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Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5)

Page 65

by Angie Merriam

  ~Chapter Twenty One~

  Shep walked back to the room he shared with Lilly. He was pleased with the meeting. Everyone seemed to agree on what needed to be done and how to achieve their victory. He was looking forward to relaxing with Lilly. They had been so busy traveling, meeting, and training that one night with her, in a real bed, was the best thing he could ask for. He was walking and whistling when he heard the cries. Immediately, Shep knew something was wrong. James never screamed like that. He broke into a run being pushed by pure adrenaline.

  He found the door wide open. He didn't miss the shreds of wood hanging from the door. He ran to James' cradle and found the boy red faced and tear stained but not hurt. He lifted him gently from the cradle and held him close to his body. Shep scanned the room looking for a sign of Lilly.

  “Shhhh, hush now, baby. Daddy's got you. Where's your mommy?” He whispered to his son. The sound of Shep's voice helped quiet the screams, but the boy continued to whimper in his father's arms. Shep grabbed a blanket to wrap James in and left the room in search of Lilly.

  He never let go of his son as he ran from room to room looking for Lilly. He knew with every door that he opened she would not be there. She was gone. He ran outside the compound screaming for her. “Lilly! Lilly! Where are you?” James began to cry again as did Shep. His heart was like a hammer in his chest, and his belly was in knots. How could this happen again? He swore he would protect her. He swore they would never be apart.

  Shep didn't know how long he had been wandering the grounds of the compound before he felt a hand on his shoulder. He stopped and turned to find his mother, a look of worry spread across her face. “What's going on Shep?” She asked and reached for James. Instinctively, Shep pulled the boy closer to his body.

  “She's gone,” he managed to say before sobs broke through.

  “What? What do you mean she's gone?”

  “Lilly is gone, Mom! I went back to the room to find the door frame broken and James alone and screaming. I searched the house for her and have been wandering around out here but she is gone.”

  “Why didn't you get me or alert anyone?” She said, scolding him. She could see her son was in distress and had to bring him back to reality.

  “I didn't think about it. I just wanted to find her. I have been screaming her name. I'm surprised no one heard me.”

  “I heard you. That's why I came. I didn't know what was going on though. Come on Shep, we need to form a search party. How long was she left alone?” She asked him as she walked away. She turned to make sure he was following and was pleased to see that he was.

  “I don't know. A couple of hours I guess,” he responded while trying to form a timeline in his head. The meeting had gone faster than he anticipated when he left her, but she was still left alone for a while.

  “Was there anything out of order in your room? Did she put up a fight?” She asked almost afraid to hear the answer.

  “I don't know. I picked up James and went to look for her,” Shep responded.

  “Okay, I will go alert people of what has happened and form a search party. Hopefully they didn't get far,” Leah said.

  “Do you think it was Kelsha and Jax?” He asked, and his mother nodded in response.

  “How? We have been careful here. There are so many people around. How did they get so close?”

  “I don't know, Shep. We will find her. Let's hope these people are ready for a fight. Training time is over,” she said and went to find everyone.

  Shep went directly to his room. He saw Fionna and Diallo on his way and briefly told them what happened. They followed him to the room and helped look for clues. There was not much to go on. The door was splintered meaning they forced their way in. Everything else was where it was when he left the room.

  “Shep, I think I found something,” Fionna said and held a folded piece of paper out to him. He unfolded the paper with one hand, still unwilling to let anyone take James from his arms.

  There was only a few words scribbled on the paper.


  Want your precious Lilly back? Leave my home! Come face me like a man! You will find us on Ellurrah Island. Come prepared to lose.

  With love,

  Your Father

  Shep crumpled the paper in his hand before throwing it on the floor. The rage that was building inside of him was nearly impossible to control. He looked at Fionna and saw the worry in her eyes. Her calm face helped him calm his own body. He was grateful for the friendship they were able to salvage and trusted her to help him find Lilly. “They took her to Ellurrah Island. I assume you know where that is?” Shep asked.

