Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5)

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Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5) Page 44

by Angie Merriam

  The shock was clearly written on his face. He stood staring at her, frozen in place, as though he was unable to move. She went to him, yet he stood, still staring at her. She said his name again, “Michael?” As almost a question. He shook his head, as though she may disappear right before his eyes. He thought she might be a figment of his imagination. He didn't think she could be real, standing right in front of him.

  She moved toward him until she could reach out and touch him. She softly ran her hand along his cheek, trying to convince him she was there, she was real. She felt the tears running down her cheeks as she saw his eyes gloss over with tears of his own. “Leah? Is it really you?” he asked as he reached a hand up to caress her tear stained cheek.

  “Yes, it's me, love. I am here and I am alive,” she said and an instant later she was in his arms.

  He held her as though she might vanish right before his eyes. They were both openly crying as he kissed her forehead, cheeks, lips between sobs and giggles. “I can't believe it's really you! Ahh, Leah, I have missed you so much, baby,” he whispered.

  “I have missed you too, my love,” she replied, holding him tightly. She wondered now, as she held him close, if she would be able to let him go again.

  They held each other for a while before he finally asked, “Where have you been?” She knew she had some explaining to do and wanted to explain to him and Shep at the same time. She hoped Shep was here.

  “I will explain everything, but you have to tell me, is Shep here? Did you bring him home?” she asked, anxious for his answer.

  “Yeah, he is here. Come on, I think he went inside for some lunch,” he replied and walked with her inside, holding her hand the entire time. He was not going to let her go.

  They walked into the trailer side by side. Shep was in the kitchen when she saw him, his back to her. “Shep, look who I found,” Michael said, his voice proud. Shep turned and dropped the butter knife he had been holding. Clearly, he was shocked by the sight of his mother. He instantly came to her, hugging her, crying tears of his own now.

  “Mom, oh my God, it's you. How did you get here? How are you here? I saw you lying on that floor! I thought you were dead,” he said, his words coming fast.

  She broke away from him, smiling and said, “We have a lot to talk about.” She walked away from both her men, into her living room. She kicked off her shoes and found a place on the couch. This was going to be a long story.

  Both men followed her into the living room, both with looks of shock on their faces. She looked at her son. He certainly looked like her Shep, and he recognized her instantly. That was a good sign, she thought. “Before I tell you my story, Shep, why don't you explain to me how you got here,” she requested, her tone loving but firm. He told her of his memory being wiped, but that he got it back. He came back to find Lilly but found his father instead. He was staying here while he regained his strength before going back to Neveah to fight Kelsha. His words came fast, and his side was explained quickly. He left out many details, especially the one about Fionna, and that he had kidnapped his own child. She would let it slide for now, at least until she told her side.

  “Your turn, Mom, where have you been?” Shep asked, anticipation clear in his deep voice. Michael stood strong beside her, touching some part of her body the entire time as though she might disappear.

  “Well, I know that by now you figured out Jax was your father,” she said quietly and Shep shook his head in response. There would be time to explain that part of her life later. There was only time for a crash course at that moment. She continued on, thankful Shep had not yet questioned her.

  “Well, he gave me a choice, you or me,” she said, nodding toward Shep. “Well, of course, I chose for him to take my life. I drank a potion that put me into a deep coma. I was rescued shortly after Jax's death and given the antidote. It took a very long time for me to become me again and when I did I went to get you, Shep, but you didn't know who I was. I vowed not to leave Neveah until I had you back and stopped Kelsha.” She left out the part about coming back and saving Lilly and James. A story for another day. She thought.

  “Anyway, I know you kidnapped Lilly's baby, your baby, Shep. I also know you were not in your right mind when you did it, but the fact is we have to get him back and we have to stop my sister. You have insight into her plans and strategies. You have to come back with me, Shep. Lilly is waiting for us,” she finished, and was itching to return and finish this so she could be with her husband again.

  “Lilly knows you're alive?” Shep asked.

