vivianna was a
lways so sweet, so caring, so understanding and patient. He longed for the day he could make her his wife. He knew peace had to be restored before he would be able to take those vows. He couldn't marry her knowing he would leave her to face death and quite possibly not return. He would wait until the land and time were safe again. He had a job to do now, and he intended to come out on the winning side.

  “I must be going now, Leah. Thank you for the hospitality and the talk. We have a daunting task ahead, but I have faith in the good that breathes life into Neveah. We will end this so our families can be mended.”

  “You are welcome here any time, Denali. I am proud to fight next to you. We will be victorious. I feel it in my heart. We may be broken, but we will stand. We will fight. Goodbye, Denali,” she finished.

  He left in search of more Specials to stand with them. Failure was not an option, not this time. He had failed his family enough. He would not fail them again.

  ~Chapter Nine~

  Over the passing months life at Jax's compound fell into a comfortable routine. Shep was highly admired as a trainer and spent many hours going over strategies with Danu. The two had become great friends, and Danu sometimes laughed to himself when he thought of the night he nearly killed Shep.

  Shep seemed to be happy in his new life, with his new wife, and his aunt Kelsha. She was becoming more and more pregnant as the days went on and the more the baby grew, the more Kelsha glowed. She spent many hours with Fionna tending to the frozen garden or sewing things for the baby. She was sure to visit the daily training sessions, though. She was always careful to make her presence known, even when she waddled under the weight of her growing belly.

  It was during one of Shep's training sessions that he heard Kelsha scream in pain. He abruptly left his post to find out what was wrong with his beloved aunt. He greatly came to admire Kelsha and loved her deeply. He doted on her during the pregnancy, answering her every whim. When he heard her scream his heart jumped a notch and was pounding in his chest. He found her lying in the courtyard, covered in blood.


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