Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5)

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Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5) Page 68

by Angie Merriam

  He wondered briefly what was causing her trouble, not because he was worried about her, but it may be useful to them. Anything that might weaken Kelsha's resolve would surely help them. There had been an exchange of words going on between Kelsha and Denali, but Shep had not been listening. He was studying Kelsha then her Hybrid. He was really strange to look at and Shep wondered how Kelsha's followers didn't know.

  They knew, from Fionna, that Kelsha didn't want her people to know what had become of the beloved Heren. Many of her followers were frightened of Jax, always had been. She would not want them deserting her because they were afraid, yet she risked it. This new mix of a man was so clearly not Heren. His features were there, yes, but they were distorted, twisted. His skin coloring, which was fair to begin with, was now close to translucent. Shep supposed that if they didn't know what to look for, maybe they wouldn't see it, but it was obvious to Shep and terribly disturbing.

  He was giving the Hybrid a thorough investigation with his eyes when Shep realized he was staring at him. Their eyes locked, and Shep saw him. Even from a distance those were the eyes of his father. Jax's eyes. Their gazes held until the Hybrids mouth curled into a small grin. Shep felt an array of emotions run through his body filling him with anger, fear and resentment but mostly anger. He consciously had to make himself wait. The time to face his father was coming.

  Denali had stopped talking and was standing, poised for fight, when Shep finally spoke up.

  “Hello, Aunt Kelsha,” he said and felt his mother's body close in behind him. She was worried. He understood and let her feel as though she was protecting him.

  “Hello, nephew,” Kelsha purred, trying to cover her sudden insecurity. “I see you have found the truth you were seeking when you deserted me,” she said, attempting to sound innocent and hurt by his leaving her.

  “Yes, I guess you could say I came to my senses. I have to hand it to you though, that was a stellar job. You really had me there for a while. Now, thanks to me, you have an army of true soldiers to fight your war. You really should be kinder to me. I know your secrets as well as Heren's. I would hate to end this war before it even starts by telling your sheep the truth about your most loyal sheep,” Shep began, his voice echoing the sweetness of the woman he longed to kill.

  She smiled evenly at him, shifting her weight from one foot to the next. He knew she wouldn't back down based on that one threat, but planting even one seed of doubt would harm her and help him. “I know the good people of Neveah are not ready to face my people. They are walking into their own slaughter. You know that Shep. Why are you here now? I really would like a worthy opponent. As much as I want dominance I want it to be hard won. I don't want to steal it from the hands of babies.”

  “As you can see it is only Denali, my mother, my grandfather and me. Hardly all of Neveah and I am sure you are well aware of why we are here. You see, Kelsha, they are not ready but they will be and I plan to give you the fight of your life, win or lose, we will not go down easily. I have come for Lilly, as I am sure you knew I would. Where is she?” Shep asked. His tone no longer sweet, instead it was urgent, angry. Kelsha flung her head back and laughed wildly which Shep took as another sign that something was off with her. To everyone else she appeared a mad woman intent on wreaking havoc, and they wouldn't be wrong, but her actions showed Shep a woman who was over compensating her confidence because she was afraid.

  Shep took a step towards Kelsha and immediately felt his mother's hand on his shoulder, pulling him back. “It's okay, Mom. I'm okay,” he told his mother quietly. Leah looked up at her son, fear of losing him again reflected in her eyes. He nodded at her and smiled shyly. She understood and let go of her son.

  “That's right, dear sister, the boy is fine. Let him fight his own fights,” Kelsha said, taunting her sister. Leah gave her evil sister an enormous smile before stepping back. She wanted to do nothing more than rip her head off, but that's not why they were there. She stood back and allowed her son to do what it was he set out to do. Shep kissed his mother on the cheek before turning his attention back to his aunt.

  “Give me Lilly,” he demanded without raising his voice. “We both know this is not how this war was supposed to go. I trained the Neveahian’s that follow you. I trained them for war. This is not war, Kelsha. Sure you can kill us as we stand here, but what would that accomplish? What fun would that be?” He finished, studying his aunt for her reaction. Her face was still, giving away nothing. A few second later she descended from her enormous staircase and stood to face Shep.