  “Yes, and she is waiting for us.”

  “For me?” he asked, hope threaded in his words.

  “Look, Shep, I am not going to sugarcoat this for you. She is pissed and rightly so. Granted you were under Kelsha's control, but that doesn't change the betrayal and desertion she feels from you. She loves you, Shep, but she is not ready to play nice yet. She wants her son back, and she knows she needs you. We must go, there isn't much time.” Michael's grip tightened slightly, then relaxed again. He was not ready to let her go. He would not let her go again. Not without him.

  Shep stood and immediately began pacing the floor, lost in thought. He thought he should pack a few things, then decided against it. He was ready. He had to get his son. He had to fix this mess. The mess he helped create. He felt awful leaving his father again, taking his mother away again. He was ready to voice his concern about leaving his dad when Michael spoke up, “Well let's go!” he said. Leah looked at Shep, who shrugged his shoulders, unsure just what his dad was thinking.

  “What do you mean, 'let’s go'?” Leah asked and he smiled wide at her.

  “You're not going anywhere without me, never again. I am going with you. I may not have magical powers, but I have a bow and arrow that I am pretty damn good at shooting!”

  “But an Ordinary has never traveled through a portal. I don't know that you will make it through alive. I can't let you do this!”

  “I can't see where it's really your choice, Leah!”

  “Oh, really? You think I am going to let you risk your life like this?”

  “Do you think I am going to let you go risk yours while I sit around here biding my time?” He spat. Both their voices were rising higher and higher until they were screaming at each other.

  Yup, my parents are back together. Shep thought before sticking two fingers in his mouth and blowing hard. The piercing screech stopped the yelling as both his parents covered their ears and shot him nasty looks.

  “You two done?” he asked, but didn't wait for an answer. “Look, I get both sides of your respective views, but Mom, face it, Dad can't just wait here again for us, not knowing if we are dead or alive. It's not fair to him. I know Dad traveling through the portal is dangerous, but we don't have a choice, unless you stay here which is more than okay with me.” Leah looked at her son and rolled her eyes, and for just a moment, one might wonder who the parent was.

  Michael felt triumphant in the fight, having Shep side with him. He gave Leah a sly smile that said 'haha, I won!' without saying a word. She gave him a return look that said 'you're such a child' all the while crossing her arms in defeat. Shep chuckled under his breath and headed out the door.

  She fought her two men the entire drive to Newberg. She was terrified of Michael traveling through the portal. To her knowledge, no other Ordinary had ever done it, and she just couldn't be sure the outcome would be a safe one. Beyond that, she was terrified that an Ordinary would never win in a fight against a Special. Even with his bow skills and his tough exterior, she didn't know if that was enough. She hoped it was because she knew there was no changing his mind. She understood his stance and would have done the same had she been in his shoes. She could only hope that he made it through safely. She would worry about protecting him once the time for war came.

  They arrived at the house in Newberg a little after one in the morning. They arrived to find Eldon Androni's fancy sports car sitting in the driveway. “What's he doin
g here?” asked Shep and his father shrugged.

  “I don't know, son. Let's find out.”

  “Who is it?” Leah asked. The car was not familiar to her. She caught the word 'he' and wondered if Lilly had tried to move on. Her mind was spinning elaborate stories. She was feeling agitated. She couldn't imagine Lilly moving on and felt a deep hatred for the man in the sports car. She hopped out of the car and marched to the car. She stood directly behind Shep, who glanced back at his mother. He instantly saw her 'don't fuck with me' look and started to laugh a little.

  “Mom, calm down. He's cool,” Shep said and she shot daggers at him from her eyes.

  “How are you cool with this?” she asked, adding a hint of sarcasm to the word cool. “Did you know Lilly had moved on?”

  “Mom, she has not moved on, at least not with him,” Shep said as the older man rose up from the car. Leah recognized the man, not because she had ever seen him, but because he looked so similar to his son, so similar to her own son. Leah stuck out a hand to Eldon Androni. Leah was happy to finally meet the man she heard so much about. She harbored no ill will toward Eldon. She knew Jax's tyranny had nothing to do with the man standing before her. She didn't know just how much Eldon had done to rectify his son's wrongs.

