Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5)

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Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5) Page 66

by Angie Merriam

  He went in and gently tapped her knee. She didn't move. He lifted her chin and whispered, “Lilly, wake up. It's time to go.” He felt her body stiffen and quickly assured her that he was there to rescue her, not harm her. “It's me. Don't be frightened. I am going to save you. You just have to trust me. Can you do that, Lilly? Can you trust me?” Her head moved slightly up and down indicating that she did trust him. How could she not? He did nothing but keep her fed and hydrated. He was always kind to her. He worked to make her trust him. Now she would go with him, willingly, because of his hard work.

  He worked quickly but quietly to free her hands and feet. She was too weak to stand. Theron didn't mind. He scooped her into his strong arms and walked out of her prison cell the danger of being caught far away from his thoughts. He walked out the back of the fortress and straight to his dragon. Luck was on his side. There was no one to see him leave with Lilly. Minutes later he was airborne. Destination? His new life.

  He held Lilly in his arms while she slept. He hoped she would be grateful to him. He hoped she would love the home he had built them. He hoped she would be happy with him. He would make her happy. She was his now, for better or for worse. Her body stirred just before landing, but she did not wake. He carried her into the wooden house and placed her fragile body in the bed he had made her. He settled in and waited for her to regain consciousness.

  It seemed like days went by while Lilly slept, but in their new home, time was nonexistent. It could have been minutes, hours, or days. Theron didn't know all he knew was that it felt like a lifetime. He was beginning to worry and doubt his choice to take her away when she finally opened her eyes. A few hours later he had introduced himself and spun his war story. Much to his amazement and relief she believed him, no questions. Not only had she believed him, but she kissed him. He knew his decision was right. His life was just beginning.

  ~Chapter Twenty Three~

  The sky was dark when he took me away. I wouldn't have known where we were going even if the sun had been shining, he had my eyes covered. He didn't speak to me as we traveled by dragon. He did, however, hum. I wasn't well versed in the songs of Neveah, but it was nice. It was soothing. I rested my head on his back when my own neck refused to hold it up. The air was freezing, but after being locked in a cell I welcomed any air. My captor had wrapped me in a heavy blanket and covered my head in a heavy cloth, so I felt protected from the elements. My hands and feet were loose, but I didn't try to run. I had no idea where I was or where to go. After the loneliness of the cell I had given up on the idea of being rescued. I decided I had to try to make the best of what I had. My captor was kind to me up to that point. I wouldn't anger him by trying to escape.

  We traveled for a very long time without a break. Just as the sun was trying to penetrate my blindfold the dragon came to a stop. I sat up straight and held onto the beast tightly when my captor jumped down. A moment later I felt his hands on me as they gently lifted me from the mysterious dragon. He carried me easily in his arms while I remained unmoving. I didn’t have the courage to face my captor yet so I pretended to be asleep. I felt the temperature change from warm to warmer and smelled staleness in the air. The sound of his footsteps changed from crunching ground to the hollow sound of a wooden floor. Before long, he was placing me gingerly on a bed. I remained still, lifeless. I don’t know if it was from trying so hard to remain unconscious, from the traveling, or from the days without proper food and water, but I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

  When I woke I realized the blindfold had been removed. My eyes felt assaulted by the light, and my vision was blurred. I slowly sat up and felt stiffness deep in my bones. My joints cracked and popped as my body moved and blood flowed into my limbs. As my eyes focused I looked around the room. I stopped when I found my captor sitting close to the bed, watching me. I felt a wave of nervousness when I saw him, a slight feeling of panic, until I reminded myself that he saved me from Kelsha and Jax. I studied his face and was surprised by how handsome and friendly his face was.

  His sandy hair was long and messy. His green eyes shone like emeralds, and his young face boasted a dazzling smile. “Welcome to your new home, Lilly,” he said and waved his hand around as though encouraging me to make myself at home. The place was small but cozy and warm and smelled of burning wood and stew. There was a table with two chairs and one bed in the corner near the fire. Only a few windows lined the walls and were covered in heavy fabric. A wash tub stood in the opposite corner of the bed, and I could see the pot above the fire that produced the wonderful smell.

