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Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5)

Page 50

by Angie Merriam

  “You wait here dear friend. I'll bring Annika to you and the two of you can say your goodbyes. See, isn't that kind of me? I'm not all bad. Now you wait here.”

  He was almost to the door when he heard James whisper, “I'll go.” Jax turned toward the beaten man, a smile spread across his face. He felt a surge of pride at the blood splattered around the room that was his handiwork. He approached James slowly, pleased with the defeat the man wore so clearly.

  “What was that dear friend? I didn't hear you,” Jax taunted, holding his hand to his ear.

  “I'll go, just leave Annika alone. Don't hurt her please. I'll go and never come back but you have to promise me that you will never hurt her.” James choked on his last words, and Jax thought he heard a sob break through. What a stupid, weak man, Jax thought. To be able to walk away from Annika so easily, without a real fight. Sure, Jax beat him bloody but wasn't she worth more? Wasn't Annika Levannah worth fighting to the death for? In that moment, Jax convinced himself that he was doing right by Annika. Her pathetic little man wouldn't even stand and fight for her.

  He shrugged away his thoughts, happy that James agreed to go without actually having to kill him. Yes, Jax had always known deep down inside he was rotten, evil, it wasn't until he listened to Annika talk about James Mender that the fragile string holding back that evil snapped, allowing it flow through every vein in his body. It was consuming, freeing but still raw. He wasn't sure he was ready to murder yet. Some day, just not yet.

  He untied the rope holding James in place and bowed before the man. “You are free to go and never come back. It has been a pleasure James.” He leaned in close enough to smell the blood that adorned the fair skinned pussy. “If you even think about her I will know my friend and I will hunt you down and stop your beating heart. Don't cross me. Are we clear?”

  James shook his head. “Yes, we are clear. I leave Neveah and never contact Annika again and you agree to never lay a hand on her because if you do I will know and it will be my hands that stop your beating heart. Clear?”

  Jax laughed wildly again. This guy was either braver than Jax thought or an idiot, but he had to respect that little bit of fight he had left in him.

  “Nightfall my friend,” Jax said before straightening and patting James on his shoulder, causing him to wince in pain. He left the broken man behind, sure he would be far away from Neveah as promised. Jax walked with a new sense of authority. He was going to get the girl, his girl. He whistled a sad tune as he walked in the direction of home and found it ironic, the sad deathly tune actually made him happy.

  Later that night he and his parents joined Annika and her family at their home. Jax was ready to announce Annika and his engagement. He had washed the blood from his hands, literally and found it easy to dismiss and even forget what he had done not only to James but to Annika. His reasons were founded, he told himself. Annika had to be put in her place, made to understand and James, well he was useless and Neveah would be better off without him.

  Jax noticed Adair Levannah in the corner. He wore a look of worry on his face, and Jax couldn't help but wonder why. This night was going to be perfect. The Levannah manor was decorated beautifully, and all of their family and friends were in attendance. The night couldn't be more perfect, well it would be when Annika finally arrived and agreed to be his forever, but he was a patient man. He was sure she was taking her time getting ready, after all she knew what the night was for, and she'd want to look her best. However, he couldn't help the nagging feeling that something was wrong, and her father's face didn't help to calm Jax down.

  He joined the older man in the corner of the Great Room and asked, “Is everything alright, you look troubled sir?” Jax laid the concern on thick. He was so charming when he needed to be and the Levannah family loved Jax as their own. Lord Levannah laughed nervously, his eyes darting around the room. “Nothing to concern yourself with son. This is a big night for you and my daughter. Memorable.”

  “Yes, sir it will be memorable.”

  “You will take good care of my little girl, won't you Jax?” Adair said, and Jax thought he may have heard a slight accusatory tone in his voice. Jax pushed the thought away. There is no way the old man knew what he's done to Annika, unless she told him. Suddenly, Jax felt nervous and he didn't like feeling nervous. The man's ice blue eyes bore into him, and Jax visibly shivered. Adair Levannah may be the only man alive that intimidated Jax.

