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When She's Mine (The Forever Collection Book 2)

Page 5

by Dani Wyatt

  I let her hands go.

  “Do you trust me, Leah? Like, really, do you?” I cup her cheeks, feeling the silky warmth from her skin and imagining how that texture will be mirrored by her pussy when I get my tongue on it. Because I want that more than I want my next heartbeat.

  Her lips tuck inward to her teeth for a moment. She’s considering me, and I like that she’s giving it a bit of thought because the question means more to me than maybe she knows.

  When she nods it sends my blood pressure through the roof, and my lips gently peck at her nose, then her forehead. I can’t take her lips again yet because the fire building inside me will explode and I’m not sure she’s ready for that kind of intensity.

  “May said orgasms are amazing,” she whispers.

  My bones ache with how much I want her right now.

  I adjust my head lower, gripping her face in my massive hands, forcing her eyes to stay on mine. I see a twinkle there, a boldness that shocks and inspires me. She fascinates me. This innocent doe has an honest truth about her that nearly sends me to the ground.

  “Well, let’s see what you think after I give you one.” I search her eyes for any hesitation, but an impish curve at the corner of her lips tells me there is none. “Or ten.”

  C H A P T E R F I V E


  He’s got me around the waist and onto his lap in three seconds flat. Before I know it I’m facing him, straddling something very hard that’s hiding behind his perfectly pressed slacks.

  His arms feel like they could wrap around my waist twice, they’re so long. He’s got me in a near choke hold, lips and tongue painting delicate strokes on my chest and neck while one massive hand glides up the indent of my back to take the weight of my head as it falls back, unable to hold itself upright on my neck any longer.

  “That feels so good.” It’s a pure statement of truth even if my voice is a whispering whimper. I am honestly surprised at how good it feels to have someone kiss your neck like this. It’s better than a thousand back rubs and I never want it to end.

  My words urge his mouth to a new gear and I feel his teeth brushing against me, making me gasp when he takes hold and doesn’t let go. My skin sends so many prickling messages to my central nervous system that it hurts, but my brain interprets it differently. As pleasure. An incredible, engulfing kind of pleasure.

  “Gawd.” I speak toward the ceiling, and my eyes give in and close. My hands are on his shoulders, the feel of the solidness of him arousing me even more. There is a constant tightening that starts just below my belly button and encircles me to the tops of my thighs.

  Allister’s scent is in my nose, filling my head, making my thoughts slow. He smells spicy and clean, heavenly and manly. In his lap I feel like a doll. Small and safe. And the amazing thing is the usual ache in my legs has disappeared. Whatever endorphins he’s releasing in me need to be bottled and sold.

  He grips my head, taking control and fixing my lips to his. Then it’s desperate, wet need as I wrap my arms around his neck, moaning and sighing into the kiss. His tongue sweeps into my mouth, some of his gentleness gone now. But for some reason I like that as well. I’m not sure how far I want this to go, but my body is taking over and I start to rock my hips up and back on what feels like a steel pipe under his trousers.

  I feel the liquid rushing out of me, but I don’t stop. I can’t. He’s moving with me, guiding my body forward and back as his mouth moves against mine with raw need. His hands move to my hips and his mouth drops from mine as he leans back and catches my eyes, holding my gaze

  He pauses, sensing a shift in my energy.

  “What is it? If you’re not sure, precious, if you want to stop, I’ll stop. Right now, just say the word. You’re running this show, Leah. Is something wrong?”

  The sincere concern in his voice answers my own doubt with a reassurance that has me pressing harder, needing the tension to snap. I’m close to something and I want to throw myself over the edge. I want to fling myself into whatever this is about to be with this man.

  “You’ve never cum before, don’t be scared. Remember, I said I’d never let you fall, precious, and I won’t...” His voice drops, and a moment later his lips are on mine, biting my flesh and pulling away as his hands take control of my body, swaying me and circling me. My open legs ache as I force them further apart, needing this, all of it, whatever this is that he’s giving me.