  “My new home?” I asked in disbelief. Compared to the home he rescued me from this was a palace. I felt a terrible nagging in the pit of my stomach, but pushed it away. For many days, too many to count, I survived on minimal food and drink. I did not move more than a few feet to relieve myself. My hands were not free since being brought to that cell. For just a minute I was in heaven.

  “Yes. Do you like it?” He asked eagerly.

  “It's lovely,” I responded, but still didn't know how to feel. I knew I had more questions. I thought maybe being away from my cell my captor would answer them for me.

  “I do have some questions for you. Are you willing to answer them yet?” I asked.

  “Yes. I will answer anything you ask of me,” he responded and took a seat at the table. I followed his lead and sat across from him. His handsome face was distracting, but I knew I needed to have my questions answered.

  “Who are you?” I asked the one question that I had wondered since his first visit.

  “I use to follow Kelsha as I told you. My name is Theron. I came to admire Kelsha many years ago and believed she would protect the people of Neveah. I didn't know she kept company with Jax. I also didn't know her level of insanity.”

  “Why did you help me?”

  “I don't believe what she is doing is right. I can't take part in her plans to rule Neveah. That's not what I wanted. I just want to live in peace.”

  “Why did you wait so long to get me out of there?”

  “I had to wait until the war was over. I couldn't take you with Kelsha still alive. She would have found out immediately and would have come looking for us. With her powers, she would have found us quickly.”

  I thought about his last sentence for a while. The war was over? How long had I been in that prison? I knew it had been awhile, but I never dreamed the war had been fought and won while I was in there. I felt my stomach turn as I realized that I didn't know if the fight was won. We could have lost, and I wasn't there to help. ‘The chosen one’ was gone again. Missing.

  “Who won the war?” I asked quietly but was just as afraid of knowing the answer as I was of not knowing. He lifted his eyes to me, and I saw deep regret in them.

  “Well, I am not sure what you consider 'winning', but Kelsha is gone as is Jax. Both have been buried deep in the ground and rocks filled their graves to prevent them from returning in a host body as Jax did. Both sides lost many, so I can't say there was a clear winner. Beyond that, most of Kelsha's people were good to begin with. They were just brainwashed by her,” he explained, but it wasn't good enough for me. I began pacing around the room. My legs were shaky from not holding my weight for so long, but I could sit no longer. I felt a wave of hysteria coming on.

  “What has happened to those on my side, Theron? What has become of my people? My family? My husband and child?” I demanded and felt the tears welling. I went to stand in front of him ready to take my answers if I had to. I wasn't sure what I could do to force the answers, but I thought standing strong was a good start, even if I didn't feel strong.

  “Sit down, Lilly and I will tell you everything. Be warned though, you may not want to hear what I have to say,” he said softly but firm enough that I was sure I definitely didn't want to know what he had to say. Unfortunately, I had to know. Not knowing, I decided, was far worse than facing the truth.

  “I'm ready. Please tell me. Tell me everything. Don't spare details for me. I
have to know.” I was on the verge of begging. I sat beside him and sucked in a gulp of air. I was ready, and I showed it.

  “The good news is the evil has ceased to spread throughout Neveah. Jax and Kelsha are truly gone, and the land knows it. The colors are returning. Plants are blooming, and animals are coming out of hiding. Most of the Special’s and Creatures that followed Kelsha have returned to their former homes. As I said, none of us realized the evil inside of her. We wanted peace. Those that allowed the evil in their hearts are either dead or imprisoned. Many lives were lost in the war, Lilly. My mother was one of the lives lost. I believe you met her, Angelica. I think she joined you and your husband.” I did remember her. I remembered her angel face in Antiope the night she married Shep and me. I had pushed Shep, and my entire family, from my head while I was in prison. At first, it hurt too much to think of them, then the longer I was held captive the angrier I became. I spent so much time wishing and hoping they would come to my rescue that my brain and heart gave up. I stopped thinking of them. I stopped thinking of my son and of Shep. They were back in the front of my mind now.