  “Of course I will. I love her, you know that.” The old man just shook his head and looked away, the look of worry still there.

  “Um, where is Annika?” Jax asked but something deep inside him told him something was terribly wrong. Had he killed her? She was breathing when he left her. She had been alive. No, he still felt her inside of him. If she were dead he would know it. Where the hell was she? He turned to go look for her when he saw her brother, Denali coming at him.

  Denali's usually gentle and kind face was twisted and angry. His soft blue eyes were hard and focused on Jax. “Hey Denali,” Jax tried, his smile in place and his hand outstretched. Instead of taking his hand though, Denali pulled back before rushing forward, his fist pounding into Jax's face.

  “Where is she Jax? Where's Annika? Where's my sister?” He screamed as the two manor guards, Renny and Diallo pulled him away from Jax.

  “What are you talking about Denali? She's supposed to be here. I've been waiting for her,” Jax replied trying his best to sound naïve to what Denali was saying. How did he know? Did she tell him? She couldn't have. Jax was sure he wouldn't be standing there talking about her if she had. No, Denali didn't know the half of what had happened with Annika, but the look on his face told Jax that he would figure it out before long. Where the hell was Annika?

  “You're a liar! You did something to her. What did you do to my sister, Jax?” Denali struggled against the men holding him though judging by their expressions Jax guessed they were as willing to kill him as Denali was. Of course, everyone loved Annika.

  “What are you talking about son? Why would Jax know where your sister is?” Lord Levannah said, trying to calm his son and convince himself that his own fears were not real.

  “Did you know that Annika was in love with another man? She didn't want to marry Jax,” Denali began and Jax shrank back. She'd told her brother. Of course, she had. The only man who had ever come before Jax was Denali, until James that is. She loved her brother more than anything. Of course, she'd told him.

  “Yes, she told me this afternoon,” Adair said sadly. “What does that have to do with Jax and you accusing him of... I don't know. What are you saying Denali?”

  “Yes Denali, what exactly are you trying to say?” Jax said, his patience wearing thin and his cool demeanor threatening to crumble. He looked over at his parents and for a split second, he felt remorse. He loved his mother endlessly, and his father had been a good father. They would be heartbroken if Denali spilled his secrets. They would blame themselves and nothing Jax could say would change their minds about their fault in his blackness. That was his one regret, his parents, but he couldn't change what he was inside. He'd tried to hide it, deny it, his entire life. He can't deny it any longer. He prepared himself for Denali's words but wondered briefly what he would do once they were spoken.

  “She went to Jax today. She went to tell him that she loved James Mender and that she couldn't marry him. He grew angry and threw her over his shoulder, carrying her toward The Dark Forest. Now, she's missing and so is James Mender.” The room was silent, allowing Denali's words to penetrate.

  “I have no idea what you're talking about Denali. I don't know where Annika is. Surely you have been given false information. Maybe she ran away with James Mender,” Jax tried.

  “Oh, no Jax. My information is not false. You took her to The Dark Forest and you hurt her! You hurt her badly then you went to James and you killed him. You must have disposed of his body because he's nowhere to be found but his house is covered in his blood. Now for the last time Jax, w
here is my sister?”

  Jax cleared his throat and risked a glance at his mother. Her face was broken, and her eyes told him that she knew. She's always known something inside of Jax was just a little off. She tried to raise him a good boy. Hoped her love would suppress the darkness forever. She was wrong and the pain and defeat she reflected nearly broke Jax's heart. Would have broken it if Annika hadn't already shattered it. Yes, his one regret was hurting his parents but what choice did he have. As black as his soul might be, he wouldn't bring his parents into his darkness. They were good through and through. He wondered what happened to him. Why did he have to carry the burden of evil? If only he'd been born with light.

  He looked around the room, everyone waiting for his response. His mother included and damn it he just couldn't admit the truth with her there. He saw the tears pooling in her innocent eyes and felt some of his own trickle down his face. He gave her a look that told her he was sorry, please forgive him, and he saw her intake a large breath of air, readying herself for his next move. “I love you mama. Everything you hear about me is true but please know you are not responsible for me. I made my own decisions and I'm not sorry for them but I love you mama. Please go on and be happy. Forget you ever had a son.”