  “I want it,” I mumble.

  “Just hold on, you’re close aren’t you?” His hips meet my rhythm, and I’m dimly aware that I should be embarrassed at how forward I am being, how much I want this from him, but I’m not embarrassed. Not a bit.

  “Yes,” I hiss, and one massive hand comes to the center of my back, pulling me flush against him. My head rests against his, letting his mouth work that magical spot on my neck under my ear.

  He quickens the pace of my grinding, pushing my body down onto him. The swirling starts to catch fire in my toes, and whimpers escape me as he pushes me faster and harder, our bodies moving against each other in a dance that feels instinctual. The movements are perfectly timed, perfectly placed, and he doesn’t miss a beat of what my body needs.

  The stubble of his beard rasps on my skin, making it burst with heat as the painful ache inside of me takes hold. The same fire that moments ago warmed my toes shoots up and wrestles my entire body into its hold.

  “Allister!” I cry out, half pain, half ecstasy. I want to feel him, to know he’s here with me, and he responds, holding me tight against his body like he’s never going to let me go.

  There’s no warning. I explode with a power I didn’t know existed within me, making noises I didn’t know I could make, screaming and shuddering as the tension spills out of me. I’m shaking and jerking, calling his name again as he roars into my neck, his hands wrapping around my body until I feel like we are one being.

  The feeling is unexplainable, unfathomable. May said orgasms were great, but that is a stupid, silly word for what just happened here.

  I’m out of breath. Allister’s face is buried in the crook of my neck and my arms are twisted around his head, clinging to him as though he’s the only port in this storm that’s raging inside me.

  He twists us around, holding me against him as he guides me back onto the bed. “Lean back,” he rumbles next to my neck, and I do as he says without question. My body is quivering with need and ecstasy, neither hot nor cold, and honestly, I feel so detached from myself that I barely even know how to lean back, but his voice has a direct connection to my brain.

  Even as I wonder at that emotional, almost psychic connection, the physical hold he’s had on my body loosens and I release his head, arching my torso, leaning back and gasping for air as his hands wander down from my waist, palms warming the tops of my thighs where the loose, light fabric of my dress grazes the skin halfway up.

  “Let’s see what you’ve got for me under here.” His voice turns playful and paternal, and the combination nearly sets me off again.

  My skin tingles as he pinches the peach fabric between his thumb and forefinger, his eyes lowering as we both watch him raise the fabric to the tops of my thighs.

  “God.” His control snaps. “This...” He falters as his fingertips touch the wet patch on the cotton covering my crotch. The sensation has me gasping for air as he runs his fingers so lightly there, my nerve endings sending out signals that have my muscles twitching and my hips jerking. “...this is mine.” The last word is fierce and I forget how to breathe.

  He drops the delicate, sensitive act, instead shoving the fabric hard into the crease where my hips hinge on my thighs, tucking it in so it won’t move.

  His eyes narrow, and that flush of fear takes me again, but I don’t want to be anywhere else. I want to be here, with him, and I accept him as he is: commanding, strong, unflinching. “Hold your panties to the side. Show it to me. Show me your cunt. Give it to me, because you want to, don’t you?”

  I can’t speak. His w
ords hit me like rapid-fire cannon balls. I think I should be offended by the coarseness of them, of him, but I’m not. I want to please him. Somewhere inside me it becomes all that matters right now.

  My shaking fingers come down to hold the soaking fabric, my eyes on his the whole time. I need him to reassure me, to let me know that he likes what he sees.

  “Leah...” He halts, his hands running up the insides of my thighs, rubbing gently back and forth until his thumbs graze the wet outer lips, making me wince. “I want to put my tongue inside you. I want to taste that orgasm you just had, and I want to give you another one with my mouth. You’ll let me do that, won’t you, precious? I need it.” The last words sound more caveman than before and I swallow hard to keep myself under control, even as I pull the fabric further away and watch as his eyes widen, letting me see how much it affects him.