  “Leah, honey this is Eldon Androni,” said Michael and Leah shook her head in response.

  “Yes, I know who you are. You look so much like him, so much like my Shep,” she said to Eldon. “How do you know him?” she asked Michael curiously. The story of Eldon and his time in the Ordinary World was told. Leah listened intently, a feeling of deep gratitude filling her heart.

  “Thank you, Eldon. Would you please come back to Neveah with us? We could really use your help,” she asked, her voice full of hope. Eldon smiled at her and explained how he had thought things over and decided he was needed in his homeland. Shep was pacing back and forth, the anticipation was killing him.

  “Okay, you all have met, stories been told, we all agree that we are all going back together, so come on! Let's get going,” Shep said, not wanting to sound disrespectful, but anxious nonetheless.

  The older man, his grandfather, smiled at him. “Well, what are we waiting for?”

  The four of them went straight to the room nestled at the top of the house. Shep pushed the makeshift wall back and motioned his mother inside. He had felt his strength returning in the days before his mother's reappearance, but was hesitating leaving his father. As long as his father made it to Neveah safely, this arrangement was perfect. He was anxious to see Lilly, anxious to make it right with her, anxious to get their child back, and anxious to knock Kelsha off her high horse. He turned to his mother.

  “What are you waiting for?” he asked and felt bad when he saw the worry in her eyes.

  She turned from Shep to face her husband. “Okay now, you will feel like you’re spinning a million miles a second and you will want to vomit, but you will black out before that happens. When you wake in Neveah you are going to feel like you were at a college party shooting Jaeger Bombs.”

  Shep broke in, “Mom, how do you know what that is?” he asked, laughing.

  She shushed him and asked Michael, “You ready?” He flashed her that dazzling smile, which indicated he was not only ready but buzzing with excitement.

  “Wait, one thing, Mom,” Shep said, stopping short of the door, “is Lilly going to be on the other side of the portal? Are the Levannahs going to be okay with me teleporting into their home? I haven't exactly been a stellar in-law.” Leah saw the worry on her son's face and tried to soothe his fears.

  “I don't think Lilly is there. She and Denali are out rallying the troops, so to say. As far as the Levannahs go, they are very forgiving and will not fault you for what was beyond your control. Come on, let's go.”

  The three Wagners and Eldon Androni stepped inside that portal and when Shep slid the wall closed behind them, the trip to Neveah began.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Kelsha left the safety of her fortress. Sure, her child was safe, bound for Jax's frozen prison. The more she thought of Jax the angrier she became. How dare he threaten her in his death? He was supposed to be gone, out of her life. His anger and resentment must be deep to hold him to the mortal land. She would not admit to him that she was afraid, though deep in her gut she knew she was.

  The sky was freckled with white spots that resided on a black canvas. The moon was large and shone a bright light that reflected nicely off the white land, allowing her some light to find her way. The forest was quiet except for the sound of the icy snow crunching beneath her boots. She tried to formulate a plan on her journey to Jax, but could not come up with one concrete plan. She knew she had to save Heren, but she had no idea how. She knew Jax's spirit had to be freed in order for him to pass to the other world, but she had no idea how to free him.

  As she trudged through the frozen terrain, a sound in the thick trees broke through her thoughts. She froze and held her breath, not wanting to draw attention to herself. She knew the island was home to dangerous creatures. She had hoped to recruit them to fight for her, but not this way. A woman alone at night was a recipe for death, and she was not prepared to die. Not that night. The sound crept closer, and she could feel eyes watching her. She let out a breath and swallowed hard before continuing on her way. If whatever was in those trees wanted to come for her, it would, regardless how still she remained. She would just continue walking and hope it lost interest in her. If there was one thing she knew, it was never to show weakness to your enemy. At that moment, fear was her weakness, but whatever her intruder was would never know it.

