Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5)

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Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5) Page 67

by Angie Merriam

  “Careful now, Jax, I may have to let you take advantage of me right this second, and we both know we have many things to do before our guests arrival,” she said sternly before turning to kiss him deeply. She could hear him moan in defeat and felt her body betray the words she had just spoken. She wound her hands in his messy hair and pulled tightly. She pressed her breasts against his chest, his shirt still unbuttoned. She untangled one hand and let it travel to his backside which she cupped and squeezed before breaking away from his mouth. She found his neck with her own mouth and sucked the skin in multiple places, leaving him bruised and aroused. “There now,” she said. “There will not be a doubt in anyone’s mind that you belong to me and me to you. There will be plenty of time for loving later. Come on, baby, we have a war to fight.” She slapped his ass hard before leaving him standing alone by the window, breathless and hard.

  He slapped himself a few times, forcing himself to snap out of her sexual grasp. She was right; they had plenty of time to love each other. He finished dressing himself and went to find her. She was in the training room admiring the handy work of Danu. Jax had phased into Heren, and though he hated it, he knew everyone would react poorly to his making a reappearance. He really handled things wrong the first time around, having been blinded by Annika. He was smarter this time. He would not make the same foolish mistakes. This time he had Kelsha. He was suited to her and her to him. He cursed himself daily for not having seen it before. His punishment for his stupidity and selfishness was sharing a body with Heren, but if he were to admit it to anyone, Heren wasn’t so bad. Jax would never admit it out loud though. No, he had too much pride for such an admission. Where Jax was hasty and rash Heren was patient and smart. Together they really were a perfect man, not to mention Heren’s love of Kelsha, mixed with Jax’s own love and admiration made them both completely devoted to her. Together they would follow her anywhere, do anything for her. He smiled to himself as he watched her.

  She was intense as she observed the training. As usual, she was pleased with Danu. She had every faith in the world in Danu and his training. Had they not been Kelsha’s Creatures, her followers, she would be frightened herself. The pure evilness that filled the room was intoxicating. She breathed in deeply, reveling in the power that was being harnessed for war, just for her. Danu came to her side, stood and watched with her.

  “Well? What do you think?” He asked her, clearly seeking her approval.

  “You have outdone yourself, Danu. You really have. I mean, they are terrifying. It is absolutely wonderful. They may not have to fight, just their presence is frightful. You have brought out the best in all of these Special’s and Beasts. Bravo, Danu! Bravo!”

  “Thank you, Kelsha. Is the time coming? I do believe they are ready.”

  “Yes, my friend. The time is almost here. They are coming.”

  “I see. We will be ready.”

  “I know you will. Stay alert. You will know when they have arrived. The air will shift. You will feel it.”

  “Of course, Kelsha. We will be ready and waiting.”

  She was pleased with her army. It was time to check on her prisoner. She gestured to Heren to follow her, which he gladly did.

  “They are wonderful, aren’t they?” She asked as they walked. She couldn’t hide the pride in her voice. The idea that all of those Creatures, human and non-human, spent so much time and energy to train to fight a battle for her was humbling.

  “Yes, they are. Danu has done a superb job.” He was proud as well. Danu had been Jax’s Hybrid long ago and he had seen the potential in him back then. He was happy that Danu stayed with Kelsha. He was a needed asset. He was lost in thought when he heard Kelsha gasp. He rushed to her side. She stood outside of the prison cell that held Lilly, the door was open. He looked inside and saw that Lilly was not in there.

  Kelsha stood in stunned silence. “Where the hell is she?” She demanded, but there was no one that could answer her. Fury built inside of her. Her blood began to boil. Theron, she thought. “It was Theron,” she said to Jax. “That imbecile! Does he not know who he is fucking with?”

  “Come on, Kelsha,” Jax urged. “We will find them.” She turned to him, her face crimson, and her eyes on fire. “You don’t get it! They are almost here! We don’t have time to find them! Damn it,” she screamed before storming off. Jax made a silent vow to kill that idiot, Theron.