  I feel overpowered and powerful at the same time. He could take whatever he wants from me. It’s not just his size, his physical power, it’s my broken body, too. I couldn't run if I needed to. It’s the ultimate rush of prey and predator, but the power here lies in places I’m not sure I understand.

  “Your pleasure is mine. It’s all going to be mine.” He groans.

  He flips me up and over as if I’m nothing but a feather. My body is at his mercy roughly tugging my panties down and off my legs. Then and only then does it hit me that he’s the only one in my life, besides May and a few doctors, that have seen my legs like this.

  My scars, the horror of how my lower limbs don’t fall straight and as expected, all my insecurities on full display. It overwhelms me with nausea as I wait for the inevitable disgust to be revealed in his face.

  I hold my breath, expecting him to finally realize the horror of my body and leave me laying here in my utter humiliation. I search his face for a hint of it, but all I see is savage desire. He drops to his knees, grabs my legs, throws one each over his shoulders, and then takes control of my hips, jerking my body to the edge of the mattress as he centers himself on the floor like a viper ready to strike.

  “I want you to cum all over my face, Leah.” His golden-brown eyes open and meet mine. “That’s your only job, give me all of your cum. All your orgasms, I want them all.”

  “I liked the one you gave me already,” I joke, nervous and unsure but reassured that not for one second did his eyes or face change as he looked at my exposed body.

  His face looks suddenly pained. “Promise me.”

  “Promise what?”

  “That no one’s been here before. Please, tell me, no one’s seen what’s mine. No one’s ever touched you here. Tasted you like I’m about to do. And God, please, no man has been inside you, has he?” He sounds angry, but I’m not frightened.

  “No. No one. Ever.”

  “Good.” The relief I hear in his voice sends a chill over my warm skin. “I’m going to tongue-fuck you first because I want to taste every drop of that first orgasm you just had. I’m going to shove my tongue right up inside you, Leah, and I want you to move yourself on me, take what’s yours. Because it’s my job to give it to you. If you’re not fulfilled, I won’t be either.”

  He drops his head, ready, prepared, but I have to know. I have to know for sure. “No.” I hold his cheeks, gripping him tight. “Wait.”


  “I mean, what about you? Have you ever...” I wish I could retract each word. I feel like an idiot because I already know the answer. How could I not? I guess I was just hoping for something different. “Never mind.” I lick my lips and swallow, watching as the gold in his eyes turns coppery and dark.

  He jerks me up another inch, my hips hovering over the edge of the bed, so close to his mouth that his breath warms my skin with each exhale, making me squirm and shiver.

  “Do you want to know if I’ve done this before?” He settles a long kiss on my inner thigh, lighting up a squeal as my hips shake in his hands. “I’ll tell you, no. No one, ever. I’ve never had a woman cum for me before, you were the first. Never tasted a woman, you will be the first. And, no, never fucked one. Not today, but soon, you will be my first.”

  My mouth falls open. How can that be true? He’s a man. Like a man, man, I’d imagine him fucking his way through every single day of his adult life because he can.

  “Don’t look at me like that, precious girl. I have my reasons for the choices I’ve made. And when I saw you for the first time, you became the ultimate reward for holding off. I was so fucking thankful I’d never touched anyone before. I don’t want anything between us, not even memories of someone else. I’m a fucking virgin. You’re about to get my mouth cherry, but be prepared, I may have never had any practical experience, but trust me, I know what I’m doing. I know it somewhere deep inside, like knowing how to breathe or how to eat.”

  “I believe you.”

  “That’s good. But I think it’s time I proved it to you. And myself. You are my precious unicorn you know that? One of a kind and someone I thought didn’t exist. My magical, precious creature.”

  C H A P T E R S I X


  Her scent has turned me into someone I barely even recognize anymore. There’s this new being that’s been created inside of me, one that wants my teeth on her. That wants my marks on the softest parts of her body. That wants my cum splashed on her body and seeping out of every hole because they all belong to me.

  They’re mine to do with as I please.

  And I please.