  Jax felt his body begin to tremble and didn't try to suppress the need to shift. Seconds later he took form as the lion he had become so accustomed to. He let out a growl that shook the room. He sauntered over to Denali and thought about raking a claw across the pretty boy but decided against it, his mother had seen enough. Instead, he ran. He ran from his family. He ran from those that had been his friends. He ran from happiness. He ran from shame. He ran from the pain that consumed him. He ran from Jax Androni. He was dead and in his place, Jax Bane was born. Neveah would never be the same.

  Breaking The Wicked

  Book 3

  ~Chapter One~

  I had an overwhelming feeling of contentment as I watched my two men sleep. I studied the baby’s face, comparing every line and curve to his father. Both men, big and small, were breathtakingly beautiful, at least to me. James immediately warmed to Shep, as though he knew Shep was his daddy. Before the two of them fell asleep, Shep studied every curve, wrinkle, finger and toe of his son. It was fascinating, watching Shep and James bond. Shep, normally rough and tough, turned to putty when he looked at his son. I don’t think there was ever a more proud father.

  After hours of studying my sleeping subjects, I finally allowed my eyes to close. They had been threatening to do so for hours, but I wanted to hold on to the image of my son and his daddy just a tiny bit longer. My protesting brain, eyes, and body were winning me over though, and I, begrudgingly, fell into a dream filled sleep.

  “Mom, is that you?” I asked the woman whose face I could not see. I knew it was her, though. I felt her more than I saw her. We were standing outside of our tiny trailer in Keno. The sun was shining bright and the woman in front of me was glowing beneath the rays. She turned to me and replied, “Yes, baby girl, it’s me.” I rushed into her waiting arms as tears smeared my face.

  I wasn’t any younger than I am now, but I felt childlike in my mother’s arms. “Am I dreaming?” I asked her and she laughed softly. “Lilly, I am never far away. I have watched you and please know I am so proud of you.” I pulled away gently and sat in the thick grass. My legs were feeling heavy and could no longer support my weight. My mother sat beside me.

  “You have seen James then?” I asked.

  “Of course. He is a wonderful child, Lilly,” she replied.

  “You know Shep has returned to us as well?”

  “Yes, I knew he would. It was only a matter of time.”

  “I am beyond happy that he has come back to me, but part of me is still hurt and jealous of the woman who has shared his bed the past year. How do I overcome that, Mom? How do I stop feeling as though I have to compete with her?”

  “Shep was tricked, you know that. It was you that brought him back, his love for you and yours for him. He fought against his own mind to make it back to you. He can’t change the past.”

  “I understand that, Mom, but I have to know if he has real feelings for Fionna.”

  “The only feelings Shep has for Fionna are those of friendship. He loves her, but he is not in love with her. He has no desire to be with her, it’s only you, Lilly. The two of you are destined to be together. Do not let anyone come between you again. Never allow fear or your insecurities to come between you. There are those that will use your feelings as a weapon against you. Never let them.”

  I thought about her words and understood what she was saying. I had to swallow my pride and forgive him with my whole heart if we were ever going to be happy. If we were to stay together, stand together, train together and fight together, I had to trust him completely. My mind was working overtime as I sat beside my mother. She lightly touched my shoulder, breaking me from my concentration. I was thankful for the interruption as I knew my time with her was limited.

  “Is Papa with you?” I asked, changing the subject.

  “Yes. Please let your meme know he is here with me. Tell her not to cry for him as we are together and happy and watching over her.”

  “Have you forgiven the past?”

  “There was nothing to forgive, Lilly. My father did what he thought was best for me and the land. I did what was best for you and me. Regardless of the choices we made, I missed my father very much. I am happy to have him back, which sounds selfish I know, but it is nice being with him.”

  “I understand, Mom. I am sure Meme will be happy to know you are together and happy. How is Dad? Does he know about James?”