  “You're right, Shep, this is not the fight I had you train them for. I do have amazing plans for the greatest war Neveah has ever seen. I would not feel as though I won the power of Neveah fairly unless a fight is fought and ultimately won by me,” she whispered so only he could hear.

  “Please, Kelsha, get to the point. We have an audience and everyone is waiting. You made a mistake by taking Lilly. I could kill you right here with my bare hands if I wanted to. I can't though. I need you to tell me where my wife is, now!” Shep was done playing her games. His voice was low and formidable as he spoke. His eyes were dark, demanding and frightening. Hot blood coursed through his veins, urging him to kill the woman, but he couldn't, not yet. He flexed and relaxed every muscle in his body in an attempt to calming himself down.

  Kelsha's expression changed. Her usual, don't fuck with me look was gone, replaced by one of confusion and worry. Shep felt a surge of pride knowing he unnerved her. He was opening his mouth to demand Lilly one more time when she spoke. Her voice was nearly a whisper. Shep had to lean his head close to her mouth to hear her.

  “I don't have her,” she said.

  “Yes, you do, don't fuck with me, Kelsha!”

  “No, Shep, I don't. I did. I had it all worked out. How I was going to use her against you, but she is gone.” Her voice lacked the confidence that she normally had. Instead, she sounded confused and defeated. Shep didn’t miss the change in her tone and knew she was telling the truth.

  “Where is she?” He demanded as he nearly flew up the staircase to face his aunt.

  “I don't know,” she replied and hung her head. Shep's hands wound around her neck and squeezed. A mob of people surrounded him, both from his side and hers.

  “Get back or she dies, right here, right now!” He yelled. The bodies backed away, but stood poised and ready to fight.

  “I will crush your windpipe if you don't tell me where my wife is!” He threatened as she gasped for air. Her face was turning a dark shade of red, and her eyes were watering.

  “Are you going to talk?” He asked, and she made a feeble attempt at shaking her head yes. Shep released his grip slightly, but not enough for her to flee from him.

  “Talk,” he demanded.

  “She was being guarded by one of my followers, Theron. I think he took too much of a liking to her. I think he stole her from me! I went to fetch her when I heard you coming and she was gone. That's it Shep. I'm not lying. I don't have Lilly.” Shep released his grip allowing Kelsha to fall to the ground. When her Hybrid came to her aid, Shep knelt down to them. “Hello, Heren,” he began, “or should I say hello, Daddy?” He stood and faced Kelsha's followers that had surrounded them. “You are all well aware that this is not only Heren, I assume?” He asked to a bewildered crowd.

  “Shep, don't! Not now!” Heren ordered, attempting to speak with authority.

  “Or what, Jax, you'll try to kill my mother? You'll kidnap my wife? Oh, that's right, you have already done both of those things you bastard!” Shep spat. He hadn't missed the gasps from the group at the mention of Jax's name.

  “What are you talking about?” Danu, a man Shep had called his friend, asked as he made his way through the small mob. “That is Heren, not Jax.”

  “Surely you are not that blind, Danu. That is not only Heren. Jax's soul entered Heren's body, making them one. Look close. You didn't notice Heren's twisted features? Come on old friend, don't be so stupid.”

p; “Prove it!” Danu urged. The Hybrid stood to face Shep, hell bent on shutting the son of bitch up. Shep pulled his knife from his sleeve. “Show yourself, Jax. The least you can do is to be honest with the people that have pledged to die for your bitch's cause!” Shep spat at the man disguised as Heren. The Hybrid stood and moved to Shep, standing so close Shep, he could feel his hot breath on his face.

  “What do you think you're doing, Shep?” He demanded in a whisper.

  “Tell them, Father, tell them who you are!”

  “I am Heren.”

  “No you are not! I have the note you left me when you kidnapped my wife. It's addressed to me, your son! Tell them or are you truly the coward I always believed you to be?”

  “It seems I owe you something my dear, dear son.”

  “I’m not your son and whatever you’re offering I’m not taking. What exactly do you owe me, Jax?”