  “I'm very sorry about your mother,” I said and offered my hand in comfort. He nodded and continued.

  “She realized long ago, as did I, that we were on the wrong side. When the war began we tried to go to the other side. Someone shot an arrow through her heart before we could explain why we were coming to them. I can't lie, Lilly. I killed the man who killed my mother. I don't know his name. I have never seen him before. I don't believe he is part of your family.” I felt a relief knowing my new friend didn't murder my family. He continued. “It was chaos. Arrows flying, knives flying, fists flying, and blood spilled everywhere. I didn't spill another drop of blood, though I did fight my way through the crowd. The fight itself, though it felt like years, didn't last very long. Once Kelsha and Jax were dead, it was as though a spell had been broken. Most of their followers surrendered. A few tried to run, but were captured quickly.” The story didn't sound so bad to me. Sounded as though we won, and I felt a twinge of pride, but concealed it under a concerned face. I wanted him to continue, which was obviously painful for him. I squeezed his hand, encouraging him to continue.

  As he continued, I felt my pride fade and my heart crumble. He told me of the lives lost on my side. One of the giants, but he couldn't tell me which one. Many of the elf tribe lost their lives, including Avery, Serephina's father. As he recounted all the lives lost I wondered who could have survived. The list of names continued to grow as my hope continued to falter. So many that had been there for my family, for me, had fought for us and for Neveah. There were a few names that I dreaded to hear, but found a small ray of hope at his not yet mentioning them. “Can you tell me what became of Shep, his mother and father, and my grandmother? Did anyone in my family make it?”

  “Yes,” he replied and I felt a smile form.

  “Well, tell me who,” I encouraged. He sighed and continued. “I believe the red haired girl is your aunt Vivianna?” He asked. I shook my head in acknowledgment. “She made it. From what I know Kelsha sent Danu, the Hybrid, to the compound to get your child. Vivianna fought him, but Danu took your son. As far as I know everyone that stayed in the compound is alive.” I thought this over. I tried to remember who was going to stay behind. My grandmother, Shep's dad, Vivianna, James, and the four Fey sisters. That must mean they are all alive and well. I felt relief but silently warned myself not to get my hopes up yet. For some reason, I thought the worst news was yet to come. Danu had my son, but I had faith that Shep would save him. I was anxious to hear the rest of the story. He didn't wait for my encouragement this time. He continued on his own.

  “I'm so sorry, Lilly. Your son, Shep, Leah, and your Uncle Denali are all dead.” The words rang through my head, ALL DEAD, ran through my head. It wasn't time to breakdown. Not yet.

  “How?” I asked before standing on wobbly legs.

  “Jax had your son. He warned them that if they continued the fight he would kill the boy. They thought he was bluffing. He wasn't. The moment he killed your boy, Shep attacked his father. Jax smiled just before he slit Shep's throat. Kelsha took pride in killing her sister and did so slowly. She choked her to death. While Kelsha was on top of Leah, Denali attacked her. He drove a sword through her heart, killing her instantly. His victory was short lived however because Jax took his life when he ripped out his throat. It was the little blond girl, Fionna I think, that killed Jax with her bare hands. She came up from behind him, silent like a spider, crawled up his back with finesse and snapped his neck. She gathered the four bodies and laid them side by side before calling a stop to the war. With Kelsha and Jax dead there was no reason to continue. As I said before, the few deserters were captured quickly and imprisoned.”

  “Why didn't you let me out of that cell?” I screamed at him. My face was wet and dirty, but I didn't care. Each word I yelled was caught by a sob. “I could have helped them! I should have been there! It was supposed to be me! Why did you keep me locked up? Why have you brought me here? I want to see my family! I want to go home! Where have you brought me?” I felt a surge of anger and adrenaline. I wanted to punch something or someone badly. Without thinking, I balled my hands into fists and began swinging wildly. I didn't aim specifically at Theron, but I felt powerful when I felt my fist connect with the flesh of his face. I don't how long I continued pounding everything around me, hours, minutes, seconds; I lost all concept of time.