  “Your father is happy as well and beyond thrilled that you chose to name his grandson in his honor. He was never far from the baby when Kelsha had him. I think your father would have broken the rules and returned to Neveah had any harm come to James.”

  “Do you think we will win this war? Are we strong enough to stop Kelsha?”

  “Lilly, always remember how strong you are. Not only physically but you are incredibly smart and have a fighting heart that has the capacity to love beyond all else. It will not be easily won and you will have to trust, believe, love, and fight but you will win.”

  “I’m scared, Mom.”

  “I know, baby but we are here with you. Always know we are here,” she said as she began to fade away.

  “Wait, Mom, don’t go yet,” I cried.

  “I have to go, baby girl. I love you always know that,” she said and kissed me on the head before she disappeared.

  I woke to find Shep watching me. I self-consciously rubbed my eyes and tried to hide my tired face. Shep gently pulled my hands down and softly ran his hand along the side of my face. “You are beautiful when you sleep. I have missed you terribly,” he whispered, and I saw a tear fall from his eye. His hand snaked around to the back of my neck where he gently pulled my head to his until we were close enough to touch. The baby was still asleep, snugly between our bodies.

  His tears began to pour as did my own as we laid there in silence. I could feel his heartbreak in my own heart. He kissed me gently and whispered, “I promise to be with you always. I don’t know if I can ever make it up to you, my leaving, but I will die trying. Please, Lilly, please know that I love you with my entire heart and soul. There will never be another woman who can take your place.”

  I felt the meaning of his words deep in my soul. I had no doubt he meant every word he spoke. I wanted desperately to put all my faith and trust into the man I loved so much, but I couldn’t. Not yet. My love for Shep allowed me to forgive the past, but my knowledge of that past prevented me from loving blindly.

  “I love you too Shep and I want so badly to believe every word you say. I know you mean them now, but I can’t count on your words for my future. I promise to give us a chance because I think we deserve it and because my heart breaks without you, but my trust is going to be a little harder for you to gain. I am here with you now, that’s all I have r
ight now,” I told him through tears of my own. He shook his head in agreement, knowing that was the best that I could do. I hoped against all hope that Shep’s word would ring true, and I would never have to learn to live without him again, but I just wouldn’t know until this fight was over, and we could truly move on.

  “We have to focus on the immediate future. We have to stop Kelsha. We have to win this war, if we are to ever truly be happy,” I whispered to Shep.

  “We will win, and we will move on from this nightmare. We will be happy, Lilly, I promise,” he said with conviction.

  “We don’t have much time to be alone like this. We will soon be training, planning, fighting for our lives so let’s just think about us in this moment. We can think about the rest later,” I said before finding his lips with my own and kissing him gently. We made love silently before James woke, and we joined our family and friends to plan for the fight of our lives.

  ~Chapter Two~

  Fionna hadn’t had much time to contemplate the consequences of her actions. She had worried how she would feel once Shep returned and was pleased not to feel anything more than friendship. The love she had felt for him was truly nothing more than a sham, and she felt immense relief not to feel strongly for him. Lilly and her family had been so welcoming, so forgiving, and she worried that her feelings for Shep may jeopardize her newfound happiness.

  It was strange for her to think of herself as being happy when the fate of Neveah was hanging by a thread, but happy she was. Never before had Fionna felt so welcomed, so loved, so accepted by anyone, not even her own family. It was this constant flow of positive energy that had kept her mind off of Kelsha, but she could no longer avoid the reality of what she had done. Kelsha would come for James and when she found nothing but an empty building in Antiope, she would be enraged. She would surely kill Fionna once she discovered what she had done.

  Once Fionna allowed herself to wrap her mind around what she had done, a sickly fear overtook her. Her heart was pounding, and she could feel little beads of sweat pop up all over her body. She was alone in the Levannah garden, which she was thankful for. She didn’t want anyone to see her so weak. She tried to enjoy the scents that engulfed her and the vibrant colors that gently assaulted her eyes, but she could not. The magnificent garden just couldn’t compete with the wrath of Kelsha.


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