  He followed Kelsha away from the cell. He was nearly caught up to her when she turned to him, her eyes void of emotion. “They’re here,” she said before breaking into a sprint. He chased after her as she ran through her fortress. As if on cue, her army fell in line behind her as she burst through the front door. Jax had merged into Heren and went to take his place beside Kelsha. In front of them stood only a few body’s and Jax had to suppress his laugh. Had they really only come with a few Special’s expecting to win? He was almost disappointed in his people. How had Neveah become a world of insipid weaklings?

  “Hello, Kelsha,” Denali said.

  ~Chapter Twenty Five~

  Shep was surprised and humbled when he arrived on Ellurrah Island to find that not only had their handpicked search party come with them, more than half of the Special’s and Creatures that he trained had followed them. He had been so focused, so lost in his plans to rescue Lilly that he hadn’t paid attention to anything or anyone around him. As they swarmed the island, he had no choice but to pay attention.

  Some of them flew in on various flying beasts while others came by water aboard very large and incredible animals. He watched as they arrived in unison. As the beasts landed, allowing their riders to exit their transportation, the water beasts bowed low into the water so their passengers could easily walk from their backs to dry land. Their arrival and formation was like watching a wave rise and move and finally fall into place. Shep was in awe, and it showed.

  “Did you know about this?” He asked Denali who was unable to respond with words. No, he had not known, and he was in as much shock as Shep. Shep saw Denali’s eyes well up as he looked to his people. They all stood before them now, waiting. Leah and the few who had originally been chosen to come stood at the front of the mob of Neveahian’s. Shep looked to his mother, confusion and humbleness filled his face. She allowed a small smile to escape as she shrugged her shoulders. Shep nodded in understanding before patting Denali firmly on the back. “Looks like they’re ready,” he said and chose to laugh instead of cry.

  “Yeah, I guess they are,” Denali replied, still too dumbfounded to speak. The pride Denali took in his people was obvious and a testament to the kind of leader he would be one day. His love of Neveah and her people would make him an admired leader. Shep respected Denali’s passion for his land and his people. Shep took the reins and addressed the crowd, allowing Denali a moment to gather himself.

  “Wow, I don’t know what to say here. I guess thank you will suffice though it does not nearly touch on the emotions I feel inside right now. I just have one question, are you all out of your minds? This is not going to be an easy fight! We have not had time to prepare. Some of us will not make it off this island,” Shep began, but was cut off by his grandfather. Shep hadn’t seen Eldon in the crowd of people. The sight of this man caused Shep’s heart to skip a beat. What was he doing? He was supposed to be protecting Lady Levannah. Shep worried about him facing Jax. Regardless of the evil that ran through Jax’s veins, the horror he wreaked in so many lives, Jax was still Eldon’s son. Jax had to die, for good this time. Shep worried that might not happen with his grandfather there.

  “May I speak?” Eldon asked his grandson, who was now as speechless as Denali.

  “Please,” he responded and stepped to the side, allowing the elder Androni to speak to the masses and to speak to Shep.

  “Shep, my grandson, I know your worries before you even speak them. Not only are you worried about the readiness of these Neveahian’s, but also my ability to face Jax. I understand both your worries. First, let me soothe one of your fears
. The Jax that we are to face is not my son. Jax Androni ceased being my son all those years ago when he raped Annika Levannah. His tyranny killed his mother, my wife, and many others, including an attempt at killing your mother. No, Shep I have no problem meeting Jax Bane, for that man is not my son but a monster.” He looked at his grandson, all honesty in his eyes, willing Shep to believe in him. Shep shook his head yes and hugged the man.

  “Now on to your next concern, our readiness. Well, to be perfectly honest I don’t think anyone of us will ever be truly ready to do what must be done here but we are aware. We know the dangers we face. We know that some of us will not live to see the good come out of this fight. What we do know is this. We cannot and will not stand back doing nothing, safe in that compound while only a handful of us are fighting. The thing is us Neveahian’s love deeply. We love you and your son and we love Lilly. We love our land and each other. We are here to fight for all of those things. We are here to fight for our lives. You have done a good job training. I ask now that you trust in our abilities to win this war,” the older man finished. He shook his grandson’s hand as well as Denali’s who had since recovered himself.