  “Yes, I know exactly where they are. I was there with Kelsha before I brought James back to Lilly,” Fionna responded. She looked at Diallo with worry. “It's dangerous there,” she began. “It's a frozen island. The Creatures there are ferocious and the entire island is littered with lost souls. Kelsha built a fortress of her own there where all her people live. They are comfortable there. This is not going to be easy,” she explained. Diallo eyed her with confidence. “It may not be easy but we will win this,” he said to her. He went to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her on top of the head.

  “We will find Lilly and we will stop this once and for all,” Diallo said to Shep. He reached his hand out to Shep. The two men shook hands and Shep felt himself relax slightly. He knew it would be useless to fly off the handle. He had to remain calm. Level headed. He followed Fionna and Diallo out of the room and shut the door behind him.

  They found a large group of people just outside the compound door. Denali looked to be in a serious conversation with Leah, while Vivianna stayed close to them. For the first time since finding his son alone and afraid, Shep allowed Vivianna to take him. He went to stand beside his mother who instinctively put an arm around Shep's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. Shep waited for a break in their conversation to tell them about the island.

  “I found a note in our room from Jax,” he began. “They took Lilly to Ellurrah Island. They are expecting me.” He watched the looks exchanged between his mother and Denali. The plan was to draw Kelsha, Jax and their followers off the island, to fight them on the mainland. Instead, the opposite was happening. They were the ones being herded to a place where their advantage was taken. Going to the island would be dangerous for everyone involved. The last thing they wanted was for more lives to be lost, but it appeared the choice was no longer theirs.

  “Looks like we are going to Ellurrah Island,” Denali said before turning to all that had gathered outside of the compound. Shep was constantly amazed by the number of Special’s that chose to fight for Neveah. There, before him, stood hundreds of bodies of varying shapes, varying species, with varying powers. Some were frightening to look at while others were unimaginably beautiful. All of them gentle, loving, loyal and willing to give their lives for their homes, for their people. Shep felt an overwhelming feeling of guilt because all he really wanted was Lilly. He stood behind Denali and listened while he addressed the crowd.

  “Thank you all for joining me. I know the hour is late. It seems, regardless of our precautions, Kelsha and Jax have come into the compound. They have Lilly,” he paused and sighs of shock could be heard through the crowd. The mention of Lilly's name tightened the knots in Shep's stomach. “It seems the time has come. We hoped it would be on our terms, our land, but they changed that for us. They are on Ellurrah Island and they are waiting. We have trained for this. We have the one thing that Kelsha's followers don't have. Unity. We fight together. We win together. We live together, and if needed we will die together. I have every faith that together we will win this. We will stop the evil. The Gods are on our side. United we will prevail.” Denali finished his speech amidst applause and yells of encouragement.

  Shep couldn’t ask these people to go on a suicide mission. Before the group could break apart and prepare to leave, he addressed them himself. “Please can I have everyone’s attention?” He yell
ed over the multiple voices that were talking excitedly about the fight. They all quieted at his request and turned to hear him. “Look, I am thankful you are all willing to go to war right now, but I don’t feel like I have trained you well enough yet. Look, I don’t expect a fight yet. I just have to get Lilly back. Then we can continue training and face Kelsha when we are ready, on our terms.”

  “We can’t do this alone,” Denali said, doubt clear in his voice.

  “I know, Denali. My plan is to take a small group, those that have trained to fight in the past. We go in quietly, peacefully, and we get Lilly. I know Kelsha, I can talk to her.”

  “That sounds dangerous, Shep.”

  “It is, but no more dangerous than rushing in there with people that are not ready to fight. It will be a slaughter and you know it.”

  After a few moments of thought Denali agreed with Shep and said so to the people. A small group was selected to go with them. Shep had a plan and he hoped like hell that it worked.