  I was still trying to flail my fists when Theron's hands tightly grabbed my wrists and pulled my body close to his. Without missing a beat, my body switched from furious and wanting to kill someone to full meltdown. I stopped fighting with my hands right about the same time my legs decided they would no longer hold my body. Theron's hands swiftly moved from my wrists to my waist when he felt my body fall. He scooped me up in his arms and carried me to the bed where he laid down beside me. He held me there while I cried for hours.

  It felt strange and wrong to feel another man's arms around me. It also was a great relief and comfort to have him there. I flipped through the corners of my mind trying to decipher all Theron had told me. My family was gone. There was no other way around the facts, my beloved baby, my uncle, Leah, and my Shep.... All gone. What was I supposed to do without them, without Shep and my baby? Where was I supposed to go? The war was over. Life in Neveah would be returning to normal soon. Yes, I could return to the Levannah Manor. I could stay there with my surviving family and friends. I could go back through that portal. I could go home to Keno. Then what? Start over? Alone? My heart was shattered. My stomach was tied in knots, and my brain didn't want to function. What I did know was that facing any member of my family, any friend whom I used to have was too much to bear. As far as I was concerned everyone had died in that war. I was alone. I had Theron. He fed me and gave me a drink while I was imprisoned. He saved me after the war. I would stay with him. I would try to forget my life before Theron. I had to try to forget, or I knew I would go mad.

  When the tears finally stopped falling, when my breath stopped coming in gasps, when the fog that clouded my mind dissipated, when I finally found consciousness, I knew I was different. I was no longer Lilly Wagner, Mender, or Levannah. I was no longer a mother, a wife, a daughter, a granddaughter, a friend. I was no one. All that I lived for and fought for was gone. I was different. I embraced the strong arms that held me. I would start over.

  “Lilly, are you alright? I am here for you. I will always be here with you.” I didn't question his strange loyalty. I didn't ask him why he chose to leave his life and stay with me. I didn't care that I didn't really know him. He was there with me. He held me. I had to accept him. I was alone, if I didn't.

  “I'm not yet, but I will be. Please, from this moment on, do not mention my family, my past. It is gone. They are gone. I can't remember them or I will be gone too. I have to forget or I will lose my mind. Can you do that for me? You have done so much already but can you do that? Can you help me forget?

  His arms pulled me in closer. I could feel his breath on my neck. Memories of Shep kept trying to creep into my mind, but I pushed them away. Shep was gone. Theron was not. “I will never leave you. I have waited my whole life for you, Lilly. I will love you enough to make you forget.” He kissed my neck gently. I responded by turning to kiss him in return. My old life behind me, my new life all I had left.

  ~Chapter Twenty Four~

  Kelsha could feel the excitement in the air. “They’re coming,” she said to Jax as he dressed himself. “Yes, I feel it as well, love,” he replied, excitement clear in his voice. He looked forward to facing his son and the precious Akayleah. He guaranteed she would not leave alive this time, nor would his son. He had waited a very long time to have the power that was soon going to belong to him, as had Kelsha. Together they would be amazing.

  She was gazing out the window as though they could arrive at any minute. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. She leaned into him and tilted her head, giving him easier access. “I knew they would come for her. They wasted no time did they?” She whispered to Jax.

  “Shep’s fault will always be his love for the girl. He can’t think straight without her. Their mistakes will be our victory. We will beat them here. Once they are all dead we will find the child,” he breathed, as he nibbled her neck. He sucked hard enough in a few places to turn the delicate skin a lovely shade of purple. He loved seeing her skin change color because of him. It was a constant reminder that she belonged to him. She wore the love bites with pride, never ashamed, and she never tried to hide them.


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