  “Thank you, everyone, now, we have gone over multiple scenarios in our training sessions,” Shep began and knew he had their full attention for all eyes bore into him. He could feel their watchful gazes as they waited for his instruction. “I think it will be best to give them a surprise. They will be expecting all of us to rush in. We will not give them what they expect. We will go in, Denali, myself, and my mother. They will be surprised that only a few of us have come for Lilly. The rest will wait in the outlying land. You will watch. You will wait. With any luck I will be able to rescue Lilly without a fight. I know Kelsha. I know her weaknesses. So, hang back and wait. Watch for my signal. If I pull my sword you will know it’s time. Until then, stay hidden,” Shep instructed and was pleased to see everyone in agreement, except one.

  “I have only one problem with your plan,” Eldon said.

  “What’s that?” Shep asked.

  “I go in with you the first time. I can’t stay hidden while my grandson faces my son. I have been waiting a very long time to face Jax,” the elder Androni said and Shep understood.

  “Okay, you come with us but don’t go trying to be a hero. We follow the plan. Deal?” Shep asked and sincerely hoped his grandfather wouldn’t do anything rash.

  “Deal,” Eldon replied in a tone that told Shep that he would not jeopardize finding Lilly.

  There was no cheering this time, not after that speech.

  “Ready?” Denali asked Shep having recovered his voice. He didn’t answer the man right away. He thought about facing Jax and Kelsha, again. He remembered the first time he killed his father. He could still feel the man’s bones snap in his hands. He felt, in some small part of his heart, the part blackened by Kelsha, a weird feeling for Kelsha. It wasn’t love, at least Shep didn’t think so, but he felt something for his aunt. He hated that he felt anything but contempt for that woman. He thought of Lilly, his Lilly being trapped in Kelsha’s clutches. The thought of Lilly being with Kelsha squashed any nice feeling he may have felt for Kelsha.

  He had prayed and hoped and prayed some more that Kelsha had not done to Lilly what was done to him. He feared Lilly not knowing him. He feared Lilly being with another man. For the first time since his return to her, he understood what she felt when she looked at Fionna, when she looked at him. He had to win her back. He had to do some convincing, and there had been bumps, but she had forgiven. Yes, she had forgiven him and Fionna easily. Now, the thought of him being on her side of the hurt made his heart ache and his blood boil. Just the idea of another man touching his wife made him seethe. Yes, he was ready. It was time to get his wife back, time to stop the hearts of the ones that took away his life.

  “You have no idea,” Shep responded and turned to head toward his life, and possibly his death. The small group moved towards Kelsha’s compound while the others took their places in various spots on the island. All were hidden, but close enough to attack when the time came.

  ~Chapter Twenty Six~

  It felt strange when I kissed Theron. Shep's lips were the only lips I had ever kissed in that way, and his face was all I saw when I kissed Theron. I felt Theron's foreign hands grip my hips and pull me towards him. His breath was coming quick. His hands began to explore my body, and his lips crushed mine with urgency. I tried to respond. I kissed him back. I tried to convince my body to rise to his touch. I tried to forget about my shattered heart. I had almost convinced my body, soul, and heart that this was okay when I felt it.

  It was subtle, barely there, a tiny flutter in my belly. A distant feeling that I could easily disregard, but I didn't. The feeling was transparent, but it was enough to make me stop. A rush of love filled my heart, but it wasn't for this man. I pulled back from him. He fought me. I put my hands on his chest and pushed, hard. I had stopped kissing him back, but I had to catch my breath when our mouths finally parted. He looked at me, his eyes hard, but confused. I had only known him for a short time, I couldn't say how long, time seemed not to exist, but I still had no wish to hurt him.

  “I'm sorry, Theron. I should not have kissed you like that. I appreciate all you have done for me, but I am not ready to be intimate with another man, not yet,” I explained as gently as I could. I hoped he understood. I truly was grateful to him. Without him, I would probably be dead by now. The news of the demise of my entire family punched me in the stomach and heart. My kiss to Theron was done through a haze that clouded my judgment. That haze was beginning to clear, and the flutter in my belly was growing stronger.