  “A broken neck,” Heren said before reaching for Shep. Shep instinctively grabbed the man and spun him around, holding him close with his knife tight on the man's neck. He pressed hard enough to draw blood.

  “Tell them!” Heren didn't have to tell them, he phased into Jax right before all of their eyes. Shep shoved the man hard, making him land beside Kelsha. “Now you tell me where my wife is!”

  “I don't know where he took her but I am sure he is having his way with her as we speak,” Kelsha said through a laugh. Shep took the initiative to stop the madness. He kicked Jax in the jaw, knocking him out cold and picked Kelsha up off the ground. He removed his belt, using it to tie her hands behind her back. He addressed the crowd who appeared utterly confused.

  “I know you think you are fighting for freedom, equality, right, but you're not! You are all her pawns. She wants nothing more than power and my son. She doesn't care if any of you die as long as she gets what she wants. You can choose to stay but be warned I will return and we will kill every last one of you if that is the path you choose,” Shep looked to Denali and nodded. Denali turned and walked to the edge of the land that Kelsha and her followers called home. Shep released Kelsha.

  “You can think your decisions over, stand with her or stand with us. In the meantime a spell has been cast, keeping you all inside this area. Once I find Lilly I will return, and when I do, if it's a war you want then it's a war you will get.” Seconds later Shep, Leah, and Denali were gone, having made it to the opposite side of the barrier before they were closed in.

  “Now what?” Leah asked her son.

  “We find Lilly.”

  “And if she's dead?” Denali asked.

  “She's not. I would feel it. Let's go. We don't have much time.” Shep strode away from his mother. He had never felt more fear or anger in his entire life. His determination to find his wife had intensified beyond anything Shep had ever felt.

  The three of them flew away, leaving all that had followed them to Ellurrah behind, watching their prisoners.

  ~Chapter Twenty Eight~

  Time in my tomb seemed to stand still. I could have been Theron's prisoner for days, weeks, months, hours or mere minutes. It was as though we were stuck in a tier in time, never moving forward just staying as is. It was a strange feeling. Theron followed me everywhere, if not with his body than with his eyes. I tried to ignore him. I tried to ask him where we were, but he wouldn't divulge even the tiniest clue. I was beginning to panic. I knew I had to get back to Shep, back to my boy, back to my family, yet I had no idea how to escape.

  I wanted to run and tried to once. I ran right into the wall that was perfectly painted to look like the side of a mountain. Theron just watched silently. I ransacked the cabin, looking for a clue. Nothing. I tried to calm myself down, tried to think logically. He got us in, there had to be a way out. He would have to leave for supplies at some point. That's when I would escape. In the meantime, I would have to be patient, which was not easy. The air felt like it was growing thicker, and my breathing felt difficult. In an attempt at not giving Theron a reason to be suspicious I stopped trying to escape and tried talking.

  “Tell me about yourself, Theron,” I encouraged as sweetly as I could without sounding patronizing.

  “You really want to know?” He asked. I could hear the hurt in his voice. I had really wounded his ego when I rejected him. I truly felt bad for his pain. I did kiss him after all, which was misleading. However, he was the one that kidnapped me, so I leaned more toward him being a psycho stalker than a wounded lover. The part of me that felt a tiny bit of remorse for leading him on forced me to speak kindly. The larger part of me that was afraid and angry and just wanted to go home lent a tiny bit of angst in my otherwise sweet tone.

  “Of course,” I said encouragingly. He looked at me, his eyes full of hope. If I allowed myself to see only the hope in his eyes, I would have missed the sin lurking deeper inside. On the surface, Theron was a beautiful man, a man who in a different time, place, lifetime, I would have been attracted to. That was on the surface, though. If one chose to look beneath his handsome, hopeful shell, they would see the evil there. He was frightening beneath his neatly placed veil. He was dangerous.

  “Well, as you know my mother is Angelica. I don't know who my father is. We came to follow Kelsha many years ago, when I was just a little boy. My mother did anything Kelsha asked. She trusted and believed in her as did I. I really did have a wonderful childhood,” he said sadly, and I knew he was remembering his past.