  Shep followed Denali and his mother into the house while Renny and Diallo assigned tasks to the members of the crowd. They walked directly to the dining room where Lady Levannah was waiting with Eldon. Her face hung with sadness and worry. She had lost so much, her daughter, her husband, possibly her home, and now her granddaughter. Shep went to sit beside the woman and put an arm around her shoulders. No words needed to be said. They both wanted to save Neveah, but they both wanted Lilly back more.

  Inside the dining room a small group of people met to discuss the plans. Only a few would travel with them while the training continued in Shep’s absence. Vivianna would stay to care for James. Michael, Eldon, Renny, and Diallo would stay as well and take over where Shep had left off. When it was suggested that Lady Levannah would stay as well she would hear nothing of it.

  “Do you really think I am going to sit here while my land is being fought for? While my granddaughter is missing? While my people may be dying in order to save a land I am the known leader of? What kind of leader would that make me?” She demanded of her inner circle.

  “I am hoping we are not going to have to fight yet. This is just a mission to go in there and get Lilly back,” Shep said. She looked unconvinced.

  “You might be the last remaining Levannah after this is done. James will need you, Mom. The land will need you to help rebuild. That is your part in this. You have to be here to provide support to James and the rest of Neveah once this war is over.” Denali's words were spoken gently but firm enough that his mother didn't respond. She only cried. The room remained silent while the Lady of the land mourned all her losses.

  A few moments later she straightened up, dried her face, and said, “I will stay. I will take care of my people when they return. I will help care for my great grandson, but all of you in this room,” she said, pointing to every one of them, “you will all come home. Is that understood? You will all come home!” She stood and walked out of the room.

  Eldon stood as well and turned to follow his old friend. Just before he got to the door, he turned to Denali and said, “I will take care of her while you're gone. I will watch over everyone that stays behind. May the Gods be with you. Please forgive me for what I say but please stop my son. Stop him once and for all. This suffering has gone on long enough. I have mourned for Jax Androni for many years. Jax Bane's time has to come to an end.” He turned and left the room.

  The remaining circle discussed their options. Renny and Diallo already sent word to Barlaam. He would meet the travelers at the water’s edge and carry them to the island. He would bring as many water dwellers as he could. They would surround the island, preventing escape. The flying Creatures would protect them from above. The tree fairies would go in first and find their places amongst the trees. They would be the least detectable and maybe one of their greatest assets. Shep, Denali, and Leah would go in on foot. He prayed that those that were going with them would make it out safely. He prayed he wouldn’t be too late.

  “We leave tonight,” said Shep and no one argued. A few hours later things were in place, and the travelers were ready. Shep said he would send word if things went wrong and they needed more people, but he sincerely hoped they would not. He gave instructions that no one should be left alone for any reason. They were to stay together always, and everyone agreed. Goodbyes were said, words of encouragement given, hugs and kisses in abundance. Shep never looked back. He didn't want to see the worry in his dad's eyes. He didn't want to see the tears he could hear his baby boy crying. He kept moving forward, closer to Ellurrah, closer to war, closer to killing his father, closer to finding his Lilly.

  ~Chapter Twenty Two~

  Kelsha had gone to check on Lilly and was pleased to find her quiet and complacent. Theron was a blessing to Kelsha. When he volunteered to babysit her prisoner, she was grateful to not have to keep a constant watch. Theron's mother had been a friend of Kelsha's since he was a small boy. Kelsha trusted his mother, which in turn meant she trusted him. She could tell that Theron was immediately smitten with the stupid girl and thought briefly about erasing her memory as she had done with Shep. She struggled with her decision, but in the end decided against wiping Lilly's slate clean. Kelsha thought, had she actually liked the girl, she would consider the idea more closely. As it was, she couldn't stand the little bitch and looked forward to the day she would slice her pretty little throat.

  She had the entire scene planned in her mind. She knew that a tremendous amount of Neveahian’s were coming to attack her. That is what she had been waiting for after all. When Jax suggested kidnapping the darling girl, Kelsha's plan changed slightly. She liked the idea of using Lilly to stoke the fires of war, so to say. She would sacrifice her while all the good Neveahian’s watched, Shep included.