  I had been so quick to dismiss my family, to dismiss my connection to them. In my moment of trying to comfort my new friend, Theron, I began to chastise myself for believing so easily. Not questioning this guy. I backed away further now and stood up. He stayed on the makeshift bed. He just stared at me. His blue eyes that had comforted then seduced me seconds ago were intense and almost frightening now. I pulled myself together and chose my words carefully. Now that I wasn't blinded by grief, reality hit me like a ton of bricks. Two facts of which I was sure of: 1. Shep was not dead 2. I was pregnant, again.

  I could assume that my captor was only relaying information to me as it was understood by him. Maybe he truly believed Shep was dead. I knew in my heart that was not the case. He knew very well that my husband was alive. I tried to rationalize his motives in my head. Why would he save me from Kelsha? His kiss had been passionate, yes, but I had a hard time believing it was because of some kind of intense love for me. I had only seen this man one other time, when I married Shep. There was no way he carried a torch for a married woman he has seen only one time, was there?

  We had yet to break our stare down, and I was really beginning to feel uncomfortable. Just as I was ready to bolt, I saw his expression change. His eyes melted, and the lines on his face softened. Suddenly, he looked sad and I felt bad for having thought so badly of him. He saved me. I should be grateful. He finally climbed out of bed and stood face to face with me. I could feel his warm breath on my face.

  “It's alright, Lilly. We don't have to rush things. We have all the time in the universe. You have suffered a great loss and I am truly sorry for that. I can be patient,” he whispered before leaving me standing alone, stunned.

  I almost went after him, but stopped myself. I had to figure out where I was. I had to figure out how to get back to Shep. I began looking around the cabin, frantically, but thorough. There were no solid clues inside the cabin that told me where I was. Nothing that told me Theron was dangerous. It appeared to be a lovely little cabin built for a happy couple. That thought made me feel ill when I realized he had built it for me.

  I needed some air and thought maybe the outside would give me a clue. What met me outside the door was shocking. It was beautiful to say the least. Trees were thick around the cabin. The ground was covered in lush blue grass, and the sky was turquoise and clear as
glass. The air, which should have been refreshing, was stale. At first glance, it was a lovely piece of land, but upon closer inspection, I realized it was not real.

  I bent to run my hand through the grass and found it to be crunchy, hard, and not soft or smooth as it appeared. I walked over to a tree and wasn’t surprised to discover that it was fake, a replica. I wasn’t outside at all. I was inside a rather large building that had been decorated, so to say, to look like we were in a cabin in the forest. What the hell was going on? My throat was beginning to swell, and my tongue felt thick. I could feel my heart speeding up and my breath coming quickly. I was heading for a panic attack. I needed fresh air. I began to run past the trees, hoping to find an opening. I hit a wall. I ran all around the perimeter of the fake forest, feeling the wall for an opening, nothing. There was no way out, and I was in full panic mode.

  ~Chapter Twenty Seven~

  The look of shock was obvious on Kelsha and her Hybrid's face. Close behind them stood a mass of Creatures, all poised and ready to fight, just as soon as Kelsha gave the order. For the moment, she looked as though she was trying to figure something out or at the very least, she was hesitant. Upon closer inspection, Shep would say she was shaken. Her normal confident face had fallen slightly, and confusion reflected in her eyes. He noticed her body shifting with nervousness. No one, other than those that knew her very well, would notice her distress but Shep did. For a fraction of a second, he felt sad for her. His heart had loved his aunt dearly, and it now felt sorrowful as he looked at her.

  His moment of weakness was just that, a moment. His heart didn't have time to weep because his conscience whispered Lilly, over and over again. The whisper trumped any feeling of sympathy Shep may have tried to feel. He knew his companions worried about his ability to fight Kelsha. He was strong enough physically, that they knew, but mentally? That had been concerning, to himself as well as his companions. He felt confident now, having seen her. Now he knew he could face her without any lingering feelings of the man he was when he was her puppet.


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