  I want my face lodged between her thighs until she truly understands what the word ‘claimed’ means. It’s not what she thinks, I guarantee that. Because with me, it’s permanent. It’s an imprint on us both that will never be undone.

  “I’m going to take care of you, Leah. You’re giving me a gift right now, a precious gift, and I’m going to make you feel so good, baby.”

  I want her to know just how much I honor what she’s about to let me do to her. It’s perfect. She’s perfect.

  Inside my head a primal caveman is roaring to life. I want her hard and I want her fast, but I’ll hold on with the civilized parts of me because I want her first time to be gentle. That’s what she deserves. But I can’t promise they will all be this way. She’s unleashed something inside of me that is hard to contain.

  My need to be inside her is a constant drum beat in my head. She’s so small, I’m not even sure if it will work, but when the time comes, I’ll take whatever her tiny body can give me. Shit, if I’m only able to get the head of my cock inside her for the rest of my life, I’ll die the happiest man in the world. But right now, it’s my tongue I want in there and I can’t wait another second.

  “Tongue first,” I growl as I sink the thick length of my tongue between her dripping folds, shoving it into her with one thrust as my hands wrap around her upper thighs, mounting her mound onto my mouth, leaving only her shoulders resting on the bed.

  She’s hot and wet, and the taste sends me reeling. Her flavor is unlike anything else of this world, something made just and only for me, and I swallow hard as her taste spreads over my tongue and down my throat, making her part of me forever.

  Her arms fly wide at the intrusion into her virgin opening, but I delve deeper. I have to. My tongue barely fits, and I delight in watching her fist the white duvet cover as I begin to slowly fuck her with my mouth. I feel the membrane, swirl my tongue around the smallest part of her, memorizing what her virginity feels like in my mouth because I want to keep that memory forever. I want to carry it with me to the end of my days.

  I moan along with her yelps, pushing my face as far into her pussy as I possibly can, tasting the deepest parts of her. I feel the texture of her walls, the tiny flickering petals that tighten and loosen as I rub my face over her open pussy.

  The pleasure I get from tasting her arousal on my tongue is unreal. This is the best and proudest moment of my life, knowing that she is giving me this. My dick punches upward, doing everything it can to get at her, my need a sharp, stinging thing.
Like a knife carving into my gut. But I won’t take her like that today. It’s not time, not yet.

  My boxers are already soaked with cum and I feel another one ramping up. I want this moment to be all for her, but that doesn’t mean I won’t go all horny teenager and cream my jeans again because she tastes better than any touch my cock could have right now.

  I love the little bit of dark hair she’s left on her pussy. Just enough to tickle my lips and hold her wet dew for me to suck off. I move upward, taking my tongue from her opening so that I can lick slowly, flicking and discovering every contour and fold until I find her hard nub, already swollen and ripe from our little dry-humping session.

  “Leah.” I pause for a moment, then repeat it. “Leah.”

  She doesn’t respond, but I need her to listen, so I settle her beautiful ass lower down onto the bed. I want all her attention, forever, but right now I just want her to hear me. She gazes down her body, the peach dress rumpled and caught around her waist.

  “What?” She is breathless, her eyes wide and questioning.

  “This, what we’re doing, this means something to me. Okay? I need you to know that. Right now, I won’t let you go. I can’t. I’m in this for the long haul, Leah. I may sound crazy, but I don’t care. Just tell me you’re here with me. That you won’t change your mind. Because I’ll tell you right now, if you try to get away from me I’ll chase you down. I’ll bring you back to me, Leah, because in my heart you belong to me already. You think I’m crazy, don’t you?”

  It’s a bit odd, the position we’re in, her legs open, my face already damp with her juices. She’s looking down and I hold my breath, waiting, not sure if she might burst out laughing at what I just said. But if she’s not sure, I need to know now, because after this, I don’t think I could ever let her go.

  “I don’t think you’re crazy. Everything that you’re saying makes sense.” She pauses, staring straight through my eyes into my soul. “But you have to promise me something.”


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