  She laughed to herself when she imagined the look on Shep's handsome face as he watched his lovely wife's blood spill all over the cold, hard, white ground. Yes, that would engage his rage. He would rush in, unthinking, soul shattered, heart split in two, burning with rage. He would be inconsolable. He would be vulnerable. He would die just like his love had. The plan was perfect. Not only would Shep be deeply affected, but so would the rest. They would all feel heartbroken and defeated to see Lilly Levannah Wagner fall. Their ‘chosen one’ would fall.

  “How is she?” She asked Theron, who had kept a vigil outside of the chamber.

  “She is fine. Hydrated and fed just enough. She is a bit delirious right now but that is to be expected. What is your plan for her?” Theron responded, careful not to show his feelings for the girl. He knew of Kelsha's ability to hear thoughts and was careful to shield his from her. She would not allow him to keep watch if she knew how deeply in love he was with Lilly. He fantasized about doing things to her. Things that made him feel dirty, yet he wanted to do them nonetheless. He craved her. He would always take time to smell her, inhale her deeply, before he woke her for food or drink. He played it smart with her. He gained her trust. He befriended her, which would make it easier to convince her of his story when he stole her away from Kelsha.

  He knew how angry Kelsha would be. He knew the hatred that Kelsha harbored deep inside. He didn't care. He fell for Lilly when he saw her in Antiope, the night she married another man. He tried to let it go. He tried not to think of his crimson beauty, after all, he had only seen her one time. As hard as he tried to forget her angelic face the more his heart yearned for her. When Kelsha had Shep under control and happily married to Fionna, Theron convinced himself he had a chance with Lilly. He had been waiting for the right time. The time was now. Kelsha, unknowingly, brought the love of his life to him. Kelsha put him in charge of caring for Lilly. She set him up to run easily with his love. He silently thanked Kelsha for that.

  Kelsha kneeled down in front of Lilly, whose breathing was so shallow one may have thought she was dead. Kelsha knew better. Lilly's normally fiery hair was dull and frizzy while her porcelain skin was dull and gray. “Not so pretty now, are you?” Kelsha whispered. Lilly didn't respond. K
elsha grew irritated. She hated being ignored.

  “Lilly, look at me. Now!” Kelsha's voice was barely above a whisper, but the tone was harsh, causing Lilly to pull her head up to face her enemy. Kelsha laughed at her discomfort. Lilly's pains made Kelsha feel powerful. “Your time is coming love. Your pain and suffering will bode well for me. Shep and your followers seeing you ashen, dull, ugly will render them speechless just long enough for me to slice your pretty little throat. Shep will come for me then. He will come for me, brokenhearted and stupid. He will be the next to die before I move onto the rest. This is going to be fun.” Kelsha stopped to wipe away the tear that was sliding down Lilly's cheek. She bent to kiss Lilly on the lips, lingering there while Lilly squirmed. When she finally pulled away, she patted Lilly on top of her head before saying a final, “Until we meet again.” Then Kelsha walked away.

  “Keep an eye on her,” she said to Theron before leaving him alone with their prisoner.

  Theron had witnessed the kiss as well as overheard Kelsha's words. Lilly was getting thinner and paler. She would be ill soon if he didn't get her out. It was time for him to betray Kelsha. Time for him to leave the only family he ever knew. He knew where he was going. He built his hideaway soon after Shep's arrival to the compound. Theron knew it was only a matter of time before Lilly would return to Neveah. He didn’t count on Kelsha bringing her to him, but that just made things easier. He was sure to build the home in the most remote location in Neveah, far enough away from civilization that they would be safe and unable to be found. Lilly would never be able to escape. She would go in circles until she came home to him. She would always have to come home to him. She would be hard to convince at first, until she forgot about Shep. Eventually, she would love him. He was sure of it. His stomach was doing flips. He was giddy thinking of living with Lilly for all eternity. He looked in at her. Her head was hanging forward again. It was time to get her out.


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