  “What is your gift?” I asked carefully. I knew it was important for me to know what power he possessed, just in case. He seemed to think a moment before answering. He laughed a little before explaining his gift to me, therefore giving me an idea on how to escape.

  “I am the master of illusion, Lilly. I can create wonderful scenery if I choose which I do now. I can also make you see terrible, frightening things. You see, everything you see here is a figment of my imagination being projected to you,” he paused, studying my face. As though he knew what I was thinking, he continued. “Don't get any ideas, Lilly. Once I put up a figment it is unbreakable. It's like a wall to you. As long as you are with me, we will always be inside my imagination. Don't cross me, or you will wake up in your worst nightmare,” he warned allowing his sinister side to peek out.

  “I don't believe you. I don't think you would ever hurt me,” I challenged at which point he laughed hysterically and the room shifted. Suddenly, it was dark. I felt his hand on mine and tried to pull back. He squeezed tighter and pulled me up. His face was inches from mine. “I didn't want to have to prove to you what I am capable of, but it seems I have no choice. I will hurt you if you make me. It's up to you. I love you, Lilly. You are mine and always will be, by choice or not. You see, I learned many things from Kelsha. She taught me to take what I want, regardless of the cost, she taught me not to feel remorse for the things I do. I have done many terrible things but you are not one of them. Taking you is the best thing I have ever done, my greatest accomplishment. I will never allow you to leave me. You push my wickedness deep inside of me, making me desire to be good, for you. Make no mistake though, you can hide the wicked but you cannot break it.”

  Before I could pull away, his mouth was on my neck. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me close to him. His tongue slashed across my skin. His teeth grazed the soft spot where my neck meets my shoulder. His mouth bore down and sucked and bit until I felt blood breakthrough. He cleaned the blood with his tongue before looking up at me, still holding me hostage with his arm.

  “You taste good, love. I will have you. The choice is not yours. It would be easier, sweeter, if you consent but that is not necessary. Will you consent, Lilly or do I have to take your body by force?”

  In that moment, I knew. I knew what I had to do to escape Theron and his twisted make believe world, but I wasn't prepared. It was dark. I had no means of protection. I had a baby growing inside me. Shep's baby. The thought of Theron entering my body made me sick. The thought of the havoc he could wreak on my body if I denied him, and the thought o
f what that would do to my baby made me make the hardest decision of my life. I would have to consent. He was larger than me, stronger than me, and he knew his way around his fantasy world.

  “I consent,” I whispered, feeling the knot in my throat expand. I fought the tears that threatened my eyes.

  “Good girl,” he hissed before pushing me onto the bed. Seconds later he was naked and on top of me. He ripped the front of my shirt open, freeing my breasts. I heard him inhale deeply as he looked at me. I wondered briefly how he could see me in the darkness. I was thankful that I couldn't see him. It was as if I was blind and for the first time in my life, I wished I was just that. Blind to everything that was happening to me.

  He started his assault by crushing his mouth to mine. His tongue forced itself inside my mouth and tried to dance with my own. I laid there limp, willing myself not to move. Not to fight or resist, but also not to encourage. My lethargy angered him.

  “This is not consenting, Lilly. This is me forcing your body to react. I want you to want me. Let go, Lilly. I promise not to hurt you if you let go. Let go of it all. Forget your life before me, it's gone. This blackness you see around you, it's what has become of your past. Forget Shep, he left you. He failed to protect you. He failed to protect your boy. He was a pussy and not deserving of you. I am deserving of your love, Lilly. Want me, Lilly. Give yourself to me.”

  The mention of Shep's name shattered my heart. The tears broke through and soaked my face. I felt Theron's naked chest on my own. Flesh to flesh. I made the choice not to fight. I would have to make the choice to respond if I wanted my plan to work, if I wanted to make it back to my family, back to Shep. I stopped the tears and inhaled deeply. I could feel his breath against my skin. I felt his eyes watching me. I replaced Theron's face with Shep's. I closed my eyes and thought of my husband. When Theron's mouth found mine again, I responded.


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