  She continued walking with confidence and her hand against her chest where she carried her dagger. She began to hum out loud to drown out the sound of its footsteps as it followed her. Knowing she was being followed and watched gave her a twisted kind of thrill, and she felt her body heat up. She began to walk a little slower, swayed her body a little more, and hummed a seductive tune, trying to entice her watcher. The possible consequences never entered her mind, and by the time she reached the ice wall she was rather pleased with herself. “Hope you enjoyed the show,” she called out before turning her attention to the wall.

  She took a few deep breaths to steady her racing heart and pushed any sexual thoughts from her mind. She ran her hand along the freezing wall. The feel of the cold ice quickly cooled her blood, and her mind began to focus. She was trying to find the crack in the wall that would open up and lead her to Heren and Jax.

  After a few minutes of slowly running her hand across the ice, she found it. She wedged her hand inside the crack and used all her strength to pry it apart. She started to sweat from exertion and was irritated at having to work so hard to get inside. “Damn you, Jax, let me in!” she screamed over and over. She continued trying, but the wall would not budge. She collapsed on the ground, exhausted and irritated. There must be another way. She thought, but decided to rest before looking again.

  She was propped against the wall when she heard the sound of footsteps in the trees and assumed it was her watcher coming back for a free show. “Sorry, not gonna happen,” she shouted to the darkness. Then she saw a shadow. The shadow was that of a large man who walked upright. Not a creature then. She thought. Must be a Special. Maybe one of her own had followed her to offer assistance. If so, she was ready to send them quickly back to the fortress. She didn't want word of Jax spreading. She laughed a little to herself. They were so afraid of Jax, when it was her they should fear, not worship. She stood to face the shadow that was moving closer and closer to her.

  “Look, I don't have anything you would want and I am not looking for trouble, just go and leave me alone,” she said, her voice forceful and her tone serious. The shadow still came closer until the man stepped out from the cover of the trees to reveal himself. It took her a minute to realize what she was looking at. She gasped audibly and took an involuntary step backward. She shook her head, trying to get the vision of the man out of her mind, but
when she focused on him, the sight didn't change. “Oh my God!” she muttered, and he shot her a brilliant smile.

  “You like it then, huh?” he asked, clearly pleased with her reaction. “Really, Kelsha, you do love to be the attention of anything, even if that thing has it in his mind to kill you! I thought you were going to stop and pleasure yourself back there. It was exciting, though, watching you touch yourself seductively like that for the danger of it!” He was laughing while her mouth still hung open.

  “Jax?” she whispered. “What the hell is going on?” He laughed at her again and stepped a little closer.

  “It's the greatest thing really, Kelsha. You see, I was a skin walker, right?” he asked, and she shook her head yes. “Well, it seems that in death I was literally able to pull the soul from Heren and form it into my own. Now granted I look slightly different. My body took on the form of both of us, blending us together. Our personalities have fused as well. His 'soft side,' is rather annoying, though. I will have to get used to that.” She looked confused still, so he went on. “To simplify it, Heren and I are now one. That should be perfect for you, my dear, since it seems you thought rather highly of him. But I know you love me as well and I know you like the danger I possess! It turns you on! I must admit to you that I was turned on myself, watching you. It has been some time for us, hasn't it?” he asked, edging even closer.

  “You hate me, Jax! What are you planning to do to me?” she asked, backing away farther. Her plan of not showing fear was crumbling the closer he came. Her entire body was trembling as she tried to comprehend how Jax was Jax, yet he carried so much of Heren. His body was bigger like Heren, and his features were beautifully distorted to a perfect blend of him and Heren. The sight was terrifying, yet he was amazingly beautiful. When he spoke again, she could hear Heren disguised inside of Jax. Whereas Jax used to speak quickly and with authority, he now spoke slowly with meaning. His voice was just a notch deeper, though not as deep as Heren's had been.


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